Assignment by Sanakulova Zukhra Unit 6
Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation types All speech sounds result from being somehow obstructed or modified within the vocal tract. This obviously involves three processes working closely together. First one is the airstream process which is the source of air used in making the sound. Second one is the phonation process which is the behavior of the vocal cords in the glottis during the production of sound. Last one is the oro-nasal process which is the modification of flow of air in the vocal track (from the glottis to the lips and nose).I want to admit the fact that I came across while studying is of all three processes pulmonic egressive by far the most common airstream used. About 82% of languages (including English and most other European languages) use this airstream. In fact, This airstream generates sound by moving air outward from the lungs.
In phonetics, the airstream mechanism is the method by which airflow is created in the vocal cord. Along with phonation and articulation, it is one of three main components of speech production. The airstream mechanism is mandatory for sound production and constitutes the first part of this process, which is called initiation. The main thing here is how airflow is created. We initiate airflow by creating pressure in vocal tract.
Pulmonic engressive and initiation Initiation by means of the lungs is called pulmonic initiation. The airstream which originates in the lungs is called pulmonic airstream, and since the air flows outward, it is called egressive. However, the air can also flow inward, in this case we call it an ingressive airstream. Pulmonic egressive sounds are found in all human languages. In many languages, such as English, all of the sounds are pulmonic egressive. Pulmonic egressive,where the air is pushed out of the lungs by the ribs and diaphragm. All human languages employ such sounds (such as vowels) and nearly three out of the use the exclusively. The majority of human sounds are produced by egressive pulmonic airstream.The movement describes an outgoing airstream produced by the lung and is regarded as the only airstream mechanism that uses lung air. All English sounds (both consonants and vowels) are produced by an egressive pulmonic airstream mechanism, because we speak while we expel air from our lungs.