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42. _____ Sandra _____ ridden a horse?

A) Has / never B) Have / never

C) Have / never D) Has / ever

43. _____'ve _____ played golf.

A) They / yet B) She / never

C) We / ever D) I / just

44. When _____ the watchman _____ work?

A) has / started B) did / start

C) started / * D) * / start

45. _____ she _____ a new carpet yet?

A) Does / buy B) Did / buy

C) Has / bought D) Is / buying

46. A- Have your parents come _____?

B- Yes, they _____ just come.

A) yet / 're B) just / do C) already / 've D) yet / 've

47. Mason _____ his homework 10 minutes ago, but I've not finished

mine _____.

A) finished / yet B) finish / just

C) finished / just D) finish / just

48. A- Have you ever _____ a holiday in India?

B- Yes, we have. We _____ there in 2000.

A) had / 've gone B) * / went

C) had / went D) have / went

49. A- Welcome back. _____ have you been?

B- I've _____ to Afghanistan.

A) Where / gone B) Where / been

C) When / been D) When / gone

50. There's nobody in the class. All the students have _____ home.

A) been B) went C) gone D) be

51. _____ the TV and _____ the lights. Let's watch news.

A) Turn out / turn off B) Turn off / turn out

C) Turn back / on D) Turn on / turn off

52. First he _____ his jumper, then _____ his best shirt.

A) took off / put on B) took after / put on

C) turned up / tried on D) tried on / turned up

53. The new couples watched a play _____ Shakespeare _____ their


A) of / in B) by / on C) off / at D) by / in

54. When I _____ , I'm going to work _____ my dad's company.

A) go out / in B) give up / at

C) grow up / for D) look up / on

55. Nurses _____ ill people, and gardeners _____ flowers & plants.

A) look after / grow up B) look up / get up

C) look around / grow up D) look before / get up


Variant I

- Present, Past, Future Tenses

- Questions with Who, Why, How much

- Phrases with more than one meaning

1. _____ three languages: French, Spanish, and English.

A) I'm speak B) I'm speaking

C) I speaking D) I speak

2. Where _____ from?

A) Hans come B) does Hans come

C) does Hans coming D) Hans came

3. What _____ tonight?

A) do you do B) you do

C) are you doing D) did you do

4. "Where is George"

"He _____ a shower."

A) has B) will have C) is having D) have

5. "What _____ ?"

"I don't know. Look it up."

A) does this word mean B) means this word

C) does mean this word D) is meaning this word

6. "Do you want a cigarette?"

"No, thanks. I _____ ."

A) no smoke B) smoke not

C) am not smoking D) don't smoke

7. Last year I _____ to America.

A) was go B) go C) was going D) went

8. How long _____ in America?

A) you stay B) did you stay

C) stayed you D) you staying

9. The weekend was boring. I _____ anything.

A) don't do B) no do

C) didn't do D) wasn't doing

10. "I'm going to university next year"

"What _____ study?"

A) you going to B) do you

C) did you D) are you going to

Enrique __(11)__ in Puebla, a town in Mexico. He __(12)__ medicine

because he __(13)__ to be a doctor. He's married, but he __(14)__

any children. His wife, Silvia, __(15)__ in a primary school. Enrique

__(16)__ cooking. He can make an excellent enchilada!

11. A) lived B) lives

C) was living D) live

12. A) studied B) was studying

C) is studying D) doesn't study

13. A) is wanting B) was wanting

C) will want D) wants

14. A) has B) have

C) doesn't have D) is going to have

15. A) was teaching B) teaches

C) teach D) thought

16. A) loved B) used to love

C) loves D) love

17. At the weekend, I usually _____ go swimming.

A) am B) *

C) was D) want

18. Are you _____ the party?

A) enjoy B) enjoyed C) enjoying D) enjoys

19. How many sisters _____ ?

A) do you have B) you have

C) are you have D) do you has

20. I _____ understand what you are saying.

A) no B) don't C) am not D) didn't

21. What time _____ home last night?

A) did you get B) you get

C) do you get D) did you got

22. Last weekend I _____ some friends and we _____ a meal.

A) see / having B) saw / have

C) seeing / had D) saw / had

23. I _____ English food. It's wonderful!

A) am loving B) loved C) love D) loves

24. Pierre is French. He _____ from Toulouse.

A) is coming B) came C) come D) comes

25. _____ the computer at the moment?

A) Does Mr. Taylor use B) Is Mr. Taylor using

C) Did Mr. Taylor use D) Will Mr. Taylor use

26. Dave _____ a student with her work now.

A) helped D) help C) is helping D) helping

27. " It's very noisy"

"Suzy _____ to rock music."

A) listen B) listens C) listened D) is listening

28. Carol _____ hard for her exam last week.

A) didn't study B) isn't studying

C) don't study D) aren't study

29. Most of the students _____ these days.

A) didn't smoke B) aren't smoking

C) isn't smoking D) don't smoke

30. You look nice, Anne. _____ a new dress?

A) Do you wear B) Does she wear

C) Are you wearing D) Did you wear

31. Many birds _____ south every winter.

A) fly B) flew C) are flying D) will fly

32. Usually Jim _____ to work on Saturdays.

A) is going B) went C) go D) goes

33. Japan _____ many high mountains.

A) have B) is having C) has D) are having

34. Cats _____ very well in darkness.

A) are seeing B) see C) will D) sees

35. "What _____ ?"

"I'm studying computer science."

A) are you studying B) were you studying

C) was you studying D) is she studying

36. " _____ born?"

"I was born in London."

A) When did you B) Where were you

C) Where are you D) Where do you


Variant II

- Present, Past, Future Tenses

- Questions with Who, Why, How much

- Phrases with more than one meaning

1. "Are _____?"

"No, I'm single."

A) he marries B) you married

C) you marry D) she married

2. " _____ a job ?"

"No, I don't. I'm a student."

A) Did you have B) Do you have

C) Have you had D) Are you having

3. "_____ Liverpool?"

"It's in the north west of England."

A) Where were B) Where are

C) Where is D) When was

4. "What _____?"

"My name's Ben."

A) was your name B) were your name

C) is your name D) is his name

5. "Are _____ your course?"

"Yes, I'm enjoying it very much."

A) you enjoying B) they enjoying

C) they enjoyed D) enjoying

6. "What _____ ?"

"I don't know. Look it up."

A) does this word mean B) means this word

C) does mean this word D) is meaning this word

7. "Do _____ clubs?"

"I go sometimes."

A) you do B) you go to

C) you usually go D) you do go to

8. "What_____ doing in you free time?"

"I like watching sport on TV."

A) are you B) sport are you

C) do you like D) would you like to

9. " _____"

"Yes, can I help you?"

A) Thank you! B) Cheers!

C) Excuse me! D) Nothing much.

10. "What are you doing this weekend?"


A) Nothing much B) Not at all. Don't mention it

C) Cheers D) Bye for now

11. "Make your self at home."

" _____ ."

A) Sleep well B) Thank you

C) Thanks. Same to you D) Excuse me

12. "Thank you so much for helping."

" _____ ."

A) Nothing much B) Cheers

C) Not at all. Don't mention it D) Sleep well

13. "Good morning!"

" _____"

A) Good morning! B) Thank you!

C) Cheers! D) Sleep well!

14. "See you next week."

" ___________. "

A) Cheers B) Thank you

C) Good morning D) Bye for now

15. "Have a nice day!"

" _____."

A) Thanks. Same to you B) Not at all. Don't mention it.

C) Nothing much D) Sleep well

16. A- Where _____ from?

B- _____ am from Milano.

A) are you / I B) are / you

C) are they / they D) you / I

17. A- _____ Leo eat Chinese food?

B- Yes, he _____ it _____ he was 10.

A) Did / eaten / when B) Does / ate / what

C) Did / ate / when D) Do / eat / what

18. What _____ they going _____ do?

A) are / too B) are / to C) is / to D) is / too

19. A- How _____ languages can your son speak?

B- Three _____.

A) much / languages B) many / language

C) many / languages D) much / langua

20. A- When _____ it _____ raining?

B- Yesterday.

A) Did / started B) Does / start

C) Does / starts D) Did / start

21. _____ kind _____ music do you like?

A) What / * B) How / of C) What / of D) What / *

22. A- Good night!

B - _____!

A) Sleep well B) Cheers C) Fine, thanks D) Bye

23. Oh! Welcome, Jack! __________.

A) Pleased to meet you B) That's very kind

C) Make yourself at home D) Same to you

24. Customer: _______________!

Shop assistant: _______________?

A) Good morning / Good morning

B) Excuse me / Yes, can I help you

C) Bless you / Thank you

D) How do you do / How do you do

25. A- Thank you very much!

B- ___________.

A) Same to you B) Thanks

C) Bye D) Not at all

26. Mobile phones, televisions, and radios are a means of _____.

A) communication B) transport

C) media D) civilization

27. Romans _____ a unique system of the Roman alphabet.

A) improved B) developed

C) persuaded D) exchanged

28. Nowadays media has a huge influence on the _____.

A) neighbors B) society

C) printing pressing D) Greeks

29. We send _____ through the internet.

A) a letter B) a fax C) mail D) an e-mail

30. Romans, Greek and Egyptians are all _____ nations.

A) ancient B) old C) dated D) modern

31. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______delicious.

a) is smelling b) smells

c) smelt d) will smell

32. I have lost my key again. I______things. I lose things

too often.

a) always lose b) have always lost c) am always losing d) was always losing

33. In recent years, scientific and technological developments

______human life on our planet, as well as our views both

of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.

a) have drastically changed

b) are drastically changing

c) drastically changed

d) change drastically

34. Pierre is French. He _____ from Toulouse.

A) is coming B) came C) come D) comes

35. _____ the computer at the moment?

A) Does Mr. Taylor use B) Is Mr. Taylor using

C) Did Mr. Taylor use D) Will Mr. Taylor use

36. Dave _____ a student with her work now.

A) helped D) help C) is helping D) helping


- Present Simple, Present Continuous

- Have/has got

- But, and, however

1. Where _____ on holidays?

A) you go B) do you go

C) do you going D) are you go

2. I _____ to work now. Good-bye!

A) go B) went C) am going D) goes

3. I _____ a book about astrology these days.

A) am reading B) read C) am reads D) reading

4. I _____ lots of books every year.

A) will read B) am reading

C) read D) am going to read

5. Nurses _____ after people in hospital.

A) looks B) is looking C) will look D) look

6. Annie _____ from Ireland.

A) come B) is coming C) comes D) coming

7. We _____ to a party next Saturday.

A) go B) goes C) are going D) went

8. She _____ for dinner this evening.

A) come B) came C) comes D) is coming

9. _____ to go out tonight?

A) Do you want B) Are you wanting

C) Is you want D) Would you want

10. I _____ four languages.

A) am speaking B) speak

C) speaks D) am speak

11. Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.

A) is getting up B) got up

C) get up D) gets up

12. Oh, someone _____ in my seat!

A) is sitting B) sits C) will sit D) sit

13. I'm sorry. I can't help you at the moment. I _____ dinner.

A) will cook B) am cooking C) cook D) cooked

14. I _____ a pain in my leg.

A) has B) having C) have D) am having

15. Mrs. Steele _____ to her boss. I'll tell her you phoned.

A) talked B) talks C) talk D) is talking

16. Turn the T.V off. No one _____ it!

A) watches B) watch C) is watching D) watched

17. She is not ready. She _____ her hair.

A) is washing B) washes C) washed D) wash

18. Derek's good at golf but he _____ very often.

A) aren't play B) isn't playing C) doesn't play D) didn't play

19. The sun _____ in the day time.

A) shine B) shone C) is shining D) shines

20. In Britain people _____ on the right.

A) are driving B) drives C) drive D) drove

21. This is a great party! Everyone _____.

A) dance B) is dancing C) dances D) are dancing

22. Jack's a policeman but he _____ a uniform.

A) doesn't wear B) isn't wearing

C) no wear D) wears

23. What _____ in your free time?

A) are you doing B) do you do

C) you do D) are you do

24. How many children _____?

A) are you having B) do you have

C) do you have got D) are you have

25. I _____ a shower every morning.

A) have got B) am having C) have D) has

My sister and I are very different, __(26)__ we get on well together.

She likes staying at home in the evening __(27)__ watching television

with parents. __(28)__ I prefer going out with my friends. We like to

go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a caf?. I have

exams soon, __(29)__ I'm not going out very much these days. My

sister is six years older than me, __(30)__ she works in a bank. She's

trying to save some money __(31)__ she's going to get married this

year. Her fianc?'s name is Ferdinand. __(32)__, we all call him Freddy.

People say I look like my sister __(33)__ we both have brown eyes

__(34)__ dark hair. __(35)__, we are very different in character. She's

very quiet, __(36)__ I'm a lot more sociable.

26. A) and B) but C) so D) because

27. A) however B) so C) and D) because

28. A) Because B) And C) So D) But

29. A) so B) however C) but D) and

30. A) however B) so C) because D) and

31. A) and B) so C) because D) but

32. A) However B) So C) But D) And

33. A) so B) because C) and D) however

34. A) but B) so C) however D) and

35. A) But B) So C) However D) And

36. A) however B) but C) and D) so

37. I _____ a bicycle when I was young.

A) have B) am having C) had D) have got

38. He_____ a shower in the morning.

A) have got B) has C) am having D) have

39. He _____ milk in his coffee.

A) never has B) has never got

C) has never D) have never

40. What time _____ lunch in general?

A) does you have B) have you got

C) do you have D) are you having

41. The Pope _____ in Vatican.

A) live B) lived C) lives D) will live



- Past Simple - Past Continuous

- Irregular verbs - Linking words

- Prepositions

1. I was born in Africa _____ 1970.

A) on B) at C) in C) last

2. My parents moved back to England _____ I was five.

A) when B) ago C) * D) for

3. We lived in Bristol _____ three years.

A) last B) for C) at D) *

4. I left college three years _____.

A) nothing B) ago C) for D) in

5. I found a flat on my own _____ last year.

A) at B) for C) * D) on

6. I usually go home _____ the weekend.

A) in B) when C) at B) of

7. I didn't go home ____ weekend because some friends came to stay.

A) for B) last C) * D) at

8. They arrived _____ three o'clock _____ the afternoon.

A) at / in B) in / for C) when / ago D) last / *

9. _____ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.

A) Last B) In C) For D) On

10. _____ we got home we listened to some music.

A) For B) Last C) Last D) When

11. We got up late _____ Sunday morning.

A) * B) at C) on D) in

12. _____ the afternoon we went for a walk.

A) At B) For C) On D) In

13. I bought a car a few weeks _____.

A) last B) when C) ago D) for

14. I had an accident _____ last night.

A) in B) * C) on D) at

15. It happened _____ seven o'clock _____ the evening.

A) when / * B) in / at C) at / last D) at / in

16. I took my car to the garage _____ this morning.

A) in B) when C) * D) at

17. It will be ready _____ two weeks.

A) * B) in C) on D) for

18. I _____ a friend while I _____ the shopping

A) was meeting / did B) met / was doing

C) meet / do D) met / did

19. I _____ for my things when I ____ someone call my name.

A) paid / was hearing B) pay / heard

C) was paying / hear D) was paying / heard

20. I _____ round and _____ Paula.

A) turned / saw B) was turning/ was seeing

C) turn / was seeing D) was turning / saw

21. She _____ a bright red coat yesterday.

A) wore B) was wearing

C) wear D) was wear

22. We _____ to have a cup of coffee.

A) decided B) were deciding

C) decides D) will deciding

23. While we _____ a drink, a waiter _____ a pile of plates.

A) had / was dropping B) have / dropped

C) have / drop D) were having / dropped

24. We all _____ a terrible shock.

A) were getting B) gets

C) getting D) got

25. While the waiter _____ up the broken plates, he _____ his finger.

A) picked / was cutting B) was picking / cut

C) pick / cut D) picks / cut

This morning I __(26)__ to work. I __(27)__ to go by bus because

the sun __(28)__. While I __(29)__ past the supermarket, I __(30)__

something strange. A man __(31)__ near me and he __(32)__ a

song very loudly on his own! He __(33)__ for a few minutes. Then

he __(34)__ a friend and he __(35)__ singing.

26. A) was walking B) walked C) walk D) walking

27. A) didn't want B) wasn't wanting

C) don't want D) am not wanting

28. A) shone B) is shining C) was shining D) shines

29. A) walked B) am walking C) was walked D) was walking

30. A) was seeing B) saw C) am seeing D) see

31. A) passed B) was passing C) pass D) passes

32. A) sang B) sing C) was singing D) song

33. A) was continuing B) continues

C) is continuing D) continued

34. A) will met B) met C) was meeting D) meet

35. A) was stopping B) stop

C) stopped D) is stopping

36. I _____ a very good program on TV last night.

A) was seeing B) see C) am seeing D) saw

37. While I _____ this morning, I _____ my money. I don't know how.

A) shopped / lose B) was shopping / lost

C) shopped / was losing D) shop / lose

38. Last week the police _____ Alan in his car because he _____ over

eighty miles an hour.

A) were stopping / was driving

B) stop / drived

C) stopped / was driving

D) was stopping / drove

39. How _____ your finger?

A) are you cutting B) were you cutting

C) did you cut D) you cut

40. I _____ and I _____ the knife.

A) cooked / was dropping B) cook / drop

C) was cooking / dropped D) cooked / dropped

41. When I _____ at the party, everyone _____ a good time.

A) was arriving / had B) arrived / was having

C) arrived / had D) arrived / were having

42. _____ a good time last night?

A) Did you have B) Were you having

C) Will you have D) Are you having

43. While I _____ to work this morning I _____ an old friend.

A) went / meet B) am going / met

C) go / was meeting D) was going / met

44. I _____ to get up this morning. It _____ and it was cold, and my bed

was so warm.

A) don't want / is raining B) am not wanting / rains

C) wasn't wanting / rained D) didn't want / was raining

45. I _____ to the news on the radio when the phone _____.

A) listened / was ringing B) am listening / was ringing

C) was listening / rang D) listen / is ringing

46. But when I _____ up the phone, there was no one there.

A) pick B) am picking C) picked D) was picking

47. I _____ hello to the children, but they didn't say anything because

they _____ television.

A) say / watched B) said / were watching

C) was / saying D) said / watched

48. What _____ at 8.00 last night?

A) did you do B) you did

C) were you doing D) are you doing

49. We played tennis _____ two hours.

A) during B) while C) nothing D) for

50. I worked on a farm _____ the holidays.

A) for B) since C) while D) on


- Much, many - Some, any

- How much, how many

- Something, anyone, nobody, everywhere

- A few, a little, a lot of - Articles

1. A: Did you meet _____ at the party?

B: Yes, I met _____ who knows you!

A) someone / anyone B) anything / nobody

C) anybody / somebody D) everybody / nothing

2. A: Ouch! There's _____ in my eye!

B: Let me look. No, I can't see _____.

A) something / anything B) anything / anywhere

C) somebody / everywhere D) something / nothing

3. A: Let's go _____ hot for our holidays.

B: But we can't go _____; that's too expensive.

A) everywhere / nowhere B) somewhere / anywhere

C) anywhere / everywhere D) anybody / someone

4. A: I don't want to talk to _____.

B: And I want to talk to _____ either.

A) anyone / no one B) somebody / everyone

C) nobody / somebody D) everybody/anybody

5. I lost my glasses. I looked _____, but I couldn't find them.

A) anywhere B) everywhere

C) somewhere D) everything

6. A: Did you buy _____ at the shops?

B: No,_____. I didn't have any money."

A) something / anything B) everything / something

C) anything / nothing D) no one / anybody

7. It was a great party. _____ loved it.

A) Everything B) Anyone

C) Somebody D) Everybody

8. I'm bored. I want _____ interesting to read, or ____ to talk to, or

____ interesting to go.

A) anything / everyone / something

B) somebody / anyone / anywhere

C) something / somebody / somewhere

D) everything / nobody / somewhere

9. Have you got _____ homework?

A) many B) much C) a few D) some

10. We don't need _____ eggs. Just half a dozen.

A) a little B) many C) much D) a few

11. Is there _____ traffic in your town?

A) a few B) many C) some D) much

12. I have _____ close fiends. Two or three.

A) a lot of B) a little C) a few D) much

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