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58.Who can run first _____ and _____ the hill?

A) up / on B) upper / down

C) down / underD) up / down

59.The chemist is 2 kilometers _____ the port.

A) off B) fromC) alongD) via

60.Cairo is located _____ the banks _____ the Nile River.

A) of / on B) on / offC) on / ofD) in / of

61.Walk _____ this path and ____ the stream.

A) along / in B) along / overC) over / inD) in / on

62.Go _____ the bus stop _____ is at the corner.

A) close / what B) past / where

C) past / whichD) near / went

63.Drive me to the _____ , or I'll be late _____ my plane.

A) port / of B) airport / onC) airport / forD) port / of

64.Izmir is the sea _____ _____ hundreds of ships come to.

A) port / where B) port / that

C) stop / whichD) port / when

65.Is there a car ____ _____ I can park my Porche?

A) center / where B) park / where

C) station / whereD) bank / which

66.We went on picnic to the _____ of the Nile River _____ is very beautiful

in spring.

A) banks / where B) where / banks

C) banks / whichD) which / banks


- Present Continuous

- Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, hers)

- Linking words (although, but)

- Prepositions

1.We _____ watching a good documentary _____ BBC World now.

A) are / in B) am / onC) are / onD) is / in

2.I always _____ _____ credit card.

A) pay / by B) am paying / with

C) 'm paying / byD) pay / with

3._____ you _____ a girl _____ fair hair?

A) Do / knowing / of B) Does / know / of

C) Do / know / withD) Are / knowing / with

4._____ she got a dress _____ white?

A) Does / in B) Has / onC) Have / inD) Has / in

5._____ is reading a letter _____ bed now.

A) She / in B) I / inC) You / onD) He / at

6.A: What _____ you _____?

B: I'm a lecturer.

A) do / do B) are / doC) is / doD) do / doing

7.A: What _____ she ____ now?

B: I don't know.

A) does / do B) do / doC) is / doingD) is / do

8.A: _____ are we _____?

B: To the class.

A) When / going B) Where / go

C) When / goD) Where / going

9.A: Oh no! It _____. We can't go out.

B: It always _____ here in March.

A) is snowing / snows B) snows / 's snowing

C) 's snow / snowsD) snows / snows

10.I _____. Because it's my happiest day today.

A) jumping B) jumpC) 'm jumpingD) jumped

11.Benedit and Nina are _____ only salads.

Because vegetarians don't _____ meat.

A) eat / eat B) eating / eating

C) eat / eatingD) eating / eat

12.Sorry, I _____ understand you. I _____ speak Russian.

A) do / don't B) do / do

C) don't / don'tD) am / am

13.A: Why _____ we _____ to a park?

B: A good idea!

A) do / go B) don't / go

C) aren't / goingD) are / going

14.What _____ you _____ to know?

A) do / want B) are / wanting

C) do / wantingD) are / want

15.A: _____ she _____ a problem now?

B: No. She _____ _____ how to solve.

A) Is / solve / doesn't / know

B) Does / solve / isn't / knowing

C) Is / solving / doesn't / know

D) Does / solving / doesn't / know

16.Can you translate this letter _____ English _____ Chinese _____ me?

A) from / into / for B) into / from / for

C) from / in / herD) for / from / in

17.We watched the program called Hard Talk _____ CNN. Because we

are interested _____ politics.

A) in / to B) on / fromC) on / inD) off / of

18._____ child _____ playing in _____ yard.

A) Who's / is / our B) Whose / is / our

C) Whose / is / oursD) Whose / are / our

19.A: _____ are you doing under the trees?

B: I'm _____ my keys.

A) What / looking off B) Whom / looking in

C) When / looking upD) What / looking for

20._____ hair is blonder than _____.

A) Her / yours B) Hers / yours

C) Her / yourD) Hers / your

21._____ is hiding behind _____ car?

A) Whose / my B) Who's / mine

C) Who / myD) Whose / mine

22.I am _____ English.

A) study B) to studyC) studyingD) studied

23.She's _____ jeans.

A) wearing B) wearC) to wearD) wore

24.I am _____ tennis this afternoon.

A) play B) playingC) to playD) played

25.We are not _____ outside.

A) go B) wentC) goingD) to go

26.Where are you _____?

A) go B) goingC) to goD) went

27."Are you ____ a good time?"

"Yes, we ____."

A) having / are B) have / is

C) having / doD) have / aren't

28.I _____ from Switzerland.

A) come B) comingC) to comeD) came

29.Is my English _____ better.

A) gets B) getC) gettingD) to get

30.Jane's _____ her friend tonight.

A) sees B) seeingC) seeD) saw

31.He _____ as a clerk in a bank.

A) working B) workC) worksD) to work

32."Why are you _____ a suit?" "You usually wear jeans."

A) wears B) woreC) wearD) wearing

33.I read _____ bed.

A) at B) inC) toD) under

34.We've got this jumper _____ red

A) in B) toC) withD) at

35.He's talking _____ Mandy.

A) with B) toC) atD) for

36.There's a girl _____ fair hair.

A) with B) onC) atD) out

37.I'm looking _____ jumper.

A) at B) forC) onD) in

38.I always pay _____ credit card.

A) in B) onC) atD) by

39.He's _____ down.

A) sit B) sittingC) sitsD) sat

40.It is _____ .

A) rains B) to rainC) rainingD) rained

41.I'm _____ gum.

A) chew B) chewingC) chewsD) chewed

42.I _____ a shower every morning.

A) am having B) haveC) havingD) had

43.I like _____ house.

A) your B) youC) yoursD) your

44._____ house is smaller than _____ .

A) Ours / theirs B) Our / their

C) Ours / theirD) Our / theirs

45._____ children are older than _____.

A) My / her B) Mine / hersC) My / hersD) Mine / her

46._____ talking to _____ sister?

A) Whose / yours B) Who's / your

C) Whose / yourD) Who's / yours

47.This book isn't _____. Is it _____?

A) my / yours B) mine / your

C) my / yourD) mine / yours

48."_____ dictionary is this?" "It's _____."

A) Whose / him B) Who's / his

C) Whose / hisD) Who's / him

49."_____ going to the party tonight?"

"I am not."

A) Whose B) WhichC) Who'sD) Where

50.And _____ garden is bigger than _____.

A) their / ours B) theirs / ours

C) their / ourD) theirs / ours

51._____ dog is running round _____ garden.

A) Whose / ours B) Who's/our

C) Whose / ourD) Who's / ours

52.I _____ tennis this afternoon.

A) 'm playing B) playC) playingD) plays

53.We _____ pizza for dinner tonight.

A) having B) haveC) are havingD) had

54._____ boots are these?

A) Whose B) WhichC) WhatD) Whose

55._____ do you do after school today?

A) Which B) WhyC) WhatD) Where

56.Where _____ you going tonight.

A) doB)isC) doesD) are

57.She _____ tennis every day.

A) play B) playingC) playsD) to play

58.My daughter _____ French and German.

A) speaks B) 's speakingC) speakD) to speak

59.Sally _____ a breakfast at the moment.

A) has B) havingC) is havingD) had

60.I'm not _____ to buy you lunch, today.

A) go B) goingC) goesD) to go

61.How many languages do you _____?

A) speaking B) speaksC) spokeD) speak


- Going to- Wh questions

- Infinitive of purpose

- Making suggestions

- Prepositions

1.She _____ to be a ballet dancer when she _____ up.

A) go / grow B) going / grows

C) goes / growsD)'s going / grows

2.We _____ to stay in a villa in France this summer.

A) going B) 're goingC) to goD) go

3.I _____ Peter tonight.

A) 'm seeing B) seeC) seeingD) to see

4.I'm going _____ Peter tonight.

A) see B) seeingC) to seeD) saw

5.Careful! The glass is _____ fall.

A) going B) going toC) goes toD) go to

6.We _____ to Paris this weekend.

A) going B) goC) 're goingD) to go

7.Tom and Tim _____ for lunch tomorrow.

A) to come B) comingC) cameD) are coming

8.I'm saving my money _____ a CD player.

A) buying B) to buyC) buyD) bought

9.We're going to Paris _____ a holiday.

A) to have B) haveC) havingD) had

10.I'm going to Florida _____ a year's time.

A) at B) onC) inD) by

11.He's interested _____ flying.

A) at B) inC) onD) with

12.She's good _____ singing.

A) on B) atC) inD) with

13.She was afraid _____ cars.

A) at B) withC) inD) of

14.What's the weather _____ today?

A) like B) withC) inD) about

15.What's _____ TV tonight?

A) in B) atC) onD) by

16.There's a film _____ channel 4.

A) at B) inC) byD) on

17.What's _____ the cinema?

A) on B) atC) on atD) at on

18.They _____ both _____ to become TV stars.

A) are / go B) are / going to

C) is / goingD) are / going

19.What's she going _____ ?

A) do B) doingC) to doD) did

20.She's going _____ home.

A) to walk B) walkingC) walkD) to walking

21.She wants _____ in Paris and Moscow.

A) dancing B) danceC) is dancingD) to dance

22.They _____ going _____ a car this year.

A) aren't / get B) aren't / getting

C) aren't / to getD) aren't / got

23. _____ he play tennis last Sunday?

A) Did B) Does C) Do D) Are

24. _____ he playing tennis now?

A) Are B) Does C) Is D) Did

25. _____ you wash it yesterday ?

A) Do B) Does C) Did D) Are

26. I _____ going to wash it tonight.

A) do B) am C) are D) do

27. We _____ having dinner at the moment.

A) do B) is C) are D) did

28. _____ you have a dinner at this time every evening?

A) Did B) Do C) Does D) Are

29. What _____ your parents going to do when they retire?

A) is B) do C) are D) did

30. When _____ your parents first meet?

A) did B) does C) do D) are

31. What time _____ Maria usually arrive at school?

A) does B) is C) do D) did

32. Look _____ that picture. Isn't it beautiful?

A) on B) at C) in D) by

33. What have we got _____ dinner?

A) at B) of C) for D) from

34. Our hotel is fifty meters _____ the sea.

A) of B) in C) than D) from

35. What is the longest river _____ the world?

A) at B) on C) in D) at

36. France is bigger ____ England.

A) from B) on C) like D) than

37. I'm looking _____ Jane. Do you know where she is?

A) about B) for C) at D) in

38. Can you buy me a bottle _____ lemonade _____ the shop?

A) of / at B) at / of C) from / at D) from / of

39. Maria is _____ her sister in many ways.

They're both beautiful and intelligent.

A) from B) like C) of D) about

40. What did you do _____ the weekend?

A) of B) in C) at D) for

41. _____ Saturday night we went to a party.

A) In B) On C) At D) For

42. I _____ going out, because it _____ going to rain.

A) 'm not / is B) amn't / is B) isn't / am D) aren't / is

43. _____ you going _____ wash your car this afternoon?

A) Are / too B) Are / to C) 're / to D) Am / to

44. She _____ going to the post office _____ some stamps.

A) is / to buy B) is / for buying

C) 's / for to buy D) * / buy

45. I'm _____ home early next week.

A) go B) going for going

C) going D) going to

46. What _____ the weather _____ in Las Vegas the day before yesterday.

A) were / like B) was/as

C) is / like D) was/like

47. A : _____ is the weather like _____ ?

B : _____ is sunny & warm. But yesterday _____ cold.

A) What / today / it / was B) How / today / it / was

C) What / it / today / * D) How / it / today / was

48. A : What _____ we _____ ?

B : _____ go swimming.

A) will / do / Let me B) shall / do / Let's

C) would / do / Let her D) shall / do / Let me

49. A: What is the weather _____ like tomorrow?

B: Sunny. _____ we go on picnic?

A) going to / Shall B) going to be / Will

C) going to be / Are D) going to be / Shall

50. A : _____ are you going to eat?

B : Pizza.

A : _____ 're you going to eat?

B : In the cafeteria.

A) Where / What B) What / Where

C) What / When D) Who / Whom

51. A : _____ is Jim going to get married?

B : Next month.

A : _____ is he going to marry?

B : His colleague.

A) What time / Who B) Who / Where

C) When / Whom D) Where / *

52. A: _____ are you going to the chemist's?

B: I'm going to the chemist's _____ some medicine.

A) Why / too buy B) Why / to buy

C) When / two buy D) Where / buy

53. A: _____ is Pittsburg _____ Ohio?

B: About 500 kilometers.

A) How long / from B) How far / from

C) How big / off D) How small / since

54. German is _____ English in some ways, but it is more difficult _____


A) like / then B) as / that C) like / than D) like / like

55. Nicola's _____ to Liverpool _____ his grandparents.

A) coming / visit B) to come/visit

C) going to come / to visit D) coming / to visit


- Question forms (Why-how many- how much)

- Why questions

- Adverbs and adjectives

1. "_____ did the first man walk on the moon?"

"In 1969."

A) When B) Where C) Who D) What

2. "_____ did she marry?"

"She married to John."

A) What B) Who C) Which D) Why

3. A _____ dog.

A) bigger than B) big C) biggest D) the biggest

4. A _____ driver.

A) care B) careful C) carefully D) the careful

5. She ran _____.

A) quick B) quicker C) quickly D) the quickly

6. He drives too _____ .

A) fastly B) fast C) faster D) fastest

7. What is the story _____?

A) of B) on C) at D) about

8. What happened _____ the end of the story?

A) on B) in C) at D) from

9. The train leaves _____ platform 9.

A) of B) at C) from D) for

10. "_____ did you buy your new jacket?"

"At supermarket."

A) What B) Where C) When D) How

11. "_____ did you pay ?"

"$ 1000."

A) How many B) How

C) How much D) Which one

12. "_____ did you buy?"

"A new jacket."

A) Who B) When C) How much D) What

13 . _____ did you buy with?

A) Which one B) Why C) When D) Who

14. "_____ did you go?"

"This morning."

A) Why B) What C) When D) How

15. "_____ did you go?"

"To buy some new clothes."

A) When B) Why C) Where D) How

16. "_____ did you go?"

"To the shops."

A) When B) Why C) Where D) How

17. "_____ did you go?"

"By car."

A) When B) Why C) How much D) How

18. "_____ do you want to go?"

"To Paris."

A) Why B) Where C) How D) What

19. "_____ is she?"

"Our cousin."

A) Who B) What C) How D) Where

20. "_____ old was she?"

"60 years old."

A) What B) How much C) How many D) How

21. _____ you like learning English?

A) Does B) Are C) Do D) Have

22. What _____ you do last night?

A) does B) did C) do D) done

23. How many languages _____ your mother speak?

A) do B) are C) does D) is

24. When _____ you go shopping last?

A) do B) does C) are D) did

25. _____ do you weigh?

A) How many B) How C) How much D) What

26. Smoking is a _____ habit.

A) badly B) worth C) worst D) bad

27. The team played _____ and lost the match.

A) badly B) worth C) worst D) bad

28. Please listen _____ .

A) careful B) carefully C) care D) carely

29. The homework was the _____.

A) easy B) easier C) easily D) easiest

30. Peter's very _____ at tennis. He won the game.

A) goodly B) well C) good D) best

31. I know the Prime Minister _____ .

A) good B) best C) better D) well

32. My husband's a _____ cook.

A) bad B) worst C) badly D) worse

33. Teachers work _____, but they don't earn much money.

A) hardly B) harder C) hard D) hardest

34. Lunch is a _____ meal for many people.

A) quick B) quickly C) quicker D) quickest

35. Life in New York is very _____ .

A) excited B) exciting C) exciter D) excitely

36. The teacher was _____ when nobody did the homework.

A) annoyed B) annoying C) annoy D) annoys

37. The news is very _____ .

A) worried B) worrying C) worry D) worringly

38. Everybody was very _____ about you.

A) worried B) worrying C) worry D) worringly

39. The game of tennis was very _____ .

A) tired B) tire C) tiring D) tires

40. "_____ did the story take place?"

"A long time ago."

A) How many B) What C) Where D) When

41. We use adverbs _____ the beginning and the end of a sentence, but

sometimes _____ the middle of a sentence.

A) at / in B) in / at C) on / at D) at / on

42. A train leaves _____ Berlin and arrives _____ Bonn in time.

A) from / to B) from / in C) from / at D) in / from

43. A plane arrived _____ the airport _____ .

A) in / late B) at / lately C) at / late D) in / lately

44. What is the story _____?

A) in B) from C) off D) about

45. A - _____ is it _____ London _____ New York?

B - 6000 km.

A) How long / from / to B) How fast / to / from

C) How much / from / to D) How wide / from / to

46. My friend never comes school _____. He is always _____.

A) early / late B) early / lately

C) earlily / lately D) earlily / late

47. At first we draw _____ then _____.

A) quickly / slowly B) quick / slowly

C) quickly / slow D) quick / slow

48. They are _____ readers, they read _____.

A) slowly / hard B) slow / hard

C) slow / hardly D) slowly / hardly

49. I turned around _____, because there was a _____ shout.

A) immediately / sudden B) immediate / suddenly

C) immediate / sudden B) immediately / suddenly

50. Are you _____? Or is the book _____?

A) boring / boring B) boring / bored

C) bored / bored D) bored / boring

51. A- I am really _____ about my exam marks.

B- Oh, no! You are sometimes so _____.

A) worried / tired B) worried / tiring

C) worrying / tired D) worrying / tiring

52. I am _____ in the Mexican Culture, because it is _____ .

A) interesting / excited B) interested / exciting

C) interesting / exciting D) interesting / excited

53. Be _____! Walk _____.

A) careful / quietly B) careful / quiet

C) carefully / quietly D) carefully / quiet

54. She paints _____; she is a _____ painter.

A) goodly / well B) goodly / good

C) well / good D) good / good


- Present Perfect - Ever and never

- Yet and just

- Present Perfect and Past Simple

1. She _____ traveled to most parts of the world.

A) have B) is C) has D) will

2. _____ you ever _____ in a car accident?

A) Has / been B) Have / been

C) Have / be D) Have / was

3. She _____ to Russia two years ago.

A) go B) went C) gone D) goes

4. I _____ in a crash when I _____ 10.

A) were / was B) am / was C) was / am D) was / was

5. I _____ last night.

A) leave B) leaves C) leaving D) left

6. "_____ you _____ to Russia."

"Yes, I _____ ."

A) Had / be / haven't B) Has / been / have

C) Have / be / have D) Have / been / have

7. Have you _____ your homework?

A) do B) to do C) done D) did

8. I haven't done it _____ .

A) yet B) already C) just D) since

9. I have _____ done it.

A) yet B) ago C) just D) since

10. She has _____ to Portugal.

A) going B) went C) gone D) went

11. She has _____ to Portugal.

A) be B) been C) being D) were

12. She works _____ a big company.

A) to B)with C) for D) of

13. 'Hamlet' is a play _____ Shakespeare.

A) of B) by C) at D) on

14. Brad and Marilyn are _____ honeymoon.

A) on B) for C) at D) of

15. Wait _____ me.

A) to B) for C) at D) on

16. Monica _____ many tournaments?

A) have / won B) has / win

C) have / win D) has / won

17. _____ she go to America 10 years ago?

A) Has B) Does C) Had D) Did

18. Have they _____ been to Australia?

A) never B) just C) yet D) ever

19. _____ they go to Australia last month?

A) Have B) Do C) Has D) Did

20. Has she won the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament _____ ?

A) just B) yet C) already D) since

21. I've _____ the latest Star Wars film. I _____ it last week.

A) seen / saw B) see / saw C) seen / seen D) saw / saw

22. She's _____ the letter. She _____ it yesterday.

A) wrote / wrote B) written / written

C) wrote / written D) written / wrote

23. They've _____ lunch. They _____ it at 12 o'clock.

A) have / had B) had / have C) had / having D) had / had

24. I've _____ my homework. I _____ it after supper.

A) done / done B) did / done

C) done / did D) did / did

25. A: Have you tidied your room _____ ?

B: Yes, I've _____ tidied it.

A) yet / just B) just / yet

C) already / just D) already / just

26. I've never _____ anyone who_____ more than you.

A) saw / eats B) seen / eat C) saw / eaten D) seen / eats

27. Bob's not here. He's _____ to work.

A) been B) went C) gone D) being

28. My brother's _____ to America 4 times.

A) been B) gone C) went D) being

29. It's good to see you again. Where have you _____ ?

A) gone B) being C) been D) went

30. Mary's hair looks nice. She's just _____ to the hairdresser's.

A) gone B) been C) was D) went

31. It's terribly difficult to give _____ smoking.

A) on B) off C) of D) up

32. Why don't we turn _____ the T.V. to watch the news.

A) of B) on C) off D) out

33. When I grow _____, I'm going to be a T.V. Star.

A) up B) on C) of D) out

34. Angela _____ Thai food but Frank _____ .

A) have eaten / hasn't B) has ate / hasn't

C) have ate / hasn't D) has eaten / hasn't

35. I _____ John yesterday.

A) see B) seen C)'m seeing D) saw

36. _____ she already bought a new car?

A) Did B) Has C) Does D) Have

37. They've _____ on a double-decker bus.

A) travel B) traveled C) traveling D) travels

38. He _____ cooking when he _____ 15 years old.

A) started / was B) has started / has been

C) 's started / was D) started / has been

39. In 1992 I _____ for the Italian President

When he _____ to France.

A) cooked / has come B) have cooked / came

C) cook / came D) cooked / came

40. She is only 14 years old, but she _____ many tournaments in her life.

A) already won B)'s already won

C) already win D)'ve already won

41. I _____ been _____ Ireland.

A) have / too B) have / to C) has / to D) has / too

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