The word-group
1) As a naming unit it differs from a compound word because the number of constituents in a word-group corresponds to the number of different denotates: a black bird – чорнийптах (2), a blackbird – дрізд(1); a loud speaker (2), a loudspeaker (1).
2) Each component of the word-group can undergo grammatical changes without destroying the identity of the whole unit: to see a house - to see houses.
3) A word-group is a dependent syntactic unit, it is not a communicative unit and has no intonation of its own.
Syntagma (word combination, phrase) a word-group consisting of two or more notional elements.
Sintaktik aloqa
Sintaktik aloqa mustaqil so`zlarning nutq jarayonidagi erkin bog`lanishidir. M.: O`zbekiston kelajagi buyuk davlat. Qizil gul. Sintaktik birliklar bir necha a’zoli bo`ladi. Faqat gap bir a’zoli bo`lishi mumkin. Nutqda so`zlarning bir-biri bilan bog`lanishi har bir tilning LSQlari, leksemalar
ning birikish imkoni
yatlari asosida sodir bo`ladi.