765, 1964
Harrison see McNally & Harrison
Hass, Jacob, 2216
Hatch, G C, 481
Hedicke, M, agent, 81
Heller's, Balduin Söehne, 318
Henry, S, 263, 271, 276, 282
Herbert, G, 549
Herbert & Sons, 1725
Hiscock, W, 483–484, 509, 511, 1255, 1257
Hooper, H, 2, 19
Horn & Albracht, 510, 622
Hotson, J H, 705
Hughes, J see patentee, British, Salter, T B & Hughes, J
Hughes, J R, 549
Hughes, John, 516, 549
Hulls & Bradford, 268, 276, 313, 394, 1309
Hunt, J, 380
Hutchinson's Scale Co, 2192
Hynes, M see patentee, British, Blacklock & Hynes
Jackson, C see Pearce, L H & Jackson, C
James, W H, 2300
Jiffy-Way, 378
Joksch, R, 678
Juris, F, 705, 706
Krausse, K L, 624
Lake, W R, agent, 510
Langhorn see Mordan & Langhorn
Laughlin, 411
Laughton, G, 482, 1021
Leni, C, 1931
Lundberg, G, 595
Mackenzie, J, 484
Mahloy, 679
McGiehan, I S, 621–622
Mees, A B, 651
Merlin, Charles, 721
Mordan & Langhorn, 652
Moul, H E, 679
Murray, T S, 678
Nadal, J, 511
Paddock, H, 110
Parker see Thomas & Parker
Parker, C C & S B, 510
Pauly, Jean Samuel, 1902–1903
Peijus, A H, 377, 384
Peppe, G T, 427
Pieper, C, 517
Pooley, Henry, 727, 2212
Poupard, Frederick A & Co, 1330
Poupard, Thomas James, 1330
Poupard, William, 1330
Quintenz, A, 227, 722
Ragg, A E, 481, 538, 540, 753, 1253, 1361
Ratcliff, J & E, 1227
Reiss, R W, 275–276, 992
Roebuck, John, 692
Rolle, 888
Rowe, A G, 707
Rueprecht, A, 718
Ruhland, R, 678
Rulke, C, 708
Rys, V, 679
Salmon, Robert, 692
Salter, G & Foley, J S, 549
Salter, Geo & Co Ltd, 549, 1984
Salter, Geo & Co Ltd & Bache, E W, 549
Salter, Geo & Co Ltd & Hughes, J, 549
Salter, Geo & Co Ltd & Wyatt, F, 549
Salter, George I, 515, 549, 1508
Salter, George II, 516, 549
Salter, T B, 545, 549
Salter, T B & Hughes, J, 549
Saltinstall-Taylor, T & H, 650
Sartorius, Erich, 836
Savoure, J P, 276, 400
Schneckenberger, E, 704–705
Schopper, L, 80
Schwilgué, J-B, 888
Sharkey, P H, 111, 312
Siebe, Augustus, 66, 1882, 1886, 1902
Silvester, John, 515, 549
Silvester, Thomas, 515, 549
Slotosch, M, 298, 680
Smith, A, 427–428
Smith, F H, 566
Snell, S, 567, 568
Spinks see Clarke & Spinks
Starratt & Masters, 666
Staudenmaier, C, 396, 652
Suffield, S W, 566–568, 1030, 2937–2939
Sydney, S, 276
Thiele, F A, 825
Thomas, Geo & Co Ltd, 1103
Thomas & Parker, 376–377
Timson, W see patentee, British, Avery & Timson
Tozer, W, 537, 549
Treff, K, 307
Triner, J M, 651
Ubrig, Emil, 517, 623
Ward, T H, 1931
Watkins & Fidler, 565–566
Watson, R, 539–540
Webster, J, 425, 547, 549
Wedderburn, 275–276, 621–622
Weekes, T, 2216
Weerasinghe & Banks, 704
Weintraud & Co Ges, 707
Wertheim, P, 705, 706
Whitmore, William, 692, 1508
Wight, 396, 481
Willis, 398–399, 1223, 2600
Winfield, Robert Walter, 404
Wyatt, John, 2211–2212
Wyatt F see patentee, British, Salter, Geo & Co Ltd & Wyatt, F
Canadian, Maul, Philipp Jakob, 361
Albinet, Jean & Audouin, Jean, 1370, 1408
Armand, P, 426
Audouin, Jean see patentee, French, Albinet, Jean & Audouin, Jean
Béranger, Joseph & Maag, 1664, 2602
Bergman & Slack, 1932
Bernstein, Aaron David, 1950
Briais, N E, 446, 1370, 1375, 1403–1404, 1535, 1904
Briais, Victor, 1370, 1403
Burdet see Thiebaud, A & Burdet
Dupas see Michalet, E M & Dupas, H G
Fauvel, Louis Alexandre, 1370, 1375
Fayard, Jean Joseph, 888
Frey, Gustave, 1370, 1400
Gilfillan, Essington Nuell, 1370, 1407
Gnutchel, M, 1370, 1409
Guerin, Rene, 1370, 1374
Hall, Nathaniel Richard, 1370, 1402
Hanin, 1867
Laborde, Denise Lucile, 1370, 1372
Maag see Béranger & Maag
Manchet, Jules Auxene, 1370, 1376
Merlin, Charles, 721
Michalet, E M & Dupas, H G, 1370, 1401, 1907
Monchicourt, Desire Valentine, 1370, 1399
Quintenz, F A, 721
Read, Robert Hamilton, 1370, 1408
Restorf, G, 1370, 1406
Ruhland, M, 1370, 1409
Schwilgue, J-B, 888
Susse, Michel Victor, 1370, 1373
Telesnitsky, Vsevolod, 1370, 1410
Thiebaud, A & Burdet, 1370, 1401
Valette fils, 1370, 1374
Weber, Jules Henri, 1370, 1405
Automat, 1631–1632
Béranger, Joseph, 2602
Bernstein, Aaron David, 1179, 1950
Bernstein, Alex, 66, 1950
Bernstein, Alex & Co, 842
Hahn, George, 1629–1630
Hartner, G, 1707
Heller's, Balduin Söehne, 317
Keppeler, J A, 2322
Koch, Ferdinand & Carl, 1917–1923
Maul, Philipp Jakob, 1620–1621, 1633–1634, 1655, 1657–1658, 1660
Pfanzeder, Georg, 2602
Pfitzer Bros, 2602
Quintenz, F A, 722, 887
Reitze, August, 1177–1181, 2275
Rueprecht, 718
Sartorius, Erich, 836
Staub, 1073, 1790
Netherlands, Case, Cesar, 1879
Bernstein, Aaron, 1179
Reitze, August, 1179
Spanish, Treff, Kelman, 307
Swiss, Gros, Henri, 387
"Patently Interesting (N R Hall)" (article by Crawforth), 198–199
analysis, 1368
German Law of (1877), 2278
US Commissioner of, 2819
use for research, 2890
Patents Office
American, 1113–1115, 2096, 2819
dates, 1113
Paterson, Carol, biography, 2709
patina, 251, 1209, 1232, 1238
patination, black, 1205
Pattison, William, sc mkr, 3089
Paul, Moses
apprentice of Rubidge, James, 1737
dates, 1737
possibly succeeded by Paul, Thomas (line wrongly drawn), 1737
Paul, Robert W
precision bal mkr, 1822
retailer of magnetic bal, 1754
scientific instrument mkr, 1822
see also catalogue
Paul, Thomas
dates, 1737
possible successor of Paul, Moses (line wrongly drawn), 1737
Pauly, Jean Samuel, patentee, 1902–1903, 2089
Paupier, L
C-spring mkr, 1873
tension tester mkr, 1873
pawl see Nib
pawson see Vandome, Titfords & Pawson
Payne, Benjamin Matthew
apprentice of Astill, William, 1726, 1737, 1740
branch in Birmingham, 1726, 1740
coin sc mkr, 80, 2402, 2445
dates, 1727
grain sc mkr, 80, 1727
master of Ovenden, James, 1731
master of Phillips, Samuel, 1731, 1737
master of Saunders, Charles, 1737
master of Saunders, Edward, 1737
master of Shenston, James Templar, 1737
master of Walker, Edward, 1737
partner of Astill, Susannah, 1732
partner of Ovendon, James, 1732
succeeded by Payne, George, 1740
succeeded by Payne, John, 1740
succeeded by Payne & Ovendon, 1732
successors of Astill & Payne, 1732
Payne, George
in Birmingham, 1740
dates, 1740
successor of Payne, Benjamin Matthew, 1740
Payne, John
in Birmingham, 1740
dates, 1740
successor of Payne, Benjamin Matthew, 1740
Payne, Thomas
apprentice of Hurley, Jonathan, 1733
apprentice of John, Fish, 1733
Payne & Ovendon
apothecary sc mkr, 1732
dates, 1732
Payne, Benjamin Matthew & Ovendon, James, 1732
succeeded by Ovendon, James, 1732
succeeded by Shenstone, James, 1732
successors of Payne, Benjamin Matthew, 1732
Peacock, William, sc mkr, 3090
Peacock's "Response to Bate" (article), 2333
peanut sc, spring, 544
Pearce see postal sc, retailer, Barnicott & Pearce
Pearce, George
connected with Pearce, Samuel?, 1731
in Mile End, 1742
partner of Fletcher, Mrs S, 1731
see also Fletcher & Pearce
Pearce, L H & Jackson, C, patentee, 567–568
Pearce, Samuel
in Bethnal Green, 1742
connected with Pearce, George?, 1731
dates, 1731
sc mkr, 1731
Pearl, kitchen sc, 546
pears three mark (Worcester), 1928
Peck, John
apprentice of Smith, William, 1730, 1733
dates, 1730
master of Hunt, William, 1730
master of Mattocks, Charles Meares, 1731
master of Miles, William Henry, 1733
succeeded by Webb & Skinner, 1730, 1746
Peck, Stow & Wilcox
American sc mkr, 1555, 1808, 2412
P S & W, 1808
spring bal mkr, 1555
steelyard mkr, 1808
peck loaf, 1058
peck measure, American, 1137, 1139
peck scoop, 1461, 1546
Pee Co, mark on wts, 94
peget, 1075
Pegolotti, Francesco, 2217–2219
14th C merchant, 1987–1996, 2016–2024, 2217–2219
author of Practica della Mercatura, 1987–1996, 2219
work of, 2107
Peirson, Thomas, wt mkr, 1043
Pell, Thomas
apprentice of Pollard, Thomas, 1730
dates, 1730
master of Plivey, William, 1730
Pelouze, 371, 623
American sc mkr, 1259, 1261, 1555, 1671–1674
bow-front postal, 1259, 1672
Countess trade mark, 1672
Crescent trade mark, 371, 1672
Duchess trade mark, 1672
postal sc mkr, 623, 1259, 1261
Princess trade name, 1671
registered design, 1673–1674
spring bal mkr, 623, 1259, 1555, 1671–1673, 2000
spring bal patentee, 1671–1673
spring exposed, 2000
Tiffany mechanism mkr, 2634
see also catalogue
"Pelouze Bow-front Postal Scales" (article by Laycock), 2877–2881
Pelouze Scale & Mfg Co, 2000
"Pelouze Straight Spring Balance" (article by Stein T), 2000
pen & postal sc, spring, 552, 650, 1682
pen sc, 513, 552, 565, 568, 596, 624
pencil/pen sc see Postal sc
pencil sc, postal, 446, 454, 1262–1263, 1399
pendant, def, 283
pendulous chart, patent, 1655
pendulous pointer see Pointer
pendulous sc
pendulum, 1676, 2771
see also béranger sc
pendulum & half-roberval see half-roberval & pendulum
pendulum sc, 132–133, 199, 1264, 2192, 2767–2774, 2845–2846
def, 283, 571
with added poise, 2772–2773
apothecary, 1654, 2769
asparagus, 1655
bilateral, 283, 317, 361, 753, 1260, 1629–1630, 1632–1634, 2773–2774
brake, 1408
butchers, 559
butter, 2192
with cam & cord, 2772
chemical, 559
cloth, 1168
coin, 199, 269, 541, 576, 597, 607, 990, 1684, 1850–1851, 2769
coin-operated, 1629
Columbus, 1652–1653
counter, 1318
with damper, 2770, 2772
dates, 1073
Braby, James, 1911–1914
Brander, G F, 573, 605
Brequin, Col de, 608
Clais, J S, 573, 1073, 2767
Clais, Johann Sebastian, 1073, 2767
da Vinci, Leonardo, 572, 2767
de Vinci, L, 572
Hahn, Philipp Matthaus, 572, 1073, 2767
Kuhn, H, 573
Lambert, J H, 573, 2767
Ludlam, W, 572, 1073
Magalhaens, J H, 573
Rowse, 573
Staub, 1073
double, 959, 1629–1634, 1651–1653, 1659
parcel, 317–318, 1076, 1652
double ducat, 541
double fulcrum, 2845–2846, 2861–2865
ease of use, 1368
egg, 373, 379, 381, 383, 415, 417, 921–924, 1313–1316, 2769, 2771
encased, 1174, 1404
engraved, 1220
fan, 229
first used in England, 1913
fixed chart, 1650
fixed graduated arc, 2771
fixed pointer design, 1627, 2770–2771
French, 1361–1362, 1676, 2770–2771
geometric, 1223
gilt, 1220
grain, 80, 753
half roberval, 622
hinged poise, 1076
history, 2767–2769
Hungarian ducat, 228, 541
kitchen, 572, 608, 765–766, 772, 1654, 1911
A E, 641
Anscheutz & Co see Anscheutz & Schlaff
Anscheutz & Schlaff, 269, 597, 1850–1851, 2767
Arc Scale Co, 2845–2846, 2861–2865
Automat, 1260
Avery, W & T, 677, 959, 2769
Avery, W & T Ltd, 1318
Blechemballage-fabrik, 2772–2773
Braby, James, 772, 1911
Brander, G F, 573
Briais, Narcissé, 1253, 1404, 1406, 1649–1650, 1676, 2769, 2771–2772
Brower Mfg Co, 922, 924
C H S Industries Inc, 417
Casartelli, 1168
Christofle, 219–220, 1676
Cooke, J, 199
Cope & Cope Ltd, 415, 921
Dampier, 399, 1913
Deinert, P, 541
Eschemann, W & Co, 958
F L & Co, 285
Gibbs & Co, 753
Gorham, 1077, 1668, 1687
Hall, Nathaniel, 198–199, 707, 1253, 1403, 1913
Hartner, 381
Heath, J, 199
Heeley, J & Sons, 199, 456
Heller's, B & Sohne, 317–318
Hilton, 772
Horn & Albracht, 511
Houghton & Gunn, 512
Hund, G, 220, 2770
J H S see Heath, John
Jiffy-Way, 379
JMAZ see Maul, Jacob
Kahlert Mfg Co, 1313
Kern, 2770
Kitway, 772
Knight, E, 990
Koch, 1917–1923
Leopold, J, 578
Leunig, F & Co, 505, 602, 1697–1698
M & Co see Marion & Co
M in star see Maul, Philipp Jakob
Marion & Co, 512, 1257, 1406, 2769
Maul, Jacob, 980
Maul, Philipp Jakob, 360–361, 415, 559, 1076, 1409, 1627–1636, 1649–1666, 1698–1700, 2771–2773
Melliship & Harris, 512
Parkins & Gotto, 512
Parnall, 415
Parnell, 199, 428, 1253
Place, F, 572
Pradel, 50, 220, 2770
Prospectus Mfg Co, 922
Ratcliff, J & E, 133
Reliable Automatic Dial, 379
Riddle, Gabriel, 1913
Rouse, 573, 605
Schember, C & Sohne, 1699
Schopper, Louis, 80, 602, 753, 1174, 1697–1698
Specialty Mfg Co, 415
Starke & Kammerer, 872
Tacho, 959
Testut, 1913, 2770–2771
Thorne-Foster, 2770
Toledo, 224, 2769–2770
Turner, S Sen, 373, 381
Weintraub & Co, 2773
Weintraud & Co Ges, 707
Zenith, 379, 415
modifications, 2774
moisture content, 260
moving graduations & pointer, 2774
with moving load, 2767–2768, 2773
with multi-pivot point for poise, 2772–2773
with multiple fulcrums, 2773
American, 224, 379, 415, 417, 772, 922, 922–924, 1077, 1313, 1668, 1687
French, 1252–1253, 1401, 1404
German, 1627–1636
Swiss, 562
paper, 285, 505, 602, 1654, 1692, 1697–1700, 1704, 2769
parcel, 199, 512, 753, 1076, 1652, 1917–1923
patent, 80, 199, 269, 379, 399, 415, 426–428, 455–456, 484, 510–512, 540, 559, 597, 622, 652, 678–679, 1223, 1361, 1401
Albinson, J H & Cocker, H H, 1176
Anscheutz & Schlaff, 2767, 2770
Automat, 1631–1632
Batt, 2773–2774
Bodmer, R, 1176
Braby, T, 2768
Briais, N, 2769, 2771–2772
British Research Association & Barker, S G & Hedges, J J, 1176
Clais, J S, 268, 270, 276, 573, 597, 2767
Cope & Cope Ltd, 415
Dampier, E, 399
Everitt, 2774
Fauvel, L A, 1375
Foley, J S, 549
Golaz, J, 622
Gotlieb, Kern & Sohn, 2769–2770
Gould, Chester, 2767
Guérin, 2768
Guérin, R, 1374
Hahn, George, 1629–1630
Hall, Nathaniel, 199, 428, 707, 991, 1403, 2768
Hedicke, M, 80
Hiscock, W, 509, 512, 1255
Horn & Albracht, 510–511, 2768
James, W H, 2768
Knight, E, 990
Laborde, D L, 1372
MacKenzie, J, 484
Maul, Philipp Jakob, 1633, 2771–2773
McGiehan, I S, 621–622
Peppe, G T, 427
Ragg, A E, 484, 538, 540, 753, 1253, 1361, 1410–1412, 2769
Restorf, 1410–1412, 2772
Riddle, Gabriel, 2768
Rowe, A G, 707
Saladin, L J B, 1176
Salter, G, 549
Smyth, 2771
Staudenmaier, C, 396, 652
Thiebaud, A & Burdet, 1401
Tomkins, M H, 1176
Watkins, 2774
Winnlaw, 2767–2768
Witherell, 2773, 2845–2846, 2861–2865
patents see patent, pendulum
pendulous, 1655, 1676, 2771–2772
person, 2769, 2774
photographic, 1654, 1656, 2769
with pillar or casing, 2768–2770
plastic, 1264
postal, 50, 132–133, 199, 220, 317, 368, 399, 428, 456, 511–512, 562, 571, 652, 677, 707, 753, 871, 958, 980, 990, 1077, 1220–1225, 1253–1257, 1264–1265, 1289, 1292, 1361–1362, 1374–1376, 1385, 1403–1412, 1627–1636, 1649–1668, 1676, 1681, 1683, 1687, 2768–2774
precision, 872
rack & pinion, 1649
ration book sc, 224
rectangular, 1409
registered design, 1220
reproduction, 144
Asprey, 1676
Black, Starr & Frost, 1668
Hartner, G, 1698–1700
Illfelder, Jos, 1253
Kern, Gottlieb & Sohn, 1076
Mardon, A H, 1697
Marion, A, 1255
Mermod, Jaccard & Co, 1668
Perry & Co, 1253
revolving pointer, 1649
silver, 1385
sliding poise, 1650
telescopic arm, 1405
three load pivots, 609, 1914
tin-plate, 1256
torsion balance, 2772
trade, 641, 2769
turn-over poise, 1650
two load pivots, 753, 772, 1911
two pointers, 1405, 1408–1409
yarn, 572, 605, 1073, 1174, 1309, 1654, 2769
pendulum sc (article), 198–199, 571–578, 602–609
pendulum sc & steelyard, 559
pendulum sc with inkwells, Maul, Philipp Jakob, 1683
Penkethman's Artachthos, 1053
Penn Scale Mfg Co Inc, trip sc, 647
called esterlins, 1561
English, 1561
penny, English Sterling, 1988
penny post, 2, 1224–1233
Penny Postal Services, 1226
pennyweights see weights, denomination
"Pennyweights and Grains," 2476
"Pennywise, Not Pound Foolish part 1, 1884-1900" (article by Willard), 2423–2433
"Pennywise, Not Pound Foolish part 2, 1887-1920" (article by Willard), 2457–2463
Peppe, G T, patentee, 427
Pepperers' Guild Co, 1994, 2019
see also Grocers' Co
percentage sc, def, 283
percentage sc see moisture content, sc
Perfad see Perfas
instructions, 1569–1571
steelyard mkr, 647, 1525
Perfect, trademark see Martin, Henry
egg sc mkr see Pacific Poultry Appliance Co
see also Triner
periodicals, list of useful, 2094
perit, 1075
Perkin, William Henry, inventor of aniline dye, 1862
Perkins, Goodwin & Co, American sc retailer, 1697
Perkins, J, American ccd patentee, 2064
perpetration of fraud, inspectors, 1591–1597
Perry, W G & Son, grocers sc retailer, 559
Perry & Co
bismar mkr, 1359–1360, 3006
postal sc retailer, 428, 481–482, 1253, 1792, 3030
Perry's Story of Standards (review), 187
person sc
def, 221, 224–225, 283, 2240–2241
accuracy, 3
baby, 185, 335, 338, 516, 526, 562, 1294
bathroom, 177, 543, 554
club, 18, 1439, 1709
coin operated, 518, 717, 980, 1706–1712
destruction, 555
infant, 516
jockey, 18, 60, 547, 2588
Alexanderwerk, 2169–2170, 2240–2242
Avery, W & T, 60, 224
Avery, W & T Ltd, 1706
British Automatic Co, retailers, 518
Burchfield, Thomas & Son, 1732
Caille Brothers,
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