600 mark on wts, 45 a b c egg sc mkr, 379

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O crowned, 600–601

see also Exupere, L

O L B, V-spring mkr, 1875

O M under V R I crowned, 1957

see also Manchester mark

O R C, Orange River Colony, 443

O S Y, mark on wts, 94

O S Y crowned mark, 1977

see also Oswestry

Oakes Mfg Co, egg sc retailer, 1314

Oakes Mfg Co Inc

American sc mkr, 383–384, 1313

egg sc mkr, 383–384, 1313

steelyard mkr, 383–384, 1313

oats, method of weighing in grain sc, 989

obliteration stamp, def, 260

O'Briant, Benjamin

apprentice of Jefferson, Thomas, 1734

apprentice of Wornell, John, 1734

ockes see weights, denomination, okka

ocque see weights, denomination, okka

octagonal wts see weight, shape


assay wt mkr, 2530

bullion bal

description of, 2788–2790

mkr, 2788–2791

size of, 2788

history, 2788

Oertling, Henry

manager of Oertling, Ludwig, 1817

son of Oertling, Ludwig, 1817

Oertling, Henry, father-in-law of Dunbar, Malcolm, 1817

Oertling, L Ltd

bal retailed by Robinson, James & Sons, 1841

bought by Avery, W & T Ltd, 1724

dates, 1738, 1817, 2789

integrated with DeGrave, Short & Co Ltd, 1817, 2790

long beams, 5, 1790

managed by Dunbar, Malcolm & Nalder Francis, 1817

micro bal mkr, 5

model 1, 1789

nickel/chromium beam, 5

owned by Avery, W & T Ltd, 159, 2790

precision bal mkr, 5

scholars bal mkr, 1826

short beam design, 5

succeeded by Avery, W & T Ltd, 1738, 1817, 2790

successors of Webb, William A Ltd, 1738

Oertling, Ludwig, 2260

accuracy, 2080

analytical bal mkr, 4–5, 159, 2655, 2659

assay bal mkr, 5, 2498

company history, 1817

discussions with Makins, 2118

father of Oertling, Henry, 1817

Kater scale rebuilder, 2248

long beam design, 5

managed by Oertling, Henry, 1817

Mint wts mkr, 1038

physical bal mkr, 2594–2595

portable bal mkr, 2264

for testers, 2264

portable inspector's balance mkr, 2260

precision bal mkr, 1822

rider wt first manipulated from outside case, 564

sc for comparison of local standards, 2080

accuracy, 2080

scale in Standards Office, 2260

boxed, 2260

Canadian supplier, 2260

scientific instrument mkr, 1724

vacuum bal mkr, 2080

weight testing bal mkr, 2260–2261

working with Bate, Robert Brettell, 1787

yarn bal mkr, 1173

see also catalogue

"Oertling Verified Unequally?" (article by Buchanan), 2260–2265

Office of Customs' sc mkr, New, William, 1734

Office of W & M of Bavaria, 642

Office of Weigher & Stamper of Money wts, 496, 498, 1068

mark, 498

Ogden, John

apprentice of Ogden, Samuel, 1736

apprentice of Oven, Henry, 1736

Ogden, Samuel

apprentice of Lee, Humphrey, 1736

Christ's Hospital scholar, 1747

dates, 1736

master of Ogden, John, 1736

Ogier, William

apprentice of Pallett, Thomas I, 1736

partner of Gardner, 1736

Ogier & Gardner

dates, 1736

Ogier, William & Gardner, 1736

O'Groats, John, 2448

"Oh Rube Goldberg, Where Are You Now?" (article by Katz), 2823–2824


counterfeit detector, 2775–2777

gun-loading scales, 2188–2189

precision balance, 2188–2189

directions for use of, 2189

knurled knob on, 2188–2189

magnetic damping on, 2189

patents for, 2189

"Ohaus: Dr. Fitch's Descendent?" (article by Young), 2188–2190

"Ohaus Numiscales" (article by Doniger), 2775–2777

Ohaus Scale Corp, 2775, 3094–3095

coin sc mkr, 2775

prescription sc mkr, 2055, 2188–2190

trip sc mkr, 2775, 3094–3095

ohsara-bakari see steelyard

oil bath see Damper


Bosch, use of, 2166

Griffin & Tatlock Ltd, use of, 2167

in market scales, 2166

Sauter, use of, 2166

Suprema, use of, 2166

oil measuring, 1188

oke see weights, denomination, okka

O'Keefe (author), 435, 2037

okka see weights, denomination, okka

"Okka Weights in Ottoman Palestine" (article by Holland), 1023–1025

Old Advert

1828, Dearborn's patent bal, 2376

1841, Fairbanks, 2194

Allender, John, 760, 895

Angldile, 180, 2140

Becker & Sons, 995

Bourne & Smith, 136

Bullock, W & Co, 644

Burchfield, 35

Chatillon, John & Sons, 754

Dakin Manufacturing Co, 1944

Davis, A B & Co, 785

Dye, John S, 874

Eltex, 932

Fairbanks, 86, 177, 182, 184, 736, 989

Fairbanks, Brown & Co, 182

Fairbanks, Morse & Co, 182, 184

Fairbanks & Co, 182, 992

Fairbanks & Ewing, 182

Fairbanks & Hutchinson, 182

Fairbanks' Infallible Scale Co, 759

Greaves, John & Son, 238

Harper, John & Co Ltd, 1965

Henry, S, 282

Hooper, 19

Infallible Coin Scale Co, 762, 964

Jones of Binghamton, 562

Kern, Gottlieb & Sohn, 1076

Kirk, J, 480

Mordan, Sampson & Co, 937

Morton, 33

Pooley & Son, 702, 728

Roberts, 514

Salter, G & Co, 436, 536

Sears, Roebuck & Co, 1877

Sheldon, John, 1682

Simpson, R, 736

Springer Torsion Balance Co, 671, 999

Swart, 514

Troemner, Henry, 811, 1020, 1643

Union Sc, 1877

Warren & Co, 152

Wilson, I, 760

"Old Advert" (article by Katz), 2168

Old Bailey, London Criminal Court, 3085–3091

Old English Bronze Wool Weights by Dent (review), 187

OLD GUINs, on coin wts see New Standard

Old Palace Yard, 2247

old prints

Australian Gold miner, 176

British ammunition sc, 1124

East African cloth sc (1878), 1124

German 16th Century sc, 277

German 17th Century wt mkr, 304

German assay sc (1556), 665

German sc mkr, 234

German weighmaster, 305

Japanese do'tchin in use, 59

Japanese money changer, 324

Japanese shuzui bakari, 325

Japanese steelyard mkr, 324

Shop with Fairbanks sc, 106

Shunsho, 59

"Old Tenor" (article by Mallis), 356–360

"Old Tenor-New Tenor-Again" (article by Mahoney), 2472–2476

Oliver, B J

author, 2115–2120

biography, 2121

Oliver, Barry, biography, 2547


"G H Makins and the Assay Balance" (article), 2115–2121

"G H Makins and the Assay Balance Part 2" (article), 2152–2155

"Rare Oertling Bullion Balance" (article), 2788–2791

Reaction to Review, letter to editor, 1817

Ollivant, coin sc retailer, 282

ONE OUNZES J L B, on wts, 2056

One-third oz wt see weights, denomination, one-third oz

O'Neil, weigh scoop patentee, 492, 666–667

O'Neil, J K, patentee, 671

onza see weights, denomination

open box end

def, 172

see also beam end shapes

open double hole end

def, 172

see also beam end shapes

opium sc see do'tchin

optical projection

design, 844



Becker's Sons, 837, 843–844

Bunge, Paul, 837

Collot, A Jnr, 836

Sartorius, Erich, 837

Vertex Indutries Inc, 1000

oqqa see weights, denomination, okka

Orkney, verification marks, 1344–1345

"Orlando W. Bedell & the Zenith Egg Grading Scale

Part 1" (article by Amsbaugh), 3056–3059

Part 2" (article by Amsbaugh), 3081–3084

ormolu (article), 1580

Orr, P & Sons

bismar mkr, 1999

postal sc mkr, 1999

Ortyz, H, adjuster, 1818, 1880

oscillation, 5, 589, 701

aperiodic, 701

Oslo Museum, knipwaage, 1900

Osterlich Ltd

bank sc mkr, 1105

counting sc mkr, 1105

date, 1106

ostrich feather sc, mkr, Salter, Geo & Co, 518

Oswestry, O S Y crowned mark, 1977

ottlie pound, 1990

Otto, H J Mfg Co

American sc mkr, 1315

egg sc mkr, 1315


Cologne, 1991, 2107

Paris, 1991

Tower, 1990, 2107

ounce symbol, def, 1297

outdoor bal

inspectors, 116–117

see also inspectors sc

oval japanned box

cleaning, 1267

coin sc, 178, 1502–1503

see also box

oval japanned boxed

coin sc, index, 197

coin sc (article), 178

oval wts see weight, shape

ovale veerbalans, 1863

see also C-spring; mancur

Oven, Henry

apprentice of Phillips, Walter, 1736, 1785

coin sc mkr, 1736

dates, 1736

master of Bate, Richard, 1736

master of Ogden, John, 1736

master of Phythian, Dod, 1736

successor of Snart, John I, 1736

Ovendon, James

apothecary sc mkr, 1731

apprentice of Payne, Benjamin Matthew, 1731

dates, 1731

successor of Payne & Ovendon, 1732

over & under sc, def, 260, 341, 1200

overhead check see Stay

Overing, Thomas

apprentice of Snart, John, 211

on Bartholomew Lane, 3017, 3019

diamond sc mkr, 211–212, 247–248, 3017, 3019

master of Hart, Benjamin, 248

master of Newton, William, 1735–1736

successor of Phillips, Elizabeth, 1736

trade card, 247, 3017

overland, 16

Owen, coin wts mkr, 1062, 1065, 1508

Owen (author), 87, 134, 169, 1809, 1815, 2036

Owen, Gibbs

bal mkr, 2656

dates, 1508

steelyard mkr, 1508

Owen, Hannah, date, 1508


"Saddled Steelyards, 1922"(article), 2504

Treatise on Weighing Machines (review), 87

Owens, T D, weigh scoop patentee, 492

Oxford University, 20, 1928–1929, 1960

mark, 20

Oxfordshire (Oxon), 1926

oxidisation, gilding, 1580

Oxley, Henry

apprentice of Lind, John, 1732

bal mkr, 2657

coin sc mkr, 1728

dates, 1731

master of Bassingham, Samuel, 1731

from Somerset, 1728

succeeded by Skinner, William, 1732, 2066

Oxon (Oxfordshire), 1926

Ozias, patentee, 2204

Ozias, O O, American patentee, 217

Ozias & Canby, 2205

see also Computing Scale Co.



def, 61

on coin wts see weights, denomination, pistole

mark on grain sc, 825

mark on wts, 60–61, 251, 353

P see postages; weights, denomination, pennyweights

P, Rogers, inverted roberval sc mkr, 2469

P B mark, Pitney-Bowes, 1986

P C see Parliamentary Copy

P D & ostrich, mark of Deinert, Paulus, 542


V-spring mkr, 1875

see also weights, denomination, pistole

P H L, def, 825

"P Poncia Rocker" (article by Chellingworth), 2777

P Q R, C-spring mkr, 1875


engraved on wts, 811

see also Parliamentary Standard wts

P S & W, Peck, Stow & Wilcox, 1808

P St & Co, postal sc mkr, 663, 1071, 1225

P W T 5.8 see weights, denomination, guinea

Pacific Poultry Appliance Co, egg sc mkr, 1277

package sc see parcel sc

Paddington, 1960

Paddock, Huxham, 3060

Paige, Brooke, 3071–3073, 3074

Paige's "The Fairbanks Brothers & their Scale Works" (article), 3060–3068

pain demaine bread, 1052

pain dominicus bread, 1052

paint cleaning, 1265

painted beam see beam, gilded; beam, painted

painted roberval, 1071

Painter, W, ccd patentee, 820


Bermejo, 745

Braithwait, 740

Breugel, 737

Brown, J G, 1301

Carraci 1583, 1774–1776

Christus, 3015

De Hooch, 749

Ghirlandaio, 746

Reymerswaele, 744

Reynolds, 741

Vermeer, 742

paktong, 1944, 1972

Paktong, Binns' N & Q 128, 1972

Palestinian mkr, Melamed, 910

Palestinian wts (article), 1332–1339

Pallett, Elizabeth, coin sc mkr, 1192

Pallett, Elizabeth Mary

coin sc mkr, 1192

dates, 1736

employed Herbert, Thomas, 1736

mother of Pallett, Thomas II, 1736

succeeded by Pallett & Son, 1736

successor of Pallett, Richard, 1736

widow of Pallett, Richard, 1736

Pallett, John

dates, 1736

successor of Pallett, Joseph, 1736

Pallett, Joseph

dates, 1736

succeeded by Pallett, John, 1736

Pallett, Richard

apothecary sc mkr, 1736

dates, 1736

father of Pallett, Thomas II, 1736

husband of Pallett, Elizabeth Mary, 1736

master of Evans, Thomas, 1736

master of Greenhill, Benjamin Mills, 1736

partner of Pallett, Thomas I, 1736

son of Pallett, Thomas I, 1736

succeeded by Pallett, Elizabeth Mary, 1736

successor of Pallett, Thomas & Son, 1736

Pallett, Tavenor

apprentice of Joy, John, 1734, 1741

father of Pallett, Thomas, 1734

Pallett, Thomas & Son, 1736

dates, 1736

Pallett, Thomas & Pallett, Richard, 1736

succeeded by Pallett, Richard, 1736

successors of Pallett, Thomas I, 1736

Pallett, Thomas I

apprentice of Gable, Thomas, 1736

dates, 1736

father of Pallett, Richard, 1736

master of Grout, John, 1736

master of Ogier, William, 1736

master of Smith, Thomas, 1736

partner of Pallett, Richard, 1736

son of Pallett, Tavenor, 1734, 1741

succeeded by Pallett, Thomas & Son, 1736

Pallett, Thomas II

coin sc mkr, 1192

dates, 1192

possibly succeeded by Greatrex & Pallett, 1736

son of Pallett, Elizabeth Mary, 1736

son of Pallett, Richard, 1736

successor of Pallett & Son, 1736

Pallett & Son

coin sc mkr, 1192

Pallett, Mary & Pallett, Thomas II, 1736

succeeded by Pallett, Thomas II, 1736

successors of Pallett, Elizabeth Mary, 1736

palm kernel sc

mkr, Salter, Geo & Co Ltd, 544

spring, 544

Palmer, Joseph

apprentice of Gore, Thomas Hunsden, 1738

date, 1738

succeeded by Hill, Robert, 1738


def, 196, 283

initialled, 1749

pan arrestors, 2114, 2152–2153

pan stops, 3–6, 2152–2153


relative prices, 804

taring glass pans, 1423

two load platforms, 1725

pans material, 801

aluminium, 1654

bakelite, 804

bronze, 249, 281

celluloid, 1654, 2050

coiled wire, 1276

copper, 1502–1503, 1507, 1638

earthenware, 1291, 1447, 1452, 1743, 1746

glass, 804–806, 1423, 1654

horn, 801, 805, 2050

marble, 1437

mother of pearl, 801, 804, 2050

nickel-plated brass, 801

pewter, 1638

plastic, 804

silver, 804

silvered brass, 1352

tortoiseshell, 2050

transfer-printed, 1291

pans shape

channel-shaped, 284, 869

clip with screws, 1704

coil, 1276

curled, 285, 1654, 1690, 1693, 1699–1700

double clip, 1655

holed, 256

removable, 476, 599

scoop, 801

shovel-shaped, 1105

swivelling, 1092

various designs, 548


computing scale, 3079

fingerprint of, 3077

properties of, 3077

sheet per reem, 3077

sheet size

Demy, 3077

Royal, 3077

universality of testing, 3077

paper & postal sc, mkr, Maul, Philipp Jakob, 1700

paper money

American, 358

British, 495, 1083

paper names, 1695

paper sc

def, 283–285

British, 1692–1694, 1702–1703

computing, 3079

counter, 1692

digital, 3079

equal-arm, 1690–1694, 3079

humidometer, 3078–3079

method of use, 1690, 3077


Albert, Thwing, 3077–3078

Albert, Thwing & Co, 3078

Amthor, 3078

Amthor Testing Instrument Co Inc, 3079

Avery, W & T, 1692–1694, 1702–1703

Avery, W & T Ltd, 1517, 1692, 1702

Brown & Sharpe Mfg Co, 1702

Buffalo Scale Co, 1696, 1700

Casartelli, J, 1692

Chatillon, John & Sons, 1704–1705

DeGrave & Co, 1691–1692, 1697, 1703

Exupere, L, 1690

Fairbanks, Morse & Co, 1692, 1702

Fairbanks & Co, 1692, 1696, 1701

Howe Scale Co, 1700

Kern, G & Sohn, 1692

Leunig, F & Co, 1692, 1697–1698, 1704–1705, 3078

Maul, Philipp Jakob, 1614, 1654, 1692, 1698–1700

Nedden, B & Co, 1692, 1698

Salter, Geo & Co, 1692, 1704

Schember, C & Sohne, 1698–1699

Schopper, Louis, 602, 1654, 1692, 1697–1698

Sindall, 1692, 3077–3078

Sindall & Bacon, 3078

Troemner, Henry, 1701

Vandome, 592

Vandome, Titfords & Co Ltd, 1692, 1703–1704

Vandome & Hart Ltd, 1690, 1692, 1704

moisture, 3078–3079


American, 1692, 1696, 1700–1702, 1705

British, 592, 1517, 1690–1692, 1697–1698, 1702–1705, 3077–3079

French, 1690, 1692

German, 602, 1614, 1654, 1692, 1697–1700

pendulum, 285, 505, 602, 1654, 1692, 1697–1700, 1704, 3077

quadrant, 3077, 3079


Hartner, G, 1697–1699

Leunig, F, 505, 602, 1692, 3078

Mardon, A H, 1692, 1697–1698, 1704–1705

Messmer, H E, 1692, 1697–1698

Sindall & Bacon, 3078

spring, 1692, 1704–1705

steelyard, 1517, 1691–1692, 1700–1703

"Paper Scales" (article by Crawforth-Hitchins), 3077–3079

paper tax, 1695

paper weight/letter scales, 2340

"Papergoods" (article by Sturgess), 179–189

parcel post, 1036, 1257, 1259, 2307

Parcel Post Service

British, 2307

rates after, 2307

rates before, 2307

revision of, 2307

scales for, 2307

parcel sc

bismar on pillar, 2936–2940

candlestick, 623, 1261

computing, 2914–2918

double pendulum, 317–318, 1076, 1652

half-roberval & hanging pan, 133, 940, 1256

half-roberval & spring, 623, 1261

half-roberval & steelyard, 537, 1028, 1256, 1258, 1260, 1460


Alderman, T W, 40

American Machine Co, 983

Avery, W & T Ltd, 1260, 1262, 1460

Bartlett, C H, 537, 1028, 1256

E W, 897, 1258, 1907

Fairbanks, 109, 1106

Fairbanks & Co, 1106

Gibbs & Co, 753

Heller's, Balduin, Söehne, 317–318

Kenrick, Alexander & Sons, 1261

Kern, Gottlieb & Sohn, 1076

Koch, 1917–1923

M & Co, 512, 1257

Marion & Co, 1257

Maul, Philipp Jakob, 1076, 1652, 1655

Mordan, Sampson & Co, 133, 940, 942, 1254–1256

Parnall & Sons, 1258, 1456

Parnell, 199

Ratcliff, Edmund, 1486

Salter, Geo, 455, 513, 528, 1123, 1452

Salter, Geo & Co, 1123, 2073

Turner, Samuel Senior, 2936–2940

Ubrig, E, 623, 1261

Ubrig, E & Co, 1439


American, 109, 982–983, 1106

British, 133, 199, 455, 512–513, 528, 537, 753, 897, 940, 1028, 1256–1258, 1452, 1460, 1486, 2073

German, 317–318, 623, 1076, 1261, 1652, 1655, 1917–1923

German for export, 317–318, 1261, 1439


Bartlett, C H, 1256

Gibson, Donald, 2914–2918

Hiscock, W, 1257

Lundberg, 596

pendulum, 1076, 1652, 1917–1923

pendulum with buffer, 512, 1257

registered, Parnall & Sons, 1258


Alderman, T W & Co, 40

Waterlow & Sons, 1486

roberval, 1254, 1261

roberval & hanging pan, 1256

roberval with central pillar, 1261

roberval with encased stays, 1486

single pendulum, 199, 512, 753

spring, 897, 1123, 1258, 1452

spring & platform, 1439

steelyard & platform, 109, 1106, 1655

top-pan spring, 455, 513, 528, 1261, 2073

weight-depositing, 982–983

see also postal sc

Paris, Henry, partner of Cuthbert, John, 1765

Paris Exhibition, 1867 catalogue, 10

Paris grains, 1989, 1991

Paris hundredweight, 2018

Paris mark, 1991

Paris ounce, 1991–1992

Paris pound

heavy goods, 1991, 1994

merchants, 1991, 1994–1995

Parishes, def, 1895

Parker see England, Parker & Sommers; Thomas & Parker

Parker, C C & S B

patent, 510

postal sc mkr, 510

Parker, Robert, 2446

Parker, Thomas, wts mkr, 1017

Parker, William

auncel retailer, 1829

coin sc retailer, 1829

dates, 1829

steelyard retailer, 1829

successor of Stone, Richard, 1829

Parkes, William see Amos, John & Parkes, William

Parkins & Gotto, postal sc retailer,

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