Agrosanoat kombinatlari qishloq xo’jalik mahsulotlarini etishtirish, qayta ishlash va istemolchilarga etkazib berishgacha barcha texnologik jarayonga xizmat qiluvchi xo’jalik va korxonalarning malum bir hududida birlashuvidir. Agrobiznes turiga ko’ngilli va paychilik mablaĝlari asosida tashkil qilingan turli xil uyushma va ittifoqlarni ham kiritish mumkin.
Qishloq xo’jaligidagi davlat korxonalari, jamoa xo’jaliklari va shirkatlari, turli xil mulkchilik asosida tashkil qilingan ko’shma korxonalar ham agrobiznes turlari sifatida faoliyat ko’rsatadi.
Seventeenth Edition
Principles, Problems, and Policies
Campbell R. McConnell
University of Nebraska
Stanley L. Brue
Pacific Lutheran University
Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St. Louis
Bangkok Bogota Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City
Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto
Agriculture: Economics and Policy
If you eat, you are part of agriculture! In the United States, agriculture is important for a number
of reasons. It is one of the nation’s largest industries and major segments of it provide real-world
examples of the pure-competition model (Chapter 21). Also, agriculture clearly shows the effects of
government policies that interfere with supply and demand. Further, the industry provides excellent
illustrations of Chapter 29’s special-interest effect and rent-seeking behavior. Finally, it demonstrates
the globalization of markets for farm commodities.
This chapter examines the circumstances in agriculture that have resulted in government intervention,
the types and outcomes of government intervention, and recent major changes in farm policy.
Agriculture: Economics and Policy
Economics of Agriculture
Although economists refer to “the agriculture industry,”
this segment of the economy is extremely diverse. Agriculture
encompasses cattle ranches, fruit orchards, dairies,
poultry plants, pig farms, grain farms, feed lots, vegetable
plots, sugar-cane plantations, and much more. Some farm
commodities (for example, soybeans and corn) are produced
by thousands of individual farmers; other farm commodities
(such as poultry) are produced by just a handful of large
firms. Some farm products (for example, wheat, milk, and
sugar) are heavily subsidized through Federal government
programs; other farm products (such as fruits, nuts, and
potatoes) receive little if any government support.
Moreover, agriculture includes both farm products, or
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