Journal article in scholarly refereed journal
Zmood R B, Yu P, & Zhang C, 1997, 'Wide band low input impendance trans-impedance amplifiers for instrumentationapplications', Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 8, no.11, Institute of Physics, pp. 1351-1355
Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings
Al-Dabbagh M, Abachi H, & Jenvey S, 1997, 'Factors for consideration in the selection of international students undertaking engineering education in Australia', Pacific Region Conference on Electrical Engineering Education, Cook C (ed.), Wollongong, pp. 85-90
Chin W, Harvey A, & Jennings A, 1997, 'Skew Detection in Handwritten Scripts', 1997 IEEE Tencon - Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications, Bennamoun M, Deriche M,, & Moody, M (eds.), Brisbane, pp. 319-322
Cholewka J, & Cholewka Z, 1997, 'Multimedia assisted ESL learning to overcome language barriers in university studies', 1st Asia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology Education, Pudlowski Z (ed.), Melbourne, pp. 193-195
Ghantasala M K, & Sood D K, 1997, 'A novel method for electroplating on silicon without the need of a continuousplating base film.', SPIE Far East Pacific Rim Symposium on Smart Materials, Structures, and MEMS, vol. 3242, Hariz A, Varadan V, & Reinhold O (eds.), Adelaide, pp. 52-58
Harvey A, Suthaharan S, & Zhang Z, 1997, 'FFF: Fast Fuzzy Filtering in Image Restoration', TENCON'97, Deriche M, Moody M, & Bennamoun M (eds.), Brisbane, pp. 9-12
Harvey A, & Saliba F, 1997, 'Restoration of Grey Scale Images with correlated Loss', TENCON'97, Deriche M, Moody M, & Bennamoun M (eds.), Brisbane, pp. 5-8
Shihab S, Taskin T, & Melik V, 1997, 'On-Line Monitoring of the Effects of Environmental Contamination on the Safetyof Outdoor Power Plant.', 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, vol. 6, Montreal, pp. 331-334
Shihab S, & Felic G, 1997, 'Substation Electromagnetic Interference', 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, vol. 6, Montreal, pp. 201-204
Timar L, & Lisner R, 1997, 'A New Approach to Electric Motor Acoustic Noise Standards and Test Procedures.', IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Milwaukee, pp. 6.1-6.3
Zmood R B, & Yu P, 1997, 'Eddy current micro sensor for use in micro machine applications', SPIE Far East and Pacific Rim Symposium on Smart Materials, Structures, and MEMS, vol. 3242, Hariz A, Varadan V, & Reinhold O (eds.), Adelaide, pp. 319-324
Zmood R B, & Qin L, 1997, 'A design methodology for micro magnetic bearing systems', SPIE Far East and Pacific Rim Symposium on Smart Materials, Structures, andMEMS, vol. 3242, Hariz A, Varadan V, & Reinfold O (eds.), Adelaide, pp. 106-117
Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings
Ghantasala M K, & Sood D K, 1997, 'Characterization of NdFeb thin films prepared on (100) Si substrates with SiO2barrier layers', 10th AINSE Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis and the 4th VacuumSociety of Australia Congress, Canberra
Muralidhar G K, & Sood D K, 1997, 'An Efficient Magnetron Sputtering Source for Low Pressure Plasma Deposition', The 10th AINSE Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis and the 4th Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, Muralidhar G (ed.), Canberra
Zmood R B, Ghantasala M K, & Sood D K, 1997, 'Micro magnetic bearings and suspension mechanisms', 3rd International Micromachine Symposium (Micromachine-97), Tokyo, pp. 177-182
Felic G, 1997, Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference in Industrial and Medical Electronic Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Grzan J, 1997, Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference and Mitigation Techniques in theResidential and Work Environment., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Hoadley D, 1997, Energy Storage and Conversion for Renewable Sources Interconnected with theUtility Grid., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Jakovljevic B, 1997, A Techniques for the Improvement of Contouring Accuracy in Multi Axis MotionControl Systems., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Jiang Y, 1997, Application of Artificial Neural Networks In Real Time Magnetic Bearing Control., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Khattab T, 1997, Analysis and Design of On-line Microprocessor Based High Impedance FaultDetector and Fault Locator for Distribution Lines., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Liu P, 1997, High-Force Low-Speed Linear Servomotor, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Postma B T, 1997, An Electromagnetic Gripper for Robotic Assembly of Industrial Transformer Cores, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Qin L, 1997, Micro Magnetic Bearings: Investigation of New Control and Design Methodologies., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Szczepanik J, 1997, Intelligent Control of Small Electrical Drives, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Taskin T, 1997, Characterisation of the Performance Degradation of Modern Surge Arresters andthe Development of On-Line Monitoring Techniques of their Condition., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Yu P, 1997, Novel Techniques for Minimising Parasitic Capacitive and Inductive Effects inMicrosensors for Micromachines., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Zhang C, 1997, Ultra-Low Friction Magnetic Suspensions, PhD, (Submitted), RMIT
Masters by Research Thesis
Besenko D R, 1997, Modelling of a Passenger Vehicle Power Steering System, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Caric B, 1997, Mitigation of the Corrosion Effects on Buried Steel Pipes to Ground Return Currents, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Chin W, 1997, Handwritten Character Recognition, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Dowsett P, 1997, Fabrication and Modelling of Multi-Layer Micro Machined Coil Windings for Micro Electromagnetic Actuators and Sensors, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Hartono J, 1997, An Approach to Optimizing Solar Cell Interconnection in Solar Arrays., MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Misquitta S, 1997, Trends in End-Use Efficiency of Electrical Energy by Market Segmentation, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Pan X, 1997, Optimal Power Flow Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Qian W, 1997, Machine Vision Guided Robotic Assembly., MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Sapmaz M, 1997, Digital Image Enhancement, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
To H, 1997, Improving the Efficiency of Variable Speed Drives with Induction Motors., MEng, (Submitted), RMIT
Yin Z, 1997, Machine and Plasma Condition Monitoring of CNC Profile Cutting Machine, MEng, (InProgress), RMIT
Research topics
Besanko D R, 1997, Modelling of Passenger Vehicle Power Steering System, (New), Existing passenger vehicle power steering system have been found to exhibit unstable phenomena under adverse driving conditions which manifest as an audible knocking noise. While controlled in-car tests have adverse confirmedthe generation of the noise analytical studies reported to dat have not clearlyidentified the cause of the instability.
Caric B, 1997, Mitigation of the Corrosion Effects on Buried Steel Pipes Due to Ground Return Currents, (New), DC traction systems commonly used throughout the world offer many advantages notthe least of which are economies in their operation. The prime objective ofthe project is to develop an 'intelligent' drainage bond that will ensure theoptimum stray current drainage from the system and prvent the corrosion in theanodic pipeline area.
Chin W, 1997, Handwritten Character Recognition, (Continuing), To improve the accuracy and speed of recognition of handwritten characters, through improved segmentation techniques and character based recognitionmethods.
Dowsett P, 1997, Fabrication and Modelling of Multi-Layer Micro Machined Coil Windings forMicro Electromagnetic Actuators and Sensors, (Continuing), To develop multi layer micro machined coil windings for use in micro electromagnetic devices, which will extend micro engineering capabilities.This will involve the development of new analytical tools for coil performanceprediction and new fabricaton technologies for multi layer coils providingdesigns which are easily manufactured and perform within specification with ahigh degree of confidence.
Felic G, 1997, Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference in Industrial and Medical ElectronicsSystems, (Continuing), Knowledge of electromagnetic interference (EMI) occurring due to the operationof analogue and digital circuits in industrial and medical electronic systemsis extremely important for a correct electromagnetically compatible (EMC) designand for the systems reliability. This project deals with the conducted and radiated emission analysis of analogue and digital circuits applied in thesesystems.
Grzan J, 1997, Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference and Mitigation Techniques in theResidential and Work Environment., (Continuing), Due to the ever increasing levels of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) has been gaining significant support from industry and the public. The possibility of biological hazards due to electromagnetic radiation should be addressed. This prjoect intends to designmitigation techniques for a variety of high level EMI fields.
Hartono J, 1997, An Approach to Optimizing Solar Cell Interconnection in Solar Arrays., (Continuing), To enable the designer to obtain better output power from solar cell arrays for remote area power supplies as well as solar electric vehicles.
Hoadley D, 1997, Energy Storage and Conversion for Renewable Sources Interconnected with the Utility Grid., (Continuing), To investigate the balanced steady-state and transient behaviour of energystorage interconnected with the utility grid using phase co-ordinates. Thedevelopment of models for energy storage systems such as batteries, redox cells,flywheels and superconnecting magnets. This will enable the simulation and analysis of energy storage systems and their role in improving the utilisationof the utility grid, via flexible AC transmission.
Jakovljevic B, 1997, A Techniques for the Improvement of Contouring Accuracy in Multi Axis MotionControl Systems., (New), To investigate the development of a preshaping technique to improve contouring accuracy for high speed machining without having to modify the controller. Tuning would be simple and done without having to modify the controller. Tuning would be simpler and done at the user level. This would enable simpler upgradeof existing machines and higher performance of new machines at lower cost.
Jiang Y, 1997, Application of Artificial Neural Networks In Real Time Magnetic Bearing Control., (Continuing), Magnetic bearing rotor systems are inherently unstable especially when the shaft rotates at high speed. The shaft will be deflected from the axis ofrotation when an eccentric mass exists on the shaft. The task is to control the system so that the shaft can be balanced at the location of the centre withina short period of time to minimise the rotor vibration.
Khattab T, 1997, Analysis and Design of On-line Microprocessor Based High Impedance FaultDetector and Fault Locator for Distribution Lines., (Continuing), To develop microprocessor based intelligent and accurate High Impedance faultdetection and fault location system for distribution lines. Accurate high impedance fault detection prevents hazards such as bush fires and protects humans from possible electrocution.
Liu P, 1997, High-Force Low-Speed Linear Servomotor, (Continuing), To develop a drive which has the potential of eliminating costly and inaccurategearboxes in machine tools and robots. A new type of linear electric motor isexpected to produce high-force at low-speed.
Misquitta S, 1997, Trends in End-Use Efficiency of Electrical Energy by Market Segmentation., (New), To develop segmentation for the commercial and industrial customers and analysethe end-use efficiency trends for the identified segments which will enable utilities to target specific segments in order to achieve maximum efficiency.
Pan X, 1997, Optimal Power Flow Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, (New), With the active power losses minimisation used as the objective function, this program will study and develop an effective reactive optimal power flow (OPF)algorithm based on a hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA).
Postma B T, 1997, An Electromagnetic Gripper for Robotic Assembly of Industrial Transformer Cores, (Continuing), The development of a novel electromagnetic robotic gripper with the uniquecapabilities of being able to selectively pick from a stack a given number oflamination plates at a time; accurately align these plates within itself; and eventually place them precisely at predefined locations on an assembly table.
Qian W, 1997, Machine Vision Guided Robotic Assembly, (Continuing), Machine vision is widely used with robotic assembly especially when high accuracy is required. This project will investigate the application of a visionsystem with abilities to measure the distance between two parallel edgesdetected from images with poor contast and distinguish if there are two edgesbeing measured or only one edge.
Qin L, 1997, Micro Magnetic Bearings: Investigation of New Control and Design Methodologies., (Continuing), To focus on the development of new control strategies for micro magnetic bearingsystems. As the control problems of micro magnetic bearing system are closely related with the characteristics of bearing's actuators, new design methodoloiesfor actuators will also be investigated.
Sapmaz S, 1997, Digital Image Enhancement, (Continuing), Digital computer processing methods may be used to improve image contrast and remove interference such as spot noise or striping. These methods can be usedto reduce blurring due to motion smear or defocusing and have applications inmedical image enhancement, motion analysis and robotics.
Szczepanik J, 1997, Intelligent Control of Small Electrical Drives, (Continuing), To develop a universal control strategy, capable of selecting a structure andcontrol scheme for an electrical drive. The drive strategy will be based on anexpert system algorithm and will include an optimisation procedure allowingselection of the most appropriate drive and control system configurations for a given process.
Taskin T, 1997, Characterisation of the Performance Degradation of Modern Surge Arresters andthe Development of On-Line Monitoring Techniques of their Condition., (Continuing), Surge arresters have a vital function in ensuring the reliability of electricitysupply and in protecting expensive power equipment. In this project the parameters involved in, and the risks associated with, the performancedegradation of modern surge arresters in service will be determined.
To H, 1997, Improving the Efficiency of Variable Speed Drives with Induction Motors., (Continuing), To develop a comprehensive design strategy of maximising the eficiency of themost popular AC drive which consists of an induction motor and a Pulse-Width-Modulation inverter.
Yin Z, 1997, Machine and Plasma Condition Monitoring of CNC Profile Cutting Machine, (New), Investigation of the condition monitoring of CNC machine by analysing themachine parameters using data communications technology. The outcome will be a set of programs that not only enable human experts to analyse the machineparameters from a remote site, but also display the machine's common faultsas well as providing solutions.
Yu P, 1997, Novel Techniques for Minimising Parasitic Capacitive and Inductive Effects inMicrosensors for Micromachines., (Continuing), This research program involves the study of I-V converters which realise verylow input impedance, low input noise, high sensitivity, and stability over awide range of frequencies. At the same time, the prototype signal conditionerincluding I-V converter must be suitable for implementation using standard ICtechniques.
Zhang C, 1997, Ultra-Low Friction Magnetic Suspensions, (Continuing), To develop a technique for analysing static friction and investigate thefundamental limitations of magnetic bearings by this technique. A photo-mechnaical laser power motor with ultra-low friction magnetic suspension willbe built to measure the output power of lasers.
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