Book, Revision/New Edition
Manias E, Galbraith A, & Bullock S, 1997, Fundamentals of Pharmacology: A Text for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals, Addison Wesley Longman, Melbourne, 2nd Edition edn, 818 p., ISBN: 0-582-81012-4
Book chapter
Bush T, 1997, Spirituality:The Heart of Nursing, Ronaldson,S (ed.), Ausmed Publications, Melbourne, Ist Edition edn, 19 p., pp. 79-98, ISBN: 0-646-32259-1
Manias E, 1997, Quality use of medicines in nursing practice, Stein I (ed.), RCNA, Deakin, ACT, 103 p., pp. 17-30, ISBN: 0-909449-91-0
Journal article, Other contribution to refereed journal
Manias E, Kristjanson L, & Bush T, 1997, 'Guest Editorial. Palliative care nursing education: Australian and Canadian Challenges', Contemporary Nurse, vol. 6, no.3/4, pp. 94-95
Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)
Johnstone M, 1997, 'A reappraisal of everyday nursing ethics: new directions for the 1990s and beyond', INEN Bulletin: Newsletter of the International Nursing Ethics and Midwifery Network, vol. 5, no.1, van der Arend A (ed.), INEN, Maastricht, The Netherlands, pp. 1-4
Johnstone M, 1997, 'Editorial: 'Not For Resuscitation' (NFR) directives: ethical implications for nurses', Newsletter of the Ethics Society, vol. 2, no.2, June, Johnstone M (ed.), Royal College of Nursing, Australia, Canberra
Johnstone M, 1997, 'The Tough Choices', AsianHospital, vol. 0, September, Lanpher J (ed.), John R Longbotham, Hong Kong, pp. 36-38
Johnstone M, 1997, 'The role and function of Nursing ethics committees', Newsletter of the Ethics Society, vol. 2, no.4, December, Johnstone M (ed.), Royal College of Nursing, Australia, Canberra, pp. 1-4
Manias E, 1997, 'Research and viewpoints', Critical Times, vol. 6, no.1, pp. 16-17
Manias E, 1997, 'Identifying the discursive practices and improving collaboration of nurse-nurse and nurse-doctor relationships in intensive care', 7th World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, ICU 97 Secretariat, Ottawa
Manias E, 1997, 'Nurses' experiences and perceptions of "do not resuscitate" (DNR) practice', 7th World Congress on Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, ICU 97 Secretariat, Ottawa
Computer software
Manias E, Bullock S, & Galbraith A, 1997, World Wide Web Site: Pharmacology On-Line For Nurses and Allied Health Professionals, Addison Wesley Longman, South Melbourne
Minor review
Manias E, 1997, 'Australian injectable drug handbook published', 'Nursing Review', The Australian Injectable Drug Handbook, vol. 2, no.7
Conference paper
Bush A C, 1997, 'The Essence of Care', 'Spirituality and Health', September, Durham University,U.K.
Johnstone M, 1997, 'Ethical issues in emergency nursing: challenges in the 1990s and beyond', '1st Rural Emergency Nurses Conference: 'Bringing the outside in'', March, Ballarat Village Conference Centre, Main Road, Ballarat
Paterson A, 1997, 'The use of complementary therapies to enhance well being and reduce workplace stress', 'Ausmed Conference. Prevention of burnout in staff: combining complementary therapies', April, The Treacy Education Centre, Melbourne
Paterson A, 1997, 'Postmodern media representations of nurses', 'Second Asian Pacific Paediatric Nursing Conference. Nursing research evolving with postmodernism: transformation and degrees of freedom', September to October, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore
Paterson A, 1997, 'Natural methods of wound healing: A look at some concepts and substances used in wound healing over time', 'Wound Foundation of Australia 2nd State Conference', August, Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne
Paterson A, 1997, 'Complementary holds the promise.', 'National Geriaction Conference. The aging crisis: who cares who should.', August, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
Invited lecture
Johnstone M, 1997, 'Ethical issues associated with the mandatory reporting of child abuse: implications for health professionals', 'Wyeth Health and Nutrition Conference', August, Hotel Sofitel, Collins Street, Melbourne
Paterson A, 1997, 'Career pathways for registered nurses: future options in tertiary education', August, Mayfield Education Centre, Melbourne
Johnstone M, 1997, 'Ethical issues in rural emergency nursing', 'Legal and Ethical Issues for Rural Nurses', August, Bendigo Regional Arts Centre, Bendigo
Johnstone M, 1997, 'A framework for understanding ethics: its place in nursing practice.', 'Legal and Ethical Issues for Rural Nurses', August, Bendigo Regional Arts Centre
Johnstone M, 1997, 'Writing for publication: getting started', 'Australian Critical Care Nurses Association Seminar: Writing for Publication', July, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Melbourne
Johnstone M, 1997, 'Women, nurses and the injustices of the law', 'AWORC Seminar Series', May, Australian Women's Research Centre, Deakin University, Geelong
Conference organisation
Mather J, 1997, 'What's happening in wound care? State Wound care Association Conference', August, Melbourne, Victoria
Paterson A, Fleming A, Hall J, Dickinson R, McIntyre S, & Segan J, 1997, 'Geriaction Victoria and Tasmania. Positive Living and Care Options', May, Carrington Centre, Box Hill, Melbourne
Paterson A, Fleming A, Hall J, MacIntyre S, Kasteel P, & Crofton C, 1997, 'Geriaction Victoria and Tasmania. Recreational and Diversional Activities for Older People', November, Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre, Melbourne
Aitken L M, 1997, Expert Critical Care Nurses' Use of Reliable Pulmonary Artery Pressure Measurements, PhD, (Passed), RMIT
Clements S, 1997, Nursing and the notion of impaired practice: a philosophic inquiry, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Copnell B, 1997, Understanding Change in Clinical Nursing Practice, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Crock E, 1997, Nursing Ethics and Aids: A Philosophical Investigation, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Gendek M, 1997, Policy Development of Nursing, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Koch W E, 1997, Development, validation and evaluation of an expert system to provide decision support for nursing diagnosis in aged care., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Shahwan-Akl L, 1997, Cardiovascular risk factors, health, knowledge, attitudes and decision making processes among Lebanese-Australians in Melbourne., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Masters by Research Thesis
Baldwin I, 1997, Monitoring of blood flow in continuous hemofiltration in intensive care: the relationship between flow reduction, access site, nursing care and circuit life., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
James J, 1997, Analysis of Breastfeeding Patterns of Women, MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Lemin B, 1997, The development of ethical discourse in Australian nursing from 1900 - 1990., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
McGrath I, 1997, The effect of feedback in computerised clinical simulations on student learning., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Rogers H, 1997, A historical interpretation of tension in nursing in Victoria 1930 - 1946., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Scott de Costa T, 1997, An investigation into first-time parents' knowledge of early infant development., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Minor Thesis
Akhoui C, 1997, The Graduate: An exploration of the lived experience of the graduate nurse during the first ward rotation., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Aldridge K J, 1997, When should we use our heads: or rely on the pulse oximeter reading., MN, (InProgress), RMIT
Berry J, 1997, Meaning of lifestyle change for people with Ischaemic Heart Disease, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Boitshwarelo T, 1997, The Phenomenon of Primary Nursing: Beyond the Ordinary, MC, (Passed), RMIT
Broadbent J, 1997, Sedation in intensive care: assessing the applicability of sedation scales., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Cowie G, 1997, Critical care nurses understanding of patient advocacy., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Crow J, 1997, Grounded Theory Study of Rural Perioperative Nurses Role., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Dixon C, 1997, The presence of the psychiatric nursing-clinical consultant in the emergency department., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Driscoll A, 1997, Managing Postdischarge Care at Home: An Analysis of Patients' and Carers' Perceptions of Information Received during their Stay in Hospital., MC, (Passed), RMIT
Gum L, 1997, What factors influence the career intentions of new graduate midwives., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Johnston L, 1997, The phenomenon of living without a larynx: An exploration into the meaning of living without a larynx as described by individuals who have had a laryngectomy, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Kraps L, 1997, A grounded theory study of the sense the elderly make of multiple service providers whilst in a managed care program., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Kruger G, 1997, The lived experience of the Midwife-woman partnership from the woman's perspective during labour., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Lyon C, 1997, Quality improvement in nursing homes: the dynamic of change, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Mardegan K, 1997, The clinical judgement of expert nurses when managing post-operative pain of those who have undergone bypass surgery., MC, (Passed), RMIT
Riley P, 1997, Survey of hearing assessment tools in use in aged care facilities., MN, (InProgress), RMIT
Ryan K, 1997, Nursing knowledge of palliative care in nursing homes., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Santhanam S, 1997, The Phenomenon of Caring: An Exploration of the Meaning of the Nurses Attribute of Caring for People with Tuberculoses, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Shearing S, 1997, Returning Home: An Exploration of the Lived Experience of Couples Returning Home from Hospital Following Stillbirth, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Shute T J, 1997, An investigation comparing peripheral cannulation flushing regimes with outcome measures of phlebitis, extravasation and occlusion., MC, (Passed), RMIT
Stacey N, 1997, The phenomenon of caring in intensive care: an explication of the lived experiences of intensive care nurses caring for clients when an ethical dilemma exists., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Swift K T, 1997, Exploration of nurses' perceptions of what influences information sharing., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Thorsen A, 1997, The phenomenon of preceptorship., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Tsai C M, 1997, The lived experience of supervising undergraduate student nurses as described by newly graduated nurses in Taiwan., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Tsai C T, 1997, The Phenomenon of Fostering Hope: An exploration of the Lived Experience of Nurses Fostering Hope in Individuals with Advanced Cancer., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Weller C, 1997, Exploratory study of nurses' competence in drug calculations., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Wong B L, 1997, The lived experience of mothers of neonatal intensive care infants., MC, (Passed), RMIT
Research topics
Johnstone M, 1997, Determining and responding effectively to ethical professional misconduct in nursing, (Continuing), This scholarly inquiry involves a critical examination of the notion of ethical professional misconduct in nursing. It aims to clarify what constitutes ethical professional misconduct and how instances of it might best be dealt with in the work place and at a disciplinary board level. Anticipated outcomes of this inquiry include the development of a workable definition of ethical professional misconduct and recommendations for how instances of it might be remedied.
Manias E, Bullock S, & Bennett R, 1997, An Integrated Teaching and Learning Program in Pharmacology for Nursing Students, (Continuing), The purpose of this project is to convey the meaning of scientific and nursing principles to students and to help them discover the links between these principles, and make clinical applications. The innovation proposed is to develop a computer simulation package and teaching guide which will be integrated into the teaching and learning program. The computer simulation will comprise a series of case scenarios of increasing complexity.
Uyeda M L, Farrell M J, Millership R, & Schneider Z, 1997, National Palliative Care Education and Training Needs Analysis, (New), This project conducted a needs analysis into the education and training needs of Australian palliative care providers. The RMIT Faculty of Nursing andthe Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre were successful in obtaining a research grant ($48 000) from the Department of Human Services and Health to do this study. The final report has been accepted by Canberra and can be accessed through the RMIT Faculty of Nursing.
Uyeda M L, Farrell M J, Lyons J P, O'Brien D, & Schneider Z, 1997, Multimedia Distance Education for Rural and Remote Area Midwives-Contemporary Midwifery Practice, (Continuing), This project was a response to calls for NPRF for nursing. The RMIT Faculty of Nursing was successful in obtaining the only Victorian research grant($80,880),one of the eight projects funded by DEET. This national project has enabled rural and remote area midwivesto access a multimedia distance education program that examines current issues in leadership and management, teaching and learning , obstetric emergencies and midwifery assessment, and ATSI cultural awareness.
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