Public Health, Family and Mental Health Book, Authored - research
Morse C A, & Messimeri V, 1997, Keeping it in the Family: The health and social experiences ofcaregivers in Australian-Greek families., Federal Department of Health, Canberra, 67 p., ISBN: 0 642 26034 6
Book, Authored - other
Mackey R, & Edgecombe G A, 1997, Quality Improvement: A Distance Education Package for Maternal and Child Health Nurses, Department of Human Services, Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, 1 st edn, 235 p., ISBN: 0 7306 5069 3
Book chapter
Morse C A, 1997, Progress in the Management of Menopause, Wren E G (ed.), Parthenon Press, Carnforth, Lancashire, 8 p., pp. 50-57, ISBN: 0 521 43073 9
Morse C A, 1997, Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, Baum A, Newman S, & Weinman J (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN: 1 85070 799 5
Journal article in scholarly refereed journal
Rolls C, Inglis A, & Kristy S, 1997, 'Study abroad programs: creating awareness of and changing attiudes to nursing, health and ways of living in other cultures', Contemporary Nurse, vol. 6, no.3/4, December, James Davidson (ed.), John Libbey Publishers, Sydney, pp. 152-156
Rolls C, 1997, 'Maternity Care in Nepal', Birth Issues, vol. 6, no.3, September - October, Cornfoot, J (ed.), Capers Bookstore, Red Hill, Queensland, pp. 5-8
Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)
Kristy S, 1997, 'Vietnamese Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices Relevant to Blood Donation, an Australian Experience', Vietnamese Studies Review, vol. 2, no.2, pp. 64-70
Conference publication, Extract of paper
Rolls C, 1997, 'Transcultural Family Nursing: Stories from the Field', Transcultural Nursing: New Pathways, New Ventures, Royal College of Nursing, Sydney, pp. 29-29
Computer software
Jackson C, Edgecombe G A, O'Connor T, Koch B, Rogers P, & Milton J, 1997, Paediatric Assessment Interactive Learning Programs - PAIL, RMIT Faculty of Nursing, Melbourne, Australia, IBM, CUTSD (Committee for University Teaching and Staff Development
Edgecombe G A, Avant K, Griffin P, & Corneille K, 1997, Manual for the School Entrant Health Questionnaire, series: First, 1, Department of Human Services, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, Department of Human Services, Victoria, 'Development of a School Entrant Questionnaire for Victoria's School Nursing Program', 123 p.
Technical report
McLoughlin G W, 1997, What do staff understand by Internationalisation?, series: Internationalising the University: Implications for Teaching and Learning at RMIT, 1, EPI Group, RMIT, Melbourne, Educational Improvement Group, RMIT, 'Commonwealth Staff Development Fund Internationalisation Project at RMIT', 2 p.
Conference paper
Akkireddi A S, Thyssen M A, McLoughlin G, & Edgecombe G, 1997, 'Moving up Stream: The School Health Nurse's Role in Childhood InjuryPrevention', 'Parallel Pathways Towards a Common Goal2nd National School Nurses' Conference', September, Hilton on the Park, MELBOURNE
Cutts D, 1997, 'Millenium Thinking: The Generation of Midwifery Theory for Practice', 'ACMI 10th biennial conference - The truth, virtue and beauty of midwifery', April, Melbourne
Edgecombe G A, 1997, 'Future Directions for Quality Improvement in Victoria and Tasmania', 'WYETH Health and Nutrition Conference, University of Tasmania, Launceston', September, University of Tasmania, Sir Raymond Ferrall Centre, Launceston,
Edgecombe G A, Avant K, Griffin P, & Corneille K, 1997, 'The Development and Testing of a Parent-Report Questionnaire for Assessing the Health Needs of First Grade Children', 'Society for Research in Child Development, Biennial Meeting, April 3-6, Washington, DC', April, Sheraton Washington and Omni Shoreham Hotels
Edgecombe G A, Avant K, Griffin P, & Corneille K, 1997, 'The School Health Entrant Questionnaire (SEHQ): Including Students and Their Parents in Decisions for Health', 'Rights to Health: 29th Annual Conference of the Public Health Association of Australia, Melbourne', October, Grand Hyatt Hotel, 123 Collins Street, Melbourne
Edgecombe G A, 1997, 'Best Practice Initatives by Maternal and Child Health Nurses in Victoria', 'Better Beginnings, Better Futures: Programs, Practices and Plans in PerinatalMental Health, Sydney', November, Royal Hospital for Women, Conference Centre, Ranwick
Edgecombe G A, Ballard S, & Jovanovska D, 1997, 'Development of a Parent-Report Questionnaire for Victoria's School Nursing Program', 'Parallel Pathways Towards a Common: Goal 2nd National School Nurses' Conference', October, Hilton on the Park, Melbourne
Jackson C A, 1997, 'Whose voice do I listen to? Ethical issues when interviewing people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD)', 'Reclaiming Voice: Ethnographic Inquiry and Qualitative Research in a Postmodern Age', June, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Jackson C A, 1997, 'Carrying more than a baby: Women survivors of child abuse and childbearing', 'Women's Health in the 21st Century: 8th International Congress of the International Council on Women's Health Issues', June, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Jackson C A, 1997, 'Carrying More than a Baby: Dissociation in women survivors of child abuse and its effect on childbearing', 'The Impact of Trauma and Dissociation: The 6th Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Trauma and Dissociation', September, Novotel Hotel, Brisbane Queensland
Lyons J P, Miller M R, & Milton J M, 1997, 'Applying learning theory and evaluation in developing a pregnancy simulator learning package', 'Australian College of Midwives 10th Bienniel National Conference', April, Melbourne
Lyons J P, Milton J M, & Miller M R, 1997, 'Learning with Technology:Use of case based physical and computer simulations in professional Education', 'RMIT Global Universities', July, Melbourne
McLoughlin G W, 1997, 'Men's Health: Jumping on the Bandwagon? - or an Idea whose Time has come?', '2nd. National Men's Health Conference', October, Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle, W.A.
McLoughlin G W, 1997, 'What do staff understand by internationalisation and what are they doing about it already?', 'Internationalising the University', February, Storey Hall, RMIT, Melbourne
Milton J M, & Lyons J P, 1997, 'Designing a Physical and computer based simulation based on Educational Theory', 'Higher Education Research and Development International Conference', July, Adelaide
Morse C A, 1997, 'Relationships between premenstrual syndrome and perimenopausal experiences', 'International Congress on Women's Health Issues', June, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Morse C A, 1997, 'Menopause Transition', 'International Congress on Women's Health Issues', June, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Morse C A, 1997, 'Can We Tell if a Therapy Works?', 'Annual Conference ANZ Association of Psychotherapists.', November, Melbourne
Thyssen M A, & Kristy S, 1997, 'How can we best organise offshore supervision for research studentscompleting their dissertations', 'Internationalising the University: implications forteaching and learning at RMIT'
Invited lecture
Cutts D, 1997, 'Professional issues and the future of midwifery', 'Dandenong Midwives Association - Annual General meeting', October, Noble Park
Cutts D, 1997, 'Where to Midwifery Services?', 'Knox Private Hospital, Annual O and G Dinner', December, Mont Albert
Jackson C A, 1997, 'Carrying More than a Baby:Survivors of Child Abuse and Child Bearing', 'University of California at Los Angeles', June, UCLA School of Nursing, Westwood, California USA
Cutts D, 1997, 'Midwifery on the move', 'AMCI (Vic) Twilight Seminar - Midwifery in Perspective', March, Mornington Peninsula Hospital
Cutts D, 1997, 'Midwifery Practice', 'Nursing and Midwifery Summit - S.W.O.T. The Future', January, Hilton Hotel, Melbourne
Cutts D, 1997, 'Evidence Based Practice', 'ACMI (Tas) Seminar - Professional Issues in Midwifery', November, Launceston General Hospital
Cutts D, 1997, 'Professional Development Credit Points', 'AMCI (Tas) Seminar - Professional Issues in Midwifery', November, Launceston General Hospital
Cutts D, 1997, 'Education - workshop', 'ACMI 10th biennial conference - The truth, virtue and beauty of midwifery', April, Melbourne
Goltz K, & Edgecombe G A, 1997, 'Intersecting Primary Care Pathways for Young People in School Settings: AReview of Evaluated Models of Service', 'Rights to Health: 29th Annual Public Health Association Conference, Melbourne', October, Grand Hyatt Hotel 123 Collins Street, Melbourne
Lyons J P, Milton J M, Miller M R, & Walker B, 1997, 'Workshop/posterDeveloping Midwifery students learning and application of abdominal assessment skills', 'Australian College of midwives 10th Bienniel National Conference', April, Melbourne
Conference organisation
Edgecombe G A, 1997, 'Home Visiting: New Trends - Maternal and Child Health Nursing Saturday Conference with Teleconferencing to Lakes Entrance Community Health Centre, Warrnambool and Wangaratta', October, RMIT Kaliede Union Theatre
Edgecombe G A, 1997, 'A Statewide Service: Linking Practice Initiatives - Maternal and Child HealthNursing Saturday Conference with Teleconferencing to Mildura, Horsham andWangaratta', Spring, Kaleide Union Theatre
Edgecombe G A, 1997, 'Practice Initiatives: Maternal and Child Health Nursing Saturday Conference, February 8,1997', Summer, Lecture Theatre Storey Hall Complex
Morse C A, 1997, 'Panel Discussant on The Value of Short Term Psychotherapies.', November, Melbourne
Chee Y, 1997, Breastfeeding: the lived experience of Hong Kong Chinese women., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Donovan J, 1997, The impact of postnatal depression on the male partner: a study of men in Victoria, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
George J, 1997, Development and Evaluation of an STD Health Promotion Program for Indian International Students, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Higgins S, 1997, New Parents, Parenting and Paid Work., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Kay R, 1997, Stress the child, thwart the woman: An investigation of women's personal experience of sexual abuse., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Lau R, 1997, Stress Experiences of Parents with Premature Infants in SCN., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Martin M, 1997, A comparitive study of cranial-sacral osteopathic manipulation for pregnant women., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Minkoff K, 1997, Parenting Stress with Second Births., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Muir-Cochrane E, 1997, The Work of Community Psychiatric Nurses: An Ethnographic Account, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Rice K, 1997, The Cognitive Abilities of Menopausal Women, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Welch A, 1997, A phenomenological investigation into the lived experience of men living day by day with cancer of the prostate., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Weller C, 1997, Issues in Parenting - effects on children., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Masters by Research Thesis
Acquah F, 1997, Evaluation of measuring and decision-making procedures in community psychiatric nursing., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Brown E, 1997, Childbirth Education Programs in One Australian State: A Phenomenological Inquiry., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Closs B, 1997, Utilising Personal Construct Theory in Construing the role of the Psychiatric nurse in acute inpatient services., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Coleman Y, 1997, Chromium Status in the Elderly, MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Eustace P, 1997, Making sense of caring: a constructivist approach to uncovering meaning., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Green R, 1997, Adolescent support networks and management of health care needs in an inner city secondary school., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Jackson C A, 1997, Dangerous Secrets: What it means to be labelled Multiple Personality, MN, (Passed), RMIT
Jovanovska S, 1997, Examination of factors influencing non-compliance with the school entry immunisation program., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Miller G, 1997, The phenomenon of hope through the lived experience of schizophrenia., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Mitchell C, 1997, Evaluation of the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Reminder Scheme, MR, (Submitted), RMIT
Moreland K, 1997, A Study of the Phenomenon of Crisis Intervention as experienced by Psychiatric Nurses working on Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Newman S, 1997, Breastfeeding education for fathers: effects of a father-focused breastfeeding education intervention project on the first time mothers breatfeeding initiation and duration., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
O'Brien D, 1997, Midlife women's lived experience of "becoming older"., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Ploeger H, 1997, Engaging the unengaged: a study of non attenders of the maternal and child health service in Victoria., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Welch D, 1997, A comparison of experiences of stress and coping in first time mothers and fathers of premature and term infants over the course of the first year., MR, (InProgress), RMIT
Minor Thesis
Barr A M, 1997, An exploration of the contextual issues surrounding breastfeeding promotion in secondary schools., MC, (Passed), RMIT
Chen Y, 1997, Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Continuing Educational Needs in the Melbourne Metropolitan Area, MC, (Passed), RMIT
Comerford R, 1997, Illicit drug use in registered psychiatric nurse practitioners, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Currie S, 1997, Constraints and facilitators to practice to nurses working in sexual and reproductive health., MPH, (InProgress), RMIT
Di Stefano G, 1997, Mental health problems, HIV infection and the services addressing their association: a collaborative exploration, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Motsemme T G, 1997, Developing a Model of Community Participation in Health Care for Botswana, MC, (Passed), RMIT
Plunkett A, 1997, Lessons from a cross cultural action research project, MC, (Passed), RMIT
Quaife L, 1997, Midwives' Work and Their Job Satisfaction, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Williams T, 1997, Public Health and the Human Genome Project: a Philosophical Inquiry, MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Zoia A, 1997, The Role of the Psychiatric Independent Nurse Practitioner in the Community., MC, (InProgress), RMIT
Research topics
Edgecombe G A, Avant K, Griffin P, & Corneille K, 1997, Development of a School Entrant Questionnaire for Victoria's School Health Program, (Continuing), Testing to determine reliability, validity and discriminability of questionnaire was conducted in four phases in 1996
Jackson C A, Edgecombe G, O'Connor T J, & Rogers P, 1997, The PAIL programs: Paediatric Assessment using Interactive Learning, (New), CD-ROM package to teach the use of the otoscope and stethoscope to assess the ears and hearts of infants and young children
LYONS J P, MILLER M R, MILTON J M, & UYEDA M L, 1997, Evaluating Pregnancy Simulator Learning Package, (New), A grant from Nurses Board of Victoria to evaluate the CAUTSD teaching development - Pregnancy Simulator Learning package (PSLP). The projectensures formative and summative evaluation of PSLP so that PSLP is an effective learning tool.
LYONS J P, 1997, Midwifery An Independent Occupation in 20th Century Victoria: Midwives or Obstetric Nurses?, (New), A social history critically examines the current status of midwifery as a profession in its own right. The strategies and influences of dominantmedical profession and the oppressed female groups - nurses, midwives and hospital management committies are also analysed to provide better understanding of midwifery education and practice, and future directions for midwifery.
LYONS J P, MILLER M R, MILTON J M, & JENNINGS A, 1997, Pregnancy Simulator: Developing Midwifery Students learning and application ofpregnancy assessment skills, (New), The Pregnancy Simulator Learning Package is an innovative multimedia teaching development designed to facilitate student learning of pregnancy assessmentskills and concepts. The package comprises a computerised physical pregnancy model linked to the multimedia capabilities of computer assisted learning activities and scenarios intended to help students overcome their misinterpretations and develop better understanding of pregnancy assessment.
Lyons J P, Miller M R, & Milton J M, 1997, Pregnancy Simulator Learning Package, (Continuing), Multimedia Learning package to develop and enhance midwifery students pregnancy assessment skills
Lyons J P, Miller M R, & Milton J M, 1997, Evaluating Pregnancy Simulator Learning Package (EPSLP), (Continuing), Evaluating the design, development and implimentation phases of multimedia teaching development. Project funded by the Nurses Board of Victoria.
Miller M R, Lyons J P, Milton J M, & Bullock S, 1997, Simulated interactive multimedia pain in labour experiences, (Continuing), multimedia teaching development to develop labour pain management strategies for student midwives.
Morse C A, Buist A, & Milgrom J, 1997, Enhancing the Post Natal Experiences of New Parents, (New), A 2 year study evaluating psychosocial adjustment to first time parenting by mothers and fathers. A Longitudinal study of 300 first time parent couples who are assessed on a range of psychosocial parameters from 26 weeks of pregnancy through to four months post natal.
Morse C A, & Buist A, 1997, Psychosocial Influences on Perinatal Adjustment in New Parents, (New), Enhancing the Postnatal Adjustment of New Mothers - a 3 year controlled study of 250 first time mothers who reeive standard or enhanced care from Maternal and Child Health Nurses and General Practitioners during the first nine months following their infant's birth. Outcome indicators will include the rate and severity of postnatal depression identified and managed by the two groups of health professionals.
Morse C A, Dennerstein L, Green A, Burger H G, & Hopper J, 1997, The Melbourne Women's Midlife Health Project: 1996-2000, (Continuing), A Longitudinal observational study, now into the sixth year of data collection, of 438 randomly selected urban women aged 45 to 55 years as they pass through the menopause transitoh. A range of physical, psychological and social measures are obtained at annual interviews. A sub-cohort of 200 women are being followed annually for bone density turnover. This project will continue until the year 2000 when over 90% of the original cohort will have become post-menopausal.
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