1997 Research and Publications Report table of contents faculty of Engineering 4

Statistics and Operations Research

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Statistics and Operations Research

Journal article in scholarly refereed journal

Mukhopadhyay N, & de Silva B, 1997, 'Muti-stage Fixed-width Confidence Intervals in the Two-SampleProblem: The Normal Case', Journal of Statistical Research, vol. 31, no.1, June, Saleh,A Md E (ed.), Bangladesh, pp. 1-20

de Silva B, & Swartz T, 1997, 'Winning the Coin Toss and the Home Team Advantage in One-Day International Cricket Mathes', The New Zealand Statistician, vol. 32, no.2, December, Jorgensen, M (ed.), New Zealand Statistical Association, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 16-22

Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings

Abdollahian M, Abachi H, & Ibrahiam R, 1997, 'Implementation of Knowledge-Based Hierarchical Control for anAutomated Manufacturing System', 1997 Internatinal Welding and Joining Research Conference andWTIA 45th Annual Conference, Gross B, & Small bone C (eds.), The Welding Technology Institute Of Australia(WTIA), Australi, pp. 1-7

Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings

Abdollahian M, & Bui D, 1997, 'Using Exponentially Weighted Moving Average to Monitor andForecast Pollution', Forth International Applied Statistics in IndustryConference, Brown B (ed.), International Statistical Applications Institute USA, USA, pp. 1-10

Conference publication, Extract of paper

Abdollahian M, & Rajaratnam V, 1997, 'Quality Improvement In Banking Sysytem', The Fourth Conference of the Association of Asian-PacificOperational Research Societies , within IFORS, Nath B (ed.), The Australian Society for Operations Research, Melbourne, pp. MC7.4-MC7.4

Abdollahian M, & Narayan S, 1997, 'Univariate and Multivariate Process Control ProceduresIn a Steel Plant', The Forth Conference of Asian-Pacific OperationalResearch Societies , within IFORS, Nath B (ed.), The Australian Society for Operations research, Melbourne, pp. HC10-HC!0

Bodhisuwan W, & Zeephongsekul P, 1997, 'A Martingale Approach to Software Reliability Modelling', Fourth Conference of the Asian-Pacific Operational ResearchSocieties (APORS,97), Melbourne

Kong K L, & Zeephongsekul P, 1997, 'Fuzzy Approach in Software Reliability Modelling: The Way Forward?', Fourth Conference of the Asian -Pacific Operational Societies(APORS'97), Melbourne

Zeephongsekul P, 1997, 'Recent Advances in Software Release Policy', Fourth Conference of the Asian -Pacific Operational ResearchSocieties (APORS'97)., Melbourne

de Silva B, & Peiris L, 1997, 'A Non-linear Least Squares Method for Fitting a Circle', Joint Statistical Meetings in Anaheim, 1997, American Statistical Association, Anaheim, U.S.A., pp. 10-10

Technical report

Zeephongsekul P, & Bodhisuwan P, 1997, On a Generalized Software Reliability Growth Model with multiple Introduction of Errors, series: Department of Statistics and Operations Research RESEARCH REPORT, 4, 10 p.

Invited lecture

Abdollahian M, 1997, 'Statistical Sampling', 'Quality Assurance in the Food Industry Course', October, Faculty of Biomedical and Health Siecnce RMIT


Peiris L W, 1997, Diagnostics for Linear Regression with Censored Data, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Roy A, 1997, The Application of Bootstrap Methodology to Sequential Analysis, Ph D, (InProgress), RMIT

Masters by Research Thesis

Arachchige D H L, 1997, An Investigation of some Practical Considerations in Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, M App Sc, (Passed), RMIT

Minor Thesis

Economou T, 1997, Conditional Probability Models for Lattice Systems Appliedto the Spatial Distribution of Birds in Victoria, MAppsScStatsOR, (Passed), RMIT

Keay K, 1997, Forecasting of missing values in weekly streamflow time series, M Math MOd, (Passed), RMIT

McNamara A, 1997, Exploring algorithms for robust linear regression methods including through theorigin, M App Sc, (Passed), RMIT

Narayan S, 1997, Univariate and Multivariate Process control Procedures in a Steel Plant, Msc, (Passed), RMIT

Nguyen T V, 1997, Regenerative processes in stochastic clearing systems, M App Sc, (Passed), RMIT

Norris P M, 1997, Analysis of regression modelling of survival data using graphicresiduals, M App Sc, (Passed), RMIT

O'Dea J, 1997, Maximising Revenue by Controlling Flight Inventory in a TwoClass System, MAppScStatsOR, (Passed), RMIT

Rajaratnam V, 1997, Quality Control In a Banking System, Msc, (Passed), RMIT

Wu S Z, 1997, Forecasting for Business Planning: A Case Study of AustralianWine and Brandy Product Sales, MAppsScStatsOR, (Passed), RMIT

Visiting Professor or Research Fellow

de Silva B M, 1997, Swartz T, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, January-March, Analysis of One-Day International Cricket Match Data

Research topics

de Silva B M, & Mukhopadhyay N, 1997, Sequential Desnsity Estimation, (New), Aim of this project is to examine the applicability ofsequential procedures such as purely sequential, two-stageand three-stage sampling techniques.

de Silva B, & Swartz T, 1997, Analysis of One-Day International Cricket Match Results, (New), In this project we consider a statistical analysis of various issuesassociated with the game of cricket. We will investigate some controversal topics such as the advantage of batting first and home teamadvantage. We believe that data can shed some light on their resolution.

Psychology and Intellectual Disability Studies

Journal article in scholarly refereed journal

Francis A J P, & Coleman G J, 1997, 'Phase response curves to ambient temperature pulses in rats', Physiology and Behavior, vol. 62, pp. 1211-1217

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'The Whole Language-phonics controversy: An historical perspective', Educational Psychology, vol. 17, no.4, December, Riding R, & Wheldall K (eds.), Carfax Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 399-418

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'The role of phonemic awareness in beginning reading: A review', Behaviour Change, vol. 14, no.4, Hudson A (ed.), Australian Academic Press, Queensland, pp. 201-214

Hudson A M, 1997, 'Classroom instruction for children with ADHD', Australian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 22, no.4, Canberra, pp. 24-28

Journal article, Other contribution to refereed journal

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Whole language takes on golf', Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, vol. 2, no.1, Davidson R (ed.), Australian Resource Educators Association, Melbourne, pp. 28-29

Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Whole language takes on golf', Selected Readings on School Reform, vol. 1, no.1, Spring, Finn C (ed.), Thomas Fordham Foundation, Washington, DC, pp. 148-148

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Whole language takes on golf', Organisation for Quality Education Forum, vol. 5, no.4, March, Dare M (ed.), Organisation for Quality Education, Ontario Canada, pp. 4-4

Niblo D M, & Jackson M, 1997, 'Crime and the tourist: A research agenda for industrial and organisational psychologists', Interface, vol. 0, no.21, September, Niblo D M (ed.), College of Organisational Psychologists, Melbourne, pp. 11-15

Journal article, Letter or note

Hudson A M, 1997, 'Introduction to special series on developmental disabilities', Behaviour Change, vol. 14, no.2, Australian Academic Press, Brisbane, pp. 59-59

Hudson A M, 1997, 'Empirically validated treatments in education: A comment on King', Behaviour Change, vol. 14, no.1, Australian Academic Press, Brisbane, pp. 25-28

Hudson A M, 1997, 'Introduction to special issue on empirically validated treatments', Behaviour Change, vol. 14, no.1, Australian Academic Press, Brisbane, pp. 1-1

Niblo D M, 1997, 'Editorial', Interface, vol. 0, no.21, September, Niblo D M (ed.), College of Organisational Psychologists, Melbourne

Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings

Chester A, & Gwynne G, 1997, 'Online teaching: The delights and dangers of pseudonymity', Educational Multimedia/Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Mulder T, & Reeves T (eds.), AACE, USA, pp. 300-307

Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings

Thomas T, 1997, 'Reconciliation and People of Non English Speaking Backgrounds', Proceedings of the Australian Reconciliation Convention, vol. 2, The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, Canberra, pp. 60-61


Thomas T, & Hallebone E, 1997, Planting old trees in new ground:The devolution of Arden Lodge, Melbourne, RMIT, 137 p.

Minor review

Thomas T, 1997, 'Book review', 'The Australian Association of Gerontology Newsletter', It's my Place: Older people talk about their homes . Melbourne, vol. 0, July

Conference paper

Anson J, Wilson G, Trezise C, Richdale A, & Hudson A, 1997, 'Intensive intervention using an applied behaviour analysis model for young autistic children in a special school', '1997 Biennial National Autism Conference', March, Leura, NSW

Bottomley K, & Smith D, 1997, 'Knowledge about child sexual abuse: Comparisons among psychologists, general practitioners, paediatricians, and the community.', '32nd Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, 1997', September, Cairns, Australia

Burke K, & Richdale A, 1997, 'Pervasive developmental disorders, Down syndrome, behaviour problems, parental stress, and coping', '121 st Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation', May, New York, USA

Carter R, & Matthews J, 1997, 'Treatment acceptability of PPP tip sheets for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders', 'AACBT state conference', December, LaTrobe University

Chester A, & Gwynne G, 1997, 'Online teaching', 'Computing in Education', August, University of Melbourne

Dowling N, Proeve M, & Smith D, 1997, 'Standardisation of the Multiphasic Sex Inventory with an Australian sample of sex offenders.', '17th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology, and the Law, 1997.', October, Adelaide, South Australia.

Dowling N, Smith D I, Proeve M J, & Lee J, 1997, 'Validation of the Multiphasic Sex Inventory. (poster)', 'Australian and New Zealan Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law', November, Adelaide

Francis A, Richdale A, Gavidia-Payne S, & Cotton S, 1997, 'Disrupted circadian rhythms of sleep-wakefulness in children with intellectual disabilities', 'International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 6th Annual Meeting', April, San Diego, USA

Francis A J P, De Alwis C, Peach L, & Redman J, 1997, 'Circadian rhythms in the Australian platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Monotremata): evidence for a biological pacemaker', 'International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, 6th Annual Meeting', San Diego, USA

Francis A J P, Richdale A, Gavisia-Payne S, & Cotton S, 1997, 'Disrupted circadian rhythms of sleep-wakefulness in children with intellectual disabilities', 'International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, 6th Annual Meeting', San Diego, USA

Gavidia-Payne S, Richdale A, Francis A, & Cotton S, 1997, 'Parenting hassles scale: Measuring stress in parents of children with disabilities', '121st Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation', May, New York, USA

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Empirically validated practice meets education: A breakthrough', 'Annual State Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavior Therapy', December, LaTrobe University

Hudson A M, Lancaster S, Matthews J, & Prior M, 1997, 'The Victorian Parenting Centre', '32nd Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society', October, Cairns, Queensland

Kardaras P, & Hudson A M, 1997, 'An examination of the construct validity of sibling conflict', '7th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (Victorian Branch)', December, Melbourne, Victoria

Kay J, & Smith D, 1997, 'Jewish youth movement leader's knowledge of adolescent suicide behaviour.Austr', 'Australian Psychological Society Victorian Branch Conference, 1997', June, Burwood, Australia

Neill L, & Proeve M, 1997, 'The influence of ethnicity, gender, and self-esteem on coping styles in South-East Asian and Australian students. (poster)', 'Australian psychological Society Annual Conference', October, Cairns

Niblo D M, Proeve M, & Smith D I, 1997, 'Mitigation without definition: Remorse in the criminal justice system (poster session)', 'Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law, Annual Congress', November, Adelaide, Australia

Niblo D M, 1997, 'Contrasting approaches to teaching conflict:A model for weathering the storm', '4th International Organisational Behaviour Teaching Conference', January, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Nicol M M, & Jackson M S, 1997, 'Has community integration of people with intellectual disability gone beyond physical placement?', 'Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability, 33rd Annual Conference: An Agenda for Change.', September, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Southbank Parklands.

Proeve M, Smith D, & Niblo D, 1997, 'Mitigation without definition: Remorse in the criminal justice system.', '17th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology, and the Law, 1977', October, Adelaide, South Australia

Proeve M, Smith D I, & Niblo D M, 1997, 'Mitigation without definition: Remorse in the criminal justice system. (poster)', 'Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law', November, Adelaide

Reece J E, 1997, 'Can somebody help me with my stats: Some reflections on the analysis of clinical intervention research data.', 'Annual Conference of the State Branch of the Australian Association of Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy', December, Melbourne

Richdale A, Gavidia-Payne S, Francis A, & Cotton S, 1997, 'Sleep characteristics of children with an intellectual disability', '121st Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation', May, New York, USA

Richdale A, 1997, 'What's in it for me? Post-graduate involvement at asuburban special school', 'Annual Victorian Branch Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy', December, Bundoora, Vic

Richdale A, 1997, 'Sleep and autism: Comparison with other disabilities, causes, and intervention', 'Encuentro Mundial de Educacion Especial', May, Cancun, Mexico

Richdale A, 1997, 'Sleep problems in autism spectrum disorders: Type, cause and intervention', '1997 Bienniel National Autism Conference', March, Leura, NSW

Spataro J, & Smith D, 1997, 'Suicide ideation, coping skills, and life events in a sample of Melbourne adolescents.', 'Australian Psychological Society Victorian Branch Conference, 1997', June, Burwood, Australia

Teuma R, & Smith D, 1997, 'Perceptions of remorse and sentencing decisions.', '7th Annual Conference of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Association for Cognitive Behavuiour Therapy, 1997', December, Melbourne, Australia

Thomas T, 1997, 'Perception of racism', 'The 22nd Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society', October, Cairns

Thomas T, 1997, 'Ethnic Women and the Law', 'Women and the rule of law', March, International Commission of Jurists, University of Melbourne

Thomas T, 1997, 'Strategies to enhance communication with international students of non-English speaking backgrounds', 'the Eighth International Student Advisors Network of Australia (ISANA) Conference', December, Melbourne

Thomas T, 1997, 'Perception of Racism', 'The 22nd Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society', September, Cairns

Thomas T, 1997, 'Ethnic Women and the Law', 'Women and the Rule of Law - International Commission of Jurists', March, University of Melbourne

Urquhart P, & Smith D, 1997, 'Training for the practice of clinical psychology: What are the essential competencies?', '7th Annual Conference of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Association for Cognitive Behavuiour Therapy, 1997.', December, Melbourne, Australia

Wing Jan E, & Hudson A M, 1997, 'Conduct problems across settings: A prevalence study', '7th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (Victorian Branch)', December, Melbourne, Australia

Xenos S, & Hudson A M, 1997, 'Culturally specific beliefs as predictors of parent training outcomes in Anglo-Australian, Vietnamese-Australian, Turkish-Australian, and Greek-Australian families.', '7th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (Victorian Branch)', December, Melbourne, Victoria

Invited lecture

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Reading and its development: An emerging consensus', 'Teacher Professional Development', August, Royal Childrens Hospital

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Explosive behaviour in the classroom: Towards prediction and management', 'Teacher Professional Development', September, Western General Hospital

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Reading and its development: An emerging consensus', 'Professional Development Seminar', October, Orana Family Services, Coolaroo

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Reading and its development: An emerging consensus', 'Brunswick Secondary College: Area In-Service', October, Brunswick Secondary College

Miller R J, 1997, 'Learning theory', 'Victorian Training Program in Community Child Health Seminar Program 1997', July, Centre for Community Child Health & Ambulatory Paediatrics, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne

Richdale A, 1997, 'Applied behaviour analysis', 'Annual General Meeting of the Autistic Family Support Association (Victoria)', March, Niddrie, Vic

Scoullar K, & Smith D, 1997, 'The extent of knowledge about adolescent suicide among Victorian general practitioners and secondary school teachers.', 'Sharing the burden: Working together to prevent youth suicide. Statewide Youth Suicide Prevention Project, 1997.', May, Melbourne, Victoria.

Smith D, 1997, 'Lets talk about sex: Male sexual health.', 'Maryborough District Health Service: Mens Health Month, 1997', May, Maryborough, Victoria.

Thomas T, 1997, 'Multiculturalism: Facts and Reality', 'Australian Rural Leadership Program', June, Melbourne

Thomas T, 1997, 'Mental Health Issues and Implications for Psychological Treatment with Migrants of Non-English Speaking Backgrounds', 'The Alice Barber Memorial Lecture', September, Dept. of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Melbourne

Thomas T, 1997, 'Mental Health Issues and Implications for Psychological Treatment with Migrants of Non-English Speaking Backgrounds.', 'Alice Barber Memorial Lecture', September, Dept. of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Melbourne


Thomas T, 1997, 'Aging in a Culturally Diverse Society', 'Seminar of the Psychology and Aging Special Interest Group, the Australian Psychological Society', June, Melbourne

Thomas T, 1997, 'Health Care and Culture: Community Rights and Professional Responsibilities', 'Peter MacCallum Twightlight Seminar Series', February, Peter MacCallum Hospital, Melbourne

Thomas T, 1997, 'Similarities and Differences between Ethnic Communities.', 'Aged Care, Culture and the Migration Experience seminar', August, National Ageing Research Institute


Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Classroom management for visitors.', February, Sutherland Community Resource Group - Watsonia


Hempenstall K J, 1997, The effects on the phonological processing skills of disabled read, Phd, (Submitted), RMIT

Minor Thesis

Antoniadis E, 1997, Factors associated with adherence to a graduated extinction program for infant sleep disturbances, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Davis F, 1997, Self-concept and intelligence in primary school children., MPsych, (Passed), RMIT

McDonald F, 1997, Attitudes of Victorian secondary school teachers toward gifted students and gifted education., MPsych, (Passed), RMIT

Radio or television

Chester A, 1997, Armstrong Live, Otpus Vision, 04/08/1997

Chester A, 1997, Encounter, ABC Radio, 06/06/1997

Hempenstall K J, 1997, Rod McNeil, 2CN, ABC, 04/12/1997

Print media

Chester A, 1997, 'Anonymity if fine, but face-to-face is better', The Age, vol. 1, no.1, 18/03/1997, March, pp. 5-5

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Reviving phonetic techniques', Whittlesea Post, vol. 97, no.39, 24/09/1997, September, pp. 1-9

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'Whole language takes on golf', Ottawa Citizen, vol. 97, no.66, 07/03/1997, March, pp. 16-16

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'A costly approach on how to read', The Age, vol. 97, no.161, 10/06/1997, June, pp. 2-2

Hempenstall K J, 1997, 'A reading by osmosis guide', The Age, vol. 97, no.49, 18/02/1997, February

Thomas T, 1997, 'The Loss of Diana', Herald-Sun, vol. 0, no.0, 02/09/1997, pp. 15-15

Thomas T, 1997, 'There's No Asian flood', Herald-Sun, vol. 0, no.0, 08/09/1997, pp. 12-12

Research topics

Chester A, 1997, Learning styles and online teaching, (New), An examination of the relationship between students' choice of delivery (online or face-to-face) and learning style.

Thomas T, 1997, The Psychology of Racism, (Continuing), A series of projects have been carried out to investigate several Psychological aspects of racist behaviour.One project investigated the environment where racist behaviour tend to occur and the groups that are more likely to perceive that they are victims of racist attacks.Another project investigated victims's perception and coping strategies.

Thomas T, 1997, Understanding of Stroke in two cultural specific groups, (New), While stroke is the third most common cause of death and significant disability, it is poorly understood in some cultural groups. The project aims to investigate both the undestanding of stroke and the practices adopted to deal with its ramifications in two large communities.A questionnaire will be given to a sample of members of the the Vietnamese and the Greek communities. Variables will include subjects' knowledge of, and attitudes to, stroke; and their use of health services.

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