The oldest universities
The UK is home to some of the oldest universities in the world. In fact, two English universities find themselves on the list of the 10 oldest universities in the world. The island country is known for its fantastic legends about kings and knights, but its selection of prestigious universities offer a rich historic atmosphere and beautiful ancient architecture that has inspired students for generations. The country’s 6 oldest universities were founded by the 17th century or earlier, and you’ll be surprised that it took almost another 250 years until the next university was founded. Here are the 10 oldest universities in the UK ranked by their official founding year.
. Aberystwyth University
Location: Aberystwyth, Wale
Established: 1872
About: Aberystwyth University is a public research university in Aberystwyth, Wales. Though the name of the university and the town may look impossible to pronounce, a simple way to tackle pronunciation is to say the following four English words quickly: ab-a-wrist-with. The name stems from two Welsh words: aber, meaning “mouth,” and Ystwyth, which is the name of the river that drains into Cardigan Bay at Aberystwyth. You’ll be relieved to know that the university is known colloquially as simply “Aber.”
Aber contains six academic institutes and houses Wales' award-winning Students' Union that provides a comprehensive range of welfare, social and sporting facilities as well as the union bar and Brynamlwg Tavern, pronounced “bri-nam-lug.” In the middle of the 19th century, eminent Welsh people advocated for the establishment of a university in the Principality, and Aberystwyth University opened in October 1872 with just 26 students. The University first admitted female students in 1884, and is most famous for its upholding tradition and has come to be known as ‘the people’s university.’
Number of students: 8,455 (Undergraduates 7,325; Postgraduates 1,130)
Motto: Nid Byd, Byd Heb Wybodaeth(Welsh); A world without knowledge is no world at all
Colours: Green and red
Notable Alumni: HRH Charles, Prince of Wales
Nobel laureates: Frederick Soddy, who proved the existence of isotopes of certain radioactive elements
Buyuk Britaniyada dunyodagi eng qadimgi universitetlar joylashgan. Darhaqiqat, ikkita ingliz universiteti o'zlarini dunyodagi eng qadimgi 10 ta universitetlar ro'yxatiga kiritishdi. Orol mamlakati shohlar va ritsarlar haqidagi ajoyib afsonalari bilan tanilgan, ammo taniqli nufuzli universitetlar boy tarixiy muhit va go'zal qadimiy me'morchilikni talabalarga avlodlar davomida ilhomlantirgan. Mamlakatning eng qadimgi 6 ta universitetiga XVII asr yoki undan oldinroq asos solingan va keyingi universitet tashkil topguniga qadar deyarli 250 yil vaqt o'tganiga hayron qolasiz. Bu erda Buyuk Britaniyaning eng qadimgi 10 ta universiteti rasmiy tashkil etilgan yili bo'yicha reytingga kiritilgan.
aberystwyth universiteti
Manzil: Aberistvit, Uol
Tashkil etilgan: 1872 yil
Haqida: Aberistvit universiteti - Uelsning Aberistvit shahridagi davlat tadqiqot universiteti. Garchi universitet va shaharcha nomini talaffuz qilish imkonsiz bo'lib tuyulsa ham, bu to'rtta inglizcha so'zlarni tez aytish bilan talaffuzni engishning oddiy usuli: ab-a-bilak-bilan. Bu nom Welshning ikkita so'zidan kelib chiqadi: "og'iz" degan ma'noni anglatuvchi aber va Aberistvitdagi Kardigan ko'rfaziga oqib tushadigan daryoning nomi. Universitet og'zaki nutqda oddiygina "Aber" nomi bilan tanilganligini bilganingizdan ko'nglingiz xotirjam bo'ladi.
Aberda oltita akademik institut va uylar mavjud bo'lib, u mukofotga sazovor bo'lgan Talabalar uyushmasi bo'lib, u farovonlik, ijtimoiy va sport inshootlari bilan bir qatorda "bri-nam-lug" deb nomlangan uyushma barini va Brynamlwg tavernasini taqdim etadi. 19-asrning o'rtalarida taniqli uelslik odamlar knyazlikda universitet tashkil etishni targ'ib qildilar va Aberistvit universiteti 1872 yil oktyabrda atigi 26 talaba bilan ochildi. Universitet 1884 yilda birinchi bo'lib talaba qizlarni qabul qildi va o'zining an'anaviy an'analari bilan mashhur va "xalq universiteti" nomi bilan mashhur bo'ldi.
Talabalar soni: 8455 (magistrlar 7,325; aspirantlar 1130)
Shiori: Nid Byd, Byd Heb Wybodaeth (Welsh); Bilimsiz dunyo umuman dunyo emas
Ranglar: Yashil va qizil
Taniqli bitiruvchilar: Uels shahzodasi HRH Charlz
Nobel mukofoti sovrindorlari: ba'zi radioaktiv elementlarning izotoplari mavjudligini isbotlagan Frederik Soddi
1.How many English universities are on the list of the 10 oldest universities in the world?
Answer: two ;
2Where is Aberystwyth University located?
Answer:Aberystwyth, Wale;
3 when it was established?
4 how many students it has?
5 when the University admitted female students?
Female--- ayol;
Generation--- avlod
Famous--- mashhur
Established--- tashkil etilgan
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