Deciding on objectives of the organization, changes in these objectives, resources used to attain objectives, and policies to govern the acquisition and disposition of these resources.
Ensuring that the resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organization’s objectives.
Ensuring that specific tasks are carried out effectively and efficiently
This involves looking at the internal strengths and weaknesses of a business and the opportunities and threats.
STRENGTHS: These are things that the business and its staff do which:
They are effective at.
They are well known for.
Make money
Generate business and reputation
Lead to confidence in the market.
Cause customers to come back for repeat business.
Cause other businesses to try to learn from them.
WEAKNESSES: These are the things that the business does badly, that it is ineffective at or that it has a poor reputation for. It also includes the factors that cause losses, hardships, disputes, grievances and complaints for a business.
OPPORTUNITIES: These are the directions that the business could profitably take in the future because of its strengths or because of the elimination of its weaknesses. This involves a consideration of the business environment from the widest and most creative standpoint.
THREATS: Threats to a business arise from the activities of competitors and from failing to take opportunities or to build on successes. Threats also come from complacency, a lack of rigour, and from falling profits.
Current Products are market leaders in some countries in terms of sales and market share.
Brand loyalty to product and to corporate identity.