1. A continuous haemorrhage causes the decrease in the red blood cell count. 2. 35-40% of all persons who die from cancer are known to have had gastric carcinoma. 3. When the patient’s stomach was X-rayed the doctor saw that some of its areas did not contain any barium. 4. Too hot or too cold food is considered to contribute to the development of gastric cancer. LESSON 43 HOME ASSIGNMENTS I*. Выразите следующие понятия одним словом: 1) the decrease of the red blood cell count; 2) a physician who treats the heart diseases; 3) the causes that produce the development of a certain disease; 4) the mechanism of the development of a disease; 5) the inflammation of the internal serous coat of the abdominal cavity; 6) artificial cooling of the body; 7) the state of the organism when a person is neither well nor ill; 8) irregular contractions of atria and ventricles; 9) the increase of the white blood cell count.
Unit 3. The Diseases of the Alimentary Tract
II*. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос в соответствии с содержанием текста С: 1. What appetite has the patient suffering from gastric carcinoma? (a) It is increased. (6) It is reduced. 2. What do the clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma vary with? (a) They vary with the stage of the development of the disease. (6) They vary with the age and sex of the patient. 3. At what age is the highest incidence of gastric carcinoma observed? (a) It is observed at the age from twenty to thirty. (6) It is observed at the age from fifty to sixty. Замените придаточное предложение причастным оборотом (письменно). Переведите полученные предложения:
1. After the patient had suffered profuse external bleeding he developed severe anaemia. 2. While the surgeon was performing the operation he revealed the ulcer on the anterior wall of the stomach. 3. The dullness which was revealed on percussion was associated with the pathologic changes in the left lung. Переведите текст E. Передайте его содержание.
Text Е. Intestinal Ttimours Many forms of tumours are known to occur in the intestines, but we shall limit our attention to the commonest, which is cancer. It generally leads to chronic intestinal obstruction and its accompanying symptoms. In addition there are usual symptoms of cancerous invasion — loss of weight and strength, progressive anaemia and pain of varying degree depending on the part affected. Any portion of the intestines is likely to be affected by carcinoma, but the usual areas are the upper part of the colon, the sigmoid and the rectum. In the latter situation the obstruction may be felt on rectal examination. In cancer of the colon and sigmoid a tumour is usually well palpable, the esophagus above the tumour is often thickened and spastic and peristaltic waves may be seen passing in the direction of the obstruction. Выучите следующие слова и переведите предложения, в которых они употреблены: