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UDK 81-139
D.Sh. Latipova, Senior teacher, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada ta'lim tizimidagi innovatsion uslublar va xorijiy tillarni o'qitishdagi
ahamiyati yritilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: multimedia dasturlari, loyiha usuli, ta’lim o'yinlari, “aqliy hujum”, internet resurslari.
Аннотация: В статье подчеркивается важность инновационных методов в системе
образования и преподавания иностранных языков.
Ключевые слова: мультимедийные программы, метод проектов, деловая игра, «мозговой
штурм», Интернет-ресурсы.
Abstract. This article highlights the importance of innovative methods in the educational system and the
teaching foreign languages.
Key words: multimedia programs, project method, educational game, “brainstorming”, Internet
At the present stage of development of science, technology, international trade, various types of business
communication knowledge of foreign languages is not only a necessity, but also a need for professionals. There
are many traditional methods of teaching foreign languages, which are quite effective. However, the modern
development of society requires the search and use of more advanced methods and technologies. Knowledge
of several languages is becoming the norm. For fast and effective teaching of foreign languages, innovative
methods are needed, aimed at the formation of practical skills of a qualified specialist capable of solving
professional problems at the level of foreign language communicative competence. When teaching students
foreign languages, the most effective methods are the following: multimedia presentation, method of projects
that test interactive programs on-line (for example, TOEFL), on-line modules,
interactive whiteboards,
multimedia programs, creating a language portfolio of the student, case-method( based on the situational
method of learning), competence analysis (assessment of game participants on competencies, construction of
professions in the specialty),
distance learning, etc. Innovative techniques allow to achieve the following
1) the availability of perception of educational material;
2) systematization of knowledge;
3) development of creative abilities of learners;
4) removal of the psychological barrier;
5) comprehension of educational material, the analysis of the acquired material. One of the modern
methods of teaching foreign languages is the use of computer technology. Computer language programs bring
diversity to the learning process, contribute to the creation of a favorable creative atmosphere and, at the same
time, individualize the learning process and facilitate ongoing monitoring. Multimedia programs increase the
of learning, interest in learning foreign languages, expand the possibilities of perception and
assimilation of educational material (with the help of video,
graphics, testing, etc.), and also allow you to
distribute tasks in the group according to the degree of complexity. An important point in learning a foreign
language is the stage of reflection. With the help of a computer, students have the opportunity to analyze the
results of their activities. Of particular interest to students are multimedia programs "Learn to speak English",
London language course "Air force" (intermediate and advanced levels), electronic encyclopedia "Encarta",
"the British Encyclopedia". Multimedia programs have a number of advantages, expressed in the following:
1) use of fascinating country videos with text support, which can be excluded when setting high
2) virtual speech contact with native speakers, the opportunity for the student to become a participant in
the events, to control the quality of foreign language communication;
3) the ability of the student to make an audio recording of their own speech and compare the estimated
scale of pronunciation;
4) the ability to consolidate grammatical material using games. Thus, multimedia programs motivate
to learn a foreign language, provide an opportunity to work effectively and independently control
phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills. Computer programs develop cognitive activity of students, their
abilities, logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination. The method of projects is one of the