2. М.Юлдашев. Халқ таълими ходимларининг малакасини оширишда таълим сифати
менежментини такомиллаштириш. Пед. фан. док. ... дисс. – Т.: 2016.
3. Интернет манбалари:
Parpiyeva G.A. – teacher, ChSPI, Mo’minova A.M., Artikbayeva N.T. – teachers, 24 th-
school, Chirchik,Uzbekistan.
Annatatsiya: Ushbu maqola an'anaviy o'qitish usullarini, shuningdek, multimediya o'qitish
usullarini baholash va talabalarga bilim berishda ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa foydali o'qitish
usullarini ko'rsatishga yordam beradi ..
Kalit so'zlar: Ta'lim, innovatsiya, o'sish, usullar, innovatsion o'qitish va o'rganish,
texnologiya, multimedia.
Аннотация: В данной статье анализируются традиционные методы обучения, а также
мультимедийные методы обучения и указываются другие полезные методы обучения,
которые можно использовать для передачи знаний учащимся.
Ключевые слова: образование,
инновации, повышение, методы, инновационное
обучение. и обучение,
технологии, мультимедиа.
Annotation: This article assays to estimate the traditional methods of teaching as well as
multimedia teaching methods and to indicate other useful teaching methods that can be attempted in
imparting knowledge to the students..
Key words: Education, innovation,
increase, methods, Innovative teaching and learning,
technology , multimedia .
Education is a light that shows the mankind the right direction to surge. Education is an
engine for the growth and progress of any society. It not only imparts knowledge,
skills and
inculcates values, but is also responsible for building human capital which breeds, drives and sets
technological innovation and economic growth. In today’s era, information and knowledge stand
out as very important and critical input for growth and survival.
Education is the window to the knowledge and progress in the modern society. The
percentage of illiterate population in the country is the lost opportunity of the increase in overall
knowledge and progress in particular spheres of society
The purpose of education is not just making a student literate but adds rationale thinking,
knowledgeability and self sufficiency. Creativity can be developed
and innovation benefit both
students and teachers.
The main problem with the learning in education is the process of teaching. In order to
enrich the knowledge and experience, to practice with science are very important issue both of
and students, that’s why there are a lot of opportunities, for example the exchange of
experience and internships with the educational institutions of foreign countries is being carried out.
Teachers work with their colleagues and participating in retraining courses, conferences, the main
aim is to find solutions to emerging challenges and to share their skills and teaching methods. It will
give effect to formation of a younger generation. A comprehensive system of teaching has been
developed day by day and at every stage of the continue improving in education process.
Innovative technologies are one of the great opportunity is in teaching subjects, on the one
hand, to develop of communicative competence of students who are studying in a high education is
very difficult process.
In developing the student’s skills, it is necessary not only
to create free communication,
but also to learn key elements of subject that are used in the life-spheres. Of course, all students