Adan, I.J.B.F.:
- Een kompensatie-aanpak voor wachtrijproblemen, Statistische Dag, 15.04.1992.
- A compensation approach for two-dimensional Markov Processes. 21st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Toronto, Canada, juni 1992.
Berkum, E.E.M. van:
- D-optimale proefopzetten voor regressiemodellen. Colloquium Kansrekeningen en Statistiek, Eindhoven, 1992.
- Data reduction in statistical inference. Studiedag over fiduciële statistiek, Groningen, 1992.
Coolen, F.P.A.:
- On Bernoulli Experiments with Imprecise Prior Probabilities. 3rd International Conference on Practical Bayesian Statistics, Nottingham, Engeland, juli 1992.
Dijkstra, J.B.:
- Binominale respons als Poisson behandeld. Sectie Statistische Programmatuur van de VVS, Utrecht, februari 1992.
- Oplossingen van een pseudo-paradox bij de analyse van tweedimensionale kruistabellen.
Vakgroep Besliskunde en Stochastiek TUE, Eindhoven, maart 1992.
- Equivalentie van een log-lineaire en logistische aanpassing. Statistische dag van de VVS, Utrecht, april 1992.
- Statistische Dienstverlening vanuit het TUE-RC. Pakkettenclub van de SSP-VVS, Eindhoven, 1992.
- TRADE Regression. COMPSTAT Conferentie, Neuchatel, augustus 1992.
- Honderd lichte meisjes en een biechtvader (een waarschuwing tegen misbruik van stapsgewijze regressie). Holland User Group SAS Conferentie, Scheveningen, oktober 1992.
Einmahl, J.H.J.:
- Locale Processen. Kansrekening en Statistiekdag, TUE, Eindhoven, 1992.
- Local Processes (empirical and quantile processes in a shrinking neighbourhood of a point). Meeting on Mathematische Stochastiek, Oberwolfach, Duitsland, 1992.
- Local processes. Statistic seminar, Mathematical SciencesResearch Institute, Berkeley, California, USA, 1992.
- Poisson and Gaussian approximation of local empirical processes. Workshop on Limit Theorems and Nonparametric Statistics, Universität Bielefeld, Duitsland, 1992.
- Quantielen en quantielprocessen gebaseerd op multivariate waarnemingen. Vakgroepsdag "Besliskunde en Stochastiek", EUT, Eindhoven, 1992.
- A Bahadur-Kiefer theorem beyond the largest observation. XIIIe Rencontres Franco-Belge de Statisticiens, Lille, Frankrijk, 1992.
Habets, L.C.G.J.M.:
- Stabilization of time-delay systems: an algebraic approach. 11-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Veldhoven, maart 1992.
- Characteristic sets in commutative algebra. Systeemtheoriedag, Eindhoven, juli 1992.
- A Reachability Test for Systems over Polynomial Rings using Gröbner Bases. Studies in Computer Algebra For Industry SCAFI 92, Amsterdam, november 1992. (Poster).
Hoesel, C.P.M. van:
- Polyhedral descriptions for the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem.
EURO/TIMS, helsinki, 1992.
- Het verband tussen polyhedrale karakterisering en dynamische programmering voor een seriegrootte probleem. Vakgroepsdag, TUE, Eindhoven, november 1992.
Hoogeveen, J.A.:
- New lower and upper bounds for scheduling around a small common due date.
IPCO 2, Pittsburgh, 1992.
Houtum, G.J. van:
- A Compensation Procedure for Multiprogramming Queues. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, 15 januari 1992.
- A Compensation Procedure for Buffered Switches, DGOR/ÖGOR Conference, Aken, Duitsland, 09 september 1992.
- Upper and Lower Bounds for the Mean Waiting Time in the Symmetric Shortest Queue System, 18th Conference of the Mathematics of Operations Research/4th International Workshop LNMB, Lunteren, Nederland, 10 december 1992.
Huijberts, H.J.C.:
- Nonlinear synthesis problems: from linearity to nonlinearity. Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, Universität Stuttgart, Duitsland, maart 1992.
- Nonlinear synthesis problems: from linearity to nonlinearity. Department of
Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, april 1992.
- Nonlinear disturbance decoupling and linearization: a partial justification of integral feedback. SIAM Conference on Control Theory and its Applications, Minneapolis, USA, september 1992.
Hurkens, C.A.J.:
- Worst case gedrag van klassieke TSP heuristieken. Colloquium LMNB, Utrecht, februari 1992.
- Lustrumrede t.g.v. het 10-jarig bestaan van de studievereniging GEWIS. TUE, Eindhoven, mei 1992.
- Nasty TSP-instances for Farthest Insertion. Pittsburgh, mei 1992.
- Locale Zoekmethoden. PTT-Research, Leidschendam, juni 1992.
Jong, J.L. de:
- Optimierung der Sollfahrt durch den MacCreadyvektor, 51.
Deutscher Segelfliegertag, Gersfeld/Rhön, Duitsland, november 1992.
Kok, A.G. de:
- To be OR not to be. Symposium 'Wiskunde vast punt in de industrie', TUE, Eindhoven, november 1992.
- Simulatie: Hoe gebruik je dat eigenlijk? UvA, Amsterdam, september 1992.
- Customer Waiting Times in (b,Q)-models. Colloquim KUB, Tilburg, februari 1992.
- Voorraadbeheer en vraagbeheer. D-colloquium W&I, TUE, Eindhoven, december 1992.
Laan, P. van der:
- Statistische Selectie Methoden. KaSt-dag, TUE, Eindhoven, februari 1992.
- Besliskunde en Stochastiek variant, in het bijzonder de Statistiek.
P-colloquium, mei 1992.
- Gemiste Kansen? D-colloquium, mei 1992.
- Studie Wiskunde. Studie Voorlichting, TUE, Eindhoven, april 1992
- Subset Selection: Robustness and Imprecise Selection.
Fifth Symposium on Decision Theory and Related Topics, West Lafayette, USA, juni 1992.
- The best variety or an almost best one? A comparison of subset selection procedures.
Fourth Working Seminar on Statistical Methods in Variety Testing, Slupia Wielka, Poland, september 1992.
- Statistical Quality Management. TUE, Eindhoven, oktober 1992.
- Robustness of Subset Selection and Selection of a Good Variety.
International Biometric Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, december 1992.
Lenstra, J.K.:
- Complexity of approximation. Conference on Mathematical Programming, Oberwolfach, Duitsland, januari 1992.
- Combinatorische optimalisering in Eindhoven. ORTEC Consultants, Gouda, februari 1992.
- Short shop schedules. Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, Maastricht, februari 1992.
- Het handelsreizigersprobleem. RUU, Utrecht, maart 1992.
- Short shop schedules. KUB, Tilburg, mei 1992.
- A short course in combinatorial optimization. Dipartimento di Electronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italië, juni 1992.
- Approximation algorithms for scheduling unrelated parallel machines.
Universita di Venezia, Venetië, Italië, juni 1992.
- Short shop schedules. Universita di Padova, Padova, Italië, juni 1992.
- Combinatorische optimalisering in Eindhoven. PTT Research, Leidschendam, juni 1992.
- A short course on deterministic machine scheduling. Summer school on Scheduling, Bonas, Frankrijk, september 1992.
- A short course on deterministic machine scheduling. Université de Tizi Ouzou, Tizi Ourou,
Algerije, november 1992.
- Short shop schedules. Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, België, december 1992.
Linssen, H.N.:
- Het Behrens-Fisher probleem. Studiedag Grondslagen statitiek, RUG, Groningen, februari 1992.
- Betrouwbaarheid. Onderzoekdag vakgroep B&S, TUE, Eindhoven, november 1992.
Nijst, A.G.P.M.:
- Vacantiecursus Leraren, (Systeemtheorie). Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, augustus 1992.
Overdijk, D.A.:
- Reduction and Classification of Observation. Studiedag fiduciële statistiek, Groningen, 04.02.1992.
Peters, M.A.:
- Mixed H2 and H optimal control. Workshop on H and Robust Control, Lochem, mei, 1992.
- Mixed H2/H control in a stochastic framework. 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, Praag, september 1992.
Resing, J.A.C.:
- Polling systems and multitype branching processes. Journee analyse et optimisation des systemes de polling, INRIA, Centre Sophia Antipolis, Frankrijk, mei 1992.
Rijpkema, J.J.M.:
- The impact of computers on the teaching of statistics. ICME-7 Conference, Quebec,
16-23 augustus 1992.
- How the contents of courses have to change in this Computer era. ICTCM-5 Conference, Chicago, 12 - 15 november 1992.
- Computers bij wiskunde: trends en ervaringen. Onderwijsdag Propeseuse Bedrijfskunde, TUE, Eindhoven, maart 1992.
- Het gebruik van MATLAB in het wiskunde onderwijs. KUB, Tilburg, april 1992.
- Computers bij het wiskund onderwijs voor economen.
Landelijke bijeenkomst docenten basiswiskunde voor economiestudenten Nederlandse Universiteiten, juni 1992.
Rossum, J. van:
- Variabiliteit van onderscheidingsvermogen van therapeutische experimenten gebruikmakend van α-spending stopregels. Het achttiende WEON-congres van de Vereniging voor Epidemiologie, Rotterdam, april 1992.
Ruys, H.M.:
- Self-financing of an industry's infrastructure. Zhongshan University, Guanzhou, China, mei 1992.
- Complementarities in applied general equilibrium models. Xian University, Xian, China, mei 1992.
- Self-financing of an industry's infrastructure; the existence of an equilibrium.
Academia Sinica, Institute of Systems Science, Beijing, China, april 1992.
Savelsbergh, M.W.P.:
- Polyhedral approaches to scheduling. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, maart 1992.
- Polyhedral approaches to scheduling. Georgia Tech, maart 1992.
- Integer Programming. Tizi Ouzou, november 1992.
Smits, J.G.M.M.:
- The inFluence of the computer on the contents of courses in mathematics. Industrial
Mathematics Week, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Noorwegen, 17-21 augustus 1992.
Soethoudt, J.M.:
- An introduction to a behavioral approach to continuous systems. 2nd. IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, Praag, 3-5 september 1992.
Steutel, F.W.:
- A generalization of the life-time pairs of renewal theory. Conference on Stochastic Processes, York, Canada, juni 1992.
Stoorvogel, A.A.:
- The singular H2 control problem and its relation to disturbance decoupling.
Graduate course on systems and control, Utrecht, februari 1992.
- Modelreduction of controllers in closed loop. 11th Benelux meeting on systems and control, Veldhoven, maart 1992.
- H-indentification. Werkgroep Systeemtheorie, CWI, mei 1992.
- Full and reduced order observer based controller design for H2 optimatization.
ACC conference, Chicago, IL, USA, juni 1992.
- The discrete time Riccati equation related to the H control problem. ACC conference, Chicago, IL, juni 1992.
- New advances in H theory: a tutorial paper. AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, Hilton Head, SC, augustus 1992.
- The H control problem, part 1: Introduction and General background.
- The H control problem, part 2: The Singular Case.
- The H control problem, part 3: The discrete Time Case.
Working week on Robust Control and Singular Systems, Bremen, augustus 1992.
- The discrete time H control problem. Mathematics Colloquium, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, oktober 1992.
- Closed loop indentification of coprime factors. CDC conference, Tuczon, AZ, december 1992.
Vaessens, R.J.M.:
- A Local Search Template. EDPQMM meeting Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Zwitserland, april 1992.
- A Local Search Template. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 2, Brussel, België, september 1992.
Venema, W.Z.:
- TCP wrapper, een tool voor het bewaken van netwerk activiteiten. SURF/NLUUG netwerk security dag, Ede-Wageningen, april 1992.
- TCP wrapper: network monitoring, access control, booby traps. Third USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, september 1992.
- In het voetspoor van een computer kraker. Voordracht Vereniging Informatica Ingenieurs Eindhoven, Eindhoven, oktober 1992.
Wessels, J.:
- Decision support with formal methods. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, februari 1992.
- Neural networks and production planning. Ögor, Wenen, Oostenrijk, maart 1992.
- The usability of neural nets for planning. Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgarije, april 1992.
- Methodology of decision analysis. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, april 1992.
- Tools for specification and analysis of logistic systems. Institut für Wirtschaftsgeogrphie, Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wenen, Oostenrijk, mei 1992.
- Neural nets, combinatorial optimisation, planning. Forschungsinstitut für
anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung, Ulm, BRD, mei 1992.
- Systems methodology; a summary of the activities of four workshops. IIASA '92, Laxenburg,
Oostenrijk, mei 1992.
- A compensation method for two-dimensional queueing systems. Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Iniversita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italië, juni 1992.
- Neural nets: another paradigm for decision support. Workshop on Advances in
Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, juni 1992.
- Specification tools for goods flow system. Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Iniversita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italië, juni 1992.
- Neural nets and decision support. Computer and automation institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hongarije, juli 1992.
- Product forms as a solution base for queueing systems. Joint annual conference of DGOR and ÖGOR, Aken, BRD, september 1992.
- On the efficient use of simulation for the design and operation of health programs.
Workshop "Modelling global developmentprocesses and their relevance for human health, Ulm, BRD, september 1992.
- An advisor module for state-oriented decision support systems. Workshop Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Kutzively, oktober 1992.
- The applicability of neural nets for decision support. Conference on Neural Nets and Fuzzy Logic for Decision Support, Tokio, Japan, november 1992.
- Neural nets as tool for decision support. University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, november 1992.
- Advances in Decision Analysis. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, november 1992.
Wilms, R.J.G.:
- Breukdelen en Partiële Maxima. TUE-Kansrekening en Statistiek dag, TUE, Eindhoven, 1992.
- On the Limiting ditribution modulo 1 of extreme order statistics. 21st Conference of Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Toronto, Canada, 1992.
Withagen, C.A.A.M.:
- General equilibrium in an economy with exhaustible resources and an unbounded horizon. Colloquium Centrum voor Economische Studien, Leuven, februari 1992.
- Optimal management of the growth potential of renewable resources. Third Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Krakow, juni 1992.
- Local asymptotic stability of optimal steady states. European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Brussel, augustus 1992.
- Discrete-time approximation of continuous-time economies: an equilibrium case study.
Center KUB, Tilburg, november 1992.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Kaldewaij, A.; Hemerik, C.:
Het ontwerp van een universitair informatica-curriculum.
Congresbundel NIOC'90 (Nederlands Informatica Onderwijs Congres), F. Mulder e.a.(eds.), Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, Deventer, 1992, pp. 383-411.
Kuiper, R.; Huizing, C.:
Ezeltjesreeks, Informatica voor Wsk en E.
Handouts bij instructie Programmeren voor diverse studierichtingen, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 25.
Technische rapporten
Bijlsma, A.:
Boekbespreking van Siegel, C.L.: Lectures on the geometry of numbers.
Med. Wisk. Gen. 35, 1992, pp. 303-4.
Kamareddine, F.:
Boekbespreking van Blasius, K. en Burckert, H.: Deduction systems in Artificial intelligence, Chicester: Ellis Horwood, 1989.
Expert systems for information management, vol. 3, no. 3, 1992, pp. 235-239.
Overige producten van wetenschappelijke activiteit
Aarts, E.H.L.; Wessels, J.; Zwietering, P.J.:
The Applicability of Neural Nets for Decision Support.
Memerandum COSOR 92-49, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 17.
Aerts, A.T.M.; Jansen, A.; Klieb, L.; Noorlander, C.; Wolf, G.:
"Plate": A Decision Support System for Resource Constrained Scheduling Problems.
Submitted to: Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 1992, pp. 10.
America, P.; Boer, F.S. de:
Reasoning about dynamically evolving process structures.
Accepted door Formal Aspects of Computing, to appear.
Backhouse, R.C.; Gasteren, A.J.M. van:
Calculating a path algorithm.
EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 20, to appaer.
Baeten, J.C.M.:
Informatica als wetenschap: formele specificatie en wiskundige verificatie.
Inaugurele rede, TU, Eindhoven, 1992, to appear in Informatie.
Bijlsma, A.:
Quasi-boolean equivalence.
AB30b, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Bijlsma, A.:
Assignment and state space dimension.
AB31, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Bijlsma, A.:
On diagonal points.
AB32, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Bijlsma, A.:
Temporal operators viewed as predicate transformers.
AB34c, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 10.
Bijlsma, A.:
Calculating with procedure calls.
AB35, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Bijlsma, A.:
A shift operator for deterministic progress.
AB38, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 7.
Bijlsma, A.:
Quasi-boolean equivalence.
AB39, 1992, pp. 7, preprint.
Bijlsma, A.; Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
No self-application in set theory.
RH176/AB33a, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Boer, F.S. de; Kok, J.N.; Palamidessi, C.; Rutten, J.J.M.M.:
On blocks: locality and asynchronous communication.
Proceedings of the REX School/Workshop Semantics: Foundations and Applications, 1992, W.P. de Roever, G. Rozenberg (eds.), ( to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Boer, F.S. de; Coenen, J.; Gerth, R.T.:
Exeption Handling in Process Algebra.
Proceedings of the First North-American Process Algebra Workshop (NAPAW), to appear.
Boer, F.S.; Palmidessi, C.:
Embeddings as a tool language comparison.
Accepted voor Information and Computation, to appear.
Brouwer, A.; Verhoeff, T.:
An Updated Table of Minimum-Distance Bounds for Binary Linear Codes.
Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Codish, M.; Dams, D.; Filé, G.; Bruynooghe, M.:
Freeness Analysis for Logic Programs and Correctness?
Submitted for publication.
Coenen, J.:
Top-down Development of Layered Tolerant Systems --- A Deontic Perspevtive.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, to appear.
Coenen, J.:
Simulating Large Neural Assemblies of Unreliable Components.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, to appear.
Coenen, J.; Hooman, J.J.M.:
Parameterized Semantics for Fault Tolerant Real-Time Systems.
Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolrant Systems, J. Vytopil, (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, to appear.
Eikelder, H. ten; Geldrop, R.:
On the weaving of stacks.
Memorandum, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 10.
Gasteren, A.J.M. van:
Exercises transformational programming.
AvG105, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 14.
Haans, J.; Berkel, K. van; Peeters, A.; Schalij, F.:
Asynchronous Multipliers as Combinational Handshake Circuits.
Acceptatie van een paper voor een "Working conference an Asynchronous Design Methodologies"
maart/april 1993.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Continuations continued.
RH163, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Evaluation of combinator expressions.
RH164, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 7.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
A derivation of the tail-recursion theorem for lists.
RH165, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 5.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
The Deutsch-Schor-Waite graph marking algorithm.
RH166, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 13.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
RH167, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 5.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Two problems in connection with the LRU algorithm.
RH168, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 12.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
A minor variation on "On a proof of Kaplansky's theorem".
RH170a, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp.2.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Calculus = Formules + Rekenregels.
RH171, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Whither Inference Rules?
RH172, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 6.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
The barber's paradox is no paradox.
RH178, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 1.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Programming the Von Neumann machine I.
RH179, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 12.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Two comments on "Category Theory = Constructive Lattice Theory".
RH180, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Exercising monads.
RH182, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 9.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:
Introduction to the Owicki-Gries theory.
RH183, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 22.
Hooman, J.J.M.:
Top-Down design of embedded real-time AI system.
IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, 1992, pp. 129-134, preprint.
Hooman, J.J.M.:
A Compositional Approach to the Design of Hybrid Systems.
Proceeding Workshop on Hybrid Systems, Lyngby, 1992, pp. 34, preprint.
Hooman, J.J.M.; Roever, W.P. de:
The application of compositional proof methods to real-time.
IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, 1992, pp. 135-144, preprint.
Kamareddine, F.; Klein, E.:
Nominalisation, Predication and Type Containment.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 1992, pp. 40, to appear.
Luit. E.J.; Mombarg, V.A.P.:
The DEDOS om-Line Scheduler.
Proc. International Workshop on Real-Time Programming, 1992, pp. 119-124, preprint.
Lukkien, J.:
An operational semantics for the guarded command language.
To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Mak, R.H.; Baily, A.:
Connecting Asynchronous Modules to the 12C-bus.
Memorandum, 1992, pp. 9.
Nederpelt, R.P.; Kamareddine, F.:
A new framework for the lambda-calculus.
Journal of Symbolic Logic, to appear.
Paredaens, J.; Peelman, P.; Tanca, L.:
Merging Graph-based with Rule-based Computations.
VLDB92, 1992, preprint.
Paredaens, J.; Gemis, M.:
A Visual Database Management Interface Based on GOOD.
International Workshop on Interfaces to Database Systems, Glasgow, 1992, pp. 18, preprint.
Roosmalen, O.S.:
A hierarchical diagrammatic represetation of class structure.
Intern rapport, 1992, to be published.
Schepers, H.:
Tracing Fault Tolerance.
Preprint of the 3rd IFIP Int. Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, 1992, pp. 39-48.
Schepers, H.:
Timed Executions with Real Uncertainties.
Submitted, 1992, pp. 12.
Schepers, H.; Hooman, J.:
A Compositional Proof Theory for Fault Tolerant Systems.
Submitted, 1992, pp. 22.
Schepers, H.; Hooman, J.:
Trace-Based Compositional Reasoning about Fault Tolerant Systems.
Submitted, 1992, pp. 19.
Somers, L.J.A.M.; Stok, P.D.V. van der; Thijssen, P.T.A.:
Formal specification and simulation of a real-time concurrency control protocol.
Proceedings of 2nd int. workshop on responsive systems, KDD R&D laboratories, Kamifukuoka, Saitama, Japan, 1992, preprint.
Stok, P.D.V. van der; Roosmalen, O.S. van; Luit, E.J.; Hammer, D.K.:
An object oriented approach to dependable reponsive systems.
1st Int. Workshop on responsive systems, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France, 1991, preprint.
Veltkamp, J.P.:
On the unavoidability of metastable behaviour.
Computing Science Note, EUT, Eindhoven, pp. 20, to appear.
Verhoeff, T.:
Interactieve meetkunde: spelen met figuren.
Een beknopte handleiding voor gebruik van CabriGeo, een interactief kladboek om meetkunde te (be)oefenen, 1992, pp. 28.
Verhoeff, T.:
Delay-Insensitive Circuits.
2L711 Course Note, 1992.
Verhoeff, T.:
A continuous Version of the Prisoner's Dilemma.
Computing Science Note, Submitted to Mathematical Game Section of Theoretical Computer Science, 1992, pp. 18.
Verhoeff, T.:
International Olympiad for Informatics.
Contest Procedure, 1992, pp. 3.
Verhoeff, T.:
ACM: Internationaal en breed.
Verschijnt in VIEtaal, pp. 3.
Verhoeff, T.:
Puzzling Computers.
To appear in Cubish for Fun approx, 1992, pp. 15.
Verhoosel, J.:
Local Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems using Windows.
Intern Rapport, 1992, pp. 14.
Zhou, P.; Hooman, J.J.M.; Kuiper, R.:
Compositional Verification of Real-Time Systems with Explicit Clock Temporal Logic.
Submitted, 1992, pp. 33.
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