Wiskunde en Informatica

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Adan, I.J.B.F.:

- Een kompensatie-aanpak voor wachtrijproblemen, Statistische Dag, 15.04.1992.

- A compensation approach for two-dimensional Markov Processes. 21st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Toronto, Canada, juni 1992.
Berkum, E.E.M. van:

- D-optimale proefopzetten voor regressiemodellen. Colloquium Kansrekeningen en Statistiek, Eindhoven, 1992.

- Data reduction in statistical inference. Studiedag over fiduciële statistiek, Groningen, 1992.
Coolen, F.P.A.:

- On Bernoulli Experiments with Imprecise Prior Probabilities. 3rd International Conference on Practical Bayesian Statistics, Nottingham, Engeland, juli 1992.

Dijkstra, J.B.:

- Binominale respons als Poisson behandeld. Sectie Statistische Programmatuur van de VVS, Utrecht, februari 1992.

- Oplossingen van een pseudo-paradox bij de analyse van tweedimensionale kruistabellen.

Vakgroep Besliskunde en Stochastiek TUE, Eindhoven, maart 1992.

- Equivalentie van een log-lineaire en logistische aanpassing. Statistische dag van de VVS, Utrecht, april 1992.

- Statistische Dienstverlening vanuit het TUE-RC. Pakkettenclub van de SSP-VVS, Eindhoven, 1992.

- TRADE Regression. COMPSTAT Conferentie, Neuchatel, augustus 1992.

- Honderd lichte meisjes en een biechtvader (een waarschuwing tegen misbruik van stapsgewijze regressie). Holland User Group SAS Conferentie, Scheveningen, oktober 1992.

Einmahl, J.H.J.:

- Locale Processen. Kansrekening en Statistiekdag, TUE, Eindhoven, 1992.

- Local Processes (empirical and quantile processes in a shrinking neighbourhood of a point). Meeting on Mathematische Stochastiek, Oberwolfach, Duitsland, 1992.

- Local processes. Statistic seminar, Mathematical SciencesResearch Institute, Berkeley, California, USA, 1992.

- Poisson and Gaussian approximation of local empirical processes. Workshop on Limit Theorems and Nonparametric Statistics, Universität Bielefeld, Duits­land, 1992.

- Quantielen en quantielprocessen gebaseerd op multivariate waarnemingen. Vakgroepsdag "Besliskunde en Stochastiek", EUT, Eindhoven, 1992.

- A Bahadur-Kiefer theorem beyond the largest observation. XIIIe Rencontres Franco-Belge de Statisticiens, Lille, Frankrijk, 1992.
Habets, L.C.G.J.M.:

- Stabilization of time-delay systems: an algebraic approach. 11-th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Veldhoven, maart 1992.

- Characteristic sets in commutative algebra. Systeemtheoriedag, Eindhoven, juli 1992.

- A Reachability Test for Systems over Polynomial Rings using Gröbner Bases. Studies in Computer Algebra For Industry SCAFI 92, Amsterdam, november 1992. (Poster).

Hoesel, C.P.M. van:

- Polyhedral descriptions for the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem.

EURO/­TIMS, helsinki, 1992.

- Het verband tussen polyhedrale karakterisering en dynamische programmering voor een seriegrootte probleem. Vakgroepsdag, TUE, Eindhoven, november 1992.

Hoogeveen, J.A.:

- New lower and upper bounds for scheduling around a small common due date.

IPCO 2, Pittsburgh, 1992.

Houtum, G.J. van:

- A Compensation Procedure for Multiprogramming Queues. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oosten­rijk, 15 januari 1992.

- A Compensation Procedure for Buffered Switches, DGOR/ÖGOR Conference, Aken, Duitsland, 09 september 1992.

- Upper and Lower Bounds for the Mean Waiting Time in the Symmetric Shortest Queue System, 18th Conference of the Mathematics of Operations Research/4th International Workshop LNMB, Lunteren, Nederland, 10 december 1992.
Huijberts, H.J.C.:

- Nonlinear synthesis problems: from linearity to nonlinearity. Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, Universität Stuttgart, Duitsland, maart 1992.

- Nonlinear synthesis problems: from linearity to nonlinearity. Department of

Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, april 1992.

- Nonlinear disturbance decoupling and linearization: a partial justification of integral feedback. SIAM Conference on Control Theory and its Applications, Minneapolis, USA, september 1992.
Hurkens, C.A.J.:

- Worst case gedrag van klassieke TSP heuristieken. Colloquium LMNB, Utrecht, februari 1992.

- Lustrumrede t.g.v. het 10-jarig bestaan van de studievereniging GEWIS. TUE, Eindhoven, mei 1992.

- Nasty TSP-instances for Farthest Insertion. Pittsburgh, mei 1992.

- Locale Zoekmethoden. PTT-Research, Leidschendam, juni 1992.
Jong, J.L. de:

- Optimierung der Sollfahrt durch den MacCreadyvektor, 51.

Deutscher Segelfliegertag, Gersfeld/Rhön, Duitsland, november 1992.
Kok, A.G. de:

- To be OR not to be. Symposium 'Wiskunde vast punt in de industrie', TUE, Eindhoven, november 1992.

- Simulatie: Hoe gebruik je dat eigenlijk? UvA, Amsterdam, september 1992.

- Customer Waiting Times in (b,Q)-models. Colloquim KUB, Tilburg, februari 1992.

- Voorraadbeheer en vraagbeheer. D-colloquium W&I, TUE, Eindhoven, december 1992.
Laan, P. van der:

- Statistische Selectie Methoden. KaSt-dag, TUE, Eindhoven, februari 1992.

- Besliskunde en Stochastiek variant, in het bijzonder de Statistiek.

P-colloquium, mei 1992.

- Gemiste Kansen? D-colloquium, mei 1992.

- Studie Wiskunde. Studie Voorlichting, TUE, Eindhoven, april 1992

- Subset Selection: Robustness and Imprecise Selection.

Fifth Symposium on Decision Theory and Related Topics, West Lafayette, USA, juni 1992.

- The best variety or an almost best one? A comparison of subset selection procedures.

Fourth Working Seminar on Statistical Methods in Variety Testing, Slupia Wielka, Poland, september 1992.

- Statistical Quality Management. TUE, Eindhoven, oktober 1992.

- Robustness of Subset Selection and Selection of a Good Variety.

International Biometric Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, december 1992.
Lenstra, J.K.:

- Complexity of approximation. Conference on Mathematical Programming, Oberwol­fach, Duitsland, januari 1992.

- Combinatorische optimalisering in Eindhoven. ORTEC Consultants, Gouda, februari 1992.

- Short shop schedules. Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, Maastricht, februari 1992.

- Het handelsreizigersprobleem. RUU, Utrecht, maart 1992.

- Short shop schedules. KUB, Tilburg, mei 1992.

- A short course in combinatorial optimization. Dipartimento di Electronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italië, juni 1992.

- Approximation algorithms for scheduling unrelated parallel machines.

Universita di Venezia, Venetië, Italië, juni 1992.

- Short shop schedules. Universita di Padova, Padova, Italië, juni 1992.

- Combinatorische optimalisering in Eindhoven. PTT Research, Leidschendam, juni 1992.

- A short course on deterministic machine scheduling. Summer school on Scheduling, Bonas, Frankrijk, september 1992.

- A short course on deterministic machine scheduling. Université de Tizi Ouzou, Tizi Ourou,

Algerije, november 1992.

- Short shop schedules. Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, België, december 1992.
Linssen, H.N.:

- Het Behrens-Fisher probleem. Studiedag Grondslagen statitiek, RUG, Groningen, februari 1992.

- Betrouwbaarheid. Onderzoekdag vakgroep B&S, TUE, Eindhoven, november 1992.
Nijst, A.G.P.M.:

- Vacantiecursus Leraren, (Systeemtheorie). Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, augustus 1992.

Overdijk, D.A.:

- Reduction and Classification of Observation. Studiedag fiduciële statistiek, Groningen, 04.02.1992.

Peters, M.A.:

- Mixed H2 and H optimal control. Workshop on H and Robust Control, Lochem, mei, 1992.

- Mixed H2/H control in a stochastic framework. 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, Praag, september 1992.
Resing, J.A.C.:

- Polling systems and multitype branching processes. Journee analyse et optimisation des systemes de polling, INRIA, Centre Sophia An­tipolis, Frankrijk, mei 1992.

Rijpkema, J.J.M.:

- The impact of computers on the teaching of statistics. ICME-7 Conference, Quebec,

16-23 augustus 1992.

- How the contents of courses have to change in this Computer era. ICTCM-5 Conference, Chicago, 12 - 15 november 1992.

- Computers bij wiskunde: trends en ervaringen. Onderwijsdag Propeseuse Bedrijfskunde, TUE, Eindhoven, maart 1992.

- Het gebruik van MATLAB in het wiskunde onderwijs. KUB, Tilburg, april 1992.

- Computers bij het wiskund onderwijs voor economen.

Landelijke bijeenkomst docenten basiswiskunde voor economiestudenten Nederlandse Universiteiten, juni 1992.

Rossum, J. van:

- Variabiliteit van onderscheidingsvermogen van therapeutische experimenten gebruik­makend van α-spending stopregels. Het achttiende WEON-congres van de Vereniging voor Epidemiologie, Rotterdam, april 1992.

Ruys, H.M.:

- Self-financing of an industry's infrastructure. Zhongshan University, Guanzhou, China, mei 1992.

- Complementarities in applied general equilibrium models. Xian University, Xian, China, mei 1992.

- Self-financing of an industry's infrastructure; the existence of an equilibrium.

Academia Sinica, Institute of Systems Science, Beijing, China, april 1992.
Savelsbergh, M.W.P.:

- Polyhedral approaches to scheduling. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, maart 1992.

- Polyhedral approaches to scheduling. Georgia Tech, maart 1992.

- Integer Programming. Tizi Ouzou, november 1992.

Smits, J.G.M.M.:

- The inFluence of the computer on the contents of courses in mathematics. Industrial

Mathe­matics Week, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Noorwegen, 17-21 augustus 1992.
Soethoudt, J.M.:

- An introduction to a behavioral approach to continuous systems. 2nd. IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, Praag, 3-5 september 1992.

Steutel, F.W.:

- A generalization of the life-time pairs of renewal theory. Conference on Stochastic Processes, York, Canada, juni 1992.

Stoorvogel, A.A.:

- The singular H2 control problem and its relation to disturbance decoupling.

Graduate course on systems and control, Utrecht, februari 1992.

- Modelreduction of controllers in closed loop. 11th Benelux meeting on systems and control, Veldhoven, maart 1992.

- H-indentification. Werkgroep Systeemtheorie, CWI, mei 1992.

- Full and reduced order observer based controller design for H2 optimatization.

ACC conference, Chicago, IL, USA, juni 1992.

- The discrete time Riccati equation related to the H control problem. ACC conference, Chicago, IL, juni 1992.

- New advances in H theory: a tutorial paper. AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, Hilton Head, SC, augustus 1992.

- The H control problem, part 1: Introduction and General background.

- The H control problem, part 2: The Singular Case.

- The H control problem, part 3: The discrete Time Case.

Working week on Robust Control and Singular Systems, Bremen, augustus 1992.

- The discrete time H control problem. Mathematics Colloquium, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, oktober 1992.

- Closed loop indentification of coprime factors. CDC conference, Tuczon, AZ, december 1992.
Vaessens, R.J.M.:

- A Local Search Template. EDPQMM meeting Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausan­ne, Lausanne, Zwitserland, april 1992.

- A Local Search Template. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 2, Brussel, België, september 1992.
Venema, W.Z.:

- TCP wrapper, een tool voor het bewaken van netwerk activiteiten. SURF/NLUUG netwerk security dag, Ede-Wageningen, april 1992.

- TCP wrapper: network monitoring, access control, booby traps. Third USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, september 1992.

- In het voetspoor van een computer kraker. Voordracht Vereniging Informatica Ingenieurs Eindhoven, Eindhoven, oktober 1992.

Wessels, J.:

- Decision support with formal methods. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, februari 1992.

- Neural networks and production planning. Ögor, Wenen, Oostenrijk, maart 1992.

- The usability of neural nets for planning. Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgarije, april 1992.

- Methodology of decision analysis. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, april 1992.

- Tools for specification and analysis of logistic systems. Institut für Wirtschaftsgeogrphie, Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wenen, Oostenrijk, mei 1992.

- Neural nets, combinatorial optimisation, planning. Forschungsinstitut für

anwen­dungsor­ien­tierte Wissensverar­beitung, Ulm, BRD, mei 1992.

- Systems methodology; a summary of the activities of four workshops. IIASA '92, Laxenburg,

Oostenrijk, mei 1992.

- A compensation method for two-dimensional queueing systems. Dipartimento di Infor­matica e Sistemistica, Iniversita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italië, juni 1992.

- Neural nets: another paradigm for decision support. Workshop on Advances in

Methodol­ogy and Software in Decision Support Systems, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, juni 1992.

- Specification tools for goods flow system. Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemis­tica, Iniversita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italië, juni 1992.

- Neural nets and decision support. Computer and automation institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hon­garije, juli 1992.

- Product forms as a solution base for queueing systems. Joint annual conference of DGOR and ÖGOR, Aken, BRD, september 1992.

- On the efficient use of simulation for the design and operation of health programs.

Workshop "Modelling global developmentprocesses and their relevance for human health, Ulm, BRD, september 1992.

- An advisor module for state-oriented decision support systems. Workshop Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Kutzively, oktober 1992.

- The applicability of neural nets for decision support. Conference on Neural Nets and Fuzzy Logic for Decision Support, Tokio, Japan, november 1992.

- Neural nets as tool for decision support. University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, november 1992.

- Advances in Decision Analysis. IIASA, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, november 1992.

Wilms, R.J.G.:

- Breukdelen en Partiële Maxima. TUE-Kansrekening en Statistiek dag, TUE, Eindhoven, 1992.

- On the Limiting ditribution modulo 1 of extreme order statistics. 21st Conference of Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Toronto, Canada, 1992.
Withagen, C.A.A.M.:

- General equilibrium in an economy with exhaustible resources and an unbounded horizon. Colloquium Centrum voor Economische Studien, Leuven, februari 1992.

- Optimal management of the growth potential of renewable resources. Third Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Krakow, juni 1992.

- Local asymptotic stability of optimal steady states. European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Brussel, augustus 1992.

- Discrete-time approximation of continuous-time economies: an equilibrium case study.

Center KUB, Tilburg, november 1992.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Kaldewaij, A.; Hemerik, C.:

Het ontwerp van een universitair informatica-curriculum.

Congresbundel NIOC'90 (Nederlands Informatica Onderwijs Congres), F. Mulder e.a.(eds.), Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, Deventer, 1992, pp. 383-411.
Kuiper, R.; Huizing, C.:

Ezeltjesreeks, Informatica voor Wsk en E.

Handouts bij instructie Programmeren voor diverse studierichtingen, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 25.

Technische rapporten
Bijlsma, A.:

Boekbespreking van Siegel, C.L.: Lectures on the geometry of numbers.

Med. Wisk. Gen. 35, 1992, pp. 303-4.
Kamareddine, F.:

Boekbespreking van Blasius, K. en Burckert, H.: Deduction systems in Artificial intelligence, Chicester: Ellis Horwood, 1989.

Expert systems for information management, vol. 3, no. 3, 1992, pp. 235-239.
Overige producten van wetenschappelijke activiteit
Aarts, E.H.L.; Wessels, J.; Zwietering, P.J.:

The Applicability of Neural Nets for Decision Support.

Memerandum COSOR 92-49, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 17.
Aerts, A.T.M.; Jansen, A.; Klieb, L.; Noorlander, C.; Wolf, G.:

"Plate": A Decision Support System for Resource Constrained Scheduling Problems.

Submitted to: Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 1992, pp. 10.
America, P.; Boer, F.S. de:

Reasoning about dynamically evolving process structures.

Accepted door Formal Aspects of Computing, to appear.
Backhouse, R.C.; Gasteren, A.J.M. van:

Calculating a path algorithm.

EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 20, to appaer.
Baeten, J.C.M.:

Informatica als wetenschap: formele specificatie en wiskundige verificatie.

Inaugurele rede, TU, Eindhoven, 1992, to appear in Informatie.
Bijlsma, A.:

Quasi-boolean equivalence.

AB30b, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Bijlsma, A.:

Assignment and state space dimension.

AB31, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Bijlsma, A.:

On diagonal points.

AB32, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Bijlsma, A.:

Temporal operators viewed as predicate transformers.

AB34c, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 10.
Bijlsma, A.:

Calculating with procedure calls.

AB35, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Bijlsma, A.:

A shift operator for deterministic progress.

AB38, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 7.
Bijlsma, A.:

Quasi-boolean equivalence.

AB39, 1992, pp. 7, preprint.
Bijlsma, A.; Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

No self-application in set theory.

RH176/AB33a, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Boer, F.S. de; Kok, J.N.; Palamidessi, C.; Rutten, J.J.M.M.:

On blocks: locality and asynchronous communication.

Proceedings of the REX School/Workshop Semantics: Foundations and Applications, 1992, W.P. de Roever, G. Rozenberg (eds.), ( to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Boer, F.S. de; Coenen, J.; Gerth, R.T.:

Exeption Handling in Process Algebra.

Proceedings of the First North-American Process Algebra Workshop (NAPAW), to appear.
Boer, F.S.; Palmidessi, C.:

Embeddings as a tool language comparison.

Accepted voor Information and Computation, to appear.
Brouwer, A.; Verhoeff, T.:

An Updated Table of Minimum-Distance Bounds for Binary Linear Codes.

Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Codish, M.; Dams, D.; Filé, G.; Bruynooghe, M.:

Freeness Analysis for Logic Programs and Correctness?

Submitted for publication.
Coenen, J.:

Top-down Development of Layered Tolerant Systems --- A Deontic Perspevtive.

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, to appear.
Coenen, J.:

Simulating Large Neural Assemblies of Unreliable Components.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, to appear.
Coenen, J.; Hooman, J.J.M.:

Parameterized Semantics for Fault Tolerant Real-Time Systems.

Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolrant Systems, J. Vytopil, (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, to appear.

Eikelder, H. ten; Geldrop, R.:

On the weaving of stacks.

Memorandum, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 10.

Gasteren, A.J.M. van:

Exercises transformational programming.

AvG105, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 14.
Haans, J.; Berkel, K. van; Peeters, A.; Schalij, F.:

Asynchronous Multipliers as Combinational Handshake Circuits.

Acceptatie van een paper voor een "Working conference an Asynchronous Design Metho­dologies"

maart/april 1993.

Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Continuations continued.

RH163, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Evaluation of combinator expressions.

RH164, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 7.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

A derivation of the tail-recursion theorem for lists.

RH165, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 5.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

The Deutsch-Schor-Waite graph marking algorithm.

RH166, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 13.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:


RH167, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 5.

Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Two problems in connection with the LRU algorithm.

RH168, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 12.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

A minor variation on "On a proof of Kaplansky's theorem".

RH170a, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp.2.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Calculus = Formules + Rekenregels.

RH171, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 8.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Whither Inference Rules?

RH172, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 6.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

The barber's paradox is no paradox.

RH178, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 1.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Programming the Von Neumann machine I.

RH179, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 12.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Two comments on "Category Theory = Constructive Lattice Theory".

RH180, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 3.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Exercising monads.

RH182, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 9.
Hoogerwoord, R.R.:

Introduction to the Owicki-Gries theory.

RH183, EUT, Eindhoven, 1992, pp. 22.
Hooman, J.J.M.:

Top-Down design of embedded real-time AI system.

IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, 1992, pp. 129-134, preprint.
Hooman, J.J.M.:

A Compositional Approach to the Design of Hybrid Systems.

Proceeding Workshop on Hybrid Systems, Lyngby, 1992, pp. 34, preprint.
Hooman, J.J.M.; Roever, W.P. de:

The application of compositional proof methods to real-time.

IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, 1992, pp. 135-144, preprint.
Kamareddine, F.; Klein, E.:

Nominalisation, Predication and Type Containment.

Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 1992, pp. 40, to appear.
Luit. E.J.; Mombarg, V.A.P.:

The DEDOS om-Line Scheduler.

Proc. International Workshop on Real-Time Programming, 1992, pp. 119-124, preprint.
Lukkien, J.:

An operational semantics for the guarded command language.

To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Mak, R.H.; Baily, A.:

Connecting Asynchronous Modules to the 12C-bus.

Memorandum, 1992, pp. 9.
Nederpelt, R.P.; Kamareddine, F.:

A new framework for the lambda-calculus.

Journal of Symbolic Logic, to appear.
Paredaens, J.; Peelman, P.; Tanca, L.:

Merging Graph-based with Rule-based Computations.

VLDB92, 1992, preprint.
Paredaens, J.; Gemis, M.:

A Visual Database Management Interface Based on GOOD.

International Workshop on Interfaces to Database Systems, Glasgow, 1992, pp. 18, preprint.
Roosmalen, O.S.:

A hierarchical diagrammatic represetation of class structure.

Intern rapport, 1992, to be published.
Schepers, H.:

Tracing Fault Tolerance.

Preprint of the 3rd IFIP Int. Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, 1992, pp. 39-48.
Schepers, H.:

Timed Executions with Real Uncertainties.

Submitted, 1992, pp. 12.

Schepers, H.; Hooman, J.:

A Compositional Proof Theory for Fault Tolerant Systems.

Submitted, 1992, pp. 22.

Schepers, H.; Hooman, J.:

Trace-Based Compositional Reasoning about Fault Tolerant Systems.

Submitted, 1992, pp. 19.
Somers, L.J.A.M.; Stok, P.D.V. van der; Thijssen, P.T.A.:

Formal specification and simulation of a real-time concurrency control protocol.

Proceedings of 2nd int. workshop on responsive systems, KDD R&D laboratories, Kamifukuoka, Saitama, Japan, 1992, preprint.
Stok, P.D.V. van der; Roosmalen, O.S. van; Luit, E.J.; Hammer, D.K.:

An object oriented approach to dependable reponsive systems.

1st Int. Workshop on responsive systems, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France, 1991, preprint.
Veltkamp, J.P.:

On the unavoidability of metastable behaviour.

Computing Science Note, EUT, Eindhoven, pp. 20, to appear.
Verhoeff, T.:

Interactieve meetkunde: spelen met figuren.

Een beknopte handleiding voor gebruik van CabriGeo, een interactief kladboek om meetkunde te (be)oefenen, 1992, pp. 28.
Verhoeff, T.:

Delay-Insensitive Circuits.

2L711 Course Note, 1992.
Verhoeff, T.:

A continuous Version of the Prisoner's Dilemma.

Computing Science Note, Submitted to Mathematical Game Section of Theoretical Computer Science, 1992, pp. 18.
Verhoeff, T.:

International Olympiad for Informatics.

Contest Procedure, 1992, pp. 3.
Verhoeff, T.:

ACM: Internationaal en breed.

Verschijnt in VIEtaal, pp. 3.
Verhoeff, T.:

Puzzling Computers.

To appear in Cubish for Fun approx, 1992, pp. 15.
Verhoosel, J.:

Local Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems using Windows.

Intern Rapport, 1992, pp. 14.
Zhou, P.; Hooman, J.J.M.; Kuiper, R.:

Compositional Verification of Real-Time Systems with Explicit Clock Temporal Logic.

Submitted, 1992, pp. 33.

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loyihasi mavsum
faolyatining oqibatlari
asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish