Wisconsin Agricultural Education Directory
2009-10 School Year
Updated October 13, 2009
Updates to this directory will be posted on our website at:
Distributed by:
Career and Technical Education Team
Department of Public Instruction
PO Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707-7841
608-267-9275 (fax)
2009-10 Wisconsin Agricultural Education State Leadership | Department of Public Instruction
Agricultural Education
125 South Webster St., PO Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707-7841
FAX: (608) 267-9275
JEFF HICKEN, Agriculture & Natural Resources Consultant
jeffrey.hicken@dpi.wi.gov (608) 267-9255
Wisconsin FFA Center
S3222 Casey Ave., PO Box 110
Spencer, WI 54479
FAX: (715) 659-5865
CHERYL ZIMMERMAN, Executive Director
wiffacenter@tznet.com (715) 659-4807
TERRY BERNICK, Office Assistant
wiffacenter@tznet.com (715) 659-4807
Wisconsin FFA Foundation, Inc.
1241 John Q. Hammons Dr.
Madison, WI 53717
NICOLE NELSON, Executive Director
nnelson@wisconsinffafoundation.org (608) 831-5058
Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association
N29452 Brekke Ridge Road
Blair, WI 54616
REGINA OLDENDORF, Executive Director
execdir@wisconsinffaalumni.org (608) 989-2187
Herman Seebandt, President
hseebandt@wisconsinffaalumni.org (715)743-4184
Wisconsin FFA Honors Band and Chorus Westby High School (Director’s Address)
206 W Avenue S
Westby, WI 54667
FAX: (715) 634-0118
MONTE DUNNUM, State FFA Band Director
dunnumon@westby.k12.wi.us (608) 634-3101
PETER ENGH, State FFA Chorus Director
enghpet@westby.k12.wi.us (608) 634-3101
National FFA Organization 6060 FFA Dr. PO Box 68960
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0960
FAX: (317) 802-6061
Phone: (317) 802-6060 (800) 772-0939
Order Dept. (888) 332-2668
| Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators (WAAE)
1172 Hummingbird Ln
Plymouth, WI 53073
BRIDGETT NEU, Executive Director
bridgett@waae.com (262) 224-7553
JEFF ZOBECK, President
ZOBECKJ@gresham.k12.wi.us (715) 787-3211
Wisconsin Technical College System Board
345 W. Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53707-7874
FAX: (608) 266-1690
RANDY ZOGBAUM , Education Director,
Ag. & Natural Resources
randall.zogbaum@wtcsystem.edu (608) 266-2412
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Asst Dean and Director of Short Course
1450 Linden Dr., 116 Ag Hall
Madison, WI 53706
KAREN KNIPSCHILD (608) 262-3127
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Agricultural Education
440 Henry Mall, Room 107
Madison, WI 53706
FAX: (608) 262-6288
nfeinstein@wisc.edu (608) 265-2136
Agricultural Education
1 University Plaza
Platteville, WI 53818
FAX: (608) 342-1395
zidonm@uwplatt.edu (608) 342-1391
bockhopr@uwplatt.edu (608) 342-1890
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Agricultural Education Department
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022-5001 FAX: (715) 425-3785
james.graham@uwrf.edu (715) 425-3555
timothy.j.buttles@uwrf.edu (715) 425-3555
fay.e.westberg@uwrf.edu (715) 425-3555
Wisconsin FFA Jag Lake Camp
9860 Fishtrap Lake Rd.
Boulder Junction, WI 54512
CHUCK ALLEN, Caretaker (715) 385-0080
| | |
Abbotsford Abbotsford Jr/Sr High School Mr. John Slipek Wk: (715) 223-2386
PO Box 70 jslipek@abbotsford.k12.wi.us Ext: 436
Abbotsford, WI 54405-0070 Fax: (715) 223-4239
Adams-Friendship Adams-Friendship High School Ms. Becky Grabarski Wk: (608) 339-3921
201 W 6th St grabarski_b@af.k12.wi.us Ext: 305
Friendship, WI 53934-9135 Fax: (608) 339-2569
Albany Albany High School Mr. Jamie Rupp Wk: (608) 862-3135
PO Box 349 jamie.rupp@albany.k12.wi.us Ext: 135
Albany, WI 53502-0349 Fax: (608) 862-3230
Algoma Algoma High School Ms. Trisha Follen Wk: (920) 487-7001
1715 Division St tfollen@alghs.k12.wi.us Ext:
Algoma, WI 54201 Fax:
Alma Alma High School Mrs. Kayla Loewenhagen Wk: (608) 685-4416
S1618 State Road 35 loewenhagenk@alma.k12.wi.us Ext: 247
Alma, WI 54610-8301 Fax: (608) 685-4446
Alma Center Lincoln High School Mr. Rich Larson Wk: (715) 964-5311
– Humbird - Merrilan PO Box 308 rich_larson@achm.k12.wi.us Ext: 236
Alma Center, WI 54611-1308 Fax: (715) 964-1005
Amery Amery High School Mr. Derrick Meyer Wk: (715) 268-9771
555 Minneapolis Ave S meyerd@amerysd.k12.wi.us Ext: 252
Amery, WI 54001-1598 Fax: (715) 268-7300
Amherst Amherst High School Mr. Timothy Pederson Wk: (715) 824-5522
357 N Main St tpederso@amherst.k12.wi.us Ext: 503
Amherst, WI 54406-9102 Fax: (715) 824-5454
Antigo Antigo High School Mr. Michael Olson Wk: (715) 623-7611
1900 10th Ave molson@antigo.k12.wi.us Ext: 1620
Antigo, WI 54409-1015 Fax: (715) 623-7624
Arcadia Arcadia High School Mr. Steven Schank Wk: (608) 323-3334
756 Raider Dr schanks@arcadia.k12.wi.us Ext: 330
Arcadia, WI 54612-9025 Fax: (608) 323-2256
Arcadia Arcadia High School Mr. Kevin Whalen Wk: (608) 323-3334
756 Raider Dr whalenk@arcadia.k12.wi.us Ext: 308
Arcadia, WI 54612-9025 Fax: (608) 323-2256
Argyle Argyle High School Ms. JoAnn Peterson Wk: (608) 543-3314
PO Box 256, 14665 Hwy 78 jopeterson@argyle.k12.wi.us Ext: 109
Argyle, WI 53504-0256 Fax: (608) 543-3868
Ashland Ashland High School Ms. Sandra Dee Naas Wk: (715) 682-7089
1900 Beaser Ave snaas@ashland.k12.wi.us Ext: 1107
Ashland, WI 54806-3603 Fax: (715) 682-2075
Athens Athens High School Mr. Pete Kolpack Wk: (715) 257-7511
601 W. Units PO Box F pkolpack@athens.k12.wi.us Ext: 133
Athens, WI 54411-0906 Fax: (715) 257-7651
Augusta Augusta High School Ms. Arica Schlough Wk: (715) 286-3376
E19320 Bartig Rd schloari@augusta.k12.wi.us Ext:
Augusta, WI 54722-7501 Fax: (715) 286-3393
Aurburndale Auburndale High School Ms. Gwen Altmann Wk:
PO Box 190 galtmann@aubschools.com Ext:
Auburndale, WI 54412-0190 Fax: (715) 652-6322
Aurburndale Auburndale High School Mr. Mark Cournoyer Wk: (715) 652-2115
PO Box 190 mcournoyer@aubschools.com Ext: 283
Auburndale, WI 54412-0190 Fax: (715) 652-6322
Badger-Lake Geneva Badger High School Ms. Candice Olson Wk: (262) 348-2000
220 E South St candice.olson@badger.k12.wi.us Ext: 2356
Lake Geneva, WI 53147-2499 Fax: (262) 248-6178
Badger-Lake Geneva Badger High School Mr. Larry Plapp Wk: (262) 348-2000
220 E South St larry.plapp@badger.k12.wi.us Ext: 2332
Lake Geneva, WI 53147-2499 Fax: (262) 248-6178
Baldwin-Woodville Baldwin-Woodville High School Mr. Michele Kamm Wk: (715) 684-3321
1000 13th Ave mkamm@bwsd.k12.wi.us Ext: 119
Baldwin, WI 54002 Fax: (715) 684-5160
Bangor Bangor Middle/High School Mr. Robert Ickler, Jr. Wk: (608) 486-2331
PO Box 99, 700 10th Ave. S. rickler@bangor.k12.wi.us Ext: 241
Bangor, WI 54614-0099 Fax: (608) 486-4587
Baraboo Baraboo High School Mr. George Koepp Wk: (608) 355-3974
1201 Draper St gkoepp@baraboo.k12.wi.us Ext:
Baraboo, WI 53913-1299 Fax: (608) 355-3962
Barron Barron High School Mr. Keith Kolpack Wk: (715) 537-5627
1050 E Woodland Ave kolpackk@barron.k12.wi.us Ext: 127
Barron, WI 54812-1762 Fax: (715) 637-1603
Bayfield Bayfield High School Mr. Mark O'Neill Wk:
PO Box 5001 moneill@bayfield.k12.wi.us Ext:
Bayfield, WI 54814-5001 Fax: (715) 779-5226
Beaver Dam Beaver Dam High School Mr. Dave Laatsch Wk: (920) 885-7520
500 Gould St laatschd@beaverdam.k12.wi.us Ext: 2160
Beaver Dam, WI 53916-1995 Fax: (920) 885-7317
Belleville Belleville High School Mr. Ken Engelke Wk: (608) 424-1902
635 W Church St engelkek@belleville.k12.wi.us Ext: 462
Belleville, WI 53508-9361 Fax: (608) 424-3692
Belmont Belmont High School Mr. Jeff Hodgson Wk: (608) 762-5131
PO Box 646 hodgson@belmont.k12.wi.us Ext:
Belmont, WI 53510-0348 Fax: (608) 762-5129
Benton Benton High School Mr. Robert Jarek Wk: (608) 759-4002
41 Alma St. rjarek@benton.k12.wi.us Ext:
Benton, WI 53803 Fax:
Berlin Berlin High School Mr. Charles Gallinger Wk: (920) 361-2000
222 Memorial Dr cgallinger@berlin.k12.wi.us Ext: 1818
Berlin, WI 54923-1252 Fax: (920) 361-2005
Big Foot-Walworth Big Foot High School Mrs. Lisa Konkel Wk: (262) 275-2116
PO Box 99 lmkonkel@bigfoot.k12.wi.us Ext: 7027
Walworth, WI 53184-0099 Fax: (262) 275-8076
Big Foot-Walworth Big Foot High School Mr. Richard Henningfeld Wk: (262) 275-2116
PO Box 99 rdhenningfeld@bigfoot.k12.wi.us Ext: 7027
Walworth, WI 53184-0099 Fax: (262) 275-8076
Black Hawk-South Wayne Black Hawk High School Ms. Lori Berget Wk: (608) 439-5250
PO Box 303 berlor@blackhawk.k12.wi.us Ext:
South Wayne, WI 53587-0303 Fax: (608) 439-1022
Black Hawk-South Wayne Black Hawk High School Mr. Erv Ziegler Wk: (608) 439-5250
PO Box 303 Ext: 428
South Wayne, WI 53587-0303 Fax: (608) 439-1022
Black River Falls Black River Falls High School Mr. Bradley Markhardt Wk: (715) 284-4324
1200 Pierce St bradley.markhardt@brf.org Ext: 2210
Black River Falls, WI 54615-1559 Fax: (715) 284-7626
Blair-Taylor Blair-Taylor High School Mrs. Andrea Hanson Wk: (608) 989-2525
PO Box 107, N31024 Elland Rd. hansoa@btsd.k12.wi.us Ext:
Blair, WI 54616-9787 Fax: (608) 989-9161
Bloomer Bloomer High School Mr. DeWayne Fossum Wk: (715) 568-5300
1310 17th Ave dfossum@bloomer.k12.wi.us Ext: 4215
Bloomer, WI 54724-1573 Fax: (715) 568-5304
Bloomer Bloomer High School Mr. Darren Swartz Wk: (715) 568-5300
1310 17th Ave dswartz@bloomer.k12.wi.us Ext: 4160
Bloomer, WI 54724-1573 Fax: (715) 568-5304
Bonduel Bonduel High School Mr. Doug Raymakers Wk: (715) 758-4536
PO Box 310 raymadou@bonduel.k12.wi.us Ext:
Bonduel, WI 54107-9268 Fax: (715) 758-4859
Boscobel Boscobel High School Mr. Jeff Ostheimer Wk: (608) 375-4161
300 Brindley St osthjeff@boscobel.k12.wi.us Ext: 2301
Boscobel, WI 53805-1798 Fax: (608) 375-2640
Bowler Bowler High School Mr. Jerry Ashenbrenner Wk: (715) 793-4301
PO Box 8 ashenbre@bowler.k12.wi.us Ext: 568
Bowler, WI 54416-0008 Fax: (715) 793-1302
Boyceville Boyceville High School Mr. Glenn Knudtson Wk: (715) 643-4321
1003 Tiffany St. glennk@boyceville.k12.wi.us Ext: 404
Boyceville, WI 54725-9407 Fax: (715) 643-2209
Brillion Brillion High School Mr. Gordon Gasch Wk: (920) 756-9238
W1101 Hwy H R gegasch@brillion.k12.wi.us Ext: 2100
Brillion, WI 54110-1294 Fax: (920) 756-9427
Brodhead Brodhead High School Mrs. Jillian Beaty Wk: (608) 897-2155
2501 W 5th Ave jbeaty@brodhead.k12.wi.us Ext: 141
Brodhead, WI 53520-2010 Fax: (608) 897-3026
Brookwood-Ontario Brookwood High School Mr. Gary Von Ruden Wk: (608) 337-4401
PO Box 130 gvonrude@now.k12.wi.us Ext: 230
Ontario, WI 54651-0130 Fax: (608) 337-4348
Bruce Bruce High School Mr. Homan Wk: (715) 868-2585
104 W Washington Ave homanm@bruce.k12.wi.us Ext: 256
Bruce, WI 54819-9641 Fax: (715) 868-2534
Burlington Burlington High School Mrs. Jodi Rogahn Wk: (262) 763-0200
400 McCanna Pkwy jrogahn@basd.k12.wi.us Ext: 4032
Burlington, WI 53105-3623 Fax: (262) 763-0200
Cadott Cadott High School Ms. Leigh Dobberstein Wk: (715) 289-4211
426 Myrtle St, PO Box 310 dobbersteinl@cadott.k12.wi.us Ext: 400
Cadott, WI 54727-0310 Fax: (715) 289-3748
Cambridge Cambridge High School Ms. Andrea Waski Wk: (608) 423-3261
403 Blue Jay Way awaski@cambridge.k12.wi.us Ext: 3151
Cambridge, WI 53523-9547 Fax: (608) 423-9869
Cameron Cameron High School Mr. Jeff Ladd Wk: (715) 458-4510
Po Box 378, 750 S First St jladd@cameron.k12.wi.us Ext: 5931
Cameron, WI 54822-0378 Fax: (715) 458-4236
Campbellsport Campbellsport High School Mr. Kirk Kramp Wk: (920) 533-4811
114 W Sheboygan St kkramp@csd.k12.wi.us Ext: 3103
Campbellsport, WI 53010-2791 Fax: (715) 533-3521
Cashton Cashton High School Mr. John Heinberg Wk: (608) 654-5131
Po box 129, 540 Coe St. heinbergj@cashton.k12.wi.us Ext: 237
Cashton, WI 54619-0129 Fax: (608) 654-5136
Cassville Cassville High School Mr. Dennis Uppena Wk: (608) 725-5116
715 E Amelia St duppena@cassvillesd.k12.wi.us Ext: 109
Cassville, WI 53806-9685 Fax: (608) 725-2353
Chilton Chilton High School Mrs. Amy Thielman Wk: (920) 849-2358
530 W Main St thielmana@chilton.k12.wi.us Ext: 4316
Chilton, WI 53014-1369 Fax: (920) 849-4539
Chippewa Falls Chippewa Falls High School Ms. Laura Hasselquist Wk: (715) 726-2406
735 Terrill St hasselll@chipfalls.k12.wi.us Ext: 1229
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729-1907 Fax: (715) 726-2792
Clayton Clayton High School Mrs. Rhona Schuebel Wk: (715) 948-2163
PO Box 130 schubelr@claytonsd.k12.wi.us Ext:
Clayton, WI 54004-0130 Fax: (715) 948-2362
Clear Lake Clear Lake High School Mr. Tim Wyss Wk: (715) 263-2113
1101 3rd St SW twyss@clearlake.k12.wi.us Ext: 140
Clear Lake, WI 54005-8511 Fax: (715) 263-3550
Clinton Clinton High School Ms. Sue Gorman Wk: (608) 676-2223
PO Box 566 sugorman@clintonwisch.com Ext: 2316
Clinton, WI 53525-0566 Fax: (608) 676-2904
Clintonville Clintonville High School Mr. Joe Heinbuch Wk: (715) 823-7215
64 W Green Tree Rd jheinbuch@clintonville.k12.wi.us Ext: 2244
Clintonville, WI 54929-1154 Fax: (715) 823-1481
Cochrane-Fountain City Cochrane-Fountain City High School Ms. Christine Jumbeck Wk: (608) 687-4391
S2770 State Hwy 35 jumbeck@cfc.k12.wi.us Ext: 273
Fountain City, WI 54629-0517 Fax: (608) 687-6412
Cochrane-Fountain City Cochrane-Fountain City High School Mr. Chris Ritcher Wk: (608) 687-4391
S2770 State Hwy 35 critscher@cfc.k12.wi.us Ext: 274
Fountain City, WI 54629-0517 Fax: (608) 687-6412
Colby Colby High School Mr. Gary Wirkus Wk: (715) 223-2338
PO Box 110 gwirkus@colby.k12.wi.us Ext: 147
Colby, WI 54421-0110 Fax: (715) 223-4388
Colby Colby High School Mr. Teri Raatz Wk: (715) 223-2338
PO Box 110 traatz@colby.k12.wi.us Ext: 147
Colby, WI 54421-0110 Fax: (715) 223-4388
Coleman Coleman High School Ms. Melissa Mateske Wk: (920) 897-2291
343 Business 141 N mateske@coleman.k12.wi.us Ext: 159
Coleman, WI 54112-9453 Fax: (920) 897-2015
Colfax Colfax High School Mr. Tom Millar Wk: (715) 962-3155
601 University Ave millar@colfax.k12.wi.us Ext: 3120
Colfax, WI 54730-9773 Fax: (715) 962-4024
Columbus Columbus High School Ms. Janet Meister Wk: (920) 623-5956
1164 Farnham St janet_meister@columbus.k12.wi.us Ext:
Columbus, WI 53925-1804 Fax: (920) 623-5959
Cornell Cornell High School Mr. Richard Erickson Wk: (715) 239-6464
PO Box 517 rerickson@cornell.k12.wi.us Ext:
Cornell, WI 54732-0517 Fax: (715) 239-6467
Cuba City Cuba City High School Mrs. Jill VanSchyndle Wk: (608) 744-8888
101 N School St Jill.VanSchyndle@cubacity.k12.wi.us Ext:
Cuba City, WI 53807-1297 Fax: (608) 744-2324
Cumberland Cumberland High School Mrs. Arlaina Meyer Wk: (715) 822-5117
1000 8th Ave ameye@csdmail.com Ext:
Cumberland, WI 54829-9174 Fax: (715) 822-5138
D C Everest-Weston D C Everest High School Mr. John Glynn Wk: (715) 359-6561
6500 Alderson St jglynn@dce.k12.wi.us Ext: 4123
Weston, WI 54476-3900 Fax: (715) 355-7220
D C Everest-Weston D C Everest High School Mr. Bob Jehn Wk: (715) 359-6561
6500 Alderson St rjehn@dce.k12.wi.us Ext: 4123
Weston, WI 54476-3900 Fax: (715) 355-7220
Darlington Darlington High School Mr. Troy Lobdell Wk: (608) 776-4001
11838 Center Hill Rd lobdellt@darlington.k12.wi.us Ext:
Darlington, WI 53530-9605 Fax: (608) 776-2378
De Forest De Forest High School Ms. Gwendolen Boettcher Wk: (608) 842-6802
815 Jefferson St gboettcher@deforest.k12.wi.us Ext:
De Forest, WI 53532-1322 Fax: (608) 842-6615
De Forest De Forest High School Mr. Dan Kvalheim Wk: (608) 983-9174
815 Jefferson St dkvalheim@deforest.k12.wi.us Ext:
De Forest, WI 53532-1322 Fax: (608) 842-6615
De Pere De Pere High School Mr. Aaron Kilsdonk Wk: (920) 337-1020
1700 Chicago St akilsdonk@depere.k12.wi.us Ext: 4543
De Pere, WI 54115-3499 Fax: (920) 337-1041
De Pere West De Pere High School Mrs. Clara Hedrich Wk: (920) 338-5200
665 Grant St chedrich@wdpsd.com Ext:
De Pere, WI 54115-1367 Fax: (920) 338-5310
De Soto De Soto High School Mr. Ron Von Glahn Wk: (608) 648-0112
615 Main St rvon@desoto.k12.wi.us Ext:
De Soto, WI 54624-8600 Fax: (608) 648-0118
Delavan-Darien Delavan-Darien High School Mr. Marty Speth Wk: (262) 728-2642
150 Cummings St mspeth@ddschools.org Ext: 4461
Delavan, WI 53115-1673 Fax: (262) 728-9713
Delavan-Darien Delavan-Darien High School Mr. Ron Henningfeld Wk: (262) 728-2642
150 Cummings St rhenningfeld@ddschols.org Ext: 4461
Delavan, WI 53115-1673 Fax: (262) 728-9713
Denmark Denmark High School Mrs. Diane Fischl Wk: (920) 863-4200
450 N Wall St fischld@denmark.k12.wi.us Ext: 2266
Denmark, WI 54208-9416 Fax: (920) 863-8856
Denmark Denmark High School Mr. Tracy Heinbuch Wk: (920) 863-4264
450 N Wall St HEINBUCHT@denmark.k12.wi.us Ext:
Denmark, WI 54208-9416 Fax: (920) 863-8856
Dodgeland-Juneau Dodgeland Middle/High School Ms. Grace Roberts Wk: (920) 386-4404
401 S Western Ave roberts@dodgeland.k12.wi.us Ext: 1312
Juneau, WI 53039-1013 Fax: (920) 386-0345
Dodgeville Dodgeville High School Mr. Dennis McGraw Wk: (608) 935-3307
912 W Chapel St dmcgraw@dsd.k12.wi.us Ext: 4053
Dodgeville, WI 53533-1098 Fax: (608) 935-9540
Durand Durand High School Mr. Mike Retzloff Wk: (715) 672-8917
604 7th Ave E mretzloff@durand.k12.wi.us Ext: 175
Durand, WI 54736-1371 Fax: (715) 672-8930
East Troy East Troy High School Mr. Ryan Holle Wk: (262) 642-6760
3128 Graydon Ave holrya@easttroy.k12.wi.us Ext: 275
East Troy, WI 53120-1106 Fax: (262) 642-6776
Eau Claire Memorial High School Ms. Jan Hildebrandt Wk: (715) 852-6300
2225 Keith St jhildebrandt@ecasd.k12.wi.us Ext: 16455
Eau Claire, WI 54701-4799 Fax: (715) 852-6304
Edgar Edgar High School Mr. Jim Limmex Wk: (715) 352-2352
PO Box 196 jiml@edgar.k12.wi.us Ext: 310
Edgar, WI 54426-0196 Fax: (715) 352-3198
Edgerton Edgerton High School Mr. Richard Reese Wk: (608) 884-9402
200 Elm High Dr rick.reese@edgerton.k12.wi.us Ext: 243
Edgerton, WI 53534-1498 Fax: (608) 884-7969
Eleva-Strum Eleva-Strum High School Mr. Warren Behm Wk: (715) 695-5696
W23597 US Highway 10 behmw@esschools.k12.wi.us Ext: 2041
Strum, WI 54770-8609 Fax: (715) 695-3938
Elk Mound Elk Mound High School Mr. Jeremiah Fredrickson Wk: (715) 879-5521
405 University St jfredrickson@elkmound.k12.wi.us Ext: 422
Elk Mound, WI 54739-9526 Fax: (715) 879-5846
Elkhart Lake Elkhart Lake High School Ms. Michelle Arbuckle Wk: (920) 876-3381
201 N Lincoln St marbuckle@elgs.k12.wi.us Ext: 3232
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020-0306 Fax: (920) 876-3511
Elkhart Lake Elkhart Lake High School Ms. Jamie Beyer Wk: (920) 876-3381
201 N Lincoln St Ext: 3232
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020-0306 Fax: (920) 876-3511
Elkhorn Elkhorn Area High School Mr. David Kruse Wk: (262) 723-4920
482 E Geneva St krusda@elkhorn.k12.wi.us Ext: 1660
Elkhorn, WI 53121-1990 Fax: (262) 723-8092
Ellsworth Ellsworth High School Mr. Jordan Liethen Wk: (715) 273-3904
300 Hillcrest PO Box 1500 liethenj@ellsworth.k12.wi.us Ext:
Ellsworth, WI 54011-1500 Fax: (715) 273-6468
Elmwood Elmwood High School Mr. Jeff Pickerign Wk: (715) 639-2721
213 S Scott St pickerignj@elmwood.k12.wi.us Ext: 6238
Elmwood, WI 54740-8664 Fax: (715) 639-3110
Evansville Evansville High School Mr. James Kvalheim Wk: (608) 882-3541
640 S 5th St kvalheimj@evansville.k12.wi.us Ext:
Evansville, WI 53536-1271 Fax: (608) 882-6157
Fall Creek Fall Creek High School Ms. Mary Handrich Wk: (715) 877-2809
336 E Hoover Ave maryhandrich@fallcreek.k12.wi.us Ext: 375
Fall Creek, WI 54742-9609 Fax: (715) 877-3649
Fennimore Fennimore High School Mrs. Shelby Mitchell Wk: (608) 822-3245
510 7th St mitchells@fennimore.k12.wi.us Ext: 3205
Fennimore, WI 53809-1599 Fax: (608) 822-3247
Flambeau-Tony Flambeau High School Ms. Dani Raether Wk: (715) 532-5559
PO Box 86 draether@flambeau.k12.wi.us Ext: 311
Tony, WI 54563-0086 Fax: (715) 532-5405
Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson High School Mr. Jeff Agnew Wk: (920) 563-7811
925 Lexington Blvd agnewj@mail.fortschools.org Ext: 1139
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-1092 Fax: (920) 563-7810
Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson High School Ms. Shannon Farrell Wk: (920) 563-7811
925 Lexington Blvd farrells@mail.fortschools.org Ext: 1142
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-1092 Fax: (920) 563-7810
Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson Middle/High School Mr. Steve Merkel Wk: (920) 563-7833
310 South 4th St. merkels@mail.fortschools.org Ext: 514
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 Fax: (920) 563-7810
Frederic Frederic High School Terry Taylor, Alumni Wk: (715) 327-4223
1437 Clam Falls Dr Ext:
Frederic, WI 54837-0790 Fax: (715) 327-5609
Freedom Freedom High School Mr. Kevin Champeau Wk: (920) 788-7940
N4021 County Rd E kchampea@freedomschools.k12.wi.us Ext: 321
Freedom, WI 54130-7593 Fax: (920) 788-7701
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