What, or who, initially sparked your interest in the field of technology? Texnologiya sohasiga qiziqishingizni dastlab nima yoki kim qo'zg'atdi
Why is participation in this program important to you and how will it benefit you both personally and academically? What type of skills do you hope to develop and improve during the TechGirls program?
Nima uchun ushbu dasturda ishtirok etish siz uchun muhim va bu sizga shaxsan va akademik jihatdan qanday foyda keltiradi? TechGirls dasturi davomida qanday ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirish va yaxshilashni umid qilasiz?
Describe a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it.
Siz duch kelgan qiyinchilikni va uni qanday engganingizni tasvirlab bering.
One of the requirements of the program is that you apply the skills you learn in creating a unique follow-on project upon your return home. Describe how you would use the tech skills you gain from this program to design a follow on project. How would it help your community?
Dastur talablaridan biri shundaki, siz o'rgangan ko'nikmalaringizni uyga qaytganingizdan so'ng noyob davomiy loyiha yaratishda qo'llaysiz. Loyihani davom ettirish uchun ushbu dasturdan olgan texnik ko'nikmalaringizdan qanday foydalanishingizni tasvirlab bering. Bu sizning hamjamiyatingizga qanday yordam beradi?
What are one or two words that describe you best and why?
Sizni eng yaxshi ta'riflaydigan bir yoki ikkita so'z qaysi va nima uchun?
1. I’ve been very interested in technology since I got my name. My parents said I was very interested in the interior design of the various instruments. I can't say for sure who or what caused this. But my father supported my interests and guided me. One of the best lessons I learned from my father was to love everything, even iron, and keep them alive.
2. For me, the importance of this wonderful project is that I want to learn more about technology and share it with my peers at my school. Academicly, America is the most developed country, and it has the most prestigious universities, and my participation in this project increases my access to them. I want to strengthen my knowledge by participating in this project, improving and expanding my projects.
3. One of the challenges I faced was the poverty in my family. For 8 years I studied in a school in a remote village, where there were no opportunities. There were not enough conditions and mentors to create technology. Then I came to the most prestigious school of information technology named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi in Uzbekistan. Everything here is free and there are a lot of opportunities. Many ambassadors and representatives of other countries visit here and exchange experiences. I want to save my family from poverty in the future
4. I want to learn more about computer technology from this program. I have a lot of ideas for the project. For example, I want to create a great platform for the youth of Uzbekistan. But now I lack knowledge about it After participating in this project, I want to share my knowledge first with my schoolmates, and then with the President's schools. I want to make them want to take part in similar projects. I also want to do video lessons to teach others what I learned when I came back. I want it to help all the youth of Uzbekistan.
5. Courage and leadership. Because sooner or later I will not get tired of searching and I will be able to follow many other people.
1. I’ve been very interested in technology since I got my name. According to my parents, when I was young I tried to break a lot of equipment and tools. I can't say for sure who or what caused this. But my father supported my interests and guided me. One of the best lessons I learned from my father was to love everything, even iron, and to cherish them as living beings.
2. For me, the importance of this wonderful project is that I want to learn more about technology and share it with my peers at my school. Academicly, America is the most developed country, and it has the most prestigious universities, and my participation in this project increases my access to them. I want to take part in this project, to strengthen my knowledge, to improve and expand my projects.
3. One of the challenges I faced was the poverty in my family. For 8 years I studied in a school in a remote village, where there were no opportunities. There were not enough conditions and mentors to create technology. Then I came to the most prestigious school of information technology named after Muhammad Al-i in Uzbekistan. Everything here is free and there are a lot of opportunities. Many ambassadors and representatives of other countries visit here and exchange experiences. I want to save my family from poverty in the future
4. I want to learn more about computer technology from this program. I have a lot of ideas for the project. For example, I want to create a very large platform for young people in Uzbekistan. But right now my knowledge for this is lacking. After participating in this project, I want to share my knowledge first with my schoolmates, and then with the President's schools. I want to make them want to take part in similar projects. I also want to do video lessons to teach others what I learned when I came back. I want this snake to help young people all over Uzbekistan