Test yourself on Interrelation of typology with anthropocentric trends of
In XVIIIth century, there were mostly done researches of comparative-historical
investigations among related languages and in the last century collection of paradigms occupied the position of structural paradigm.
anthropocentric, functional
functional, cognitive and dynamic
functional, cognitive
* anthropocentric, functional, cognitive and dynamic
The anthropocentric paradigm appeared
in the 30s of the XXth century
in the 40s of the XXth century
* in the 50s of the XXth century
in the XIXth century
Cognitive linguistics investigates language as mechanism of
codification and classification of it
categorization and classification of it
* transformation and codification of it
transformation and categorization of it
Linguaculturology is...
complex linguistic science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and culturology
* complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and culturology
complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of culture and linguistics
complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and literature
The communicative competence model is based on...
*this understanding of the relationship between language and culture
literature, art, music, and philosophy
the high culture of the people who speak that language
the pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs
According to V. Telia, culture is described as a ...
^world-conception, world-perception and world-comprehension of a people
world-conception, world- connection of a people
world-conception, world- connection and world- competence of a people
world-conception, world-perception, and world- practices of a people
Lingua-culture is...
the verbalized art, the culture externalized in signs of language
* the verbalized culture, the culture externalized in signs of language
the verbalized culture, the culture internalized in signs of language
the verbalized cultural awareness, the culture externalized in signs of language
In linguaculturology concept can be understood as
“cultural-grammaticall-Iexical” expression
"grammatical-mental-lexical” expression
“cultural-mental-grammatical” expression
*“cultural-mental-lexical” expression
“Sex is biological, consists of sociocultural sex with sociocultural elements. That is why “gender” and “sex” is appeared as “whole and part” explains ...
* O.V. Ryabov
Jane Sunderland
Yu. S. Stepanov
In Western nations, the concept "love" is devoted to
* human being with great passion and feelings
great love is devoted to God
love devoted to parents
love that is devoted to children
Cognitive science is closely connected with...
anthropology, ethno linguistics, mathematics
sociolinguistics, ethno linguistics, psycholinguistics
* mathematics, logic, philosophy, anthropology, and linguistics
philosophy of science, anthropology, and linguistics
In Uzbek “эркак сабзи” or “эркак шода” in English can be the equivalent...
* blue stocking
brother of the angle
... refers to the array of socially constructed roles and relationships, personality
traits, attitudes, behaviors, values, relative power and influence that society ascribes to the two sexes on a differential basis
gender logical analysis
The first researches on gender started to be investigated in ... humanitarian
* western
both southern and western
... includes anational description of cultures, the roles of male and female in society and their relationship and behavior
biological sex
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Preface 4
I. Comparative Typology as a b ranch of General Linguistics
Comparative Typology: subject matter, types, tasks,
^EPra^k^feal- background of typological investigations 7
Classification of Comparative Typology by Dr. Buranov 13
Types of language comparison 21
Seminar 1 25
Seminar 2 30
Tests on topics of the chapter 34
Typology of phonetic and phonological levels of English, Uzbek and Russian languages
Phonetics and phonology as different branches of Linguistics 38
Typological characteristics of English, Uzdek and
Russian languages phonetic system 44
Typological characteristics of English and Native languages
phonological system 50
Seminar 3 58
Seminar 4 62
Tests on topics of the chapter 66
Typology of morphological level of English, Uzbek and Russuan Languages
Theoretical basis of determining necessary constants in
morphological level 70
Typology of parts of speech in English, Uzbek
and Russian Languages 78
Typology of Grammatical Categories in English, Uzbek
and Russian Languages 83
Seminar 5 89
Seminar 6 92
Tests on topics of the chapter 96
Typology of syntactic level of English, Uzbek and Russian Language
Typology of phrases/word-combinations 104
Typology of sentences 112
Seminar 7 124
Seminar 8 131
Tests on topics of the chapter 136
Typology of lexical level of English,Uzbek and Russian Languages
Lexical Typology and its branches 139
Comparative analysis of English, Uzbek and
Russian languages words 149
Comparative analysis of English, Uzbek and Russian
languages word-/ formation types 160
Seminar 9 ..... 170
Seminar 10 179
Tests on topics of the chapter 181
Interrelation of typology with anthropological trends of linguistic.
Comparative Typology in Modern trends of linguistics 185
Typology of cultural concepts of English, Uzbek and Russian
language 187
Typology in gender linguistics of English and, Uzbek and
Russian language 192
Seminar 11 199
Tests on topics of the chapter 203
Answer keys 207
Bibliography 253
Б. Усмонов
А. Мамасолиев
Комптотерная вёрстка:
X. Мамасолиев
Лицензия издательство № AI № 231. 16.11.12.
“ТАФАККУР” г. Ташкент, Чиланзарский p-он, ул. Чиланзар-1.
Подписано в печат19.10.2017 год. Формат 60x84 шв.
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