Understandability. In some application scenarios, a user may want to not only detect outliers, but also understand why the detected objects are outliers. To meet the understandability requirement, an outlier detection method has to provide some justification of the detection. For example, a statistical method can be used to justify the degree to which an object may be an outlier based on the likelihood that the object was generated by the same mechanism that generated the majority of the data. The smaller the likelihood, the more unlikely the object was generated by the same mechanism, and the more likely the object is an outlier.
II Clustering
What is clustering.
In clustering, a group of different data objects is classified as similar objects. One group means a cluster of data. Data sets are divided into different groups in the cluster analysis, which is based on the similarity of the data. After the classification of data into various groups, a label is assigned to the group. It helps in adapting to the changes by doing the classification.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi hukumati tomonidan jamiyatni axborotlashtirish, axborot kommunikatsion texnologiyalarini iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy muhitga tadbiq etish, ta’lim tizimi muammolariga katta e’tibor berilmoqda. Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy tizimini rivojlantirish va takomillashtirib borish, yuqori malakali kadrlar tayyorlashda o‘quv jarayonini tashkillashtirish va axborot - kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari imkoniyatlarini keng joriy etish zarur. Hozirgi jamiyat, madaniyat va ta’lim taraqqiyoti sharoitida o‘qituvchi innovatsion faoliyatiga zarurat tug‘ildi.
Mazkur ishda yaratilgan tizim qulay fоydalanuvchi intеrfеysiga ega bo‘lib, dasturdan fоydalanishni ancha yеngillashtiradi. Dastur kоdini o‘zgartirish imkоni mavjudligi, uni kеlgusida yangiliklar qo‘shish va amaliyotda qo‘llash imkоnini bеradi bulardan tashqari quyidagilar amalga oshirildi:
O‘rgatuvchi dasturlarni ishlashi va tuzilishi o‘rganilib chiqildi.
Zamonaviy PHP frameworklar o‘rganilib chiqildi..
Maqsadga erishish uchun kerak bo‘ladigan dasturlash vositalari o‘rganildi..
Ma’lumotlar bazasi loyihalandi va yaratildi..
Dasturiy ta’minot yaratildi.
Dasturdan foydalanish ko‘rsatma ishlab chiqildi.
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3. http://www.freewebmasterhelp.com PHP/MySQL tutorial.
4. http://www.siteground.com PHP-MySQL Tutorial.
5. http://www.dyn-web.com PHP to JavaScript basics, Dynamic Web Coding.
6. http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0
7. “The Yii Book” Larry Ullman 2019, London.
8. “Yii 2 For Beginners” Bill Keck 2005.
9. “Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP” Mark Safronov,Jeffrey Winesett, 2014
10. “Yii2 Application Development Cookbook - Third Edition” Dmitry Eliseev, Andrew Bogdanov, 2016
11. “Yii2 By Example” Fabrizio Caldarelli, 2015.
12. “Разработка веб-приложений в Yii 2” Марк Сафронов, 2015
13. “Yii2 Application Development Cookbook” Andrew Bogdanov, Dmitry Eliseev, Alexander Marakov
14. “Yii. Сборник рецептов” Макаров А, 2013.
15. “https://www.yiiframework.com/”, Rasmiy sayhifasi, 2008-2019 y
16. “https://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/98/yii-related-sites”
17. “https://forum.yiiframework.com/”
18. “https://www.wappalyzer.com/technologies/yii” Identify technology on websites
19. “https://trends.builtwith.com/websitelist/Yii-Framework” Websites using Yii Framework.
20. “https://yiipowered.com/ru” Yii framework, 2019
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