5. AGGLYUTINATSIYA - 1. V lingvistike - sliyanie razlichnыx slov v odno s sokraщeniem ix morfologicheskoy strukturы, no soxraneniem pervonachalnogo smыsla. 2. V psixologii - odin iz sposobov sozdaniya obrazov voobrajeniya. V odnom obraze soedinyayutsya lyubыe kachestva, svoystva, chasti. Rezultatom mojet stat vesma prichudlivыy obraz, poroy dalekiy ot realnosti.
Agglutination - 1. In linguistics - the fusion of different words in one with a reduction of their morphological structure, but preserving the original meaning. 2. One way to create fancy images. In one way connected to any quality, features, parts. The result can be a very quaint way, sometimes far from reality.
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