The implementation of research results.
Based on the results of obtaining modified adsorbents based on bentonite and coal and studying their sorption properties:
The method of wastewater treatment from organic impurities using carbon-mineral adsorbents is included in the list of promising developments of the Association of oil and fat industry enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (Reference of the Association of Oil and Fat Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. OZ/3-797 of July 2, 2020). As a result, it was possible to purify wastewater from petroleum products
A method for treating wastewater from acid anions using coal-mineral adsorbents is included in the list of promising developments of the Association of oil and fat industry enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (Reference of the Association of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. OZ/3-797 of July 2, 2020). As a result, 80% of acid anions and 97% of organic compounds in wastewater were removed.
The structure and volume of the dissertation. The content of the dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices. The volume of the dissertation is 118 pages.
I бўлим (I часть; part I)
1. Муминов С.З, Бойматов И.М., Рахимова Г.Б., Агзамхўжаев А.А. Адсорбция пиридина и тиофена на натриевом и полигидроксиалюминиевом монтмориллонитах //Ўзбек кимё журнали. Ташкент, 2012. №4 С. 3-7. (02.00.00. №4)
2. Бойматов И.М, Эшметов И.Д., Хошимов Ш.М Адсорбция паров бензола модифицированных углеминералных адсорбентах//UNIVERSUM Химия и биoлoгия, (Рoссия, Мoсква) научн. журн.2020.вип 7 (73) с 57-59 (02.00.00. №10)
3. Бойматов И.М., Эшметов И.Д., Муминов С.З. Навбаҳор ишқорий бентонити ва Ангрен кўмири асосида олинган адсорбентларда бензол буғи адсорбция//«Композицион материаллар» илмий-техникавий ва амалий журнали Тошкент, 2020. № 2. 27-31 б. (02.00.00. №4)
4. Boymatov I.M., Eshmetov I.D., Mamataliyev N.N., Uzoqov J.R. Navbahor ishqoriy bentoniti va chinor daraxti ko’miri asosida olingan adsorbentlarda benzol bug’i adsorbsiyasi//Samarqand davlat universiteti ilmiy axboratnoma Tabiiy fanlar seriyasi kimyo. Biologiya. Geografiya. Samarqand 2010, 3-son (121), 91-95 б. (02.00.00. №10)
5. Муминoв C.З., Бoйматoв И.М., Хандамoв Д.А. Oрганик асoс хемoсoрбцияланган мoнтмoриллoнитларда бензoл буғи адсoрбцияси // Ўзбекистoн кимё журнали. Тoшкент. 2013. №2.С. 28-30. (02.00.00. №6).
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