Tugatgan talabalar Survey SAMUZ TEMPUS loyiha
Tugatgan talabalar Survey O'zbekiston uchun barqaror agrar boshqarish tadqiqotlari doirasida kurs har qanday bir bitiruvchisi / magistranti sifatida tajribalari haqida savollar so'raydi (SAMUz)
Sizning javob birga ta'lim muassasasi sifatida dastur ishlashi haqida juda qimmatli ma'lumotlar beradi va biz kelajak uchun reja sifatida muhim yo'l-yo'riq beradi. anketa maqsadi bu kurslarda sizning tajriba bilan mamnuniyat haqida, butunlay maxfiy tarzda, ma'lumotlarni talab qilish hisoblanadi. Bu ma'lumotlar boshqa universitet ma'lumotlar bilan birga va ta'lim siyosati maqsadlar uchun ishlatiladi bo'ladi. Sizning javob davom etayotgan yaxshilash va ikki idoraviy va universitet darajadagi bitiruvchisi ta'lim mustahkamlash harakatlari xabardor yordam beradi.
Sizning javobingiz, albatta, maxfiy tarzda muomala qilinadi, deb ishonch hosil qiling. Bu so'rovnoma asosida har qanday topilmalar shaxslarni aniqlash emas, bir tarzda xabar qilinadi.
tadqiqot bajarish uchun hech qanday qo'shimcha 30 daqiqa davom etadi.
hamkorlik uchun rahmat
1. Daraja dasturi
Oliy dargohlar (Institutlar)
Samarqand qishloq xo’jaligi Instituti
Toshkent Davlat Agrar Instituti
Andijon Instituti
Qaysi darajani tanlamoqchisiz?
Magistrlik darajasi
Bakalavrlik darajasi
Siz qaysi bo’limdansiz?
Moliya va Menjment
Qishloq xo’jaligini o’rganish
Boshqa bo’lsa Iltimos ko’rsating …
Shu kungacha, uzingiz ishlab turgan muassasada tajribangizdan kelib chiqib keltirilgan aspektlarning har biridan qanchalik qoniqqansiz?
Juda qoniqarli
Juda norozi
Sizning muassasasida umumiy ilmiy tajriba
Sizning bo’limingizdagi umumiy akademik tajriba
Sizning muassasangizda noakademik yoki talaba hayoti tajribasi
Ijtimoiy hayot
madaniyat dasturlari
ko'ngilochar tadbirlar
2. Muhit va qo'llab-quvvatlash
Bo'limingizning intellektual muhitini baholang Iltimos
Juda qiziqarli
biroz qiziqarli
juda qoloq
Bo'limingizning ma’daniy muhitini baholang Iltimos.
Hayotiy tariba va qiziqishlari bilan insonlarni o’ziga judayam jalb qila olgan
Hayotiy tariba va qiziqishlari bilan insonlarni o’ziga biroz jalb qila olgan
Hayotiy tariba va qiziqishlari bilan insonlarni o’ziga shunchaki qamrab olgan
Hayotiy tariba va qiziqishlari bilan insonlarni biroz toqat qilib bo’lmaydi
Hayotiy tariba va qiziqishlari bilan insonlarni umuman toqat qilib bo’lmaydi
Dasturingiz doirasida fakultetingizdagi bitiruvchilarni talabalarni qanchalik qo’llab quvvatlanishini baholang iltimos.
Juda qo’llab quvvatlanadi
Biroz qo’llab quvvatlanadi
Biroz qo’llab quvvatlanadi
umuman qo’llab quvvatlanmaydi
Please rate the level of support, in general, the faculty in your program provide to graduate students in your program who have backgrounds, viewpoints or scholarly interests that are different than those of the faculty.
Very supportive
Somewhat supportive
Somewhat unsupportive
Very unsupportive
Please rate the level of support, in general, students in your program provide to one another.
Very supportive
Somewhat supportive
Somewhat unsupportive
Very unsupportive
3. Mentoring and Support
Does your department or program provide pre-general students with the following? If so, how effective is it?
Don’t know
Very effective
Very ineffective
An orientation to help you understand the process of completing your graduate degree.
A written set of expectations about academic requirements and expected progress.
A written assessment of your academic progress, in addition to course grades and exam, at least annually.
An annual meeting with your DGS and/or other faculty to assess your academic progress.
Assign an advisor (faculty member other than the DGS) to each pre-general students who can provide academic and non-academic advice.
Provide pre-generals students with organized, structured exposure to faculty and their current research interests
Require early research opportunities (e.g., laboratory rotations, research assistanceships, or faculty-advised pre-generals research projects or papers) before student formally commits to a dissertation adviser.
Encourage students to fulfill pre-general requirements with several different faculty members.
Assign or provide advanced graduate student as an informal adviser
Encourage informal mentoring by advanced graduate students.
4. Faculty advising and Support
Please rate the following with regard to the helpfulness of the advice and assistance you received from academic advisor.
Very helpful
Somehow helpful
Somehow unhelpful
Very unhelpful
Course Selection
Preparation for general exams
Selection of a dissertation or thesis topic
Assistance with dissertation or thesis proposal
Your dissertation or thesis research
Advice in writing and revising the dissertation or thesis
Consideration of academic career options
Consideration of non-academic or other professional career options
Advice about current progress and next steps
Advice about navigating the systems and culture of graduate education
Please rate the following with regard to the helpfulness of the advice and assistance you received from another faculty member in your department/program.
Very helpful
Somehow helpful
Somehow unhelpful
Very unhelpful
Course Selection
Preparation for general exams
Selection of a dissertation or thesis topic
Assistance with dissertation or thesis proposal
Your dissertation or thesis research
Advice in writing and revising the dissertation or thesis
Consideration of academic career options
Consideration of non-academic or other professional career options
Advice about current progress and next steps
Advice about navigating the systems and culture of graduate education
How accessible is your faculty advisor?
There is too much contact. I do not have enough independence
Just about the right amount of contact
There is not enough contact. I do not receive all the guidance I need
I am not sure
5. Academics resources
Very poor
Not used
N/A in my field of study
Research facilities (laboratories, instrumentation, other technical support, infrastructure, etc.)
Computer / computational facilities
Main Library, including electronic resources
Special research collections
Financial support for your graduate/postgraduate education
Your program's curriculum
Your coursework
Teaching by the faculty
Teaching by visiting faculty/guest lecturers
Opportunity to study and/or do research abroad
English Language Program
Career Services Office
6. Professional development
What types of professional development support / assistance are available to you either in your department or from the university? How satisfied are you with them?
Don’t know
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Effective oral communication and presentations
Speaking to audiences outside your field of study
Achieving standards of academic writing appropriate to your field of study
Preparing articles for publication
Teaching/pedagogy in your discipline
Training in research or professional ethics in your field
Opportunities to learn a foreign language for research or teaching purposes
Preparing for job interviews
Career planning
Cross-cultural communication
Cross-cultural awareness
7. Learning Outcomes
Very much
Very little
Don’t know/ NA
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in acquiring job-related or work-related knowledge and skills in farm management or agrarian management?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in writing clearly and effectively?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in Speaking clearly and effectively?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in thinking critically and analytically?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in Analysing quantitative problems?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in Using computing and information technology?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in Working effectively with others?
Has your experience at this programme contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in Learning effectively on your own?
8. Overall satisfaction
Very Poor
Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advice that you have received?
Overall, how would you evaluate your entire educational experience at your institution?
If you could start all over again, would you go to the same institution?
Please use the space below to describe some of the things you like best about being a graduate/postgraduate student in your institution, things that made you glad you came there:
Please use the space below to comment on what Princeton can do to improve your graduate/postgraduate experience OR what you wish you had done differently OR both:
Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions above and/or to comment on any other aspect of your graduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.
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