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Ikki va undan ortiq kishilarning o‘zaro og‘zaki gaplashishi
Dialog eto sluchay imet razgovor s drug druga sredi lyudey
The occasion of having conversation with each other among people
Dialogik nutq
nutq turlaridan bo‘lib, bunda so‘zlovchilar barobar teng, birgalikda faollik ko‘rsatadi
Dialogicheskaya rech – odin iz rechevix tipov v kakix uchastnikax govoryat drug k drugu aktivno i odinakovo
Dialogical speech – one of the speech types in which members talk to each other actively and equally
YOsh psixologiyasi
turli yoshdagi odamlarning psixologik xususiyatlarini va rivojlanish qonuniyatlarini o‘rganadi
Vozrastnaya psixologiya predmet kakie formы issledovaniy razrabotki i psixologicheskie sepsifikatsii chelovecheskogo kotoriy otlichaetsya ot drugix
Age psychology is a subject which studies forms of development and psychological peculiarities of human which differ from others’
individning boshqalardan farqlanadigan ijtimoiy xususiyatlari va psixikasining o‘ziga xosligi, qaytarilmasligi
Individualizm – povtornыe storonы, obщestvennыe i psixologicheskie sferы cheloveka, kotorыe drugie drugim
Individualism – recurrent sides, social and psychological spheres of person which are different to others
Idrokning konstantligi
idrok sharoiti o‘zgarsa-da, idrok qilishdan hosil bo‘lgan narsa obrazlarning nisbatan o‘zgarmasligi
Postoyanstvo ponimaniya – postoyanstvo obrazov i mыsli sdelali v ume nesmotrya na izmenenie ponimaniya usloviy
Constancy of understanding – permanence of images and thoughts made in mind in spite of change of understanding conditions
Ijtimoiy psixologiya
psixologiya fanining o‘ziga xos maxsus tarmog‘i bo‘lib, unda psixik va jamiyat taraqqiyoti qonunlari o‘rganiladi
Sotsialnaya psixologiya – spetsificheskiy filial psixologii v kotorom zakonы razrabotki psixicheskie i obshestvo izuchaetsya
Social psychology – a peculiar branch of psychology in which the laws of development of phychics and society are studied
inson tomonidan ijtimoiy tajribani egallash va hayot - faoliyat jarayonida uni faol tarzda o‘zlashtirish jarayoni
Protsess obobщestvlenie – protsess polucheniya obщestvennogo opыta i uspolzuya eto v techenie seloy jizni
Process of socializing – the process of acquiring social experience and making use of it in lifetime
faoliyat shakllari birlashmasi bo‘lib, mazmun, vositalar, tashkilotlar, mehnat natijalari hamda mehnat subektini tayyorlashga qo‘yiladigan talablar majmui
Professiya – eto sbor deyatelnosti tipov, kotorыe – sovokupnost trebovaniy podgotavlivat znachenie, instrumentalnыe sredstva, sozdaniya, rezultatы torgovli i vladelsev
Profession – the collection of activity types which is the totality of requirements to prepare meaning, tools, establishments, results of trade and owners
tekshirilayotgan matnda so‘z, ibora, abzaslarni ma’no-mohiyatini takrorlanish darajasiga qarab tahlil etish usuli
Dovolnыy analiz – protsess analiza znachenie konteksta soglasno skolko raz slovu, frazam i paragrafы povtorenы
Content analyze – the process of analyzing the importance of context according to how many times words, phrases and paragraphs are repeated
sinaluvchini aniq maqsad, faoliyat, vaqt, guruh bilan bog‘liq ravishda tekshirish, o‘rganish, ma’lumotlar to‘plash metodi
Nablyudenie yavlyaetsya metodom issledovaniya komu-nibud s opredelennыmi selyami, deyatelnostyu, vremenem i sgruppirovannoe dlya togo, chtobы poluchat yasnыe rezultatы o nix
Observation is the method of investigating someone with certain purposes, activities, time and groups in order to get clear results
about them
odamening ma’lum ishni bajarishga tayyorligida ko‘rinadigan qobiliyati. K. mahoratning asosini tashkil
Umenie, privыchka – sposobnost, kotoraya mojet bыt uvidna ix doveriem i gotovnostyu, chtobы sdelat chemu-nibud. Eto lejit v osnove opыtnosti.
Skill, habit is the ability which can be seen with their confidence and readiness to do anything. It is the basis of proficiency.