Тошкент “транспорт ва логистика: республика транспорт-транзит салоҳиятини ривожлантиришда рақамлитехнологиялар”

partners of any competitive company. The creation of a logistics infra-

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TЛ Конференция 1188 стр

partners of any competitive company. The creation of a logistics infra-
structure in Russia is closely related to solving the problem of com-

petence-based training of future logistics specialists, which is realizable 
in accordance with the theory of contextual learning. The methodo-
logical basis for preparing bachelors and masters for competitive 
professional activity is, in our opinion, the integration of education with 
science, professional activity and business [1]. 
The list of basic requirements imposed by employers for the 
specific knowledge and skills of applicants for the position of logistics 
specialists includes: possession of the competencies listed in the Federal 
State Educational Standard of Higher Education; inventory and supply 
chain management skills; the ability to use in practice the laws and 
regulations in the field of transportation; knowledge of the principles of 
foreign economic activity (FEA), as well as international legislation in 
the field of foreign economic activity and transport logistics, customs 
legislation, warehouse and transport logistics, the basics of labor 
legislation and labor protection standards, the principles of organizing 
storage facilities. This list is basic, the heads of logistics companies are 
always ready to continue it. However, their main requirement, presented 
in a concise form, sounds laconic: competitive employees of logistics 
companies must have the ability and willingness to mobile and 
efficiently solve complex transport logistics problems. The appropriate 
training of a new generation of logistics specialists is a responsible task 
for domestic universities, positioning themselves in the market of 
educational services in the field of logistics. In connection with the 
transition to a multi-level system of higher professional education, the 
training of logistics specialists at MADI has been carried out since 
September 2011 within the framework of the “Logistics and supply 
chain management” profile, which is part of the structure of the direction 
of training for bachelor's degree 38.03.02 “Management”. This profile 
has become the "successor" of the specialty "Logistics and supply chain 
management". One of the graduating departments at the Faculty of 
Logistics and General Transport Problems is the Department of 
Logistics. To date, the team has managed to develop the university's 
previous ones and establish new business contacts with leading Russian 
and international companies: Wimm Bill-Dann, STS Logistics, FM 
Logistics, DHL, Major Cargo Service. Wide and mutually beneficial 
professional relations of the department with innovative logistics 
companies have made it possible to create scientifically grounded 

models of professionally-oriented training of future logisticians at each 
educational level in accordance with the models of professional 
logisticians who successfully work at modern domestic and foreign 
enterprises. In accordance with the concept of projective education, 
scientific and pedagogical workers, in the process of preparing for work 
on the basis of a competence-based approach, carried out a large-scale 
interdisciplinary project that provides for the continuity of the 
development process of a system of general cultural and professional 
competencies in subjects of logistics education. The theory developed in 
the works of Russian scientists V.S. Lednev and P.F. Kubrushko [2; 3]. 
The leaders of logistics companies believe that the most important 
personal qualities of successful logisticians are: an engineering mindset, 
analytical and creative skills, systems thinking, composure and 
efficiency, the ability to plan and organize activities, the ability to 
quickly establish effective contacts, communication skills, enthusiasm, 
etc. commitment to lifelong learning. Professional requirements 
formulated by representatives of employers' enterprises are well known 
to MADI teachers, who provide the processes of education, training, 
creative and intellectual development of future logisticians. That is, 
educational processes carried out in accordance with the curricula of 
academic disciplines and focused on obtaining specific measurable 
results - the competencies of graduates, meet the requirements of both 
federal state standards and employers. At the same time, the 
formulations of requirements for professional competencies, fixed in the 
curricula of academic disciplines, as a rule, do not evoke criticism from 
representatives of the professional community. Despite this, over the 
past few years, a very strong belief has formed in our community that 
there is a certain contradiction between the needs of logistics companies 
for competent graduates of universities who are ready for professional 
activities and the real professional opportunities of young specialists.
The practice of leading logistics companies has shown that in order 
to successfully solve real problems of transport logistics and supply 
chain management, a university graduate needs, but not enough, to 
possess a set of knowledge and competencies acquired during mastering 
basic educational programs. Successfully working professional 
logisticians argue that a fundamentally important condition for the 
effective work of an employee of a logistics company is his professional 

experience. In most cases, such experience is acquired by a purposeful 
graduate in stages, over several years of continuous work in a logistics 
company. "Adjusting" a young specialist to the level of a full-fledged 
professional requires significant labor costs from companies. At the 
same time, there is no guarantee that a specialist, having achieved a high 
level of professional competence, will continue his work in the same 
company, and will not prefer a competing organization to it. That is why 
employers, when announcing an existing vacancy for a certain position, 
always clearly indicate the minimum practical experience of the 
applicant required by them. At the same time, one year of work in a 
logistics company is taken as a unit of measurement of the experience of 
a young specialist. The contradiction noted above between the needs of 
logistics companies and the real possibilities of graduates of logistics 
educational programs starting their professional activities, in our 
opinion, is not obvious. By now, a problematic situation has really 
formed. Representatives of universities and logistics firms jointly agree 
on a list of professional competencies that should be formed among 
university graduates. Teachers of academic disciplines, managing 
educational processes, orient students towards achieving the goals 
formulated in the programs and obtaining the corresponding results - 
specific competencies. At the end of the educational process at the 
university, the presence of competencies demanded by employers is 
diagnosed during the defense of diploma projects. However, already at 
the beginning of work at a logistics enterprise, it becomes clear that 
young employees are not always ready to independently solve modern 
complex practical problems in the conditions of real professional 
activity. The professional and academic community believes that one of 
the means to remedy the situation should be the professional standard 
“Logistics specialist”. The draft of this professional standard was 
developed by the team of the Moscow State University of Railways. 
Taking into account the results of the discussion and negotiations, in 
which the representatives of MADI took an active part, the project 
spelled out labor functions, qualification levels, requirements for 
education and training, the necessary competencies of graduates of 
educational institutions and requirements for practical work experience. 
The professional standard, which includes a scientifically grounded list 
of aggregate requirements for logisticians by domestic companies, is 

undoubtedly a fundamentally important document that determines the 
knowledge, abilities, skills and complex of competencies of a university 
graduate. However, the many years of experience of interaction between 
universities and logistics business enterprises available to date shows 
that even if there is a mutual agreement on the composition of the 
requirements for the results of professional training of a future 
logistician, a university graduate needs many years of "fine-tuning" in a 
real logistics business. As a result, there is no reason to be sure that only 
the introduction of a professional standard, clarification of the list of 
justified professional requirements for a logistician will become an 
effective tool for harmonizing the requirements of employers and the 
opportunities of graduates of educational programs. 
At the same time, agreeing that the customer is always right, and 
realizing the essence of his main requirement, we made the following 
system solution. First, to preserve the interdisciplinary fundamental 
training of students, traditional for MADI, which is the basis for both 
understanding the essence of phenomena and processes, and for 
continuous successful learning. Secondly, to create the necessary 
conditions so that, while studying at the university, future logisticians 
could master not only the currently relevant methods of solving 
operational problems, but also those promising advanced methods that 
are just beginning to be introduced into the practice of innovative 
enterprises. Obtaining the planned results corresponding to the 
implementation of the first part of the jointly adopted decision was 
beyond doubt. It was provided by many years of experience of the 
university's scientific and pedagogical staff, the integral capabilities of 
their collective intelligence and the enormous potential of formalized 
and unique personal knowledge. There were two important prerequisites 
for obtaining results consistent with the second part of the solution. 
Firstly, the experience of long-term cooperation of the university not 
only with the leading enterprises of the domestic logistics business, but 
also with the best logistics companies of developed European countries 
and, secondly, the theory of contextual learning developed in Russia. 
Contextual is such teaching, in which in the language of sciences and 
with the help of the entire system of forms, methods and means of 
teaching - traditional and new - the subject and social content of the 
future professional activity of students is consistently modeled [4].

The work aimed at implementing the decisions made began with a 
comprehensive analysis of the work programs of all academic 
disciplines that are part of the curriculum structure. It turned out that the 
curricula of academic disciplines contain full information about the 
theoretical part of education and modern pedagogical technologies for 
the formation of academic competencies, but in most cases they do not 
provide for the study of practical tools for solving operational problems 
that correspond to the realities of today. During subsequent 
communication with representatives of logistics companies in order to 
clarify the methods of solving operational problems that are relevant for 
them, it turned out that the enterprises that form the requirements for 
graduates, paradoxically, themselves do not fully possess information 
about new, more effective methods and technologies already used. in 
international practice. Thus, it was unexpectedly found that employers, 
criticizing graduates for their unpreparedness to use methods for solving 
operational problems, themselves are not always guided by the already 
existing methods of the new generation. Based on a systematic analysis 
of currently existing innovative methods for solving problems in the 
field of logistics, transportation and supply chain management, it was 
found that their information and technical capabilities significantly 
exceed those that were considered very high a few years ago. In fact, we 
can talk about the revolution that took place in this area. Thus, the use of 
modern intellectually capacious methods allows automatic search for 
information necessary for making optimal decisions with minimal 
human participation. It is the reduction of labor costs (both managerial 
and the cost of performing technological operations) that is the main 
direction of the development of the "logistics of the future". The 
effectiveness of the application of innovative methods is manifested in a 
significant reduction in the labor intensity of technological and business 
procedures. The introduction of the latest methods of solving logistics 
problems into the sphere of practical activity opens up broad prospects 
for increasing its efficiency. In some cases, due to the use of new 
methods, it is possible to achieve an increase in efficiency tenfold. 
Unfortunately, the level of awareness of many Russian logistics 
companies about the advantages of innovative methods and new 
opportunities associated with them remains low to date. In the sphere of 
higher education, as a rule, information about new methods comes, 

however, for various reasons, university students are taught mainly 
using those tools for solving logistic problems that were created ten, and 
sometimes twenty years ago. In this situation, it is impossible to 
guarantee university graduates a level of proficiency in modern methods 
of solving operational problems that meets international requirements. In 
the current conditions, the development of a methodology for training 
professional personnel for innovative activities in the field of logistics 
becomes highly relevant. From the point of view of engineering 
pedagogy, the methodological basis for the innovative training of 
logisticians for competitive professional activities should be the 
integration of education with advanced science, real production and 
innovative business - a special model of social partnership, focused on 
equal cooperation of all its participants [5].
Focusing on the practical solution of the problems formulated 
above, in 2013 MADI began to create, within the Faculty of Logistics 
and General Transport Problems, a Scientific and Educational Center for 
Innovative Technologies in Logistics (RECTL) in order to provide 
subjects of training with the context of innovative professional activity 
(www.madi.ru). The creation of RECTL was preceded by a lot of work 
on the formation of the composition of the laboratories and the 
development of the concept of each of them. This work was carried out 
jointly with leading Russian and foreign organizations: the Coordination 
Council for Logistics (KSL), the Federal Union of Logistics of Germany 
(BVL), the Institute for Organization and Automation of Industrial 
Production of the Society. Fraunhofer IFF, as well as with an expert 
council, which included representatives of leading companies operating 
in the Russian market. In connection with the opening of the center, the 
Faculty of Logistics and General Transport Problems has unique 
opportunities for the implementation of basic and additional educational 
programs at all levels of professional education, for conducting large-
scale scientific research, designing systems and technologies in the field 
of logistics and supply chain management. 
Currently, on the basis of RECTL, a set of basic and additional 
educational programs in the field of logistics is being implemented at the 
level of higher (bachelor's, master's, specialty) and postgraduate 
education (advanced training, professional retraining). More than 10 
advanced training programs have been developed, differentiated 

according to specializations and forms of education. Training is carried 
out according to educational programs of various complexity, including 
professional short-term programs (practical seminars, master classes, 
international internships and trainings). Each program is built on the 
basis of an analysis of the real tasks and problems of trade, 
manufacturing and logistics companies, as well as the requirements for 
the training of personnel from leading European universities. Most of 
the programs are developed and implemented in cooperation with the 
largest European organizations in the field of logistics: ELA, BVL, 
Fraunhofer IFF, Ottovon GuerickeUniversität (Magdeburg). Teachers 
and training consultants are some of the best specialists in Russia; 
among them are top managers of companies and heads of logistics 
departments (Bright Colors, LogistiX, Marsh & Wilts, HAVI Logistics, 
STS Logistics, SCM Engineering, etc.), as well as world-renowned 
scientists. Many specialists and teachers have been trained in logistics 
and supply chain management at major European universities (Lough-
borough University, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, 
Middlesex University, London). The educational process is based on the 
optimal combination of practical exercises (master classes, business 
cases, simulation) and system-organized theoretical training. Both 
during the training and after its completion, students are given the 
opportunity to receive advice from teachers and specialists of the 
NOCTL on various aspects of innovative methods and technologies, as 
well as on the specifics of their implementation in the relevant industry. 
The high efficiency of learning outcomes, advanced training and 
professional retraining of logisticians at the MADI Scientific and 
Educational Center indicates that the implementation in the educational 
space of a domestic university of competence-based training of 
logisticians, carried out in the context of innovative professional 
activities, is quite possible if the methodological basis of its organization 
is integration with science. professional sphere and business. 

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