12407. Mrs. Frank Myers died at her home in Whiting, Kansas, August 21, 1913, at the age of 54 years, 10 months and 19 days. She was born at Virden, Illinois, October 2, 1923, and came with her parents to Whiting, Kansas, in 1883. After she was graduated from the Whiting public school and attended Campbell College she taught several years. On May 15, 1890, she was married to Frank E. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Myers were the parents of six daughters, Mrs. Madge Bottenberg, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Mildred Irwin, Brooklyn, New York; Frances, Charlott and Louise, Whiting; and Anna, who died in 1909. Besides her husband and five daughters, she is survived by the three grandchildren, Junior Irwin, Louise and William Bottenberg, her aged mother, Mrs. A. L. Woodul, three sisters, Mrs. H. B. Hobert and Mrs. Belle Watts of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Eva Spears, Garnett, Kan.; four brothers, W. H. Woodul, Bartlesville, Okla.; R. L. Woodul, Laredo, Texas; L. E. Woodul, Shreveport, Louisiana; C. B. Woodul, El Paso, Texas; many nieces and nephews … In 1893 she united with the Christian church. … the body was laid to rest in the Whiting cemetery. The Holton Recorder, August 30, 1923.
… Mrs. Myers is a sister-in-law of Mrs. J. H. Riley. The Holton Recorder, August 23, 1923.
The following out of town folks attending the funeral of Mrs. F. E Myers last Friday: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Irwin and son Junior, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bottenberg and sons, Louis and William, of Kansas City, Mo; Mrs. Eva Spears, Garnett, Kan.; W. H. Woodul, Bartlesville, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Holbert, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Myers, Mrs. J. Q. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Powell, Holton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moorhead, Mr. Ed Myers and Mrs. Harry Tutt of Denison. - Whiting Journal. The Holton Recorder, September 6, 1923.
12408. Mrs. F. E. Munneke was called to Chicago and left last Friday, on account of the death of her mother. The Holton Recorder, August 30, 1923.
Brief Local News. … her mother, Mrs. Sarah Wilson … The Holton Signal, August 30, 1923.
12409. Blandin. Burt Ske-Ske, an aged and blind Indian, who made his home with his brother Bill, died suddenly last Thursday night. He was buried Thursday in the Indian grave yard. The Holton Recorder, August 30, 1923.
12410. Pea Ridge. Paul Goodman motored to Wheaton, Kans., Sunday, to attend the funeral of a cousin. The Holton Recorder, August 30, 1923.
12411. Cedar Creek. Mrs. Chas. Dutt’s mother, Mrs. Heisey, was buried in Topeka Friday.
Mayetta Department. … Mrs. Heisey lived in this community several years ago … The Holton Recorder, August 30, 1923.
12412. Mayetta Department. Mamie Mulryan and son J. C., went to Corder, Mo., Tuesday, August 31, having received a telegram that her only brother got killed accidentally in a mine there. The Holton Signal, August 30, 1923.
12413. Mr. W. S. Morris and daughter, Miss Jennie, went to Wetmore Sunday to attend the funeral service of Mr. Morris’ niece, Miss Hannah … Whiting Journal, August 31, 1923.
12414. Samuel E. Ream, pioneer citizen and G. A. R. veteran, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon while attending the national G. A. R. encampment at Milwaukee. The news reached Holton in a telegram from National Commander W. H. Mitchell to George H. Barker. It asked for instructions as to the disposition of the body. Judge Barker wired to have the remains shipped at once to Holton. Mr. Ream left Sunday morning for Milwaukee to attend the encampment. … It is supposed that his death resulted from an attack of apoplexy. … Mr. Ream has been a resident of Jackson county since the early days. His home is in Holton, where he owns property. He was 76 years old. He was unmarried. He has a surviving brother in Pennsylvania and some nieces and nephews. He served as corporal in Thompson’s Independent Battery of Pennsylvania from 1862 to 1865. The Holton Recorder, September 6, 1923. (cont’d)
12414. (cont‘d) … Mr. Ream was born in Lancaster county, Pa., February 24, 1845, and died September 4, 1923. He received his early education in the public schools of West Donegal township, later graduating from the Millersville State Norman school near Lancaster, Pa. Later he came to Holton and taught in the Jackson county schools. Nine years in each state is his teaching record. In 1862 he enlisted in the service of the United States for the suppression of the rebellion and served until the conclusion of the war in Pennsylvania light artillery. He represented Jackson county in the house of representatives at Topeka in one of the early sessions. He was a member of the Redmen lodge, Knights of Pythias and 32nd degree Mason. He leaves a brother living in Pennsylvania and several nephews and nieces. Mr. Ream owned a comfortable residence in the east part of Holton and a factory building and a shaded park in which Mr. Ream always kept deer and other animals. He was a great lover of nature. He has made it possible for several boys to receive an education in the Holton schools …
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ream and D. L. Ream of Elizabethtown, Pa., Norman Ream of Harrisburg, Pa., came to Holton last Saturday to attend the funeral of their uncle, S. E. Ream. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
… W. W. Ream of Harrisburg, Penn. … uncle Sam Ream … The Holton Signal, September 13, 1923.
12415. The ashes of Mrs. Florence Elliott of San Diego, Calif., arrived in Holton Tuesday … burial were made in the Holton cemetery.
Clara Florence Bronk was born near Gaylord, Kans., April 14th, 1880. She passed away at her home in San Diego, Calif., at the age of 43 years, 4 months and 10 days. She was married to Clarence B. Elliott, Oct. 14th, 1903, at Holton, Kans. She leaves to mourn her passing a devoted husband and mother, Mrs. Alice Bronk, three sisters, Mrs. O. H. Minor, Miss Thella Bronk and Miss Edna Bronk, all of Holton, Kans. The Holton Recorder, September 6, 1923.
12416. Mrs. Mary Ellen Watson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. B. McCrerey, Sunday, September 2. The body as taken to Powhattan, Kans., her old home … burial was made in the Powhattan cemetery by the side of her husband and son. The Holton Recorder, September 6, 1923.
12417. … We pause in our busy life to pay love’s tribute of respect to out friend, neighbor, patriot, soldier, pioneer, business promoter, Frank C. Whipple, late of Circleville, Kansas. … A completed life’s work which began in Cataraugus County, New York on the fourth day of November in the year 1840 and closed on the 27th day of August of the year 1923. At the age of ten years he moved with his parents to Iowa, where they resided but a short time, moving later to St. Charles, Ill., where he grew to manhood. At the beginning of the Civil war he answered his nation’s call and enlisted in Company H 13th Illinois infantry and marched proudly “to the war away,” serving for four years, then re-enlisted in the veteran corps and remained in the service until the close of the war. He came to Kansas in 1867, locating at Lawrence where he resided until 1872 when he moved to Kansas City. In 1892 he was married to Mrs. Eva B. Tilton and moved to Ontario, Kans., where he purchased the farm the writer now occupies, and builded substantial improvements in the house and barn which stand as silent monuments to his memory and skill as a master builder. A year later he sold this home to Mr. George Karns, returning to Kansas City. A few years later they returned to Circleville and purchased a farm north of town where they resided until 1902 when Mrs. Whipple’s health became so poor that they moved into Circleville where they lived until the death of his wife in November of the year 1904. He laid her to rest in the beautiful cemetery at Kansas City, Kans., near the scenes of her girlhood to await the coming. He continued his home in Circleville until the close of his earthy career. Mr. Whipple was an active businessman as well as a master builder, and engaged for years in construction and building work in Kansas City and other cities. Shortly after locating in Circleville he founded the first State bank and for years was its honored president and erected the present beautiful bank building as a monument to his skill as a builder, and his work as a master mason whose lessons he learned as a young man in Illinois in a just and lawfully constituted Lodge of Masons, carrying with him his membership from place to place and in the 1896 found a home in Circleville Lodge No. 20 A. F. & A. M. … He leaves to mourn his departure a daughter, Mrs. Dora Eames, of Kansas City, Mo.; a niece, Mrs. Anna Beattie, of Lawrence, Kansas; two nephews, Mr. Will Whipple, of Lawrence, Kansas, and Mr. Percy Kelly, of Albany, Oregon. … his body borne away to the scenes of his early manhood to be laid to rest by the side of his wife at Kansas City, Kansas … The Holton Recorder, September 6, 1923.
Circleville. Those here from a distance … Judge Percy R. Kelly from Albany, Ore., also his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eames from Kansas City. The Holton Recorder, August 30, 1923.
12418. Rock Brook. An infant son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ora Bowser, August 29, 1923, and was buried August 30, 1923. … The Holton Signal, September 6, 1923.
12419. Brief Local News. Matt McAsey was in Marysville, Monday attending the funeral of his grand- mother. The Holton Signal, September 6, 1923.
12420. Jennie Vetter was born December 7, 1883, at Deerfield, Ill. There she was educated and grew to young womanhood. About three years ago, following the death of her father, she came to Kansas to make her home with her sister, Mrs. C. L. Sorg. Soon after coming here she entered the employ of the Kaul Grocery Co. as bookkeeper. … In early youth Miss Vetter entered the Christian life and proved especially efficient as a Sunday school teacher. Only two weeks prior to her death, she was graduated from a special course in teachers training, which she had taken in order to prepare herself more fully for this work. … A week ago Saturday, shortly after returning from a day’s work, she was seized with a severe hemorrhage of the lungs. … Monday morning, September 10, at 11:30 when she fell quietly asleep. … the body was taken to Topeka where it was placed aboard the train for interment at Deerfield, Ill, her girlhood home.
Card of Thanks. … death of our sister, Miss Jennie Vetter. … Mr. and Mrs. George Vetter. Mrs. Julia Strayer. Mr. and Mrs. John Vetter. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Sorg. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
12421. Liberty. Mrs. John Hay was called to Downs, Kansas, by the death of her brother, A. C. Griffith’s last Tuesday. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
12422. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn and R. F. Glenn attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. John Murray, at Lancaster, Kans., Friday. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
Card of Thanks. … death of our beloved mother and aunt. Miss Rose Murray, Mr. and Mrs. K. Murray and family, Rev. J. H. Kelly, Mrs. Samuel Denny. The Holton Recorder, September 20, 1923.
12423. Geo. Allen of Corning was killed last week on Monday when hauling hogs with a team and wagon. A hog jumped up and tipped the seat off, throwing Mr. Allen forward behind the team, which ran. His brother and nephews also on the wagon were slightly injured. Mrs. Geo. Allen will be remembered in this community as Nola O’Roke … Soldier Clipper. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
12424. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hayden were called to Slater, Mo., Saturday by the death of Mrs. Hayden’s brother, G. F. Olinger. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
12425. High View. Jim Barnes received word from Russville, Mo., telling of an automobile accident in which one relative was killed and others severely injured. … The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
Mrs. J. H. Barnes received a message Monday that her half brother, Millard Frakes was dead and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Frakes, and a friend, Dennis Payne, are not expected to recover from injuries received near St. Joseph, Sunday afternoon when an automobile Payne was driving turned over after Payne lost control of it. The Frakes live at Halls Station, Mo. Young Frakes died at St. Joseph hospital at 5 o’clock Sunday afternoon, about four hours after the accident. Mrs. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes and Mrs. Jim Bunton left at once for St. Joseph. The Holton Signal, September 13, 1923.
Nathan Frakes, father of Mrs. J. H. Barnes, and Mrs. Jim Bunton of Holton, died Saturday at the St. Joseph hospital … The Holton Signal, September 20, 1923.
12426. Circleville. Mr. Drummond and Mrs. E. K. Floyd received word of the death of their grandmother at Asheville, Kans. … The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
12427. Nocks Creek. Nelson Cozee, Wa-sak-wak, son of Cozee and Com-ah-dar passed quietly away Sunday, September 9. … He leaves a mother, three sisters and three brothers …
Mayetta Department. Nelson Kozee, an Indian, died on Sunday at the home of Frank Mazche on the reservation. The Holton Signal, September 13, 1923.
12428. Mrs. Geo. Thomas received a message Sunday morning of the death of her only brother in Oklahoma. Whiting Journal, September 14, 1923.
12429. George Calvin Todd was born September 7, 1857 in Columbiana Co. Ohio and died in Whiting, Kansas, September 9, 1923 - Age 66 years and 2 days. He came to Whiting in 1883, and with the exception of a few years in Nebr., has lived in or near Whiting ever since. He was married to Mary E. Guess, November 6, 1879. To this union four children were born, viz: Mrs. R. H. Newton, of Dewey, Okla.; Mrs. R. Z. Lawrence, of Whiting, F. G. Todd of Everest; and J. W. Todd, of Kansas City, Mo. These with the wife and five grand children … He is survived by a brother, F. P. Todd, of Crawford, Nebr., and sisters, Mrs. Belle Eakin, of Bartlesville, Okla., Mrs. Nannie Arbuckle, of Bowling Green, Ohio; and Mrs. H. M. Guess, Holton. Many nieces and nephews … Became a member of the Christian church in Whiting 36 years ago … He also belonged to the I. O. O. F. and M. W. A. … burial was at Spring Hill cemetery …
Relatives out of town attending the funeral. Hugh Eakin, of Bartleville, Okla. … Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guess, of Horton; Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, of Onida, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Guess and sons, of Holton; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Byers and family of Denton, Kansas. Whiting Journal, September 14, 1923.
12430. Miss Nina D. Marshall was born near Camden Point, Missouri, Feb. 9, 1884, and departed this life at the Horton hospital at Horton, Kans., Sept. 17, 1923, being twenty-nine years, seven months and eight days old. She came to Kansas with her parents in the year of 1908, and spent her girlhood days near Holton and Whiting, Kansas. She was united in marriage to Mr. James Bewley, March 14, 1917. To this union were born three children, Raymond Joseph, five years, six months; Louise Wilma, three years and one month; an infant daughter who preceded the mother two weeks in death. She has been a member of the Baptist church at Whiting, Kansas, for fourteen years. … she leaves to mourn her death a husband and two children, Raymond Joseph and Louise Wilma; a father and mother, three sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Charles Hollis, Altadena, Calif., Mrs. Arthur Marshall, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Walter Neihaus, Atchison, Kansas; Irene Carlton and Sanford Marshall who live at home with their parents near Whiting, Kansas; other relatives … The Holton Recorder, September 20, 1923.
… Mrs. Bewley is a niece of Mrs. Arthur Goodman of Holton. She lived near Whiting about 15 years ago … burial was made in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Signal, September 20, 1923.
12431. Raymond Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Coots of Whiting, Kans., was born at Arrington, Kans., September 29, 1915 and died at the Horton hospital September 10, 1923 of appendicitis. He would have been eight years old had he lived to his next birthday. … He leaves besides his parents, one older brother, Edgar, one older sister Lila, and a sister Ella, and brother Glenn, both younger than he; 4 grandparents … Burial in the Horton cemetery. The Holton Signal, September 20, 1923. (cont’d)
12431. (cont’d) Brief Local News. Mr. and Mrs. John Beyer, Miss Flossie Beyer and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huntington and Mrs. Fred Helm were in Horton Tuesday to attend the funeral of their nephew, Raymond Coots. The Holton Signal, September 13, 1923.
12432. One of the old settlers of Circleville neighborhood, George R. Sharp, passed away from among us September 12. He was born in Lancaster county, Pa., May 17, 1841. When a boy he moved with his parents to Ohio and there grew to young manhood. He came to Jackson county in 1868. He was united in marriage to Emma E. Bronson on Dec. 30, 1880. There were four children, Myrtle, the first born, passed away in infancy; Andrus Russell died at the age of four. The surviving sons are Ernlee L., of Kansas City, Kansas; and Scott H., of Circleville, at whose home Mr. Sharp passed away. His wife had preceded him in death August 17, 1919. He is survived by a brother at Lancaster, Kans., and two sisters in Pennsylvania. … interment was made in the Circleville cemetery.
Oak Grove. Mr. Ernest Sharp who attended the funeral of his father returned to his home in Kansas City. The Holton Recorder, September 13, 1923.
Clover Leaf Club News. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharp attended the funeral of Mr. Sharp’s uncle at Circleville Friday. The Holton Recorder, September 27, 1923.
12433. Annie Christina Swartz was born in Buffalo, N. Y., March 14, 1857, and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mabel Goodman, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 2, 1923, aged 68 years, 5 months, 18 days. She was married to George Brenner, October 30, 1878. Three children were born to them, Carl O. Brenner of Santiago, Calif.; Zula Pearl Kellogg of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Mabel Gertrude Goodman of Albuquerque, New Mexico. She lived in this community some years, but most of her life was spent in the west. She had lived about 25 years at Colorado Springs and had only recently gone to her daughter’s in New Mexico. Besides her children she is survived by a brother, Henry Swartz, of Soldier and two sisters, Mrs. Geo. Smith of Soldier and Mrs. J. H. Lynn of Holton. … the remains were brought to Soldier for burial … The Holton Recorder, September 20, 1923.
Soldier News. From the Clipper.] … died of heart trouble … The Holton Signal, September 13, 1923.
12434. Denison. Grandmother Greenlee, who made her home here with her daughter, Mrs. James Wright and Dr. Wright during 1919, 20, died recently near Albany, Oregon, aged 83 years. The Holton Recorder, September 20, 1923.
12435. Denison. Mary Dodson, wife of William A. Dodson, passed away at her home north of town September 16, following a second paralytic stroke. Her husband, a son and two daughters survive her, also a sister, Mrs. Lucretia Elledge. … The Holton Recorder, September 20, 1923.
Mary E. Bradshaw was born near Humansville, Missouri, the 22nd of June, 1849, and died Sept. 16, 1923, at the age of 74 years, 2 months and 24 days. In 1863 she came to Jackson county with her parents, Bainbridge Bradshaw and Fanny Collins Bradshaw, who were among the earliest settlers in the county. At the age of fifteen she united with the Christian church at North Cedar, Kansas. On February 24, 1870, she was married to W. A. Dodson, who survives her. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Jessie A., and Frances F., and one son, Walter W., all of Denison; also one grandson, Carl Edmond, and one sister, Mrs. Lucretia Elledge. … Interment was in the cemetery south of Denison. … The Holton Recorder, September 27, 1923.
12436. Grace Amelia Kelly was born in County Donegal, Ireland, Feb. 10th, 1847, and departed this life Sept. 2, 1923, at Marshfield, Mo. She came with her parents to Toronto, Canada, in 1848; from there she moved to Atchison, Kans., and was married to Cornelius Murray, Feb. 1878. To this union was born two children. Her husband died in 1880. On Oct. 28, 1884, she was married to Mathew Grannell of Holton, Kans. She leaves to mourn her loss two children, Rose Murray of Marshfield, Mo., and King Murray of Soldier, Kans.; five stepchildren … her body was laid to rest in the Mount Calvary cemetery. September 20, 1923.
Mrs. Grace Grannell died Saturday, September 1 … The Holton Recorder, September 6, 1923.
… a resident of this neighborhood for many years, but a few years ago moved with her daughter, Miss Rose Murray, to Holton, Kansas. About a month ago they moved to Marshfield, where they were living with father Kelley, a nephew of Mrs. Grannell’s … Whiting Journal, September 7, 1923.
12437. Miss Grace Bergin was called to western Kansas last Wednesday by the death of her father. The Holton Recorder, September 20, 1923.
12438. Helen Fawcette, niece of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hargis, died at her home at Linton, Ind., July 18, 1923. Helen visited in Holton just a year ago on her way to California trying to regain her health. The Holton Signal, September 20, 1923.
12439. George Eugene Locke was born at Thelsa, Vermont, December 30th, 1849, and died September 25th, 1923, aged 74 years, 8 months and 26 days. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. H. M. Carr of Worchester, Mass., and Mrs. J. P. Richardson, of Boston, Mass.; three nephews, Lawson Locke of Woodland Park, Colo., Victor Grant of Vermont, and Arthur Grant of New Hampshire, Vermont, and six nieces, Mrs. May Wilkerson of Santa Anna, Calif., Mrs. Hanna Green of Colorado, Mrs. Nellie Anderson of Oklahoma, Miss Mamie Sargent of Kansas City, Mrs. Effie Everhard of Sioux City, Iowa, and Nellie Lucus of Vermont. Dr. Locke graduated from the Eclectic Medical College of New York City in 1880, and followed his profession for some years at Worcester, Mass., and came to Kansas, locating in Holton in 1886 and was among the leading physicians of this city for many years. For ten years he served as a member of the Kansas State Board of Health, and declined the re-nomination on account of declining health. For many years he was a leading member of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias lodges. … .
Mrs. Roy Anderson of Pawhuska, Okla., Miss Mary Sergeant of Kansas City, Mo., and Lossen of Woodland Park, Colo. … The Holton Recorder, September 27, 1923.
12440. Samuel Brown, one of the oldest residents of Jackson county, died at his home, six miles northwest of Holton, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Brown came to Jackson county in 1858 and had resided here ever since. …
Circleville. Samuel Brown, Sr., died last Sunday on his eighty-seventh birthday at the home of his son, John Brown. … The Holton Recorder, September 27, 1923.
Sam Brown, 88 years of age, died Sunday at his home near Circleville. He is survived by 4 sons, and 2 daughters … burial was made in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Signal, September 20, 1923.
Pea Ridge. Miss Nolah Johnson taught school for Albert Brown one day last week, while he attended the funeral of his Grandpa Brown in Holton. The Holton Recorder, October 4, 1923.
12441. Clarence Edwin Herde, son of Oswald and Pauline Herde, grandson of John Herde, was born at Ralpje, Montana, and died at Onaga, Kansas, Friday, Sept. 21, aged 5 years, 10 months and 28 days. Burial in the Hoyt cemetery … He leaves to mourn his death a mother and three brothers and many other relatives …
Point Pleasant. … died of the lockjaw … his father, Oswald Herde, who died about five years ago … The Holton Recorder, September 27, 1923.
12442. Denison. A telegram was received Thursday morning announcing the death of Matthew Mann at his home in Quinter, Kansas. His brother Joseph and Will Wright left at once. Acute indigestion was given as the cause of death. Mr. Mann sold his farm here to A. J. Ewing some twenty years ago, moving from here to Gove county. The Holton Recorder, September 27, 1923.
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