The Holton Recorder

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12335. Rock Brook. We received the news of the death of Dr. Riggs at the hospital in Kansas City, Monday morning and the body was brought to Muscotah May 30th and the burial was Thursday afternoon. Dr. Riggs was the youngest brother of Mrs. Z. E. Jacobs and also an uncle of Mrs. Lyman Bowser. He was ill with the flu in February and double pneumonia set in … He has doctored in Muscotah for about fifty years and was the only doctor most of the time. … The Holton Signal, June 7, 1923.
12336. Dr. T. C. Alexander, a former resident of Holton, and an uncle of Sim Fees, died at his home in Oakland, Iowa, June 2, at the age of 83. … He was born in Union county, Indiana, served through the Civil War and at its close he and his wife came to Jackson county. He engaged in farming for a year, later selling out and commencing the study of medicine under the direction of his brother-in-law, Dr. D. W. Taylor of Holton, an old army surgeon. Here he studied for three years, completing his training in Cincinnati. He practiced medicine at Holton until 1874 when he moved to Iowa. … The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
… Dr. Alexander is a brother of the late Mrs. John Woodyard … Mr. and Mrs. Sim Fees and daughter Florence, motored to Oakland Monday to attend the funeral. The Holton Recorder, June 7, 1923.
12337. Mayetta Department. G. E. Dutcher, grading contractor, received a telegram here one day last week that his daughter-in-law of Albany, N. Y., was expected to live but a few hours. Later he received another message that she had passed away, and her body will be shipped to Kansas City for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher left at once to attend the funeral services. She leaves a husband and four children and we understand that he and his wife will take care of the children. … The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
Mayetta Department. Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher went to Kansas City Friday to attend the funeral of a brother who died in a hospital at Albany. The Holton Signal, June 14, 1923.
12338. Soldier. From Clipper.] Mrs. Arthur Ellis’ mother, Mrs. Pyne, died at her home in Topeka on Friday. She was buried on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brady and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Henderson from here attended the funeral. The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
Rose Bud Items. Mrs. Ellis received the sad news of the death of her brother, Wade Pyne, in St. Joseph … The Soldier Clipper, October 17, 1923.
12339. Cedar Creek. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kientz returned from Manhattan Tuesday, being called there by the death of Mrs. Kientz’s uncle. The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
12340. Sunny Brook. Sidney Rickel received word Sunday that his brother Tom had died in Kansas City and was to be buried at Dearborn, Mo., Wednesday. … The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
12341. Mayetta Department. Fred Zweifel was called to Fairbury, Nebr., this week by the sudden illness and death of his mother. She was 79 years old. The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
12342. A wire was received by Captain J. A. Scott yesterday stating that his son-in-law, Dr. W. B. Kitchen, had died at his in home in Indianapolis. He has been critically ill for some months. He leaves a wife, formerly Miss Edith Scott, and a son, John Kitchen. The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
The burial of Dr. W. B. Kitchen took place at Crown Hill cemetery in Indianapolis last Friday. The sudden death of Dr. Kitchen, as announced in the Recorder last week, came as a severe shock to his wife, formerly Miss Edith Scott of Holton. … Dr. Kitchen was found lifeless in his chair, the malady which had been creeping on him of late years having touched a vital spot. The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
12343. Birmingham. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blanka on Sunday, June 17, 1923, a little son. But the little life was brief as he passed away on Monday afternoon … Mrs. Blanka was formerly Miss Lois Reddick.
… buried Tuesday from the home southeast of Holton. … The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
… Burial in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Signal, June 21, 1923.
12344. Patricia Louise, the infant daughter of Jessie Kennedy-Snell and O. A. Snell, died at the home of her parents at Colby, Kan., June 4, 1923, at the age of one year and 25 days. Her parents and Jimmie and Betty Jene are left to mourn their loss. The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
12345. John Elnathan Shields was born in Washington county, Indiana, July 13, 1857, and passed away in his home at Holton, Kansas, June 12, 1923, at 9:30 o’clock at night, aged 65 years, 10 months and 29 days. He was married to Arthuza Dick, March 26, 1885. To this union were born five children, Marion, Arthur who passed away six years ago, Onie, Otis and Sadie all living in this county. … converted in youth when he joined the Baptist church. Later he became a Methodist … His membership has been with the Liberty church for many years … He and Mrs. Shields moved to into town a few years ago with their daughter Sadie … He leaves to mourn his loss four grandchildren, two sisters and one brother. They are, Mrs. Mary Bradshaw of this city, Mrs. G. W. Elliott of Topeka, and one brother, William Shield of Holton, Kansas. He has one sister who preceded him to the better land. … laid to rest in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
… his home at 431 Colorado ave. … The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
12346. … On June 12, 1923, this messenger of death called William Van Sweringen from this earth. … Mr. Van Sweringen was the son of William and Rachel VanSweringen, was born at Honey Grove, Pa., February 9, 1854, and passed away at his home in Holton, Kan. … He was educated in Honey Grove, Penn., and assisted his father in the general merchandise store, until he was 18 years of age. He afterwards attended school at Port Royal, Pa., later going to Philadelphia where he was employed in the wholesale shoe store, and continued in the same for more than two years. Having a desire to see the west he came to Spencerville, Ohio, where he remained a short time, then going to Rossville, Ind., later going to Shenandoah, Iowa, where he farmed for several years. On January 5, 1886, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Calhoon of Clarinda. To this union was born one son, Jay VanSweringen, who resides at home. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Odell, Nebr., where they lived until the spring of 1901, coming from Nebraska to Kansas, settling on a farm near Holton where he resided until his death. … those living to mourn his death in addition to his wife and son, two brothers, Thomas, of Shenandoah, Iowa, Clarence of Rugby, North Dakota, one sister, Mrs. Matilda Junk, McCoysville, Pa., besides a number of more distant relatives … Burial was in the beautiful plot near Holton. The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
12347. Monday afternoon Karl Knouft, an aged German, shot his wife, inflicting wounds from which she died a few hours, then turned the gun on himself with fatal results. The Knouft lived in the tenant house on Alfred Hazeltine’s farm joining Wetmore on the west. A grown son, Fred, lived with them but was in town at the time of the tragedy … Nothing was known of the shooting until about 4 o’clock, when it was discovered by Mrs. Gus Knouft, a daughter-in-law, who, with her family, lived about two miles west of Wetmore. Mrs. Gus Knouft had been in town and stopped at the tenet house to take her mother-in-law home with her. As she approached the house she saw her mother-in-law on her knees at the door and supposed she was scrubbing. On reaching the house she discovered that the lady had crawled to the door in endeavor to get help, and also found her father-in-law dead, in another room. … It is said that Karl Knouft and his wife did not get along and occupied separate rooms, and that their son, Fred, lived with them to protect his mother, as his father, who was very eccentric, had threatened her several times. … The remains of Mrs. Knouft were privately buried in Wetmore cemetery Tuesday afternoon. The elder Knoufts were not very well known here, but their sons, Gus and his family, and Fred are well known and highly respected. - Wetmore Spectator. The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
Agnes Schrader was born in Saxony, Germany in 1847, and was married to Karl Knouft of Saxony, Germany in 1871, and emigrated to this country in 1882. To this union were born nine children, five of whom preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her departure four children: Gus Knouft of Wetmore, Kansas, Mrs. Minnie Shepherd and Charley Knouft of Holton, Kansas, and Fred Knouft who lived with his parents. Also 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She united with the Lutheran church in her youth ... interment was made in the Wetmore cemetery. - Wetmore Spectator. The Holton Signal, June 21, 1923.
… of Mrs. Ed. Shepherd of Holton … The Holton Recorder, June 14, 1923.
12348. Liberty Neighborhood. Mr. Will Ott, a former resident of Liberty, died Saturday at a hospital in Kansas City where she had submitted to an operation. The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
12349. Soldier. From Clipper.] Wm. Sampson, Mrs. S. L. Dunlap, Mrs. Eastborn and Mrs. Coulson were at DeKalb, Mo., on Tuesday of last week attending the funeral of their uncle, Ben Sampson who died suddenly on last Monday. The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
12350. On June the 20th, word was received here of the sudden death of Patrick Fahey of Pontiac, Illinois. At one time Mr. Fahley was a well known resident of Doniphan and Jackson counties. Heart failure was the cause of his death. The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
12351. Friends of Mrs. John H. Wasson were grieved to learn of her death at a local hospital where she had been under expert and efficient treatment for several weeks. Stella May Way was born in Knox county, Illinois, and her early girlhood was spent in Johnson county, Nebraska. The family then moved to Holton, Kansas, where the deceased graduated in music from the Campbell University. She was united in marriage in June 1899 to John H. Wasson who brought his bride to his farm in West Holbrook and where she had lived ever since. She has been actively identified with the different interests of the M. E. church of this city and with the county Parent-Teachers Association. … besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by two sons, Claire and Way, her aged father at Holton, Kansas, and a sister at Amarillo, Texas. … interment was in Valley View cemetery. … Rocky Ford Enterprise. The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
Mrs. John H. Wasson died of uremia in the hospital at Rocky Ford, Colo., June 14, after an illness of six weeks. … The Holton Recorder, June 21, 1923.
Brief Local News. A. J. Way received a message last week of the death of his daughter Mrs. Stella Way Wasson … The Holton Signal, June 21, 1923.
12352. Mizella Carby was born in Millerstown, Kentucky, August 3, 1852. After being in poor health for a number of years she passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Miles Kincade, June 20, 1923, being nearly 71 years of age. She united with the Christian church at the age of 17 and remained a faithful member for over fifty years. She was married to John C. Brown in 1869. To them were born two children, Perry Lee who died at the age of 19 months and Angie Brown Kincade of this city. October 27, 1881, she was married to Solomon Kessinger. To this union were born three children, one dying in infancy, Elsie Roberts of this city, and Stanley Kessinger of Enid, Oklahoma. Besides the two daughters and one son, she leaves to mourn her loss two granddaughters, three grandsons, one sister, Mrs. Louisa Hatfield of Hillerstown, Kentucky, a number of nephews and nieces … laid to rest in the Denison Cemetery. The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
Card of Thanks. … death of our beloved mother … Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Kinkade and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Roberts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kessinger and family. The Holton Signal, June 28, 1923.
12353. Pea Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snyder attended the funeral of Mrs. Snyder’s aunt at Whiting today. (Monday). The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
12354. John Hippman was born in Arzberg, Germany, state of Bavaria, on March 28th, and departed this life June 9th, 1923. Mr. Hippman came to the United States in the year 1867, where he settled at Onaga, Kansas and latter moved to Holton. And was there united in marriage to Sarah C. Case, on November 19th, 1879, and was a resident of Holton until the year 1914, when he moved to Colorado in the vicinity of Agate. To this union were born seven children, four boys and three girls: Mrs. Smith Martin of Kansas City, Mo., Miss Maude Hippman and Miss Emma Hippman, Chas. Hippman of Montana, William Hippman and George of Agate. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss. One boy, Christopher, departed this life in the year, 1900, at the age of fifteen years. … He was the last of his father’s family to leave this earthy sphere. … The remains were laid to rest in Fairmount cemetery, Denver. The Holton Signal, June 28, 1923.
12355. Addie Moulton was born in Van Wert County, Ohio, July 15, 1852, and died at Whiting Kansas, June 23 1923. Age seventy years, eleven months, and ten days. Her girlhood days were spent at Butler, Indiana. She was united in marriage with W. S. Lower, March 5, 1872. After spending several years in Adams county, Indiana, they moved, in 1882, to a farm four miles southwest of Netawaka and in 1896, settled in Whiting. … Mrs. Lower converted and joined the United Brethren church in 1875, having been a member for fifty years. She has been a Sunday School teacher nearly all her life. She was Sunday School treasurer for many years. … she leaves to mourn her husband, two brothers, other relatives … burial in the Spring Hill Cemetery. Whiting Journal, June 29, 1923.
Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Lower, a former resident of Pleasant Grove, died at her home in Whiting Saturday morning. … The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
Mrs. Linn niece of Mr. Lower who attended the funeral of Mrs. Lower and has spent some time with Mr. Lower, returned to her home at Walkerton, Ind. Wednesday accompanied by Mr. Lower where he will make his future home. Whiting Journal, July 13, 1923.
William Stevens Lower, son of Rev. William and Catherine Mura Lower, was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, March 8, 1845. When eleven years of age he came with his parents to Adams county, Ind., when the country was yet new, and much hard work required to clear the farm. William was industrious, but more inclined to the work of mechanic than farming, accordingly in the early sixties he chose the occupation of wagon making, and became quite proficient in his work. For several years he owned and worked in a wagon shop in Butler, Indiana. On March 5, 1872, he was united in marriage with Miss Addie E. Moulton, of De Kalb, County. No children were born to this union. In 1882, Mr. and Mrs. Lower moved to a farm in Jackson county, Kansas, near Netawaka, where they resided a number of years, and later moved to Whiting Kansas, where for several years he worked at his trade. Mrs. Lower’s death occurred at Whiting, Kansas, June 23, 1923, and interment in the beautiful cemetery at Whiting. Mrs. Fred Lynn of Decatur was with Mrs. Lower at the time of her death. Mr. Lower being left alone in his home in Whiting, decided to come to Decatur and make his home with Mrs. Fred Lynn … fell asleep in Jesus, Friday morning, August 3, 1923, aged 78 years, 4 months and 25 days. Mr. Lower was converted and joined the United Brethren church in a meeting held at Big run, DeKalb County, about 1869 … Mr. Lower leaves to mourn his departure, one brother, Rev. J. W. Lower, of Walkerton, Indiana, a number of nieces and nephews … burial was in the Spring Hill cemetery. Whiting Journal, August 10, 1923.
12356. Charlotte Bishop was born January 10, 1945, near Marietta, Ohio, and died at Fresno, Texas, June 29, 1923, aged 78 years. She grew to womanhood in Logan, Ohio, and received her education in Pleasant Hill Seminary. It was while she was attending the seminary that she was converted and united with the Christian church of that place. Later uniting with the Presbyterian church of Holton … In 1869 she came to Kansas, and on May 19, 1870, she was married to Mr. H. J. S. Snyder at Holton, Kan. They lived in and about Holton until they moved to Texas about twenty years ago. To this union eight children were born, G. H. Snyder of Atchison, Kan., E. E. Snyder of Eldorado, Kan., C. N. Snyder of Fresno, Texas, Mrs. Mary Barnes of Hunter, Okla., Mrs. Ruth Siegle of Emmet, Kan., and Mrs. Dora Nail of Fresno, Texas. Two children, Carla Lillian and Gilbert, died in infancy. She leaves to mourn besides her children, her husband, H. J. Snyder, also 13 grandchildren … The Holton Recorder, July 5, 1923.
… burial in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Signal, July 5, 1923.
12357. Mayetta Department. Mrs. Anton Banks, daughter of Henry and Rhoda Sacks, was born Feb. 6, 1882, and passed away June 25, 1923, aged 41 years, 4 months and 19 days. She was united in marriage July 22, 1901, to Anton Banks. To this union were born nine children, seven of whom survive and the other two preceded her in infancy. … those who survive her are her husband and three boys and four girls … the body was then taken overland to the Catholic cemetery at Kickapoo in Leavenworth county for burial. … The Holton Recorder, July 5, 1923.
Mayetta Department. Mrs. Tommy Banks who lived five miles southeast of Mayetta, died Sunday night, June 24, 1923, at her home. Mrs. Banks has been complaining for a long time with T. B. … She leaves a husband and five children … The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
12358. David Marshall, son of Wm. And Isabelle (Mogee) Marshall, was born in Huntington, Pa., August 12, 1846. He was the seventh of eight children, and is survived by only three of the eight. His father and mother, and three of his five brothers have gone on before him, as well as one of his two sisters. Yet surviving him of the family are his two brothers, John Marshall, of Randolph, Iowa, and Robert Marshall also of Iowa, and his one living sister, Mrs. Mary Newton, of Whiting, Kansas. He is also survived by his wife who was Mrs. Mary Thomas, and to whom he was married after the death of his first wife, who was Miss Elizabeth Ramsey, and to whom he was married in 1872. The date of his second marriage being March 20th 1902. … called away at 1 o’clock, June 28th, 1923 at his home in Whiting, Kansas … He was stricken by a heart attack … He was an ex-soldier of the Civil war … his body was borne away to the Spring Hill cemetery … Card of Thanks. … death of our beloved husband and father … Mrs. M. A. Marshall, Ivan Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Thomas. Whiting Journal, July 6, 1923.
Mary N. Pratt was born in Canada, August 10, 1853, immigrating to the U. S. in early life. She was early married to Henry Thomas, and to this union were born five children, three of whom died in infancy, while two sons Irving J. Tgumas, of Ft. Madison, Iowa; and Ivan F. Thomas, of Whiting, Ks. survive her. On March 26, 1902 she was married to David Marshall, who died June 28, 1923, leaving her alone and lonely. Besides the two sons, Mrs. Marshall is survived by two brothers, George Pratt, of Friend, Iowa and William Pratt, of Freemont, Neb., a number of other relatives … She passed over the silent river Saturday morning, January 16th, 1924 … yielded on Saturday the 26th to the inevitable … the Methodist Episcopal Church, Whiting, Ks., of which Mrs. Marshall was been a member for years … laid to rest in the Spring Hill Cemetery …
Card of Thanks. … death of our beloved mother. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Thomas Ivan Thomas Hattie Bobbitt Whiting Journal, February 1, 1923.
12359. Rev. B. R. Smith, beloved by many at Soldier as their pastor of some years ago, died at his home in Rosedale, Kansas, on Wednesday of last week … the bereaved wife and children have the sympathy of a host of friends in this community where they lived for nearly four years. … The Soldier Clipper, July 11, 1923.
12360. Harry Phillip, son of Max and Emma Drechsler was born July 31, 1921, and ended his brief earthly journey July 8, 1923. … About two months ago was stricken with pneumonia. This was followed by other complications which brought him to the end at so early an age. … Interment was made in the Holton cemetery.
Card of Thanks. … death of son Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Max Drechsler, Mr. and Mrs. James Little, Katie and Harry Wahl. The Holton Recorder, July 12, 1923.
12361. Hoyt. Harry Hancock, the brother of Mrs. Harry Allen, was found floating in the river at Topeka with a bullet hole in the forehead and was brought to Hoyt cemetery and buried beside his father. The Hancocks lived at Hoyt at one time but moved to Topeka some 20 years ago. The Holton Recorder, July 12, 1923.
12362. James Pollock was born July 9, 1856, at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and departed this life July 3, 1923, at his home near Soldier, Kansas, being 66 years, 11 months and 23 days old. He was united in marriage with Mary Bostwick October 9, 1881. To this union were born eleven children, two of whom preceded him to the world beyond. He settled in his late home in 1879 where he continuously resided. He was converted and united with the United Brethren church of Soldier Valley about 25 years ago. … He leaves to mourn his departure, a wife, six sons, Thomas of Circleville, Kansas, and Walter, John, James, William and Paul. Three daughters, Mrs. Chas. Starr and Mary and Calla. Besides his immediate family he leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Wallace of Denver, Colo., Mrs. Ina Travis of La Homa, Okla., and a half sister, Mrs. Maggie Fowler of Topeka, Kansas … laid to rest in the Olive Hill cemetery … The Holton Recorder, July 12, 1923.
12363. Francis Wright, of Holton, came Thursday to attend the Ira Bailey funeral. He is a nephew of Mrs. Bailey. Goff Advance. The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
12364. Dr. T. D. Crites, former president of Campbell College, died Tuesday July 3, of apoplexy at Mitchland Center, Wisc. Of late years Mr. Crites has been in the ministry of the United Brethren church. The Holton Recorder, June 28, 1923.
12365. Hoyt. Betty Lou, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donahue, was born November 4, 1922 and passed away at her home northeast of Hoyt on Friday, July 13, 1923, at the age of nine months and nine days. She leaves to mourn her father and mother, two sisters and four brothers. … buried at 2 p. m. in the Catholic cemetery. … The Holton Recorder, July 19, 1923.
12366. Circleville. Mrs. Josie Hill-Smith of Topeka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, formerly of this place, died Wednesday, July 11, in a hospital at Topeka. Interment in the Circleville cemetery. … The Holton Recorder, July 19, 1923.
Circleville. … reared in this neighborhood from her early childhood … her aged mother who was dependant on her for all her care. Also her sorrowing husband. …
… died July 12 … The Holton Signal, July 19, 1923.
12367. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Graham and Eugene Graham were called to Abilene last Friday for the funeral of Mrs. Graham’s brother-in-law J. E. Keel. His death occurred at St. Francis hospital in Topeka on Wednesday. He was 57 years old and is survived by his wife. … the head of a building and loan association in Abilene and had helped build hundreds of homes there. Out of over 500 loans made the company had never had a foreclosure suit. The business will now be carried on by Mrs. Keel. The Holton Recorder, July 19, 1923.
12368. Larkinburg. Mrs. Charley Beyer went to Winchester today to attend the funeral of her grandmother. The Holton Recorder, July 19, 1923.
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