1. Gliding Railway—железная дорога, основанная на принципе скольжения
2. balloon railway —железная дорога, на которой поезда приводились в движение с помощью воздушного шара –Ҳаво шари ёрдамида поездларни харакатлантирувчи темир йўли.3. slide — зд. ползунок-
4. stream-lined — имеющий обтекаемую форму-силиқ шаклга эга бўлган
5. tube-flight concept —идея скоростного «полета» в трубе -қуврдаги юқори”учиш” фикри
usual ['ju:3uəl]
а обычный
research [ri'sə:tf]
n исследование, научная работа
aim [eim]
n цель
cheap [tfi:p]
а дешевый
point of view [vj:u]
точка зрения
Nuqtai nazar ,
without [wi'6aut]
prep без
wheel [wi:l]
n колесо
move [mu:v]
v двигаться
base [beis]
v основывать
attain [ə'tein]
v достигать
prove [pru:v]
v доказывать
Asoslamoq, isbotlamoq
since [sins]
cj так как
Shunday qilib
investigate [in'vestigeit]
v исследовать, расследовать
Izlanib topish
apply [ə'plai]
и применять
further [fe:bə]
а дальнейший
Keyinchalik ,qo’shimcha
strange [streind3]
а странный
facilitate [fə'sliteit]
v облегчать
instead of [in'stedəv]
prep вместо
load [loud]
v грузить
install [in'stכ:l]
v устанавливать
like [laik]
adv как, подобно
Kabi, dek
decrease [di:'kri:s]
v уменьшать
friction [frikfən]
n трение
loss [lכs]
n потеря
expect [iks'pekt]
v ожидать, предполагать
Kutmoq, taxmin qilmoq
whether ['webə]
cj ли
care [kεə]
п забота, внимание
source [sכ:s]
n источник
transfer [trsæns'fə:|
и перемещать, передавать
rear [riə]
n задняя сторона
Orqa tomoni
(1) The underground railways as a kind of city transport appeared in the second half of the 19th century. The first underground system was proposed for London by Charles Pearson in 1843. But most people criticized the project. It was spoken of as a fantasy. Indeed, when constructed, the Metropolitan line, as it was called, was not a success. The world’s first underground railway, the London Underground, opened on the 10th of January, 1863. It was a short distance railway, only a few miles in length, and Londoners went on travelling by surface transport as they feared to get deep under the ground. But this situation did not last long. Wishing to attract more passengers to the underground railway Alfred Stanley, General Manager of the Metropolitan line, filled the stations with flowers and wild animals in cages;
(2) While travelling, however, public experienced many discomforts. The tunnels were made as small as possible in order to reduce the construction costs. The coaches themselves were small and narrow. No wonder1 that people called this underground line a "sardine-box railway". The small windows in the trains were made in the roof so that passengers could see nothing. The oil and gas lamps used gave little light. So passengers wishing comforts while travelling, had to take candles with them together. The steam locomotives filled the tunnels with steam and smoke. It was this discomfort that later on made engineers introduce electric traction for hauling train Ton underground railways.
(3) When put into service, electric trains , eliminated steam and smoke and ensured a much more frequent service for passengers: Since that time the construction of great rapid subway systems in such great cities as London, New York, Berlin and Moscow has become, practicable.
The Tashkent Metro (Uzbek: Toshkent metropoliteni) is the rapid transit system serving the city of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. It is one of only two subway systems currently operating in Central Asia (the other one being the Almaty Metro). It was the seventh metro to be built in the former USSR, opening in 1977. Its stations are among the most ornate in the world. Unlike most of the ex-Soviet metros, the system is shallow .
The Tashkent Metro consists of three lines, operating on 36.2 kilometres (22.5 mi) of route and serving 29 stations. In 2013, the metro carried 59.2 million passengers, which corresponds to a daily average of approximately 162,200 riders.
The Tashkent Metro comprises three lines which operate on 36.2 kilometres (22.5 mi) of route and serve 29 stations. Planning for the Tashkent Metro started in 1968, two years after a major earthquake struck the city in 1966. Construction on the first line began in 1972 and it opened on November 6, 1977 with nine stations. This line was extended in 1980, and the second line was added in 1984. The most recent line is the Yunusobod Line, the first section of which opened in 2001.
A northern extension of this line is currently under construction, and a fourth line was to start construction in 2010, but has been delayed.
The depth of the metro's underground tunnels varies between 8–25 metres (26–82 ft). The strong construction of these three lines can resist earthquakes of a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale.It sports a 1,520 mm gauge and a third rail power supply (825 V DC). The average station distance is 1.40 kilometres .
(1) Er osti temir yo'llari shahar transportining bir turi sifatida 19-asrning ikkinchi yarmida paydo bo'lgan. Birinchi er osti tizimini London uchun 1843 yilda Charlz Pirson taklif qilgan. Lekin ko'pchilik loyihani tanqid qilgan. Bu xayol deb aytildi. Darhaqiqat, qurilganida, Metropolitan liniyasi, deyilganidek, muvaffaqiyat qozonmadi. 1863-yilning 10-yanvarida dunyodagi birinchi yer osti temir yoʻli London metrosi ochildi. Bu qisqa masofali temir yoʻl edi, uzunligi bor-yoʻgʻi bir necha mil edi va londonliklar yer ostiga chuqur kirib qolishdan qoʻrqib, yer usti transportida sayohat qilishda davom etishdi. . Ammo bu holat uzoq davom etmadi. Metropolitan liniyasining bosh menejeri Alfred Stenli yer osti temir yo'liga ko'proq yo'lovchilarni jalb qilishni istab, bekatlarni gullar va qafasdagi yovvoyi hayvonlar bilan to'ldirdi;
(2) Sayohat paytida odamlar ko'p noqulayliklarni boshdan kechirdilar. Tunnellar qurilish xarajatlarini kamaytirish uchun imkon qadar kichikroq qilib qurilgan. Murabbiylarning o'zlari kichik va tor edi. Odamlar bu er osti liniyasini "sardak temir yo'li" deb atashgani ajablanarli emas. Poyezdlardagi kichik derazalar yo‘lovchilar hech narsani ko‘rmasligi uchun tomga qilingan. Amaldagi neft va gaz lampalari kam yorug'lik berdi. Shunday qilib, sayohat paytida qulaylik tilagan yo'lovchilar o'zlari bilan birga sham olishlari kerak edi. Teplovozlar tunnellarni bug' va tutun bilan to'ldirdi. Aynan shu noqulaylik tufayli keyinchalik muhandislar Ton er osti temir yo'llarida poezdlarni tashish uchun elektr tortishni joriy qilishdi.
(3) Elektr poyezdlari ishga tushirilganda bug 'va tutunni yo'qotdi va yo'lovchilarga yanada tez-tez xizmat ko'rsatishni ta'minladi: O'sha paytdan boshlab London, Nyu-York, Berlin va Moskva kabi yirik shaharlarda katta tezkor metro tizimlari qurilishi boshlandi. , amaliy.
Toshkent metropoliteni (oʻzbekcha: Toshkent metropoliteni) — Oʻzbekiston poytaxti Toshkent shahriga xizmat koʻrsatuvchi tezkor tranzit tizimi. Bu hozirda Markaziy Osiyoda ishlayotgan ikkita metro tizimidan biri (ikkinchisi Olmaota metrosi). Bu 1977 yilda ochilgan sobiq SSSRda qurilgan ettinchi metro edi. Uning stansiyalari dunyodagi eng bezakli metrolardan hisoblanadi. Ko'pgina sobiq sovet metrolaridan farqli o'laroq, tizim sayozdir.
Toshkent metropoliteni 36,2 kilometr (22,5 milya) yo‘nalishda harakatlanuvchi va 29 ta bekatga xizmat ko‘rsatadigan uchta liniyadan iborat. 2013-yilda metro 59,2 million yo‘lovchini tashdi, bu kunlik o‘rtacha 162,2 ming haydovchiga to‘g‘ri keladi.
Toshkent metropoliteni 36,2 kilometr (22,5 milya) yo‘nalishda harakatlanuvchi va 29 ta stansiyaga xizmat ko‘rsatadigan uchta liniyadan iborat. Toshkent metropolitenini loyihalash 1966 yilda shaharda sodir bo'lgan kuchli zilziladan ikki yil o'tib, 1968 yilda boshlangan. Birinchi liniya qurilishi 1972 yilda boshlangan va u 1977 yil 6 noyabrda to'qqizta stansiya bilan ochilgan. Bu liniya 1980-yilda kengaytirilgan, ikkinchi qator esa 1984-yilda qoʻshilgan.Eng oxirgi yoʻnalish Yunusobod liniyasi boʻlib, uning birinchi qismi 2001-yilda ochilgan.
Hozirda ushbu liniyaning shimoliy yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha qurilish ishlari olib borilmoqda, to‘rtinchi liniya qurilishi 2010-yilda boshlanishi kerak edi, biroq kechiktirildi.
Metro er osti tunnellarining chuqurligi 8–25 metr (26–82 fut) orasida oʻzgarib turadi. Ushbu uchta liniyaning kuchli konstruktsiyasi Rixter shkalasi bo'yicha 9,0 magnitudali zilzilalarga bardosh bera oladi. U 1520 mm kalibrli va uchinchi temir yo'l quvvat manbaiga (825 V DC) ega. Stansiyaning o'rtacha masofasi 1,40 kilometrni tashkil qiladi.
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