International Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal
ISSN: 2091-573X
Vol. 1 Issue 1, June - 2021
I've been waiting for you so long my brother.
Besides, 눈에 설다 – ko’z o’rganmoq, 눈에 익다 – ko’zga yaqin,눈에 거슬리다 – ko’zga tashlanmoq there are also expressions
such as, which are also used in different situations.
Now, we will look through phrases related to mouth.
입이 가볍다
–we translate this phrase og'ziga yengil . In the Uzbek language, the equivalent of this phrases are og'ziga bo'sh,
og'zida gap turmaydigan. Og'ziga bo'sh is used to mean that you can easily tell others without keeping a secret. That is, the term is
used to describe people who do not keep secrets, do not talk, and easily sell the secrets of others.
: 입이 가벼운 사람에게는 절대 비밀을 말하면 안 돼요.
People who can’t keep a secret shouldn’t be told a secret at all.
입이 무겁다
–Og’ziga mahkam. As we can see, this phrase is an antonym of the above phrase, which means it is og'ziga mahkam ,
in the sense that it keeps the secret well enough not to speak at all. That is, it refers to people who are good at keeping secrets and
who don't tell others.
: 안바르씨는 입이 무거운 사람이니까 믿고 말해 봐요.
Don't worry, Anwar keeps your secret.
입이 귀에 걸리다
– Og’zi qulog’ida
Og'zi qulog'ida- which means he's in a very good mood, with his mouth full of joy. That is, we use the phrase when something
good is happening, or when there is joy, when there is a good reason at all, when the mood is much better for that reason. That is,
our laughter, our joy, our mouths, our ears.
Apart from this, there are some phrases such as 입을 씻기다–og’zini yopmoq (pora bilan), 입이 근질 근질 하다–tili qichimoq, 입
이 빠르다
–tilini tiyolmaydigan, 입에 오르내리다–tillarda doston bo’lmoq.
Below we look at hand-related phrases. translating this phrase from Korean means qo'li katta. Big hands mean you can do a lot for
everyone when you do something. It is used for people who give what they have without hesitation or jealousy. That is, it can be
synonymous with the Uzbek phrase "Open-handed."
우리 어머니는 손이 커서 언제나 음식을 많이 하셔요
My mother always cooks a lot because she is open-handed.
손에 물 한 방울 묻히지 않고 살다
–Qo’lini sovuq suvga ham urmaslik means living comfortably and easily without having to
work hard. It is used for people who want to escape from certain difficulties and live a simple life.
: 그 친구는 부잣집에 시집가서 손에 물 한방울 묻히지 않고 살아요.
She lives without even touching the cold water because my friend is married to a rich man.
손이 맵다
–this phrase can be translated as qo'li qattiq, which is equivalent to the harsh word hand in Uzbek. A hard hand means
that it hurts a little when you hit it lightly.
: 동생의 작은 손이 어찌나 매운지 맞은 자리가 아직까지 아파요.
although my brother's hand is small but very hard, the place where he hit it still hurts.
Now we will analyze the phrases related to the nose.
코가 높다
, 콧대가 높다-this phrase can be an equivalent with the phrase of burni baland(prideful) in Uzbek. If someone is 콧대
가 높다
,that person is prideful, snobby and stuck-up. We can use the phrase with people who have these characteristics.
: 그 여자는 코가 높아서 누구의 말도 듣지 않아요.
U qizning burni baland bo’lgani uchun hech kimning gapini eshitmaydi (quloq solmaydi).
This girl is so snobby that she doesn’t want to listen to anyone.
코가 꿰이다
-this one is similar with burnidan ip o’tkazmoq(someone is restrained) in order to use for these who are restrained
because one’s weakness has been seized upon.
: 그 여자는 남편의 코가 꿰여서 항상 아내의 말을 들어요.
U ayol erining burnidan ip o’tkazib olgani uchun har doim xotinining gapidan chiqmaydi.
Her husband is restricted by her.
We will look through some phrases related to feet.
발 디들 틈이 없다
- this matches the phrase of oyoq bosishga joy yo’q(very crowded) in Uzbek language. We can use it for the
places which are so crowded.
: 그 식당은 손님이 얼마나 많은지 점심 시간에는 발 디들 틈이 없어요.
Bu oshxonada mijoz shunchalik ko’pligidan tushlik vaqti oyoq bosishga joy yo’q.
This restaurant is so crowded at the lunch time.
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |