Edited by A. N. Kolmogorov. Moscow: Prosveschenie.
Moscow: Intellekt-Tsentr.
March 9, 2011
9in x 6in
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
On Algebra Education in Russian Schools
Algebra. Grade 7: Textbook for General Educational Institutions]. Edited by S. A.
Telyakovsky. Moscow: Prosveschenie.
Makarychev, Yu. N., Mindyuk, N. G., Neshkov, K. I., and Suvorova, S. B. (2009b).
Algebra. 8 klass: uchebnik dlya obscheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdenii [Algebra. Grade
8: Textbook for General Educational Institutions]. Edited by S. A. Telyakovsky.
Moscow: Prosveschenie.
Makarychev, Yu. N., Mindyuk, N. G., Neshkov, K. I., and Suvorova, S. B. (2009c).
Algebra. 9 klass: uchebnik dlya obscheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdenii [Algebra. Grade
9: Textbook for General Educational Institutions]. Edited by S. A. Telyakovsky.
Moscow: Prosveschenie.
Ministry of Education (2004a). Bazisnyi uchebnyi plan i primernye uchebnye plany
dlya obrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdenii Rossiiskoi Federatsii, realizuyuschikh programmy
obschego obrazovaniya. (Prikaz Ministerstva obrazovaniya Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot
9 marta 2004 g. No. 1312 “Ob utverzhdenii federal’nogo bazisnogo uchebnogo
plana i primernykh uchebnkh planov dlya obrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdenii Rossiiskoi
Federatsii, realizuyuschikh programmy obschego obrazovaniya” [Basic Time Allo-
cation Plan and Model Curricula for Educational Institutions in the Russian
Federation Implementing General Education Programs. (Decree of the Ministry
of Education of the Russian Federation from 9 March, 2004, No. 1312: “On
the Ratification of a Federal Basic Time Allocation Plan and Model Curricula
for Educational Institutions in the Russian Federation Implementing General
Education Programs.”)]. http://www.ed.gov.ru/ob-edu/noc/rub/standart
Ministry of Education (2004b). Federal’nyi component gosudarstvennogo standarta
obschego obrazovaniya. Matematika. Osnovnoe obschee obrazovanie. Osnovnoe srednee
(polnoe) obrazovanie, bazovyi uroven’. Osnovnoe srednee (polnoe) obrazovanie,
profil’nyi uroven’. (Prikaz Minobrazovaniya Rossii ot 05.03.2004 No. 1089 “Ob
utverzhdenii federal’nogo komponenta gosudarstvennykh obrazovatel’nykh standar-
tov obschego, osnovnogo i srednego (polnogo) obschego obrazovaniya”) [
Component of the State Standard for General Education. Mathematics. Basic General
Education. Basic Secondary (Complete) Education, Basic Level. Basic Secondary
(Complete) Education, Advanced Level. (Decree by the Russian Education Ministry
from 3.5.2004, No. 1089: “On the Ratification of the Federal Component of the State
Standards for General, Basic, and Secondary (Complete) General Education”)].
Ministry of Education (2004c). Matematika. Primernaya programma osnovnogo
obschego obrazovaniya [Mathematics. Model Program for Basic General Education].
Moscow: Ministry of Education RF.
Ministry of Education (2004d). Matematika. Primernaya programma srednego
(polnogo) obschego obrazovaniya. Bazovyi uroven’ [Mathematics. Model Program
for Secondary (Complete) General Education. Basic Level]. Moscow: Ministry of
Education RF.
Ministry of Education (2004e). Matematika. Primernaya programma srednego
(polnogo) obschego obrazovaniya. Profil’nyi uroven’ [Mathematics. Model Program
for Secondary (Complete) General Education. Advanced Level]. Moscow: Ministry
of Education RF.
March 9, 2011
9in x 6in
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
Vilenkin, N. Ya. et al. (2007). Matematika. 5 klass: uchebnik dlya obscheobrazovatel’nykh
uchrezhdenii [
Mathematics. Grade 5: Textbook for General Educational Institu-
tions]. Moscow: Mnemozina.
Vilenkin, N. Ya. et al. (2008). Matematika. 6 klass: uchebnik dlya obscheobrazovatel’nykh
uchrezhdenii [
Mathematics. Grade 6: Textbook for General Educational Institu-
tions]. Moscow: Mnemozina.
March 9, 2011
9in x 6in
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
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