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The shift from presence to output oriented style of control is not the case within the academic
environment, since academics are already controlled based on their output (Resp. 4; Resp. 5; Resp. 6;
Resp. 8; Resp. 11; Resp. 14; Resp. 16; Resp. 17). It is all about publications (Resp. 1; Resp. 6; Resp. 11;
Resp. 17), how many people you attract, and what grants you win (Resp. 11). If there still is any form
of process- or presence-oriented control, this will be replaced by an output-oriented style of control
due to NWW (Resp. 6; Resp. 10). It doesn’t work to tell academics what to do: “
It’s like herding cats
(Resp. 5). However, the academic environment has been more commercially driven, with use of time
writing and work plans (Resp. 16). Furthermore, for PhDs it is important to be seen by the professor.
Because of this mechanism, the shift will not be visible within academic organizations (Resp. 4). The
only agreements within the academic environment are the amount of hours
to give lectures and how
much research has to be done. What one does in addition, or where this research is performed,
doesn’t matter (Resp. 17).
“There’s a lot of presenteeism in the corporate world which there never was in the academic
workplace. And I think the corporate workplace with NWW is just catching up with the
academic workplace; it is all going to be output oriented, not presence oriented. Academic
workplaces never have been presence oriented
.” (Resp. 11)
Academic workplaces are probably further along the path; business organizations are much
more structured. And they’re coming to it, but it’s much more difficult.
” (Resp. 5)
Control on presence has very little effect for knowledge workers such as academics, since it is all
about brainpower, the thinking process, collaborations, and the multidisciplinary view on problems
and its solutions (Resp. 7). Presence is thus very rarely an issue these days for knowledge workers
(Resp. 15). It is not about the quantity of work, but the quality, and the effect their work has on the
environment and the people inside and outside the academic environment. Two or three articles
which are published in the world’s top journals are better than ten articles which don’t make it
through the peer reviews. That are also performance agreements (Resp. 7).
Although control based on output would be perfect in an ideal world (Resp. 3), output management
is very difficult, particularly in the knowledge management type roles (Resp. 13). Result of knowledge
work is often hard to define (Resp. 1; Resp. 3; Resp. 14), while this is the group for whom NWW are
primarily introduced (Resp. 3). It is more about having value, rather than presence. Sometimes,
presence on the team and involvement in work adds value (Resp. 13). The goal should be to improve
yourself and the organization (Resp. 3). When output is hard to define, you have to think about how
to arrange the input. An organization needs to ensure that the right people come together, to
achieve organizational goals. This can be achieved by creating less individual workplaces and more
spaces for collaboration (Resp. 1).
Most respondents have reported that the shift from a presence oriented to output oriented style of
control will not be an issue within the academic environment, since academics are already controlled
based on their output. In that sense, the business environment is slowly catching up with the
academic environment regarding style of control. However, output of knowledge workers, for whom
NWW are primarily introduced, is hard to define. This can be solved by thinking in terms of value for
the organization or by aligning input to your organizational goals.
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The business environment will experience a shift from presence-oriented to output-oriented style of
control, since it is a prerequisite for NWW. This has major implications for the manager’s function,
who needs to be trained on how to make a shift from a traditional manager towards
a more coaching
manager. However, this shift will not be visible within the academic environment, since academics
are already controlled based on output. The business environment is thus catching up with the
academic environment when looking at style of control. However, output of knowledge workers, for
whom NWW are primarily introduced, is hard to define. This can be solved by thinking in terms of
value for the organization or by aligning input to your organizational goals.