«KharkivPolitechnic Institute»
O. G. Romanovskyi, L. M. Gren’, A.Ye. Knysh
Text of the lectures
for students of higher education establishments
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УДК 159.9 (072)
ББК 88я73
О.А. Ігнатюк,
д-р пед. наук, проф. Національний технічний університет
«Харківський політехнічний інститут»
Т.Б. Хомуленко,
д-р. психол. наук, проф.Харківський національний
педагогічний університет ім. Г.С. Сковороди.
Авторський колектив:
О.Г. Романовський, Л.М. Грень, А.Є.Книш
Психологія управлінської діяльності лідера:
лекцій для студентов усіх
спеціальностей вищого технічного навчального закладу/ за ред. Романовського О. Г.,
Грень Л.М., Книш А.Є. – Х.: НТУ «ХПІ», 2015. – 116 с.—Англ. мовою.
Psychology of management: text of the lectures for students of all specialities of higher
education establishments / Ed by Romanovsky A. G.; Gren’ L.M., Knysh A. Ye. – Kh.: NTU
“KhPI”, 2015. – 116 p.
У навчальному посібнику розкривається предмет, функції і принципи, психологічні
закони управлінської діяльності лідера, лідерство і керівництво,роль лідера в
управлінській діяльності, методи психологічного впливу в системах управління,
індивідуально-психологічні особливості особистості лідера і
його роль у покращенні
соціально-психологічного, морально-морально-психологічного клімату в колективі.
Длястудентівусіх спеціальностей, що вивчають курс психології управлінської
діяльності лідера.
This tutorial aid deals with the subject, functions and principles, psychological laws of a
leader’s managerial activity, leadership and management, a leader’s role in managerial activity,
methods of psychological influence in management systems, individual-and-psychological
peculiarities of leader’s personality and his/her role in improving a collective’s social-and-
psychological and moral-and psychological climate.
For students of all specialities studying psychology course of a leader’s managerial
………………………………………………………………………….УДК 159.9 (072)
………………………………………………………………………….ББК 88я73
© Авторський колектив, 2015 р.
the period of social, political and economic crisis a society needs leaders who have
mastered the skills in personnel management, can work in a team, capable of empathy, equal
dialogue, ready to perform their activity on the basis of effective interaction. In this connection, the
learning-and-educating process at a higher education establishment should be directed at disclosure
of leader’s potential, its creative development, formation of leader’s qualities. It is in student years
that organization abilities are disclosed to the full extent, skills and abilities
of self-control and other
people managing are shaped and developed as well as leader’s qualities necessary for collective’s
effective management.
IntheresearchesbyI. Volkov, Yu Yemelianov, R. Krichevsky, B. Parygin, L. Umansky, et al. it
was proved that in the structure of a leader’s personality potential is expressed in terms of an
individual system of organized implicit and hidden abilities which ensure the variety of directions
for personal growth. Scientists claim that the experience of leader’s behavior can be formed and
allow for the possibility of teaching through development of corresponding leadership qualities
which are actual in modern conditions.
Many theories view leadership as the process of organizing interpersonal relations in a group,
and a leader as the subject controlling this process. Accordingly, on the leader’s attitudes and
decisions his/her point of view and understanding of events depend the people who interact with
The ability of managing others depends to a large extent
on intellectual potential,
professionalism, management style. Leadership effectiveness depends on personal traits and
experience, on a person’s self-evaluation, assertiveness, knowledge of one’s weak and strong sides.
Before influencing others it is necessary to learn mastering one’s own thoughts, emotions,
behavior. Thus, the formation of a leader begins with self-governing. That is why of utmost
importance for a leader are self-knowledge,
understanding other people, isevaluating one’s own
advantages and disadvantages, ability of drawing conclusions of one’s successes and failures, of
bearing responsibility for the results of activity.
Leadershipqualitiescannotbeconsideredinborn. Some of them can be acquired as a result of
learning and gaining experience. To become a leader it is necessary to own or develop a certain set
of qualities and traits. That is why a great role in formation of students’ leadership qualities is
played by the teacher who should instill in specialists-to-be the understanding of the fact that
“professional career is stipulated not only by the level of professional knowledge, but also by the
ability of realizing them in social-and-organizational sphere and that the mentioned ability can be
achieved by learning and development.”
Mastering leadership qualities will enable students to become modern leaders. This includes
the necessity of being a leader in one’s life,
perspective vision, openness, decisiveness, vigor,
positive view of things, ability in listening, attentiveness and critical attitude, confidence and
calmness, flexibility and responsiveness
directed at a result, ability of recognizing one’s own
mistakes, ability of permanent learning, adequate self-evaluation, passion for work, ability to inspire
people, charisma, competence.