2. After reading the story, indicate if each statement is true (T) or false (F). 1. _F__ Abjir was also Lazy person
2. _F__ Lazy people helped him
3. _T__ Abjir became rich after his donkey’s death
4. _T__ Abjir fooled the shepherd in order to escape
5. _T__ At the end, Abjir achieved his goal.
II. Expanding your vocabulary. 1. Getting meaning from context. Find the best definition of the words.
2. Practice using the new word in the context.
Make up 5 sentences using the words given in the 1stexercise
Ex: Lazy people persuaded Abjir to earn a lot of money.
III. Talking and Writing. Discuss the following topics. Then choose one of them to write about. 1. Lazy people can not succeed in life.
2. Tricking someone leads to failure in life.
3. Becoming rich is not easy task for everybody.