Pesent continuous quyudagi vaziyatlarda ishlatiladi Nutq paytida sodir bo'layotgan ish harakatlar

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Pesent continuous quyudagi vaziyatlarda ishlatiladi
1. Nutq paytida sodir bo'layotgan ish harakatlar.
2. Nutq atrofida....
3. O'zgaradigan holatlar( time+by+time)
4. Vaqtinchalik ish harakatlar( temporarily, for now)
5. Kuchli shikoyat( always, usually, constantly, forewer, newer)
6. Rejalashtirilgan yaqinda sodir bo'ladigan ish harakatlar.
Va quyudagi fellar continuous zamonlarida ishlatilmaydi.
Va ayrim fellar bor bular continuous da boshqacha ma'no beradi
1. Smell - hidlamoq
I am smelling the flowers
2. Taste - ta'tib ko'rmoq
My sister in-law cooked plov so i am tasting it.
3. Think - haqida o'ylamoq
I am thinking about my upcoming exam
4. See - uchrashmoq
I am seeing my friend at university
5. Look - prudlog bilan mumkin
I am looking for my books
6. Apper - ro'l o'ynamoq
Shohruhxon is appering his drama on stage well
7. Feel - tegmoq, his qilmoq
Sam is feeling the cat's fur
He is not feeling well today
8. Have/Has - time expressions
My friend is having a good time today
9. Weigh - tortmoq
Butcher is weighing meet
Endi shu fellarni boshqa ma'nolari bilan kelganda dahomiy zamonlarda kelmasligini ko'rib chiqamiz va bular o'zidan kiying sifat oladi.
1. Smell - hid taratmoq
These flowers smell good
2. Taste - maza bermoq
3. Think - deb o'ylamoq
4. See- ko'rmoq
5. Look - ko'rinmoq
6. Apper - bo'lib tuyulmoq
7. Feel - o'ylamoq/tuyulmoq
8. Have/Has- bor ma'nosida
9. Weigh - og'irlik bosmoq
Ishlatilish qoidalari
1. Hozirgi zamondagi muntazam takroriy ish harakatlar
Always, often, frequently, sometimes, from time to time, rarely, seldom, accosianally, ever, newer.
Every + time
On + plural +weekdays
Once/twice/three times + a/an +time
Once a week
Twice an two weeks
I attend english lesson 6 times a week
I always get up early
2. General ish harakatlar
He likes english
3. Faktli ish harakatlar
Snow melts in hot weather
4. Jadvalga asoslangan ish harakatlar
The cinema starts at 22:00 tomorrow
5. Ketma ket sodir bo'luvchi ish harakatlar
He gets up earl and washes face
6. Odat tusiga kirib qolgan ish harakatlar
He takes minus every lesson
7. Hazil yoki ertaklar aytishda
The beauty goes to the Beast
8. Sport o'yinlarini sharhlashda
Tom Ramizga pas berdi va goal(Tom passes to Ramiz . It is a goal)
9. Gazita va jurnal sarlavhalarini aytishda
Jacke Chan wins Oscar(Jeki Chan oskarni yutdi)
10. Yo'nalish ko'rsatilyotganda
You turn left at the end of this road
11. Present simple to be(xolat gapda)
English is a diffirent language

Be going to

Ishlatilish qoidalari
1 o'tmishda rejalashtirilgan kelajakdagi ish harakatlar
2 predekshin(taxmin)
3 kelajakdagi reja qilingan ish harakat
4 was/were + going to Infinitive-action entendet but no comitted
O'tmishda niyat qilingan ammo bajarilmagan ish harakatlar
5 biror kishining niyatini hohishini ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi
I am going to visit my relatives
Yaqin kelajakni aytishda ishlatiladi.
Subject to be about to V O P
I am bout to leave
Subject to be on the point of Ving O P
We were on the point of leaving when the phone rang
Subject to be on the verge of Ving/Noun O P
The two countries are on the verge of war/making war

Also. Planni berish ikki xil.

Present con/be going to
Also. Want(gramatikasi)
Subject+want to infinitive-hohlamaoq
I want to take IELTS
Sabject+want+object+to infinitive- kimnidur qilishini hohlamoq
I want my friend to be honest
Fre time stucture
Spend free time + on noun- nimadurga sarflash
Spend free time + Ving- bo'sh vaqtimni nimadur qilish bilan sarflayman with kerakmas
Spend leisure time=spare time + to infinitive- nimadur qilish uchun sarflamoq
Also. Subject + can't manage to infinitive- nimadur qulishga ulgurmaslik
He can't manage to learn english because time has already passed
Future simple

1 nutq paytida qaror qilingan ish harakatlar

you look tired, oh yes i will relax
2 fikirga saoslangan kelajak taxmini
I think
I believe + Subject will infinitive
I'm sure
I hope
I think it will rain tomorrow
I don't think he will pass exam
3 Kelajakdagi aniq bo'ladigan ish harakatlar
I will go to the part tomorrow
4 vada berish
I promise i will not lie any more
5 nimadur qilishga rozi norozi bo'lish
When will you give the money back?

Oh! Sorry

I forgot
I will give tomorrow
6 kimnandur nimadur qilishini so'rash
Will you.....?
Will you help me tomorrow?
7 taklif da Shall I/We bilan ishlatiladi. Will ham ishlatiladi
I will help you with it
Shall we play football
8 Shall I .....? Maslahat so'rashda ham ishlatiladi.
Shall i buy this T-shirt?
Also. Agar would you like tea or coffe/ to drink tea or coffe? Deyilsa javobi I'll (will) have coffe or tea deyiladi.
Also. As if - xuddi, ganday
It looks as if it is going to fall down
Also. I can't make up my mind/ can't come to a decision(about Ving)
Men biror qarorga kela olmayapman
I don't come to a decision about taking IELTS


when, while, before, after, as soon as, once, until, till, if bu lardan kiyin future simpli kelmaydi
Agar bulardan keyin perfect zamon kelsa ishni tuganlanganligiga ishora qiladi
Also. Once in blu moon=never, imposible
EVERY OTHER DAY - kun osha, ora
ON A + weekly + basis har......doim
●Every time+Present sumple, present simple - har safar nimadur qilganimda nimadur bo'ladi
Every time my friend cooks something goes wrong/something goes wrong, every time he cooks
●Last time + past simple, past simple - oxirgi safar nimadur qilganda nimadur bo'ldi
There were a fauntain last time we came here
●Next time + Present simple, future simple - keyingi safar nimadur qilganingda nimadur bo'ladi
Next time you make this mistake i will punish
Next time you come don't call me
As + Sub + Verb
As i'm often at work, i can visit my relatives as often as i want - men tez-tez ishda bo'lganim uchun o'zim xoxlaganday tez-tez borolmayman qarindoshlarimnikiga
Also. As often as i want - o'zim xoxlaganday tez-tez
Ammo as ni huddi shu formulada boshqa ma'noda ushlatish ham bor
As Sub +Verb, Sub + Verb - .......borgan'ladi
As i'm getting older, i'm becoming more intelligent
As i got older, i realize what life is- hayot nimaligini

FUTURE countinuous

1 Kelajakda aniq vaqtda davom etib turgan ish harakatlar
I will be slepping at 7:00 tomorrow
2 kelajakda bir qisqa ish harakat sodir bo'lib turganda davom etib
turgan ish harakatlar
I will be studying when you call me tomorrow
3 kelajakdagi parallel ish harakarlar
+ present simple
I will be sleepung when you are working tomorrw
4 kelajakdagi muqarrar reja 99%
He wants to study abroad so he will be studying in the USA next month


Sub + will have + Viii/ed + O + future time
By/until/till/before + exact time
1 kelajakda bir aniq vaqtgacha tugallangan ish harakatlar
I will have done my homework by 3:00 tomorrow
2 kelajakdagi bir ish harakatgacha natijasi namoyon ish harakatlar
He will have done his job by the time you come tomorrow


interested in
● To be + carious about + noun/Ving - juda qiziqmoq
big fan of
keen on

● My favourite + noun + to be + noun/Ving/to infinitive - sevimli....

My favourite writer is ...
My favourite hobby is reading books/to read books
To appear/appear in = kinoda chiqish
Now Our actors appear in forieng films
To perform = ro'l o'ynamoq
His roles excellent because he perfomez his roles excellently
To star in + yo'ldiz bo'lmoq
Asadbek stared in the Shaytanat film
It depends on/it is up...Subject
Primary/secondary/high + school
Publick school=state school ≠private school
Technical school, grammar school
Single-gender class + faqat o'g'il bolalar yoki qizlar
Co edecational class + aralash
Millitary school + vayinni maktab
Law school + yuridek maktab


Exact science - aniq fan
The humanities - gumanitar fanlar
Natural science - tabiy fanlar
Social science - satsologiya (jamiyatnio'zgartiruvchi fan)
Linguist - tilshunoslik
Mandatory=compultory - majburiy fan
Core modules -
Taraditionally male/famale subject - mehnat bo'lishi mumkin

Types of teachers with adjective

Well educated - yaxshi o'qitadigan
Strict - qattiq qo'l
Lenient - bo'sh
Demonding - talabchan
Experiend - tajribali
Also. Other words
School uniform
Break, long, short - tanafus
To play truant [chruint] - muntazam dars qoldirmoq
Truant - dars qoldirgan o'quvchi
Miss classes - dars qoldirish
To be absent - kim kemadi
To have a raw with teacher - ustoz bilan tortishish
To debate with - bahslashmoq
First/second term - vedimost
Mind term exam - oraliq
Final exam -
To do well at school - makatbda yaxshi o'qish
Staudy hard/work hard - maktabda yaxshi o'qish
To struggle with - nimadurda qiynalgan
To have difficult (in) - nimadurda qiynalgan
He have difficult (in) learning english new words
When i started english first time, i have difficulty learning grammar rules

Past simple

1 Tugallangan vaqtdagi ish harakat
2 historical action
3 O'tgan zamondagi ketma ket sodur bo'luvchi harakatlar
Also. Last + time time + ago
Used to + do - o'tgan zamonda uzoq davom etgan ish harakat ammo endi sodir bo'lmaydigan
To be used to + do - ko'nikgan get used to + Ving - ko'nikishni boshlamoq

Past cantinuous

1 O'tmishda aniq vaqtda davom etib turgan ish harakat
I was sleeping at 7:00 yesterday
2 O'tmishda bir qisqa ish harakat sodir bo'lganda davom etib turgan ish harakat
3 O'tgan zamondagi parallel ish harakat with when, while


Go/walk + alon/through/past - bo'ylab/orqali/..yonidan o'ting
Go past the supermarket - supermarketni yonidan o'tib keting
Go straight(ahead) - tog'riga yuring
Bular asosan buyruq gap bilan beriladi
Go + down/up - the stairs
Go to the end of the corridor - karidorni oxurigacha yurung
Turn + lift/right + at the crossroads/corridor - chorraxadan yoki caridordan o'nga yoki chapga buruling
At the first/second/third + bending - burulish - turn lift at the second bend
the first
Take + the second + lift/right - bu birinchi/ikkinchi... ko'cha chapga/o'nga
the third
It is + the first/second/third + door/gate/path/building + on your lift - chap qo'lingizda uchunchi bino, darvoza..... turubdi


Next to=by=beside - yonida
Opposite=facing - qarama-qarshisida
In front of - oldida
Behind - orqasida
Between - yonida
Close to=near=in the wisimity of + Ving/noun - yaqinida
In the centre=in the middle - o'rtasida
Also. Shundo = just/right
It is + just/right + opposite you - shundo ro'parangizda


I think a good present for a boy, girl is ......
What is a good present for him ?

Giving suggestion(taklif berish)

Why don't + subject + infinitive
Why don't we watch a film - kettik kinoga boramiz
Let's + infinitive
Let's play football
What about pilaf ? - Oshda
Nima ovqat yiymiz desa Oshda oshga nima deysan degandan holatga aytiladi

Present perfect

1 hozirda natijasi namoyon o'tmishdagi ish harakat
He has broken his pencil
2 butun umurni qamrovchi ish harakatlar
I have jumped off a parachute twice in my life
Also. Once/twice + in sb's life
Also. Biror marta birorta ishni qilganmisan - Have you ever....?
Have you ever cooked food?
I have never cooked food
3 o'tmishda nomalum bir vaqtda sodir bo'lib hozirda natijasi namoyon ish harakatlar
Internet has changed life of people
They have become addicted to fast food
4 in/the last=for...time - oxirgi....da
Uzb has made progress (in) the last 5 years
The last week - yetti kunlik davr
5 Superlative adjective eng degan ma'noda
It was the most expensive car i have ever bought
6 O'tmishda boshlanib uzoq vaqt natijasi bilan takroriy tarizda hozirgacha yetib kelgan ish harakat
I have known you for 5 years
7 always - hardoim o'rinli holatlar uchun
I have always liked footbal
8 yet - gapning oxirda negative gaplarda
9 already - positive gaplarda
9 all bilan boshlanuvchi gaplar bilan hech qachon for kemaydi
They have worked all night
10 since dan kiyin Clause ham kelishi mumkin
11 been in/been to/gone to
Also. Run out of petrol - benzin tugadi

Vocabulary build-up - clothes

Clothes - doimo ko'plikda va kiyim kechaklarda
Clothe - mato va gazlamalarga
Clothing - birlikda
Bundan tashqari + a/an/piece/item/article of clothing
Types of clothes
Smart/formal(classik) + clothes ≠ casual clothes(ko'cha kiyimlari)
Traditional clothes - milliy kiyimlar
Fashionable c - zamonaviy
Fancy c - nooadatiy
Old-fashioned c - eskicha kiyimlar
Torm c - yertiq kiyimlar
Heavey c (qishlik k) ≠ light c (yozlik)
To wear=to put on + clothes - kiyim kiymoq
To wear + parfume/watch/glasses/ring/necklace(sipochka)
To wash=to do the laundry - kir yuvmoq
To shop for clothes=to do clothes shopping - kiyim sotib olish uchun bozorga borish
To follow fashion=to be + slave to fashion
To suit=to go well with - kiyim yarashmoq
Items of clothes
Hooded top=hoodies - kabishonli kiyimlar
V-neck tops=oldi ochiq kiyimlar yoqasiz
Short-sleeved - kalta yoqalik
Long-sleeved - uzun yoqalik
Such clothes don't watch my clothes

Present perfect countinuous

Sub + have/has + been + doing
1 O'tgan zamonda boshlanib hozirgacha qisqa vaqt natija bilan uzluksiz taruzda yetib kelgan ish harakarlar uchun ishlatiladi
Ish harakat hozirgacha bo'lib kelgan va hozir ham davom etyapti
He has been sleeping for 5 hours
But, mumkinmas he has slept for 5 hours
2 O'tmishda boshlanib o'zoq vaqt natijasi bilan takroriy tarizda yetib kelgan ish harakatlar uchun qo'llaniladi
I have been living in Tashkent for 4 years
My friend has been driving his car for 10 years
Ammo bunda Present perfect ni qo'yish mumkin
I have lived in the USA for 5 years
3 Hozirdan ozgina vaqt oldin tugab hozirda natijasi namoyon ish harakatlar
It has been raining i can smell rain
You have been playing comp games your ayes are red
4 Ish harakatni qachondan beri sodir bo'lyotganini so'rash uchun quyudagi so'zlar bilan ishlatiladi (how long, for, since) buni boshqaroq aytsa ham bo'ladi biror bir xolatni sababini ko'rsatish uchun ham ishlatiladi
Everywhere is wet outside. It has been raining since morning
How long have been learning English
She has been reading a book for two hours
Also. Since Sub + is/was + time, she has been playing tennis since she was eight
Also.lie - yolg'on gapirmoq or yotmoq gerund ko'rinishi + lying
Watery - suvli nam yoki xira

Unit - 18, 19, 20, 21, Finished time

1. Yesterday, the day before y-y - o'tkan kun
2. Last + time - o'tkan
3. Period + ago - oldin + When, What time
4. In/an/at + time
Past simple
1. When did you school?
2. What time did you get up yesterday
2 Time with a result
Negative vaqt, Since + Start time, for + period
How long,
Present perfect simple, Present perfect continious
1 How long have you been waiting for me?
Also. Since + Past simple
I have been using this phone since i finished school
3 HOW LONG is it SINCE + past simple
Dan beri, qancha vaqt o'tdi
How long is it since we visited our grandparents
● It is period + Since + Past simple
It is 1 month since i was ill
● it has been + period + since + past simple
It has been 2 month twice i ate somsa
4 The last time + past simple + was time - edi
The last time i ate somsa was two months ago - oxirgi marta somsa 2 oy oldin yegandim
The last time i was ill was last moth
Also. When was the last time + past simple? - oxirgi marta nimadur qilgan qachon edi
When was the last time you were ill? - oxirgi marta kasal bo'lganing qachon edi
When was the last time you called me? - oxirgi marta menga telifon qilganing qachon edi
5 luboy ishni qancha vaqt qilish haqida gapirganda luboy zamonda for+time ishlatamiz
I sleep for 8 hours every day
I did my homework for 2 hours yesterday
6 Agar yangilik haqida gapirganda birinchi marta present perfect yana o'sha gap haqida so'z ketsa past simple ishlatamiz
I have won a lattery - birinchi marta
- where did you buy it? - ni so'rash
I bought it in Chorsu - uchunchi marta gapirilyapti
I have entered university, which did you apply for


Position of adjective - adjective keladigan o'rniga ko'ra ikkiga bo'linadi
1. Attributive adj (aniqlovchi)
2. Predictive adj ( tasdiqlovchi)
●Attributive adj - bu noundan oldin keladigan adjectivelardir
A big house
An interesting book
●Predictive adjective - bu feldan keyin keladigan adjective hisoblanadi
I am happy
She became rich
They seemed sad
It tasted delicious
Predictive adjictive - faqat quyudagi fellardan kiyin keladi
Be, become, seem, appear, feel, get/grow(become - ma'nosida kelsa), keep, look, make, smell, sound, taste.
Bundan boshqa fellar kelsa, adjective ishlata olmaymiz, bu holda adverb (ravish) ishlatiladi
He looked sad - u g'amgin ko'rinadi
He looked at sadly - u g'amgin qaradi
Adjective ma'no jihatdan ikki turga bo'linadi
1. Fact adjective
2. Opinion adjective
Fact adj - bu noun haqidagi aniq ma'limotlardir
Blac cat
Round ball
Opinion adj - bu fact bo'magan aniq bir ma'limotlardir, ya'ni odamni fikri, dunyo qarashi bo'yicha berilgan ma'limotlardir
Clever guy.
Beautiful girl
ADJECTIVE ketma-ketligi
1. Size - (except: litlle), ( + length) - long, big, small, titanic, giant....
2. General description - opinion adjective: beautiful, nice, clever, good....
3. Age - (inclusive - keng qamrovli, litlle) - old, sonlar
4. Shape - (+ width) - round, triangle, wide, narrow
5. Color - black, red
6. Material - plastic, wooden, velvet
7. Origin - Chinese, French, Germen - qayerda tayyorlangan
8. Purpose - walking stick - nima maqsad uchunligi
A long sharp knife
An old plastic bucket

1 Adjectives + noun - sifatlar (noun) bilan kelishi

Also. To be + adjective - To be bilan ham keladi. Kim haqida yoki nima haqida gapirganda ishlatiladi.
Most students are lazy - Aksaryat talabalar dangasa bolishadi
The exams were difficult
2 A/an + adjective + noun - Bitta qanaqadur nimadur
I have an interesting question
Also. Loneliens is difficult
2 Adverbs - bu ish harakatni qayholda va qay tarizda bajarilganligini bildiradi
Adj + ly - adverb
She sings beautifully
It rained heavy
Also. Adverb + verb + (Ly - mumkinmas)
It heavily rained
Fast/hard/early/late - bularni feldan oldin qo'yib bo'lmaydi
He is a fast ranner
He runs fast
He works hard,
He hard works - mumkinmas
3 ADVERB + Adjective - modifier. Agar sifatdan oldin ravsh qo'ysak bu modifier bo'lib qoladi
She is exceptionally beautiful - u juda-juda guzal
She is unusually strange - u juda-juda g'alati
Also. A bit
+ adjective - bu yerda (a bit/a little) adverb bo'lib kelyapti
A little
I am a bit talkative - men biroz ko'p gapiradiganman
4 hardly = barely + verb - zo'rg'a
I barely opened my ayes this morning
I hardly come here - zo'rg'a keldim
5 lately = recently
I have bought a new car recently/lately
Also. Good(adjective). Well(adverb)
My english is good, I speak english well
● WELL - good so'zining ravsh shakli ammo bazida sifat ham bo'lib kelib qolishi mumkin
(NOT ILL) kasalmas
I feel well - sog'lik
I fell good - nastrina

Sifat darajalari

Sifat darajalri 3 ga bo'linadi

1 - simple forms - otga umumiy tarif berish
- I am an intelligent
- Computers think fast
2 - comperative forms - qiyosiy daraja ● Ikkita ot solishtiriladi va bittasini ustunligi yoki pastligi ko'rsatiladi
● Than - ga qaraganda
Formation - ishlatilishi

1) Syllable. adj + er, ier 2) 2 or more syllable. More + adj

Shoert => shorter expensive => more expensive
1) It is shorter than your car
2) I am more intelligent than may brother
Also. Agar sifaf y, er hariflari bilan tugasa er qo'shiladi
Clever - Cleverer
Happy - Happier
Pretty - Prettier
Busy - Busier

3 - Superlative adjective - ortirma daraja

Bir Narsa (object) ni eng ustunligi yoki eng pastligi ko'rsatiladi


1) The + adj + est 2) the + most + adj
1) it is the smallest pencel that I have ever seen
2) my friend the most intelligent amoung/of your brothers

Also. Agar sifat y, er hariflari bilan tugasa "est" qo'shiladi

Clever - Cleverest
Happy - Happiest


A bit
A little + comperative adj ancha katta vaqtga (much far + comperative)
1) I am a bit lazier than my friends
2) I am much far lazier tgan my friend

Also. Than + object pronounce/subject auxilary

- I am more intellegent tha my friends are

Also. Much

Muny => more => the most
A lot of


VERB preposition
Yoqtirmoq to be + like
He likes football players he is like a football player

Also. What is life in uzb like? - O'zbekistonlikarni hayoti qanday

I don't know what life in uzbikistan? - men o'zbekistonliklarni hayoti qandayligini bilmayman
What is your speaking in mock exam like?


Good - Better - The Best
Bad - Worse - The Worst
Far - Farther/Further - The Farthest/Furthest
Old - Elder/Older - The Eldest
Little - Less - The Least
Many/Much - More - The most

Qo'shimcha ma'limotlar

1 Farther/Farthest & Further/Furthest
● Agar biz bularni masofa ma'nosida ishlatsak ularni hech qanday farqi yo'q
- New York is further/farther than Lincoln - New York Lincolindan uzoqroq
Also. "Further" ba'zan (qo'shimcha) degan ma'noda ham keladi
- Further discussion would be useless
- Further supplies will be needed

2 Elder/Eldest & Older/Oldest

Elder/Eldest asosan oila a'zolari uchun ishlatiladi ma'nosi kattaroq, eng katta bo'ladi
My elder brother
"Than" bilan birga hech qachon "elder" ni ishalatib bo'lmaydi uning o'rniga "older" dan foydalanamiz
Tom is elder than Jane. Noto'g'ri
Tom is older than Jane. To'g'ri

3 A little/little & A few/few

A little/little faqatgina ancountable nounlar oldidan ishlatiladi va ma'nosi oz, ozginadir
- I have a little money
- We have little time
A few/few faqat plural nounlar oldidan ishlatiladi va ma'nosi oz ozginadir
- A few people came
Few boys smoke in my lesson
3 Many/Much & a lot of
May - faqat plural nounni oldidan ishlatiladi
Many books, many pens
Much - faqat uncountable noun oldidan ishlatiladi

Much time, much ( knowledge - uncountable noun)

Muny va Much asosan so'roq va inkor gaplarda ishlatiladi

4 A lot of ikkalasiga ham

Also. A lot - faqat verb bilan
Also. A lot va much bazan often ma'nosida keladi
A lot / much =often
Do you watch TV much?
No, not much
I like watching movies so I go to the cinema a lot

Past perfect - o'tgan tuganlangan zamon

1 O'tmishda bir aniq vaqtgacha natijasi namoyon ish harakat
● Clue words. By/until/till/before + exact time
- I had done my homework by 9:00 yesterday
Ya'ni 9:00 da free

2 O'tmishda bir iah harakatgacha natijasi namoyon ish harakat

● By the time/until....+ past simple
I had done my homework by the time my brother came hme

Also. Agar gapda before/after kelsa ikki taraf ham past simple qo'ysa bo'ladi

You came office i left the office
Also. By + Noun/Ving/time expression
By the time + S+Verb+O
Because + S+V+O
Because of + Ving/Noun

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