Bog'liq Professional Front Office Management Pearson New International Edition by Robert Woods, Jack D. Ninemeier, David K. Hayes, Michele A. Austin (
Salary Pay calculated at a weekly, monthly, or annual rate rather than at an hourly rate.
Sales Number of units (such as guestrooms) sold.
Sales history Record of past sales activity for a specific period of time.
Search engine Web site specifically designed for the purpose of directing its visitors to
other Web sites.
Search warrant Written order issued by a judge that directs a law enforcement officer to
search a specified place for one or more specified items of evidence.
Seasonal hotel Hotel whose revenues and expenditures vary greatly depending on the time
(season) of the year. For example, ski resorts are busy in winter months and lake resorts in
the northern part of the United States are busy in summer months. Many seasonal resorts
are open for only part of the year.
Selection Process of evaluating job applicants to determine those more qualified (or poten-
tially qualified) for vacant positions.