Bog'liq Professional Front Office Management Pearson New International Edition by Robert Woods, Jack D. Ninemeier, David K. Hayes, Michele A. Austin (
Incremental sales Sales of products and services to guests in addition to those that would
otherwise have been generated.
Independent operator Entrepreneur who owns or operates one or a few hospitality prop-
erties. Sometimes referred to as owning a mom-and-pop property.
Individual call-in reservation Type of reservation in which guests who are part of a group
contact a hotel and reserve their own rooms from within that block.
Induction Process of informing new employees about matters related to the department in
which they will work. Induction is done after the orientation process is completed.
In-house list Record of all guests, by name and room number, who are checked into the
hotel when the list is printed.
Interface Term used to describe the process that allows one data-generating system to
share its information electronically with another system.
Intermediary Entity authorized by a guest to make a hotel reservation on the guest’s