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Багаутдинова Г.А. Аксиологическая лингвистика: языковая ценность языковых
единиц и ценности, выражаемые языковыми единицами
/ Г.А.Багаутдинова // III
Международные Бодуэновские чтения: И.А.Бодуэн де Куртенэ и современные проблемы
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Байрамова Л.К. Аксиологизм человеческих эмоций (смех – плач) и его отражение в
языке / Л.К.Байрамова, Г.А.Багаутдинова // Филологические науки. - 2006.- № 1.- С.81–
U. Burieva,
English linguistic science has made significant progress in the study of such a widespread
phenomenon (both in colloquial speech and in literary works of the 20th century) as incomplete
sentences. The use of an integrated approach made it possible to highlight the main features of an
incomplete sentence both in the formal-semantic and functional-communicative terms. The
concept of syntactic incompleteness includes incomplete contextual, incomplete situational and
elliptical sentences, despite the fact that the latter are capable of acting in isolation. In the text,
incomplete contextual and situational sentences are delimited by the amount of context required
to make up the meaning. Incomplete statements, characterized by synsemantics and traditionally
considered a feature of dialogical speech, are widely represented in different types of text in
monologue speech. The main reason for their use is the actualization of current information,
drawing the attention of the recipient to the actions of the hero, which creates a dynamic
progression of the text. The role of incomplete statements in the actual division of the text and
the formation of its communicative orientation is significant. When an element of a sentence is
omitted, its actual division changes. Functioning not only as an independent unit, incomplete
predicative units can be a component of a complex sentence. In it, they act as an additional
means of communication, since their incompleteness is a way of entering a predicative unit into
a statement. Here we can generally talk about the incompleteness specified by the conditions for
the functioning of the predicative unit in the statement. An incomplete utterance that functions in
dialogue is always syn-semantic, but unlike an incomplete sentence in a monologue speech, the
means of semantic replenishment is not the context, but the speech situation, discourse. When
creating a dialogue, the most informative and expressively colored models are used, replenished
with the help of paralinguistic and extra linguistic factors. Incomplete sentences are used in both
stimulating, cues, and reaction cues. Formal incompleteness organizes dialogue, acting as a
means of connecting elements. The dialectical nature of the phenomenon of syntactic
incompleteness is manifested in the fact that, incomplete sentences also perform a number of
text-forming functions. We saw that sentences with an un substituted syntactic position
constitute an utterance capable of moving the text, actualizing information, linking parts of the
text, introducing subjectively modal coloring into it. One of the most important aspects of our
work was the consideration of syntagmatics: direct and distant environment of the investigated
units. Interacting with other syntactic units (full sentences, parceling, improperly direct speech),
incomplete sentences significantly expand the boundaries of their functioning. Thus, acting in
convergence with the above-mentioned constructions (in the function of actualization), they
realize the textual categories of continuum, prospectus, retrospection and integrity. The
prevalence of constructions with un substituted syntactic positions in literary works is explained
by the high level of their expressiveness. They give the text dynamism, fragmentation,
laconicism, disharmony, into national arrhythmia, and also create the illusion of colloquiality,
spontaneity of speech, combined with compressed, condensed thought. But the expressiveness of
the text increases when several structures that are structurally and communicatively different in
terms of structure appear in identical functions. Skillful combination of complete / incomplete,
parceled and truncated constructions, as well as sentences of different purpose, leads to the
complexity and syncretism of functions. Using the language of M.A. Bulgakov, we can note that
the convergence of expressive syntactic structures in the author's speech serves the intonation-
rhythmic organization of the text, the convergence of different types of speech (author's, direct,
improperly direct), as well as artistic-figurative concretization of the depicted.
Incomplete utterances are units of speech that are created in the process of speech activity,
in accordance with the law of economy of linguistic means and are used to actualize, highlight
information that is important from the point of view of communicants.
Considering the correspondence of incomplete imperative sentences to certain speech acts,
we take as a basis the classification of J. Searle and refer incomplete sentences of imperative
semantics to directives. At the same time, the tasks of our research cause the need to distinguish
among the directive speech acts their particular varieties: directives proper, voluntatives and
emotives. Their illocutionary power is not the same, therefore, they have different effects on the
listener, and also differ in the degree of categoricality, communicative intention, reflection of the
psychological state of the communicants, as well as in the nature of the relationship between
them. Incomplete sentences of imperative semantics correspond to certain genres of speech and
certain speech acts. Speech act - proper to connect directives with the relations of the social
hierarchy of the interlocutors, which follow Genres of Speech, presented in the form of
incomplete imperative sentences: words, sentences.
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