O„zMU xabarlari Вестник НУУз ACTA NUUz
1/5 2022
- 315 -
biridan keyin ikkinchisiga o‘tish zarur degan qonun yo‘q.
Misol tariqasida harbiy unvonlar keltiriladi va daraja qatoriga
misol qilib oliy ta‘lim muassasida talabaga qo‘yiladigan baho
mezonlari olinadi.
Tahlil va natijalar (Analysis and results). Graduallik
ma‘noning miqdor darajalarida (me‘yordan ortiq, ortiqroq,
juda ortiq yoki aksincha) namoyon bo‘ladi. Graduallik
hodisasi turli til sathlarida namoyon bo‘la oladi, xususan,
fonetik, morfologik, leksik va boshqalarda.
Ingliz tilida fonetik usulda graduallik unli yoki
undoshni kuchli talaffuz etish, bo‘ginlarga ajratib talaffuz
yordamida ifodalanadi.
Ingliz tilida unlini kuchli talaffuz etish orqali so‘z
ma‘nosida graduallikni hosil qilish eng keng qo‘llaniladigan
usul hisoblanadi. Ma‘lumki, mustaqil ma‘noli so‘zlar bir yoki
ko‘p bo‘g‘inli bo‘lishi mumkin. Bir bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarda
dinamik urg‘u bilan ma‘no kuchaytirish bu so‘z tarkibidagi
unlini talaffuz qilish yo‘li bilan amalga oshiriladi. Masalan:
Good - go-o-o-d, a good book for children – bolalar
uchun yaxshi kitob.
Abracadabra – a-a-bra – a-a ca-da-a-abra-a-a .
Ko‘p bo‘g‘inli so‘zlarda graduallik hodisasini hosil
qilish uchun o‘sha so‘zni ikki va undan ortiq zarb urg‘usi bilan
belgilab, bo‘g‘inlarga bo‘lib talaffuz qilgan holda amalga
oshganligini ko‘rishimiz mumkin. Masalan:
Dis –res-pect-ful - hurmatsizlik, ir-res-pon-sible –
Ingliz tilida undoshni cho‘zish orqali ham graduallikni
hosil qilishimiz mumkin. Bunday holat ko‘proq jarangli
undoshlarda uchraydi. Masalan:
m-m-mean – ziqna; ―heartened by her gracious
reception of a nervous bow - Shaw‖.
Buyruq-istak mayli shaklidagi gaplarda unlini kuchli
talaffuz etish va uni cho‘zish orqali ma‘no kuchaytirish ingliz
hodisalarga nisbatan qo‘llanadi.
Don‘t open the window – derazani aslo ocha
ko‘rmang; bu o‘rinda unlini kuchli talaffuz etish orqali do‘q,
po‘pisa, buyruq ma‘nolari ifodalanmoqda.
Do-o-o-n‘t open the window =please do-o-o-n‘t -
iltimo-o-o-o-s derazani ochmang; Bu misolda esa unlini
cho‘zish orqali istak, iltimos, yolvorish kabi ma‘nolar
namoyon bo‘lmoqda.
Leksik sathdagi graduallik, asosan, sifatlar, ravishlar,
ot va fe‘llar yordamida voqealanadi. Sifat darajalari orqali
ham graduallik mazmunini hosil qilish mumkin. Masalan :
a)good, better, the best – yaxshi, yaxshiroq, eng yaxshi
b) Better (yaxshiroq), superior (son yoki sifat jihatdan
ortiq, ortiq darajadagi, ustun), preferable(afzal, ma‘qul,
yaxshi,ortiq), - mean more worthy or more pleasing than other
another or others.
Bu so‘zlar ketma-ket yozilishi orqali graduonimik
qator hosil qilinadi.
Quyida ularning har birining
lug‘aviy ma‘nosini ko‘rib chiqamiz.
Better , which often serves as the comparative of good,
in this sense implies a quality or character in a person or thing
that surpasses or exceeds that in the one or ones called good.
The theme is good, but I think you can write a better.
(Webster‘s New Dictionary of synonyms).
Superior in all its uses retains some feeling of its basic
meaning, higher in physical position, often implies scale (as of
values or ranks) and emphasizes height (as of status, quality,
or worth); thus, if a student is doing good work one might
suggest that he could do better(as compared with his previous
accomplishment) if he tried, and might hope that his added
efforts would produce a truly superior result (as compared
either with any relevant accomplishment or with a scale of
possible accomplishments);
One might like an author‘s new book better than his
last but rate it superior to a corporal . (Webster‘s New
Dictionary of synonyms).
Preferable implies a choice between two things or one
thing and all others usually on the ground that the thing chosen
is better by comparison or is superior in quality, status, or
kind. But its hief emphasis is upon relevative desirability, and
the other implications may be greatly obscured or lost upon
He finds a walk in the country preferable to reading a
book. (Webster‘s New Dictionary of synonyms).
Yuqoridagi misollar asosan sifatlarda graduallik
hodisasining leksik ifodalanishiga oid bo‘lib, bu hodisani
ravish, ot va fe‘llarda ham namoyon bo‘lishini ko‘rishimiz
Fe‘llarda graduallik: help, aid, assist.
Help,aid, assist are often used with little distinction as
meaning to furnish another person or thing with what is
needed or support for furnished. All usually imly cooperation
or a combination of effort.
acknowledgement – javob;
Ravishlarda graduallik: now, presently, immediately,
instantly, promptly – hozir;
Now- Now, at or around this point in time.
I can hear a train coming now.
Presently- Now, or in a short time
He‘s presently working for a chemical company.
Immediately- Very soon,or very soon after an event.
Please hurry. We must leave immediately.
Instantly- So soon, or very soon after an event that no
time appears to have passed in efficient
Promptly- Very soon after an event, in a way that is
helpful or efficient
The phone rang and she answered promptly.
Graduallikning morfologik usuli deyilganda, so‘z
shakli yoki morfema yordamida so‘z ma‘nosining gradualliki
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