“DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF INDUSTRY AND SERVICES: TRENDS, MANAGEMENT, STRATEGIES” 24 Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute Assistant of the Department of Management Bazarova Mamlakat Supievna FEATURES OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Annotasiya. Mazkur maqolada raqamli iqtisodiyot sharoitida ishchi kuchi, aholi bandli,
milliy mehnat bozorlarining holati va bo‘sh ish joylari mavjudligining monitoringini o‘tkazish
tizimini yaratish va bu sohadagi axborot bilan tezkor ayirboshlashga doir tahliliy ma’lumotlar
Kalit so'zlar: raqamli iqtisodiyot, ishchi kuchi, elektron ish o'rinlari, frilanserlar,
an'anaviy ishlar, virtual ish o'rinlari
Аннотация. В данной статье представлена аналитическая информация по
созданию системы мониторинга рабочей силы, занятости, состояния национальных
рынков труда и наличия вакансий в цифровой экономике, а также оперативный обмен
информацией в этой сфере.
Ключевые слова: цифровая экономика, рабочая сила, электронные рабочие места,
фрилансеры, традиционные рабочие места, виртуальные рабочие места.
Annotation. This article provides analytical information on the creation of a system for
monitoring the labor force, employment, the state of national labor markets and the availability
of vacancies in the digital economy, as well as the rapid exchange of information in this area.
Key words: digital economy, workforce, electronic jobs, freelancers, traditional jobs,
virtual jobs.
The authority and position of Uzbekistan in the international economic arena is growing
significantly and steadily. At the same time, a well-designed strategy for the socio-economic
development of the country, a clear and precise indication of the goals and objectives of
economic reforms, and ways to implement them will make it possible to achieve significant
achievements and goals.
The choice of a socially oriented market approach to the development of the economy in
the Republic of Uzbekistan has posed a number of macroeconomic problems. One of such
macroeconomic problems is the full employment of the population. Employment can be defined
as a socio-economic phenomenon: employment is an activity of citizens that does not contradict
the law and is associated with the satisfaction of their personal and social needs, bringing them
wages or income. Uzbekistan also pays great attention to the formation of the information
society and the rapid development of the "digital economy". In particular, the President said: “It
is necessary to develop a national concept of the digital economy, which provides for the
modernization of all sectors of the economy based on digital technologies. It was noted that we
need to implement the Digital Uzbekistan 2030 program. The use of digital information and
communication technologies contributes to improving the overall efficiency of production and
employment, increasing exports and increasing tax revenues.
Research shows that over the past 15 years, the development of the Internet has resulted
in the loss of 500,000 low-skill jobs worldwide, compared to the creation of 1.2 million new,
high-tech jobs in the same period. Therefore, the Commonwealth of Independent States adopted
a strategy for the formation and development of the information society until 2025.
The strategy outlines the main areas of cooperation in the field of e-employment:
Create a system for monitoring the state of national labor markets and the availability of
vacancies and prompt exchange of information in this area;
exchange of experience in the creation of information systems and the formation of information
resources in the labor market;