Август 2020 10-қисм Тошкент THE ROLE OF INTELLECTUAL GAMES IN ACTIVATING THE LEARNING PROCESS R.B. Yarmatov, PhD Mahkamboyeva Shaxrizoda Xusan qizi Student JDPI Gmali: mahkamboyevashaxrizoda@gmail.com Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqola o’quv jarayonini faollashtirishda innovatsion o’yinlarning o’rni
haqida bayon etilgan .
Kalit so’zlar: didaktik o’yin,kampitensiya,o’yin turlari,matevatsiya,rivojlanish,innovatsiya
Аннотации: в этой статье описывается роль инновационных игр в активизации про
цесса обучения.
Ключевые слова: дидактическая игра, лагерь, виды игр, мотивация, развитие, инно
Annotation: This article describes the role of innovative games in activating the learning
Keywords: didactic game, campitance, game types, motivation, development, innovation
Introduction Today it is closely connected with technology and technology. One aspect of our daily lives,
which occurs in any activity, remains connected with music. To read, to search, to be creative,
to be in constant motion, to see now to grow into a great person. Work is underway on the next
priority areas. Improving the quality of education, creating good conditions for the development
of life on a global scale to improve the skills of medical staff, increase collaboration and various
other conferences. Efforts to obtain information at a young age to complete written work to
restore future prospects.
The main part Such activity is the result of purposeful pedagogical influences and the organization of the
pedagogical environment, that is, one of the relative technologies of financial pedagogical
technology is game technology. I use them in English lessons. The main task is to make the
learning process interesting, to create a cheerful working mood in children and to overcome
difficulties in mastering the learning materials. The game helps to solve these problems. Their
use gives good results, increases children’s interest in the lesson and, most importantly, allows
them to learn speaking skills in a negative situation, to communicate during the game. The
game, the situation can be considered as a changing exercise, in which the ability to speak is
as close as possible to the real speech communication with its own characteristics - sensitivity,
purposefulness, eloquence. the possibility of repetition is created in the conditions. The essence
of didactic games is that children solve mental problems raised by him in the form of entertaining
games. They do it, they find solutions, they overcome certain difficulties. The child perceives the
mental task as a task of practical play, one of which increases his mental activity.
Game tasks:
- Education (memory, attention development, information retrieval, foreign language
- Nurturing (cultivating such qualities as partnership in education, care, humanity, a sense of
mutual help also develops)
- Communicative (creating an environment of communication in a foreign language, uniting
the student body)
- Psychological (preparation of physiological state for more effective activity, formation of
- Relief (intensive learning of a foreign language to relieve emotional stress caused by stress
on the nervous system)
- Development (harmonious development of personal qualities to activate the reserve capacity
of the person)
Each of the taught theories, together with the concept of bringing people to life and connecting
them to the events that occur in the life of students, leads to long-term memory.