in reality (= in fact) older than all of us.
Tool –asbob, uskuna A shop selling garden tools
A tool of – . . . ning quroli (majoziy manoda) The President was widely regarded as the tool
of the military.
Tool kit –asbob uskunalar to’plami I realized I had left my tool kit at home
Surf the Net/Web/Internet –vaqtni internetda o’tkazmoq Many towns and cities have cybercafés where you can surf the Internet/Net/Web.
9.Idioms Leopard can’t change its spots –o’zgarmas (xulq odat, xarakterga nisbatan asosan yomon) Jimmy says that he has changed, but a leopard can’t change its spots you know
All mod cons –barcha qulayliklarga ega I would quite like to move to a place that has all mod cons
Break the mould-oldingilardan boshqacha bo’lish I thought his last movie really broke the mould
Change your tune –kimdir yoki nimadir haqida munosabatini/qarashini o’zgartirmoq He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much money
he'd get.
Tom often criticized Nadia until he met her, but now he has changed his tune
Have a change of heart –fikrini o’zgartirmoq William has had a change of heart and decided not to go to university at all
Know smth inside out –nimanidir juda yaxshi tushunish Maria has been in business for years and she knows advertising inside out
Stick to your guns –fikrida/qarorida qolish Despite harsh criticism, she's sticking to her guns
on this issue.
The tools of the trade –ish faoliyatida kerak bo’ladigan uquv/mahorat A good bedside manner is one of the tools of the trade for a doctor
(bedside manner –muomala madaniyati) Turn over a new leaf –yaxshi tomonga o’zgarish (xarakter/odatga nisbatan) Apparently he's