148 • 1 APRIL 2022 • ВОСПИТАНИЕ НОВОГО ПОКОЛЕНИЯ В ЭПОХУ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО ПРЕОБРАЗОВАНИЯ RAISING A NEW GENERATION IN ERA OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION • 1 APRIL 2022 • 149 that if teachers do not correct students' errors, their accuracy would not improve [6, P.3]. Based on this
theory, educators are recommended to correct pronunciation errors when their learners make them, because
ignoring pronunciation errors makes EFL learners unintelligible.
Michael Wei regrets that most language teachers do not have useful strategies for teaching pronunciation
and do not know what strategies are appropriate when they face a specific problem [4, P.2]. So, their students
get stressed why they can not manage to pronounce a word the way native speakers do. Teachers should try
to create their own strategy or to apply an existing one it in order to encourage their students to learn how
to pronounce words correctly.
Conclusion Teaching foreign languages is not an easy process, particularly when it comes to correct pronunciation
of words in the language. That is why it is natural to come across some issues like the above-mentioned
ones. But it cannot be a reason for discouragement of foreign language students as there are possible
solutions to overcome them.
Used references: 1. Abbas Pourhossein Gilakjani & Mohammed Reza Ahmadi. (2011). Why is pronunciation so difficult to
learn? Jour. English language teaching. //https:files.eric.ed.gov.
2. Anis Komariah. (2018). Problems in pronouncing the English sounds faced by the students of SMPN 2
Halong, Banjar. Journal of English language and pedagogy. Vol1. №2.
3. Gerald Kelly. (2000). Teach pronunciation. Pearson education press.
4. Michael Wei. A literature review on strategies for teaching pronunciation. //https:www.researchgate.
5. Mohammad Saber & Abolfazl Maleki. (2015). The Effect of Explicit Pronunciation Instruction on
Listening Comprehension: Evidence from Iranian English Learners. Jour. Theory and practice in language
studies. //https://www.academypublication.com.
6. Nurul Husna. (2016). The teacher’s technique in providing corrective feedback on student’s
pronunciation errors. //https:www.researchgate.net.
7. Pandya Disha. (2018). Importance of pronunciation in English language communication. Jour.
Pronunciation and communication. //http://www.voiceofresearch.org.
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