Equipments: Textbook “Fly High 9”, pictures, Internet, Computers, projector, etc.
Main part of the lesson: Organizational part: Greeting. Working with pupils on duty.
Checking for homework and revision of the previous lesson: Revision of the words. Pupils remember the words from the past lesson. Checking homework. Marking pupils
for their homework.
Pr o ce d u re o f th e le sson : Lesson 5. State versus private education
New words: Private school ['pra ɪ
v ɪ
t] [sku ː
l] – xususiy maktab Elementary [ ˌ
el ɪ
'ment( ə
)r ɪ
] -boshlang’ich maktab Superior [s(j)u ː
'p ɪə
r ɪə
] -yuqori maktab Extra-curricular ['ekstr ə
] -maktabdan tashqari Opportunity [ ˌɔ
p ə
'tju ː
n ə
t ɪ
] -imkoniyat Advantage [ ə
d'v ɑː
nt ɪʤ
] -afzallik Disadvantage [ ˌ
d ɪ
s ə
d'v ɑː
nt ɪʤ
] -kamchlik 1 Work in groups. Answer the following questions. 1.
Do you know what private school is? Have you heard about it?
Do we have private schools here in Uzbekistan?
What do you think of private school? Would you like private schools in Uzbekistan?
Do you think we will have private schools in the future? Why/why not?
Which schools do you think are better: private or public schools?
2a Read the interview with Vince Aquila, the Principal of an American private school - the Catholic High School, Huntsville, Alabama and answer the question. Would you study for the price shown in the text if you lived in America? Why/Why not?
Interviewer: What percentage of students attends private schools here in Huntsville?
Principal: There are approximately 22,000 students in Huntsville City Schools. We have 18 private schools. About 5-6 percent out
of the 22,000 go to private schools.
Interviewer: What age groups are the private schools for?
Principal: Private schools accept students from the elementary school ages. So there are private elementary middle and high
schools. Private elementary and middle schools are mostly in the same building.
Interviewer: Why do parents send their children to private schools?
Principal: Parents prefer private schools because private schools teach religion, have smaller classes and have stricter discipline
compared to public schools. Also there are greater opportunities for pupils to attend extra-curricular activities.
Interviewer: How much does it cost to go to a private school? How much is the cheapest and the most expensive?
Principal: Private elementary and middle schools cost $3,000 for a year. For private high schools like ours it costs $4,700 for a
year. The highest price is $8000. In that school each pupil gets a laptop computer and other facilities that are superior to other
Interviewer. Are there any famous private schools? What are their names? Where are they in the US?
Principal: I don't know about other states, but the most famous here is Randolph Academy.
Interviewer: Do private schools have a uniform?
Principal: Yes. For example our uniform is beautiful. Look around and you'll see it.
Interviewer: Are private schools co-ed or single sex?
Principal: All of the private schools in Huntsville are co-ed. But I know some single sex private schools in Washington DC.