Bog'liq Professional Front Office Management Pearson New International Edition by Robert Woods, Jack D. Ninemeier, David K. Hayes, Michele A. Austin (
LODGING INDUSTRY CHARACTERISTICS Hotels in any classification typically share several common characteristics.
Emphasis on safety, cleanliness, and service. Few guests consider only the room and
physical attributes of the property when making a decision to rent a room. Safety
and cleanliness are important considerations, as is the friendliness (hospitality) of the
hotel’s employees. In contrast to retail sales where products are tangible (e.g.,
clothes or televisions), hotel sales involve intangible aspects in the purchase decision
of potential guests.
Inseparability of manufacture and sales. It is not possible to separate the “manufac-
ture” (production) of a guestroom with its “sale.” A room exists and is sold at the