Bog'liq Interpretation-of-Imaginative-Literature-new-
particularly on death. Other lyric genres are a romance, a
madrigal, an epitaph, an epigram, an eclogue.
Lyric-epic genres formally belong to poetry, except that they
possess a plot. They are an epic or dramatic poem, a novel in
verse, a story in verse, an ode, a fable, and a ballad.
Dramatic genres are a (straight) play, or a drama, a tragedy, a
comedy (including a farce — a broadly comic play full of
slapstick humour and exaggeration, a grotesque — a comedy
литературные рода
A story - повесть, a short story - рассказ
An essay – очерк, a feuilleton [f
j’toŋ] - фельетон
based on unnatural or bizarre situations, a vaudeville and a
theatrical miniature), a melodrama.
A text of imaginative prose has