Morocco (London: Sampson Low, 1886), 70.
12. Pierre Flamand, Diaspora en terre d’Islam: Les communautés israélites du sud
marocain (Casablanca: Imprimeries réunies, 1959?), 84–95; Yoram Bilu and An-
dré Levy, “Nostalgia and Ambivalence: The Reconstruction of Jewish-Muslim
Relations in Oulad Mansour,” in Sephardic and Middle Eastern Jewries, ed. Harvey
E. Goldberg (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991), 290.
13. Nahum Slouschz, Travels in North Africa (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication
Society of America, 1927), 450–51.
14. Archives of Ittihad-Maroc, Casablanca (hereafter Ittihad), “Oulad Man-
sour,” 1951, Elias Harrus; Flamand, Diaspora, 84–85.
15. Slouschz, Travels, 459.
16. Larhmaid, “Jewish Identity”; Goitein, A Mediterranean Society, 1:116, 124.
17. D. Jacques-Meunié, “Hiérarchie sociale au Maroc présaharien,” Hespéris
45 (1958): 259.
18. Ittihad, “Les Juifs dans les territoires du Sud: Ktawa et Mhamid,” Lieu-
tenant Vizioz, 20 February 1951; Dj. Jacques-Meunié, “Les oasis des Lektaoua et
des Mehamid,” Hespéris 34 (1947): 414.
19. Ittihad, “La terre et les Juifs à Sidi Rahhal et sa region (pays arabe)” [Al-
fred Goldenberg, 1949?].
20. Ali Amahan, Mutations sociales dans le Haut Atlas (Paris: Maison des Sci-
ences de l’Homme, 1998), 73.
21. Ittihad, Docteur G. Baüp, Hôpital de Bou-Izakarn, “Enquête medo-social
au mellah d’Ifrane de l’Anti-Atlas,” 18–31 August 1954.
158 · Daniel J. Schroeter
22. At the time that the community was studied in 1950–51, Flamand men-
tions two property owners, equaling about 15 hectars. Diaspora, 86.
23. One-third of the harvest, according to a source in 1913: A.I.U., Maroc II.B.,
9–13, 29 April 1913, Raphael Danon; usually one-fifth of the harvest, according
to a survey done in 1951: Ittihad, “Oulad Mansour” 1951, Harrus.
24. Larhmaid, “Jewish Identity.”
25. La Porte des Vaux, “Notes sur le peuplement juif du Sous,” Bulletin
Economique et Social du Maroc 15, no. 54 (1952): 456.
26. E.g., Tagadirt el Boûr. See Edmond Doutté, En tribu (Paris: P. Geuthner,
1914), 54; J.-D. Semach, “Les Saints de l’Atlas,” Paix et Droit, no. 1 (January
1938): 8.
27. Flamand, Diaspora, 86.
28. Larhmaid, “Jewish Identity.”
29. Ittihad, “Contribution à l’étude des Juifs dans les territoires du sud (an-
néxe de Taliouine),” Le Capitaine Bontoux, 13 January 1951.
30. Ittihad, Notes prises par M. Goldenberg.
31. Flamand, Diaspora, 52–53, 85–89. Flamand totally ignores the larger
context of Vichy. See also Robin Leonard Bidwell, Morocco under Colonial Rule:
French Administration of Tribal Areas, 1912–1956 (London: Cass, 1973), 184. On
economic measures implemented by Vichy in North Africa generally, see Mi-
chel Abitbol, Les Juifs d’Afrique du Nord sous Vichy (Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose,
1983), 76–79. Whether or not the annulment of rahn was explicitly part of the
discriminatory legislation directed at Jews is not clear.
32. Bilu and Levy, “Nostalgia and Ambivalence,” 294.
33. Derek J. Penslar, Zionism and Technocracy: The Engineering of Jewish Set-
tlement in Palestine, 1870–1918 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991),
34. Aron Rodrigue, French Jews, Turkish Jews: The Alliance Israélite Universelle
and the Politics of Jewish Schooling in Turkey, 1860–1925 (Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1990), 17, 56.
35. “Ferme-école de Djédeida,” Bulletin de l’Alliance Israélite Universelle (1895):
111–25; Paul Silberman, “An Investigation of the Schools Operated by the Alli-
ance Israélite Universelle from 1862 to 1940” (PhD diss., New York University,
1974), 148–51.
36. Michael M. Laskier, The Alliance Israélite Universelle and the Jewish Com-
munities of Morocco, 1862–1962 (Albany: SUNY Press, 1983), 128–29.
37. AIU, Maroc II.B., 9–13, 29 April 1913, Raphael Danon.
38. Laskier, The Alliance, 261–65.
39. For a personal testimony on the significance of this venture, see Élias
Harrus and Sarita Harrus, Témoins associés à l’œuvre de l’Alliance au Maroc (Paris:
Nadir, 2003), 87.
40. Ittihad, “Oulad Mansour,” 1951, Harrus.
41. Bilu and Levy, “Nostalgia and Ambivalence,” 300–309.
42. Tom Segev, 1949: The First Israelis (New York: Free Press, 1986), 168.
In Search of Jewish Farmers: Jews, Agriculture, and the Land in Rural Morocco · 159
43. Michael M. Laskier, “Aspects of Change and Modernization: The Jewish
Communities of Morocco’s Bled,” in Communautés juives des marges sahariennes
du Maghreb, ed. Michel Abitbol (Jerusalem: Institut Ben-Zvi pour la Recherche
sur les Communautés juives d’Orient, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi et l’Université Hébra-
ïque de Jérusalem, 1982), 360–61.
44. Samuel Segev, Mivṣa῾ “Yakhin”: ῾aliyatam ha-hasha᾿it shel Yehude Maroko
le-Yisra᾿el (Tel Aviv: Misrad ha-bitaḥon, 1984), 46–47. On the ethnic politics of
quotas as it pertained to North African Jews in the early state of Israel, see
Yaron Tsur, “Carnival Fears: Moroccan Immigrants and the Ethnic Problem
in the Young State of Israel,” Journal of Israeli History 18, no. 1 (1997): 73–103;
Yaron Tsur , Kehilla keru῾ah: Yehude Maroko veha-le᾿umiyut, 1943–1954 (Tel Aviv:
Ha-῾Amuta le-Ḥeker ma῾arkhot ha-Ha῾apala ῾-sh Sha᾿ul Avigor: Universitat
Tel Aviv, Am ῾Oved, 2001), 320ff.; Yaron Tsur, “The Religious Factor in the En-
counter between Zionism and the Rural Atlas Jews,” in Zionism and Religion, ed.
Shmuel Almog, Jehuda Reinharz, and Anita Shapira (Hanover, N.H.: University
Press of New England, 1998), 315.
45. Yehuda Grinker, ῾ Aliyatam shel Yehude ha-Atlas (Tel-Aviv: Hotsa᾿at Berit
yoṣe Maroko, 1973), 63–65. On the divisive issue of family members left behind
in Morocco, see Tsur, Kehillah Keru῾ah, 301–306.
46. H. Z. Hirschberg, Me-erets mevo ha-shemesh: ῾im yehude Afrika ha-ṣefonit
be-arṣotehem (Jerusalem: ha-Maḥlaka le-῾Inyene ha-No῾ar veha-Ḥaluṣ shel ha-
Histadrut ha-Ṣiyonit, 1957), 106–107.
47. Michael M. Laskier, “Jewish Emigration from Morocco to Israel: Govern-
ment Policies and the Position of International Jewish Organizations, 1949–56,”
Middle Eastern Studies 25 (1989): 333.
48. Segev, Mivṣa῾ “Yakhin,” 55–58.
49. Ibid., 58–59.
50. Tsur, “The Religious Factor,” 315–16.
51. Ibid, 316–21.
52. Grinker, ῾Aliyatam, 25.
53. Ibid., 126.
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