Volume: 01 Issue: 06 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-2608
Modern Uzbek society requires competitive professionals who can communicate in a professional
foreign language in their specialty. Knowledge of a foreign language provides an increase in the level
of professional tendencies of a specialist, including a lawyer. Therefore, the
question of how to train
professionally - oriented foreign language, has become more relevant today than ever.
First of all, it
should be said that the content of teaching a foreign language as "a complex dialectical unity, which is
formed from the interaction of a certain organized educational material (subject content) and process
teaching him (the functional aspect of the pedagogical process) ” [1, 234] d
efines, is shared by a set of
educational, developmental and educational learning objectives. In the modern methodology of
teaching foreign languages, the main emphasis is on the formation development
of communicative
The communicative competen
ce of a lawyer can be determined divided as “the ability of a
specialist to communicate in the process of performing various legal actions and solving legal problems
on the basis of specially formulated knowledge and skills” [1, 235].
Moreover, the communicative focus of the course a foreign language at a university is determined by
the ultimate goal of learning: the formation of future
specialists of the ability and readiness for intercultural communication, which presupposes the
achievement knowledge of a certain level of competence - the ability to correlate linguistic means with
a specific goals, tasks, situations and conditions of communication. The
goal of any professional
education is to achieve future specialists, including a lawyer, of a high level of professional
In order for this goal to be realized, it is necessary to have adequate training at the university.
Formation of the professional competence of a lawyer at the present stage of
development of higher
education schools are unthinkable without integration into the general system of language education.
Competent selection of the content of teaching foreign language communication accounting for
professional special features of the subject area of the functioning of the language of the specialty is
one of the factors contributing to the effective organization of the educational process. Orientation to
the real interests and needs of trainees, taking into account the requirements for the future professional
activity, make up the specifics of the content of training professional mentally oriented communication
in a foreign language in a law school. The ability to teach a law student is not just to know the legal
terminology logic in English, but also to apply it in practice; have knowledge of the language on such
level in order to delve deeply into the trainee's specialty - these and many other problems arise in
professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language. Thus, the issue
of professional training of
teachers for teaching English for special purposes. The difficulty lies in the fact that teaching givers
need knowledge of the specifics of a specialist in the legal field. One of the ways to solve this problem,
scientists propose "pedagogical tandem" two teachers, one of whom is a specialist in teaching
language, and the other - a professional in jurisprudence.
Teaching a foreign language as a language of law to legal students presents certain difficulties also
because in the process of performing professional responsibilities, for example,
international lawyers
are faced with the need to draw up in a foreign language and translating laws, decrees, orders,
instructions, agreements thieves, agreements, etc. of a legal nature. Therefore, teachers’ English