2. Dialogue.
Smith- What lovely weather we had last week. I hope it keeps dry and sunny this week too.
Black- Well, I wouldn’t be sure. Have you heard the forecast? Smith- No, what does it say?
Black- Occasional showers tomorrow morning drizzle and more cloud later on, unsettled for the rest of the week.
Smith- Oh, isn't that awful. I do hope it clears up by Saturday
Black- Why are you so eager?
Smith- We were planning on outing for this weekend. Would you like to join us.
Black-That will be great
Smith- О.К. Do you remember Ann, my friend?
Black- Yes, of course.
Smith- I have to phone her straight away. And can you wait а minute?
In front of the hotel Mehmonxona oldida
1. Words and expressions
-May I leave... in the safe?-... -seyfda qoldirsam maylimi ?
-money- pul
-some valuables — bir oz qimmatbaho narsalar
-service bureau-xizmat byurosi
- currency exchange- pul birligini almashtirish
-... floor, please-...etajga iltimos.
-please, wake me at 5- iltimos meni 5 da uyg'oting
-What is the voltage here?- kuchlanish qani?
- please, send а ...-iltimos...jo'nating
-chambermaid- oqsoch, mehmonxona xodimi
-the...in my room is out of order- mening xonamda .. ishlamayapti
-conditioner- konditsioner
-Please, have these things cleaned-Iltimos bu kiyimlarni tozalang
- iron - dazmollamoq
-When will it be ready?- U qachon tayyor Ьо'ladi?
-Are there any messages for me? - Menga biror xabar bormi?
-Has anyone asked for me?- Meni birov so'radimi?
-If anyone asks for me, I am...-birov meni so'rasa, men...
-In the restaurant — restoranda
-in the lobby-hollda, fayeda
-in the room — хонада
What room is Mr...staying in- Janob... qaysi nomerdalar
-Please make up а bill -hisob-kitob qiling
-I’ll рау now -Men hoziroq to'layman
-Call а taxi please-Iltimos taksi chaqiring
-Please have а car sent at five - Ertalab beshda mashina yuboring
- Please send someone for the things-narsalarim uchun biror kishi jo'nating
-Excuse me, can you give me the address of the nearest hotel?- Kechirasiz, menga shu yaqin orada mehmonxonani aytib bera olmaysizmi?
-manager on duty-navbatchi menejer
-ground floor-birinchi qavat
- left luggage office-yuklarni saqlash xonasi
-reservation- buyurtma
-accommodation- Bо'sh хоnа
-What room do you want to have?-sizga qanaqa хопа kerak?
-room for two- ikki kishilik xona
-I want а room with а private bath- menga alohida vannasi bor xona kerak
2. Dialogue.
Black-Is this а hotel where I am going to stay at?
Smith- Yes, the same. But I haven't booked room yet. We will go and see about them now.
Black- О.К.
In the hall
(at the reception desk)
Smith-Good morning. Can I have а single room with а bathroom, please?
Clerk- We are rather full up today, but I’ll see. How long do you intend to stay?
Smith- Black how long do you want to stay?
Black- I expect I’ll be here for а week or so
Smith-All right. А week
Clerk-You can have а single room with а bathroom, on the first floor
Smith-How much is it?
Clerk- it is seventy pence а night, including breakfast
Smith-О.К I’ll take it.
Clerk-Wi11 you fi11 in the form, please?
Black- surname, nationality, place and date of birth. Is that all right?
Clerk-Yes, that’s аll. Thank you. Неге is your key. The bоу will show you up to your room and take in your luggage.
Cinema or theatre
Kinoteatr yoki Teatr
Cinema – Kino teatr
I have a free afternoon today. I suggest we should go to the cinema – Ertalab bo’sh vaqtim bor. Kinoga borishni taklif qilaman.
Oh, I’m always willing, I love going to the cinema – Bunga hamisha roziman. Kino jonu dilim.
So do I . What sort of pictures do you prefer? – Men ham. Qaysi ko’rinishni ma’qbul ko’rasan?
I like all kinds of films, but I am especially fond of historical revolutionary films – Men hamma turdagi kinolarni yoqtiraman, lekin ayniqsa tarixiy rivojlanish manzaralari jon-u dilim.
I saw the film several years ago, and I have but a dim memory of the plot – Bu filmni bir necha yil oldin ko’rganman lekin xira-shira yodimda.
Yes, I remember it is a powerful film – Ha, eslayman u juda kuchli ko’rinishli kino.
By the way, who was the producer? – Aytgandek, rejissori kim edi?
It was M.Romm – M.Romm.
And do you remember the cameraman’s name? – Kino operatorning nomi yodingdami?
Who wrote the script/the scenario? – Ssenariyni kim yozgan?
It was written by L.Black – U L.Black tomonidan yozilgan.
I saw another film yesterday which is both thrilling and moving – Kecha yana bir kino ko’rdim, ajoyib hamda ta’sirchan.
Is it a comedy? – Komediyami?
No, it is a tragedy – Yo’q tragediya
The work of the producer and the director is splendid – Rejissor va operatorning ishiga gap bo’lishi mumkin emas.
The film is beautifully photographed; the acting is superb – Film yaxshi suratga olingan; rollar so’zsiz ajoyib
I must add that the film was very well dubbed – Kino yaxshi dublyaj qilishganini hisobga olmay ilojim yo’q.
The film is powerful, exiting, moving and entertaining at the some time – Film kuchli, hayajonli, ta’sirchan shu bilan birga ko’ngil ochar.
I shall certainly try and see it – Men albatta bu kinoni ko’rishga harakat qilaman.
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