Allow me to introduce myself-Bernard Wells – O’zimni tanishtrishga
ijozat eting-Bernard Vels.
I’m a newspaperman and am interested in Uzbek sport. I should like to have a guide-interpreter who should accompany me to stadiums, sports grounds, etc – Men gazetada ishlayman va men o’zbek sportiga qiziqaman. Menga bir sport maydonlarini stadionlarni tanishtiradigan tarjimon gidni hamroh qilsangiz.
Please meet Sergey Nikanorov. He khows something about sports and knows the English language – Marhamat, tanishing Sergey Nikanorov. U sport bilan tanish va ingliz tilida ham suhbatlasha oladi.
Oh, that’s just fine Mr.Nikanorov! You are the very man I need – Juda ajoyib, janob Nikanorov, siz aynan kerakli odamsiz.
I shall do my very best to help you. I am entirely at your disposal – Qo’limdan kelganicha harakat qilaman. Men butunlay sizning ixtiyoringizdaman.
Can we see anything today? – Bugun biror-bir nazsani ko’rishga imkoniyatimiz bormi?
I think we can attend some track and field competitions in the morning, and go to a football game in the afternoon – Fikr-u ojizimizcha, ertalab yengil atletika musobaqalariga tashrif buyurishimiz mumkin, kunning 2-yarmida futbolga borishimiz mumkin.
That’ll suit me very well – Bu meni to’la qondiradi.
What sports are you particularly interested in? – Sportning aynan qaysi turlariga qiziqasiz?
I’m especially interested in light athletics – Asosan yengil atletikaga.
In the field of sports in Uzbek people have gained remarkable achievements – o’zbeklar sport sohasida g’aroyib yutuqlarga erishishgan.
They are world champions in many events. They have shown remarkable performances at the Olympic Games and at other international competitions and meetings. – Ular ko’pgina sport turlari bo’yicha dunyo birinchiligini egallab turishibdi. Ular Olimpiya o’yinlarida va boshqa xalqaro musobaqalar hamda uchrashuvlarida o’zlarining mislsiz natijalarini ko’rsatishdi.
I should like to tell you a few words about our biggest stadium: the Pakhtakor Central Stadium in Tashkent – Eng katta maydon Pakhtakor Markaziy stadioni haqida bir oz ma’lumot bermoqchiman.
There are more than 90 sports halls and grounds on the territory of the Stadium – Stadion maydonida 90 dan ortiq sport va maydonlari mavjud.
The big sports arena of 43 rows seats over 60,000 spectators – Bu katta sport arenasi 43 qatordan iborat bo’lgan, 60,000 tomoshabinga mo’ljallangan.
How good is the view from the lost row? – Oxirgi qatordan yaxshi ko’rinadimi?
It is no worse than, let us say, from the tenth or the twentieth row – Deyarli, 10-20 qatordan yomon emas.
The shower rooms and other auxiliary services can cope with 1000 at once – Yuvish xonalari va boshqa yordamchi markazlar bir vaqtda 1000 kishini qabul qiladi.
There are rooms equipped for running commentaries by foreign sports correspondents. I heard there is also a small arena – Xorij sport muxbirlari bilan reportaj o’tkazish uchun jihozlangan xonalar mavjud. Yana u yerda kichkina arena ham bor, deb eshitgan edim.
What was the most popular sport in Uzbekistan? –O’zbekistonda qaysi sport turi juda mashhur edi?
I think kurash – Menimcha, kurash.
Are there many chempions in the country? – Mamlakatda chempionlar soni ko’pmi?
Hundreds of them. The twelve strongest teams of the country complete for gold medals – Yuzlab uchraydi. 12ta eng kuchli komandalar oltin medallar uchun sinashadilar.
Do they participate in international matches/meets? – Ular xalqaro matchlarda/uchrashuvlarda qatnashadilarmi?
They certainly do. There are certain years when the number of international meets exceeds one hundred – Bo’lmasamchi,ba’zi sezonlarda yuzlab xalqaro uchrashuvlar bo’lib o’tadi.
World Champion – Dunyo Chempioni
Master of sport – Sport ustasi
To go in for sports – sport bilan shug’ullanmoq
To play football – futbol o’ynamoq
To go in for aquatics – suv sporti bilan shug’illanmoq